Mike Lee Mocks Green New Deal

mr jones

Active Member
Mar 23, 2019
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As the answer to climate change.(???)

GOP Pence-like Goon Mike Lee of Utah says the answer to climate change is, hold on to your hats, more American babies. Not just any babies, but American babies. Because the more babies we produce, the more likely one of them will discover a way to end climate change (????) As quoted here-

So what’s the best way to combat climate change? “Babies,” Lee declared.
“The solution to climate change won’t be found in political posturing or virtue signaling,” he said. “It won’t be found in the federal government at all. You know where the solution can be found? ... In churches, in wedding chapels, in maternity wards across the country and around the world.”
Climate change is an engineering problem ― not social engineering but the real kind. It’s a challenge of creativity, ingenuity and most of all, technological innovation. And problems of human imagination are not solved by more laws; they’re solved by more humans.
More babies will mean forward-looking adults, the sort we need to tackle long-term large-scale problems. American babies, in particular, are likely going to be wealthier, better educated and more conservation-minded than children raised in still industrializing countries.
Children are a mark of the kind of personal, communal and societal optimism that is the true prerequisite for meeting national and global challenges together. The courage needed to solve climate change is nothing compared with the courage needed to start a family. (yeah, it takes a lot of courage to have unprotected sex)
The true heroes of this story aren’t politicians and they aren’t social media activists ― they’re moms and dads and the little boys and girls that they are at this very moment putting down for naps or helping with their homework, building treehouses and teaching them how to tie their shoes." (?????)
I have to agree with AOC:
Ocasio-Cortez on Mike Lee: ‘If this guy can be Senator, you can do anything’


Sen. Mike Lee: Real Solution To Fight Climate Change Is To Have More Children

built more tree houses, out of lumber which will take trees. What a nutcase!! He thinks climate change is real, but he thinks that to have more babies is the answer.
I have to agree with AOC:
Ocasio-Cortez on Mike Lee: ‘If this guy can be Senator, you can do anything’


Sen. Mike Lee: Real Solution To Fight Climate Change Is To Have More Children

built more tree houses, out of lumber which will take trees. What a nutcase!! He thinks climate change is real, but he thinks that to have more babies is the answer.
The truth is about race and having a good life. It sucks I know. White women are not having babies at the rate needed. They work in jobs that white guys can do and who are now emasculated. Everything is more expensive now and will get more expensive to do in military, science, space and most everything else. Britain died in the 19th century for the then reasons. It is our turn now. We had two World Wars with two English speaking nations transitioning power in the 20th century. Imagine the end result when East Asia nations take control in a couple of decades that do not speak the same language. We export suffering to others in this world as we live with an out of control fiat printing currency. I keep spouting this because none of you who have been here for years create threads on it. We blow money like a nose rolling a fiat 20 dollar bill up and snorting high grade cocaine. That is slowly being reduced.
People are having less kids because they can't afford them. The vast majority of married couples both are forced to work just to barely scrape by. The very little they are able to save they choose to spend on travel, cars, etc. Can we blame them for this predicament they are in? People should never have kids for the good of a country. They should have them if they WANT them.
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  • #5
I have to agree with AOC:
Ocasio-Cortez on Mike Lee: ‘If this guy can be Senator, you can do anything’


