Mike Pence drops out of Presidential race

Two videos I saw of him that were on youtube spelled his campaigns end: one, Tucker asking him about the needs of the American people vs. Ukraine and he repeated more than once "that isn't my concern (the American people). It was taken out of context Im sure, I didnt watch the entire interview but his flippant response was a dagger. Two, an image of him ridiculed by a major left wing news.source with him at an event with a handful of people in the crowd. I don't even kmow how he could be inspired to hold a mic in such a situation, I could have rallied as many.
Mike Pence realized he didn't have a decent chance to win the nomination.

I would tell him to hang in there but that would only bring back bad memories for him.
The spineless wimp‘s political career is over.
Typical reaction of a MAGA minion. The disgusting group that has hijacked the Republican party.
Pence is a man of morals and ethics. He showed that on Jan. 6th.
MAGA despises, ethics, and morals. They have the perfect immoral, unethical, self-serving leader in Donald Trump.
The MAGA movenment is about getting back at a country that they feel wronged them. They are not Making America Great. They are trying to destroy the country that our founding fathers built. A bunch of under-educated, under employed individuals who were sinking in the 21st century.
They have blamed the government and they want to bring that government down
Donald Trump has the Charisma of Al Capone and other mafia bosses. That is what MAGA wanrts. They want a bad boy.
Bad boys never make good national leaders. Good crime bosses, though.
I think you misunderstand "Charisma." Not to be equaled or thought of as a "mafia boss." It just means you have to keep the audience interest for long periods of time while you speak.

Think of the last time Biden spoke, he either stumbled or said stupid things, fell, said inappropriate things or got lost on stage. How the HELL can America TRUST that? :p
Typical reaction of a MAGA minion. The disgusting group that has hijacked the Republican party.
Pence is a man of morals and ethics. He showed that on Jan. 6th.
MAGA despises, ethics, and morals. They have the perfect immoral, unethical, self-serving leader in Donald Trump.
The MAGA movenment is about getting back at a country that they feel wronged them. They are not Making America Great. They are trying to destroy the country that our founding fathers built. A bunch of under-educated, under employed individuals who were sinking in the 21st century.
They have blamed the government and they want to bring that government down
I'm not a MAGA minion.

Pence had every opportunity to blast Trump for his attempt to overthrow our election results, but he was too much of a coward. If there was ever a moment for a guy to drop his polished politician act, it was this. The guy had his entire family put in danger and responded with measured words to try to ensure that his dead political career could be revived instead of flat-out telling Trump to go fuck himself.
I'm not a MAGA minion.

Pence had every opportunity to blast Trump for his attempt to overthrow our election results, but he was too much of a coward. If there was ever a moment for a guy to drop his polished politician act, it was this. The guy had his entire family put in danger and responded with measured words to try to ensure that his dead political career could be revived instead of flat-out telling Trump to go fuck himself.
Obviously Trump did not put Pence's family in danger.

If every time a politician expresses and opinion and some crazy people take that as a call to make threats, the politician is at fault, then all politicians will have to be silent forever.

The fact that Pence did not speak out strongly against Trump shows the power of the voters. That is not an un-American idea. Voters having power is exactly what the founders had in mind when they signed off on the Constitution.

The Twoparties managed to suppress that power for so long that it now looks like sedition to some for the voters to get that power back. Most Americans were not born yet, the last time it was possible for a non-member of the Twoparties Establishment to be president.

Now that his political career has had the proverbial stake driven through its heart, Pence can say what he pleases.
Mike Pence realized he didn't have a decent chance to win the nomination.

He didn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning.
I'm not a MAGA minion.

Pence had every opportunity to blast Trump for his attempt to overthrow our election results, but he was too much of a coward. If there was ever a moment for a guy to drop his polished politician act, it was this. The guy had his entire family put in danger and responded with measured words to try to ensure that his dead political career could be revived instead of flat-out telling Trump to go fuck himself.
You are wrong on this. Pence stabbed Trump in the back.

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