Migrant kids outperform local kids

Employment data?
You mean the claim since 2003 or so that there are X number of career openings and there's NO Americans or non-Indian Business Visas anywhere on Earth to fill them.
So please explain to everyone here why ONLY Indian Business Visas, since 2003, have the skills to fill these positions.

Because employers don't have to pay them as much, of course! ....

Not "of course." Paying below the market rate for a given position is illegal under the applicable law.

Look, drop the nonsense with the law......

Oh, the law is nonsense to you? Gonna rob some banks or steal a car this week?

Please tell me you are not as stupid as this post.
I stated, quite explicitly, that companies and paid off judges have no regard for the law.

Name these judges.
This is from the Institute of Electronic Engineers.

The STEM Crisis Is a Myth - IEEE Spectrum

What’s perhaps most perplexing about the claim of a STEM worker shortage is that many studies have directly contradicted it, including reports from Duke University, the Rochester Institute of Technology, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and the Rand Corp. A 2004 Rand study, for example, stated that there was no evidence “that such shortages have existed at least since 1990, nor that they are on the horizon.”

That report argued that the best indicator of a shortfall would be a widespread rise in salaries throughout the STEM community. But the price of labor has not risen, as you would expect it to do if STEM workers were scarce. In computing and IT, wages have generally been stagnant for the past decade, according to the EPI and other analyses. And over the past 30 years, according to the Georgetown report, engineers’ and engineering technicians’ wages have grown the least of all STEM wages and also more slowly than those in non-STEM fields; while STEM workers as a group have seen wages rise 33 percent and non-STEM workers’ wages rose by 23 percent, engineering salaries grew by just 18 percent. The situation is even more grim for those who get a Ph.D. in science, math, or engineering. The Georgetown study states it succinctly: “At the highest levels of educational attainment, STEM wages are not competitive.”

Given all of the above, it is difficult to make a case that there has been, is, or will soon be a STEM labor shortage. “If there was really a STEM labor market crisis, you’d be seeing very different behaviors from companies,” notes Ron Hira, an associate professor of public policy at the Rochester Institute of Technology, in New York state. “You wouldn’t see companies cutting their retirement contributions, or hiring new workers and giving them worse benefits packages. Instead you would see signing bonuses, you’d see wage increases. You would see these companies really training their incumbent workers.”

“None of those things are observable,” Hira says. “In fact, they’re operating in the opposite way.”

So why the persistent anxiety that a STEM crisis exists? Michael S. Teitelbaum, a Wertheim Fellow at Harvard Law School and a senior advisor to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, has studied the phenomenon, and he says that in the United States the anxiety dates back to World War II. Ever since then it has tended to run in cycles that he calls “alarm, boom, and bust.” He says the cycle usually starts when “someone or some group sounds the alarm that there is a critical crisis of insufficient numbers of scientists, engineers, and mathematicians” and as a result the country “is in jeopardy of either a national security risk or of falling behind economically.” In the 1950s, he notes, Americans worried that theSoviet Union was producing 95 000 scientists and engineers a year while the United States was producing only about 57 000. In the 1980s, it was the perceived Japanese economic juggernaut that was the threat, and now it is China and India.

You’ll hear similar arguments made elsewhere. In India, the director general of the Defence Research and Development Organisation, Vijay Kumar Saraswat, recently noted that in his country, “a meagre four persons out of every 1000 are choosing S&T or research, as compared to 110 in Japan, 76 in Germany and Israel, 55 in USA, 46 in Korea and 8 in China.” Leaders in South Africa and Brazil cite similar statistics to show how they are likewise falling behind in the STEM race.

“The government responds either with money [for research] or, more recently, with visas to increase the number of STEM workers,” Teitelbaum says. “This continues for a number of years until the claims of a shortage turn out not to be true and a bust ensues.” Students who graduate during the bust, he says, are shocked to discover that “they can’t find jobs, or they find jobs but not stable ones.”
These Indian H1-Bs are paid way under market rate and not one Judge or Representative could give a hoot.

Prove all those claims.
Subscribe to ProgrammersGuild.com and you'll constantly get notified of judges throwing these lawsuits out of court.

I said "(p)rove all those claims," not refer to another site.