Sen. Mike Lee: Real Solution To Fight Climate Change Is To Have More Children

built more tree houses, out of lumber which will take trees. What a nutcase!! He thinks climate change is real, but he thinks that to have more babies is the answer.
The truth is about race and having a good life. It sucks I know. White women are not having babies at the rate needed. They work in jobs that white guys can do and who are now emasculated. Everything is more expensive now and will get more expensive to do in military, science, space and most everything else. Britain died in the 19th century for the then reasons. It is our turn now. We had two World Wars with two English speaking nations transitioning power in the 20th century. Imagine the end result when East Asia nations take control in a couple of decades that do not speak the same language. We export suffering to others in this world as we live with an out of control fiat printing currency. I keep spouting this because none of you who have been here for years create threads on it. We blow money like a nose rolling a fiat 20 dollar bill up and snorting high grade cocaine. That is slowly being reduced.
If a man can be emasculated by a woman working alongside him, making the same money for the same work, then he was not much of a man, or a human being, to begin with. all that crap you just spewed sounds like you are the one out of your mind on crank. Just because people are different does not mean they want to kill us!! or if they took over England or whatever preposterous shit you are spewing, they would be able to even if they wanted to. we all know, at least those of us who have read any medical and biological anthropomorphical reports on human beings and race, that human beings are really all one race. that the most any two humans can be different is 1%. same thing for religions...they are basically the same- the older testaments and versions call for killing adulterers and gays and non-believers, and the newer versions and those that are believed by most of the followers are more about tolerance and love of everyone, even those who are different.
I have to agree with AOC:
Ocasio-Cortez on Mike Lee: ‘If this guy can be Senator, you can do anything’


Sen. Mike Lee: Real Solution To Fight Climate Change Is To Have More Children

built more tree houses, out of lumber which will take trees. What a nutcase!! He thinks climate change is real, but he thinks that to have more babies is the answer.
The truth is about race and having a good life. It sucks I know. White women are not having babies at the rate needed. They work in jobs that white guys can do and who are now emasculated. Everything is more expensive now and will get more expensive to do in military, science, space and most everything else. Britain died in the 19th century for the then reasons. It is our turn now. We had two World Wars with two English speaking nations transitioning power in the 20th century. Imagine the end result when East Asia nations take control in a couple of decades that do not speak the same language. We export suffering to others in this world as we live with an out of control fiat printing currency. I keep spouting this because none of you who have been here for years create threads on it. We blow money like a nose rolling a fiat 20 dollar bill up and snorting high grade cocaine. That is slowly being reduced.
If a man can be emasculated by a woman working alongside him, making the same money for the same work, then he was not much of a man, or a human being, to begin with. all that crap you just spewed sounds like you are the one out of your mind on crank. Just because people are different does not mean they want to kill us!! or if they took over England or whatever preposterous shit you are spewing, they would be able to even if they wanted to. we all know, at least those of us who have read any medical and biological anthropomorphical reports on human beings and race, that human beings are really all one race. that the most any two humans can be different is 1%. same thing for religions...they are basically the same- the older testaments and versions call for killing adulterers and gays and non-believers, and the newer versions and those that are believed by most of the followers are more about tolerance and love of everyone, even those who are different.
I be buying Asian made products and always will.
Since the third world is out populating us doesn't it make sense to encourage Americans to have more kids?

We are in a war of attrition here
  • Thread starter
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  • #8
I have to agree with AOC:
Ocasio-Cortez on Mike Lee: ‘If this guy can be Senator, you can do anything’


Sen. Mike Lee: Real Solution To Fight Climate Change Is To Have More Children

built more tree houses, out of lumber which will take trees. What a nutcase!! He thinks climate change is real, but he thinks that to have more babies is the answer.
The truth is about race and having a good life. It sucks I know. White women are not having babies at the rate needed. They work in jobs that white guys can do and who are now emasculated. Everything is more expensive now and will get more expensive to do in military, science, space and most everything else. Britain died in the 19th century for the then reasons. It is our turn now. We had two World Wars with two English speaking nations transitioning power in the 20th century. Imagine the end result when East Asia nations take control in a couple of decades that do not speak the same language. We export suffering to others in this world as we live with an out of control fiat printing currency. I keep spouting this because none of you who have been here for years create threads on it. We blow money like a nose rolling a fiat 20 dollar bill up and snorting high grade cocaine. That is slowly being reduced.
If a man can be emasculated by a woman working alongside him, making the same money for the same work, then he was not much of a man, or a human being, to begin with. all that crap you just spewed sounds like you are the one out of your mind on crank. Just because people are different does not mean they want to kill us!! or if they took over England or whatever preposterous shit you are spewing, they would be able to even if they wanted to. we all know, at least those of us who have read any medical and biological anthropomorphical reports on human beings and race, that human beings are really all one race. that the most any two humans can be different is 1%. same thing for religions...they are basically the same- the older testaments and versions call for killing adulterers and gays and non-believers, and the newer versions and those that are believed by most of the followers are more about tolerance and love of everyone, even those who are different.
I be buying Asian made products and always will.
you mean like Robert Kraft?
I have to agree with AOC:
Ocasio-Cortez on Mike Lee: ‘If this guy can be Senator, you can do anything’


