Migrant kids outperform local kids

For decades the American worker has been on the other end of that equation, coming into the work force and having to deal with a GLUT of workers who are willing to work longer hours for less money.....

Unless you are talking about construction, food services, house-cleaning, or manual labor you are talking out your ass again.

Nope. I'm talking about technology jobs such as in Silicon Valley which is being dominated by Asian immigrants.

You don't know what you're talking about. All you know is that your spinelessness makes you afraid of competition and hard work.

Yes, I do know what I am talking about........

No, you don't. H-1B visas can't be offered until an attempt is made to fill the position with a US citizen. There simply is a shortage of Americans qualified to fill all the high-tech positions that need to be filled to keep our technology sector growing and moving. Facile declarations like "change education!" do nothing to fill those positions NOW, moron. Nor is "change education!" as simple as simpletons like you believe because that's what the bumper sticker told you.

That law hasn't been enforced since 2004 when GW began his 2nd term.
This is an over generalization, but... Illegal alien offspring take it for granted they get away with whatever, Legal immigrant kids are trying to live up to a higher standard. That is one of the differences between "immigrants" and illegal aliens. This is not a scientifically proven fact. Just my opinion.

I've read recently an interesting study on higher class whites dealing with increasing competition from higher class, especially Asian immigrants with an extremely competitive and education driven culture.

And I saw no benefit for America or Americans in the developments mentioned.

I don't WANT Americans to have to torture their children the way the freaking Japanese do in order for them to have a shot at getting into a top college.

That is not making this nation or the world a better place.

It's making it crappier.
I don't want to see American kids tortured to achieve spectacular grades, either. Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world.
I think, though, if you pull back and take a larger look at what's good for our country--kind of like Google Earth, are you with me?--a highly educated technological citizenry will benefit us all for the innovation and industry it will lead to.

I do not believe that one (kids tortured) has anything to do with the other (highly educated technological citizenry).

It is fine to have a normal, Traditional American childhood, with snowball fights and family time, and to get more serious as the child becomes older.
For decades the American worker has been on the other end of that equation, coming into the work force and having to deal with a GLUT of workers who are willing to work longer hours for less money.....

Unless you are talking about construction, food services, house-cleaning, or manual labor you are talking out your ass again.

Nope. I'm talking about technology jobs such as in Silicon Valley which is being dominated by Asian immigrants.

You don't know what you're talking about. All you know is that your spinelessness makes you afraid of competition and hard work.

Yes, I do know what I am talking about........

No, you don't. H-1B visas can't be offered until an attempt is made to fill the position with a US citizen. There simply is a shortage of Americans qualified to fill all the high-tech positions that need to be filled to keep our technology sector growing and moving. Facile declarations like "change education!" do nothing to fill those positions NOW, moron. Nor is "change education!" as simple as simpletons like you believe because that's what the bumper sticker told you.

Not enough Americans?
How about virtually NO Americans in ANY IT positions.
H1-Bs are dirt cheap, keep their mouths shut, work 24/7 and produce shit.
For decades the American worker has been on the other end of that equation, coming into the work force and having to deal with a GLUT of workers who are willing to work longer hours for less money.....

Unless you are talking about construction, food services, house-cleaning, or manual labor you are talking out your ass again.

Nope. I'm talking about technology jobs such as in Silicon Valley which is being dominated by Asian immigrants.

You don't know what you're talking about. All you know is that your spinelessness makes you afraid of competition and hard work.

Yes, I do know what I am talking about........

No, you don't. H-1B visas can't be offered until an attempt is made to fill the position with a US citizen. There simply is a shortage of Americans qualified to fill all the high-tech positions that need to be filled to keep our technology sector growing and moving. Facile declarations like "change education!" do nothing to fill those positions NOW, moron. Nor is "change education!" as simple as simpletons like you believe because that's what the bumper sticker told you.

And I'm sure that the CEOs of those companies are really busting their asses to find an American worker to fill the job, as opposed to some young and hungry Third World Immigrant who will take the job for a lesser wage.


Yet you don't go into what they child hoods were like.

Thanks for confirming your inability to understand people are individuals. Typical liberal.


Individuals may very well be special snowflakes, but they are still part of various overlapping groups such as cultures.

And we can discuss such groups, specifically as to competing with or becoming more like them.

So, you seem to be evasive about what these thousands of people you have talked to, childhoods were like.

YOu obviously know, because you "know" that I am wrong.

So, please share.

What were they like?

How much homework do you consider reasonable for a 3rd grader each night?

Which 3rd grader, dope?

Education policy, immigration policy, ect. such as saying "competition leads to improvement" is set by looking at the various groups as large groups.

So, the group of "Third Graders". All of them in a first world nation.
Unless you are talking about construction, food services, house-cleaning, or manual labor you are talking out your ass again.

Nope. I'm talking about technology jobs such as in Silicon Valley which is being dominated by Asian immigrants.

You don't know what you're talking about. All you know is that your spinelessness makes you afraid of competition and hard work.

Yes, I do know what I am talking about........

No, you don't. H-1B visas can't be offered until an attempt is made to fill the position with a US citizen. There simply is a shortage of Americans qualified to fill all the high-tech positions that need to be filled to keep our technology sector growing and moving. Facile declarations like "change education!" do nothing to fill those positions NOW, moron. Nor is "change education!" as simple as simpletons like you believe because that's what the bumper sticker told you.