98% of Business Visas come from India.
BTW, you're article proved nothing; it was an opinion piece.

Please explain why only Indians are qualified for STEM; it mystifies me.
These Indian H1-Bs are paid way under market rate and not one Judge or Representative could give a hoot.

Prove all those claims.
Subscribe to ProgrammersGuild.com and you'll constantly get notified of judges throwing these lawsuits out of court.

I said "(p)rove all those claims," not refer to another site.

98% of Business Visas come from India.
BTW, you're article proved nothing; it was an opinion piece.

Please explain why only Indians are qualified for STEM; it mystifies me.

Do you see what ChrisL did above? Do you understand how that differs from your whiny hysteria?

Can you be more specific?

Ask a more specific question.

Was there far more pressure and work at early ages to "compete" for better test scores and admissions to better schools?

To the point of having far less time for time with family, friends and/or sleep.

Compared with who, moron?

Compared to Western First World nations, either the UK per the op, OR of course America, of say the 70s and 80s.


Oh, just 45 years ago? Why not be more specific? How about Maysville, KY circa 1982 in a Protestant, Dutch-English-American family that ate apple pie everyday and whose father was a wealthy business owner?

Anything other than exactly that is just TORTURE!!!!!!!!!


And you still refuse to answer the question.

I've made my point(s), clearly, repeatedly, honestly and clearly.

You have expressed your disagreement strongly and rudely, but without any substance or supporting logic, reasoning or links.

You simply don't have the moral courage and intellectual honestly to admit that you cannot defend your position.
These Indian H1-Bs are paid way under market rate and not one Judge or Representative could give a hoot.

Prove all those claims.
Subscribe to ProgrammersGuild.com and you'll constantly get notified of judges throwing these lawsuits out of court.

I said "(p)rove all those claims," not refer to another site.

98% of Business Visas come from India.
BTW, you're article proved nothing; it was an opinion piece.

Please explain why only Indians are qualified for STEM; it mystifies me.

Do you see what ChrisL did above? Do you understand how that differs from your whiny hysteria?

You mean my actual experience and logic vs. an article?
Yes, I have read these very few articled a million times also.
But what if there were no articles against H1-Bs?
You still wouldn't apply simple logic to realize what's been happening since 2003.
The fact that you need an article to see anything real is what concerns me.

And you still refuse to answer the question.....

Which question?

Why? So you can continue to not answer it(them)?

Unkotare probably doesn't believe in the American Revolution because it's not on YouTube.

Sounds about right.

He claims that "Competition" is good because it leads to "improvement", but gets evasive and rude when I ask him to point out some improvements from the OP's "competition".

I make some comment about not torturing our children with undue pressure and useless homework, and he gets angry, but won't clearly state what he thinks is a reasonable amount of homework for a 3rd grader.

And you still refuse to answer the question.....

Which question?

Why? So you can continue to not answer it(them)?

Unkotare probably doesn't believe in the American Revolution because it's not on YouTube.

Sounds about right.

He claims that "Competition" is good because it leads to "improvement", but gets evasive and rude when I ask him to point out some improvements from the OP's "competition".

I make some comment about not torturing our children with undue pressure and useless homework, and he gets angry, but won't clearly state what he thinks is a reasonable amount of homework for a 3rd grader.

My emphasis is NOT on the truth that we have no STEM shortage.
My emphasis is on the LIES perpetrated by Big Business.
If Korporate Amerika can lie about 1 issue, it can lie about anything.

Senate Bill S744 and House Bill HR633 are lies about American shortages in 10 different professions.
In 10 years, the American middle class will be devastated.

You mean my actual experience and logic vs. an article?.....

You have not supported any so-called experience, and you are clearly unfamiliar with logic.

I already asked you to explain to us why 98% of Business Visas are from India.....

Thus proving that you are unfamiliar with logic. You're quite the little emo-queen, aren't you?
Read Post 238, child.
And go ahead, read those 2 piece of shit legislation.

You mean my actual experience and logic vs. an article?.....

You have not supported any so-called experience, and you are clearly unfamiliar with logic.

I already asked you to explain to us why 98% of Business Visas are from India.....

Thus proving that you are unfamiliar with logic. You're quite the little emo-queen, aren't you?
Please explain why only Indians are qualified for STEM.

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