Sen. Mike Lee: Real Solution To Fight Climate Change Is To Have More Children

built more tree houses, out of lumber which will take trees. What a nutcase!! He thinks climate change is real, but he thinks that to have more babies is the answer.
The truth is about race and having a good life. It sucks I know. White women are not having babies at the rate needed. They work in jobs that white guys can do and who are now emasculated. Everything is more expensive now and will get more expensive to do in military, science, space and most everything else. Britain died in the 19th century for the then reasons. It is our turn now. We had two World Wars with two English speaking nations transitioning power in the 20th century. Imagine the end result when East Asia nations take control in a couple of decades that do not speak the same language. We export suffering to others in this world as we live with an out of control fiat printing currency. I keep spouting this because none of you who have been here for years create threads on it. We blow money like a nose rolling a fiat 20 dollar bill up and snorting high grade cocaine. That is slowly being reduced.

You are only seeing part of the picture.

You really have no idea of the real changes that are coming.

It is going to come three times as fast and three times as hard as you think it is.

And there are factors involved that you are not even considering. We are actually going to have too many folks, we won't know what to do with them all. With all the AI and robots, finding something for the poor and unskilled, and all the economic dislocations will be a nightmare.

The World Wars and depression of the 20th century will look mild by comparison.

I have to agree with AOC:
Ocasio-Cortez on Mike Lee: ‘If this guy can be Senator, you can do anything’


Sen. Mike Lee: Real Solution To Fight Climate Change Is To Have More Children

built more tree houses, out of lumber which will take trees. What a nutcase!! He thinks climate change is real, but he thinks that to have more babies is the answer.
The truth is about race and having a good life. It sucks I know. White women are not having babies at the rate needed. They work in jobs that white guys can do and who are now emasculated. Everything is more expensive now and will get more expensive to do in military, science, space and most everything else. Britain died in the 19th century for the then reasons. It is our turn now. We had two World Wars with two English speaking nations transitioning power in the 20th century. Imagine the end result when East Asia nations take control in a couple of decades that do not speak the same language. We export suffering to others in this world as we live with an out of control fiat printing currency. I keep spouting this because none of you who have been here for years create threads on it. We blow money like a nose rolling a fiat 20 dollar bill up and snorting high grade cocaine. That is slowly being reduced.
If a man can be emasculated by a woman working alongside him, making the same money for the same work, then he was not much of a man, or a human being, to begin with. all that crap you just spewed sounds like you are the one out of your mind on crank. Just because people are different does not mean they want to kill us!! or if they took over England or whatever preposterous shit you are spewing, they would be able to even if they wanted to. we all know, at least those of us who have read any medical and biological anthropomorphical reports on human beings and race, that human beings are really all one race. that the most any two humans can be different is 1%. same thing for religions...they are basically the same- the older testaments and versions call for killing adulterers and gays and non-believers, and the newer versions and those that are believed by most of the followers are more about tolerance and love of everyone, even those who are different.
I be buying Asian made products and always will.
you mean like Robert Kraft?
The issue of a rich man I get. The issue of a surveillance culture turning into totalitarianism is another. It is expanding geometrically as more cameras and listening devices in both public and private areas become the norm. With people working voraciously for it. And the abuse from it by both the trained and the ignorant destroy people and bring a removal of happiness in an Orwellian world.
Since the third world is out populating us doesn't it make sense to encourage Americans to have more kids?