And I'm sure that the CEOs of those companies are really busting their asses to find an American worker to fill the job......

They are required to offer the position to an American worker - by law, dope.
This is an over generalization, but... Illegal alien offspring take it for granted they get away with whatever, Legal immigrant kids are trying to live up to a higher standard. That is one of the differences between "immigrants" and illegal aliens. This is not a scientifically proven fact. Just my opinion.

I've read recently an interesting study on higher class whites dealing with increasing competition from higher class, especially Asian immigrants with an extremely competitive and education driven culture.

And I saw no benefit for America or Americans in the developments mentioned.

I don't WANT Americans to have to torture their children the way the freaking Japanese do in order for them to have a shot at getting into a top college.

That is not making this nation or the world a better place.

It's making it crappier.
I don't want to see American kids tortured to achieve spectacular grades, either. Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world.
I think, though, if you pull back and take a larger look at what's good for our country--kind of like Google Earth, are you with me?--a highly educated technological citizenry will benefit us all for the innovation and industry it will lead to.

I do not believe that one (kids tortured) has anything to do with the other (highly educated technological citizenry).

It is fine to have a normal, Traditional American childhood, with snowball fights and family time, and to get more serious as the child becomes older.
Of course! But a highly educated work force does eventually lead to prosperity for all (or at least most, we would hope). I was responding to your statement that "I saw no benefit for America or Americans in the developments mentioned."

REgardless, you have admitted that you cannot support your claims of "improvements" resulting from this increased competition.

YOU asked ME what the point of competition was, moron. Take notes if you can't remember what has been said.
Nope. I'm talking about technology jobs such as in Silicon Valley which is being dominated by Asian immigrants.

You don't know what you're talking about. All you know is that your spinelessness makes you afraid of competition and hard work.

Yes, I do know what I am talking about........

No, you don't. H-1B visas can't be offered until an attempt is made to fill the position with a US citizen. There simply is a shortage of Americans qualified to fill all the high-tech positions that need to be filled to keep our technology sector growing and moving. Facile declarations like "change education!" do nothing to fill those positions NOW, moron. Nor is "change education!" as simple as simpletons like you believe because that's what the bumper sticker told you.

And I'm sure that the CEOs of those companies are really busting their asses to find an American worker to fill the job......

They are required to offer the position to an American worker - by law, dope.

And I have no faith that the people in question are following that law, or that those who are supposedly enforcing that law enforcing that law.

REgardless, you have admitted that you cannot support your claims of "improvements" resulting from this increased competition.

YOU asked ME what the point of competition was, moron. Take notes if you can't remember what has been said.

And when asked to point out such "improvements" you tacitly admitted that you could not.
You don't know what you're talking about. All you know is that your spinelessness makes you afraid of competition and hard work.

Yes, I do know what I am talking about........

No, you don't. H-1B visas can't be offered until an attempt is made to fill the position with a US citizen. There simply is a shortage of Americans qualified to fill all the high-tech positions that need to be filled to keep our technology sector growing and moving. Facile declarations like "change education!" do nothing to fill those positions NOW, moron. Nor is "change education!" as simple as simpletons like you believe because that's what the bumper sticker told you.

And I'm sure that the CEOs of those companies are really busting their asses to find an American worker to fill the job......

They are required to offer the position to an American worker - by law, dope.

And I have no faith that the people in question are following that law, or that those who are supposedly enforcing that law enforcing that law.

Then your bitch is about law enforcement, not workers.
Unless you are talking about construction, food services, house-cleaning, or manual labor you are talking out your ass again.

Nope. I'm talking about technology jobs such as in Silicon Valley which is being dominated by Asian immigrants.

You don't know what you're talking about. All you know is that your spinelessness makes you afraid of competition and hard work.

Yes, I do know what I am talking about........

No, you don't. H-1B visas can't be offered until an attempt is made to fill the position with a US citizen. There simply is a shortage of Americans qualified to fill all the high-tech positions that need to be filled to keep our technology sector growing and moving. Facile declarations like "change education!" do nothing to fill those positions NOW, moron. Nor is "change education!" as simple as simpletons like you believe because that's what the bumper sticker told you.

That law hasn't been enforced since 2004 when GW began his 2nd term.

Complain to your representatives about law enforcement then.
Unless you are talking about construction, food services, house-cleaning, or manual labor you are talking out your ass again.

Nope. I'm talking about technology jobs such as in Silicon Valley which is being dominated by Asian immigrants.

You don't know what you're talking about. All you know is that your spinelessness makes you afraid of competition and hard work.

Yes, I do know what I am talking about........

No, you don't. H-1B visas can't be offered until an attempt is made to fill the position with a US citizen. There simply is a shortage of Americans qualified to fill all the high-tech positions that need to be filled to keep our technology sector growing and moving. Facile declarations like "change education!" do nothing to fill those positions NOW, moron. Nor is "change education!" as simple as simpletons like you believe because that's what the bumper sticker told you.

Not enough Americans?
How about virtually NO Americans in ANY IT positions....

6.5 million
... as opposed to some young and hungry Third World Immigrant who will take the job for a lesser wage....

You really think uneducated immigrants from impoverished backgrounds are 'taking' high-tech jobs?

And we can discuss such groups, specifically as to competing with or becoming more like them.

So, you seem to be evasive about what these thousands of people you have talked to, childhoods were like......

Every single person I've ever met - from anywhere - is a unique person and had (or has) a unique childhood. People are more than faceless masses, Karl.

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