We are in a war of attrition here
well, not if you are logical. we do not live in the 18th century where the number of soldiers you had meant everything. or the 19th. or even most of the 20th. having a huge population, unless you also have huge natural resources, is a negative, not a plus, for any country, both economically and militarily, since it takes huge sums of dough to even be more powerful than Russia or Saudi Arabia. all the wars from now on have nothing to do with how many soldiers you have, or how much territory you control, or how many land-based or even ocean-based "targets" you have....with our air superiority, our precision bombing superiority, our drone and other technological superiority, our satellite surveillance superiority- holding territory means nothing if we decide to destroy it. having a bunch of tanks means nothing if we decide to destroy them. having destroyers and other floating targets mean nothing...nothing can stand up to our air and missile superiority. having too many people and not enough resources is what broke up the Soviet Union...in times of the cold war, it was important to have satellite countries to act as buffers between the USSR and NATO and the west..their cheap labor helped the economy, they made up a large standing army, and basically protected the mother country...but as the Cold War waned, and the Russian economy based on their one export, oil, began to crumble, these satellite countries and their added numbers of mouths to feed, were too much for the weak communist, lack of resources, Russia economy to maintain.
Since the third world is out populating us doesn't it make sense to encourage Americans to have more kids?

We are in a war of attrition here
well, not if you are logical. we do not live in the 18th century where the number of soldiers you had meant everything. or the 19th. or even most of the 20th. having a huge population, unless you also have huge natural resources, is a negative, not a plus, for any country, both economically and militarily, since it takes huge sums of dough to even be more powerful than Russia or Saudi Arabia. all the wars from now on have nothing to do with how many soldiers you have, or how much territory you control, or how many land-based or even ocean-based "targets" you have....with our air superiority, our precision bombing superiority, our drone and other technological superiority, our satellite surveillance superiority- holding territory means nothing if we decide to destroy it. having a bunch of tanks means nothing if we decide to destroy them. having destroyers and other floating targets mean nothing...nothing can stand up to our air and missile superiority. having too many people and not enough resources is what broke up the Soviet Union...in times of the cold war, it was important to have satellite countries to act as buffers between the USSR and NATO and the west..their cheap labor helped the economy, they made up a large standing army, and basically protected the mother country...but as the Cold War waned, and the Russian economy based on their one export, oil, began to crumble, these satellite countries and their added numbers of mouths to feed, were too much for the weak communist, lack of resources, Russia economy to maintain.

Not soldiers.

America as we know and love it will disappear in wave after of immigration. As Americans are having fewer and fewer children, foreign born immigrants will make up the difference and then some.

People will not assimilate as they have in the past but rather will impose their cultures over the dying culture of America.
Since the third world is out populating us doesn't it make sense to encourage Americans to have more kids?

We are in a war of attrition here
well, not if you are logical. we do not live in the 18th century where the number of soldiers you had meant everything. or the 19th. or even most of the 20th. having a huge population, unless you also have huge natural resources, is a negative, not a plus, for any country, both economically and militarily, since it takes huge sums of dough to even be more powerful than Russia or Saudi Arabia. all the wars from now on have nothing to do with how many soldiers you have, or how much territory you control, or how many land-based or even ocean-based "targets" you have....with our air superiority, our precision bombing superiority, our drone and other technological superiority, our satellite surveillance superiority- holding territory means nothing if we decide to destroy it. having a bunch of tanks means nothing if we decide to destroy them. having destroyers and other floating targets mean nothing...nothing can stand up to our air and missile superiority. having too many people and not enough resources is what broke up the Soviet Union...in times of the cold war, it was important to have satellite countries to act as buffers between the USSR and NATO and the west..their cheap labor helped the economy, they made up a large standing army, and basically protected the mother country...but as the Cold War waned, and the Russian economy based on their one export, oil, began to crumble, these satellite countries and their added numbers of mouths to feed, were too much for the weak communist, lack of resources, Russia economy to maintain.

Not soldiers.

America as we know and love it will disappear in wave after of immigration. As Americans are having fewer and fewer children, foreign born immigrants will make up the difference and then some.

People will not assimilate as they have in the past but rather will impose their cultures over the dying culture of America.

wow!! read storm trooper, much? what a nazi point of view!! our culture, our precious national culture!! which culture is that- San Francisco or Branson, Missouri? Lufkin, Texas or Seattle? NYC or Billings, Montana? Boston or San Antonio? Los Angeles or Nashville? Detroit or Bangor, Maine? ever heard of E Pluribus Unum, much? out of many one. we are a blend of all cultures, that is why we are almost always considered the greatest country on Earth by so many, why English is the "international language," why american culture has for the last century or so led the way around the world- we are everybody!! we like it that way!! or we used to, until white nationalism and racism in general became more accepted, especially by the GOP and by right wing media getting rich off pandering to the worst instincts in people.
We used to be a blend of all cultures when we took the time to blend. Now we are separating into tribes. That will inexorably lead to tribal warfare.
I have to agree with AOC:
Ocasio-Cortez on Mike Lee: ‘If this guy can be Senator, you can do anything’


Sen. Mike Lee: Real Solution To Fight Climate Change Is To Have More Children

built more tree houses, out of lumber which will take trees. What a nutcase!! He thinks climate change is real, but he thinks that to have more babies is the answer.
The truth is about race and having a good life. It sucks I know. White women are not having babies at the rate needed. They work in jobs that white guys can do and who are now emasculated. Everything is more expensive now and will get more expensive to do in military, science, space and most everything else. Britain died in the 19th century for the then reasons. It is our turn now. We had two World Wars with two English speaking nations transitioning power in the 20th century. Imagine the end result when East Asia nations take control in a couple of decades that do not speak the same language. We export suffering to others in this world as we live with an out of control fiat printing currency. I keep spouting this because none of you who have been here for years create threads on it. We blow money like a nose rolling a fiat 20 dollar bill up and snorting high grade cocaine. That is slowly being reduced.
English isn't your first language, is it Comrade?
Since the third world is out populating us doesn't it make sense to encourage Americans to have more kids?

We are in a war of attrition here
well, not if you are logical. we do not live in the 18th century where the number of soldiers you had meant everything. or the 19th. or even most of the 20th. having a huge population, unless you also have huge natural resources, is a negative, not a plus, for any country, both economically and militarily, since it takes huge sums of dough to even be more powerful than Russia or Saudi Arabia. all the wars from now on have nothing to do with how many soldiers you have, or how much territory you control, or how many land-based or even ocean-based "targets" you have....with our air superiority, our precision bombing superiority, our drone and other technological superiority, our satellite surveillance superiority- holding territory means nothing if we decide to destroy it. having a bunch of tanks means nothing if we decide to destroy them. having destroyers and other floating targets mean nothing...nothing can stand up to our air and missile superiority. having too many people and not enough resources is what broke up the Soviet Union...in times of the cold war, it was important to have satellite countries to act as buffers between the USSR and NATO and the west..their cheap labor helped the economy, they made up a large standing army, and basically protected the mother country...but as the Cold War waned, and the Russian economy based on their one export, oil, began to crumble, these satellite countries and their added numbers of mouths to feed, were too much for the weak communist, lack of resources, Russia economy to maintain.

Not soldiers.

America as we know and love it will disappear in wave after of immigration. As Americans are having fewer and fewer children, foreign born immigrants will make up the difference and then some.

People will not assimilate as they have in the past but rather will impose their cultures over the dying culture of America.

wow!! read storm trooper, much? what a nazi point of view!! our culture, our precious national culture!! which culture is that- San Francisco or Branson, Missouri? Lufkin, Texas or Seattle? NYC or Billings, Montana? Boston or San Antonio? Los Angeles or Nashville? Detroit or Bangor, Maine? ever heard of E Pluribus Unum, much? out of many one. we are a blend of all cultures, that is why we are almost always considered the greatest country on Earth by so many, why English is the "international language," why american culture has for the last century or so led the way around the world- we are everybody!! we like it that way!! or we used to, until white nationalism and racism in general became more accepted, especially by the GOP and by right wing media getting rich off pandering to the worst instincts in people.

It's true

What do you think will happen when foreigners who don't assimilate outnumber native born Americans?
I have to agree with AOC:
Ocasio-Cortez on Mike Lee: ‘If this guy can be Senator, you can do anything’


Sen. Mike Lee: Real Solution To Fight Climate Change Is To Have More Children

built more tree houses, out of lumber which will take trees. What a nutcase!! He thinks climate change is real, but he thinks that to have more babies is the answer.
The truth is about race and having a good life. It sucks I know. White women are not having babies at the rate needed. They work in jobs that white guys can do and who are now emasculated. Everything is more expensive now and will get more expensive to do in military, science, space and most everything else. Britain died in the 19th century for the then reasons. It is our turn now. We had two World Wars with two English speaking nations transitioning power in the 20th century. Imagine the end result when East Asia nations take control in a couple of decades that do not speak the same language. We export suffering to others in this world as we live with an out of control fiat printing currency. I keep spouting this because none of you who have been here for years create threads on it. We blow money like a nose rolling a fiat 20 dollar bill up and snorting high grade cocaine. That is slowly being reduced.
If a man can be emasculated by a woman working alongside him, making the same money for the same work, then he was not much of a man, or a human being, to begin with. all that crap you just spewed sounds like you are the one out of your mind on crank. Just because people are different does not mean they want to kill us!! or if they took over England or whatever preposterous shit you are spewing, they would be able to even if they wanted to. we all know, at least those of us who have read any medical and biological anthropomorphical reports on human beings and race, that human beings are really all one race. that the most any two humans can be different is 1%. same thing for religions...they are basically the same- the older testaments and versions call for killing adulterers and gays and non-believers, and the newer versions and those that are believed by most of the followers are more about tolerance and love of everyone, even those who are different.
I be buying Asian made products and always will.
you mean like Robert Kraft?

Eat it, loser!

I have to agree with AOC:
Ocasio-Cortez on Mike Lee: ‘If this guy can be Senator, you can do anything’


Sen. Mike Lee: Real Solution To Fight Climate Change Is To Have More Children

built more tree houses, out of lumber which will take trees. What a nutcase!! He thinks climate change is real, but he thinks that to have more babies is the answer.
The truth is about race and having a good life. It sucks I know. White women are not having babies at the rate needed. They work in jobs that white guys can do and who are now emasculated. Everything is more expensive now and will get more expensive to do in military, science, space and most everything else. Britain died in the 19th century for the then reasons. It is our turn now. We had two World Wars with two English speaking nations transitioning power in the 20th century. Imagine the end result when East Asia nations take control in a couple of decades that do not speak the same language. We export suffering to others in this world as we live with an out of control fiat printing currency. I keep spouting this because none of you who have been here for years create threads on it. We blow money like a nose rolling a fiat 20 dollar bill up and snorting high grade cocaine. That is slowly being reduced.
If a man can be emasculated by a woman working alongside him, making the same money for the same work, then he was not much of a man, or a human being, to begin with. all that crap you just spewed sounds like you are the one out of your mind on crank. Just because people are different does not mean they want to kill us!! or if they took over England or whatever preposterous shit you are spewing, they would be able to even if they wanted to. we all know, at least those of us who have read any medical and biological anthropomorphical reports on human beings and race, that human beings are really all one race. that the most any two humans can be different is 1%. same thing for religions...they are basically the same- the older testaments and versions call for killing adulterers and gays and non-believers, and the newer versions and those that are believed by most of the followers are more about tolerance and love of everyone, even those who are different.
I be buying Asian made products and always will.
you mean like Robert Kraft?

Eat it, loser!

View attachment 252513
how old are you, little feller? being proud because a football team has won football championships? what the hell did you have to do with it?
Since the third world is out populating us doesn't it make sense to encourage Americans to have more kids?

We are in a war of attrition here
well, not if you are logical. we do not live in the 18th century where the number of soldiers you had meant everything. or the 19th. or even most of the 20th. having a huge population, unless you also have huge natural resources, is a negative, not a plus, for any country, both economically and militarily, since it takes huge sums of dough to even be more powerful than Russia or Saudi Arabia. all the wars from now on have nothing to do with how many soldiers you have, or how much territory you control, or how many land-based or even ocean-based "targets" you have....with our air superiority, our precision bombing superiority, our drone and other technological superiority, our satellite surveillance superiority- holding territory means nothing if we decide to destroy it. having a bunch of tanks means nothing if we decide to destroy them. having destroyers and other floating targets mean nothing...nothing can stand up to our air and missile superiority. having too many people and not enough resources is what broke up the Soviet Union...in times of the cold war, it was important to have satellite countries to act as buffers between the USSR and NATO and the west..their cheap labor helped the economy, they made up a large standing army, and basically protected the mother country...but as the Cold War waned, and the Russian economy based on their one export, oil, began to crumble, these satellite countries and their added numbers of mouths to feed, were too much for the weak communist, lack of resources, Russia economy to maintain.

Not soldiers.

America as we know and love it will disappear in wave after of immigration. As Americans are having fewer and fewer children, foreign born immigrants will make up the difference and then some.

People will not assimilate as they have in the past but rather will impose their cultures over the dying culture of America.

wow!! read storm trooper, much? what a nazi point of view!! our culture, our precious national culture!! which culture is that- San Francisco or Branson, Missouri? Lufkin, Texas or Seattle? NYC or Billings, Montana? Boston or San Antonio? Los Angeles or Nashville? Detroit or Bangor, Maine? ever heard of E Pluribus Unum, much? out of many one. we are a blend of all cultures, that is why we are almost always considered the greatest country on Earth by so many, why English is the "international language," why american culture has for the last century or so led the way around the world- we are everybody!! we like it that way!! or we used to, until white nationalism and racism in general became more accepted, especially by the GOP and by right wing media getting rich off pandering to the worst instincts in people.

It's true

What do you think will happen when foreigners who don't assimilate outnumber native born Americans?
what do you think will happen if martians land and outnumber us? we are americans. we are all human beings. just because you are a white american and i am doesn't mean we are any more compatible politically or socially as we might be with blacks or muslims or asians or latinos...quit being so racist and biased. we are basically the same, with more in common than not. this country is made up of all countries, all races and all religions and we used to be proud of it...now, racism and false nationalism is trying to divide us when there is no real need to do so.
The truth is about race and having a good life. It sucks I know. White women are not having babies at the rate needed. They work in jobs that white guys can do and who are now emasculated. Everything is more expensive now and will get more expensive to do in military, science, space and most everything else. Britain died in the 19th century for the then reasons. It is our turn now. We had two World Wars with two English speaking nations transitioning power in the 20th century. Imagine the end result when East Asia nations take control in a couple of decades that do not speak the same language. We export suffering to others in this world as we live with an out of control fiat printing currency. I keep spouting this because none of you who have been here for years create threads on it. We blow money like a nose rolling a fiat 20 dollar bill up and snorting high grade cocaine. That is slowly being reduced.
If a man can be emasculated by a woman working alongside him, making the same money for the same work, then he was not much of a man, or a human being, to begin with. all that crap you just spewed sounds like you are the one out of your mind on crank. Just because people are different does not mean they want to kill us!! or if they took over England or whatever preposterous shit you are spewing, they would be able to even if they wanted to. we all know, at least those of us who have read any medical and biological anthropomorphical reports on human beings and race, that human beings are really all one race. that the most any two humans can be different is 1%. same thing for religions...they are basically the same- the older testaments and versions call for killing adulterers and gays and non-believers, and the newer versions and those that are believed by most of the followers are more about tolerance and love of everyone, even those who are different.
I be buying Asian made products and always will.
you mean like Robert Kraft?

Eat it, loser!

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how old are you, little feller? being proud because a football team has won football championships? what the hell did you have to do with it?

A ton. I sit there and cheer them on. Without my cheers they may not win. At least that is what I tell myself. And I am old enough to know how to use capital letters and that you're a little bit off.

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