Mike Pence: Sarah Palin Without The Charisma

Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

He once threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding.

When Republicans took over the House of Representatives in 2011, then-Rep. Pence authored the first bill to strip all federal money from Planned Parenthood. He then threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding in an interview on MSNBC.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards told Politico at the time that she had never seen a legislator go after the organization with as much intensity as Pence. “He’s the only one I know of who has been so completely obsessed with Planned Parenthood,” she said. “This just seems to be an enormous focus of his.”

“A Trump-Pence ticket should send a shiver down the spine of women in this country,” the group said in a statement Thursday. “Donald Trump just sent a message to the women of America: your health and your lives are not important.”

Also in 2011, Pence cosponsored the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act, a bill that would have required abortion providers to perform an ultrasound on a woman seeking abortion, regardless of whether it was medically necessary, and then describe the embryo in detail to her. He also cosponsored a bill that would have essentially redefined rape, prohibiting federal funds from paying for abortion except in cases of “forcible rape,” and a bill that would allow hospitals to deny abortions to pregnant women who would die without the care.

Since Pence became governor of Indiana in 2013, he has signed multiple anti-abortion bills into law, including a measure that prohibits private insurance providers from offering abortion coverage. Under his leadership in 2015, Indiana experienced a devastating HIV outbreak, which was exacerbated by the closure of a Planned Parenthood clinic that was the only HIV testing center in the county. The clinic had closed due to Pence’s cuts to Planned Parenthood’s funding.

in March, Pence signed one of the worst anti-abortion omnibus bills in the country into law. Among other things, it requires doctors to offer women the “remains” of the fetus after an abortion.

Indiana women were so frustrated with Pence’s apparent preoccupation with their reproductive organs this year that they started a “Periods for Pence” campaign, giving him details of their menstrual cycles. One woman even invited Pence to her gynecologist appointment.

Not surprisingly, anti-abortion advocates cheered the news of Trump’s likely pick on Thursday.

More: Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

Just another anti-choice anti-women religious nut. Just another deranged teabagger lunatic.

Nobody cares.... let it go Hiawatha. You can screw and get pregnant until the cows come home, nobody has affected your right to do so, and nobody ever will.
Just one less than were started about Benghazi, how about?

I think Benghazi is a bit more important than Mike Pence. I mean, it was just four dead Americans and that means little to folks like you.... but hey, let's flip out over one guy;s views on evolution. That really matters!

Exactly. Not only 4 Americans murdered, but also dragged through the streets, and let's not forget raped. Ah, but who cares. ;)

All that bullshit has been proven to be LIES and photoshopped LIES. Stevens died from smoke inhalation and was NOT raped nor dragged through the streets. Have you no honor or shame?

Did you say something???

Facts always make you yawn.
IOW, you're the perfect trumpkin.

I didn't know you knew me. BTW I saw no lies or photo shopping. Just because she says it, doesn't make it so. oh wait I am sorry, HE HE it is is he.
So everything you like about Trump , well, Trump just chose a guy that doesn't really like that part of trump.

Here are more reasons why picking Pence doesn’t make sense:
– While Trump has promised to build a wall, Pence has been savaged by respected conservatives like Pat Buchanan and Phyllis Schlafly for advocating “stealth amnesty” in the form of a guest worker program.
– While Trump has campaigned against job-killing foreign trade deals, Pence vehemently supports NAFTA, CAFTA, and the TPP.
– As recently as December, Pence tweeted, “Calls to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. are offensive and unconstitutional.” This completely contradicts Trump’s policy of a temporary halt on Muslim immigration.

It is too amazing to be true. Donald Trump charged Arthur Culvahouse, the same DC lawyer who vetted Sarah Palin, with vetting his VP choices.

And Trump has ended up picking Sarah Palin, without the charisma.

One source who used to work as a senior staff member in the House of Representatives told me, “Pence, smart? I used to eat salads at the Rayburn cafeteria that had more brains than Mike Pence.”

That certainly fits Mike Pence.

Mike Pence who, in 2001, still was seriously trying to claim that cigarette smoking wouldn’t kill you, writing “Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill. In fact, 2 out of every three smokers does not die from a smoking related illness and 9 out of ten smokers do not contract lung cancer.”

Mike Pence who, just last year, looked like a deer in headlights on television, when asked to explain a law he just signed. He was completely unable to tell George Stephanopoulos if the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (Reminder: a bill he just signed) would allow bakers and florists to refuse service to same-sex couples being married. The performance was widely mocked, and thought to be the end of his Presidential ambitions.

Mike Pence who, when asked if he believes in evolution, had to repeat the question, before giving a nonsensical response.

Mike Pence who either didn’t read, or didn’t understand, that he signed a law that requires women to bury or cremate their periods, if they contain a fertilized egg, leading to the Periods for Pence movement.

It isn’t so much that Mike Pence is a lightweight in the brains department.

It’s that Mike Pence is a lightweight in the brains department, and also ridiculously incompetent.

Remember that religious freedom bill that Pence signed, but couldn’t explain? Upon finding out that it wasn’t at all popular, that everyone realized it could be used to discriminate against gays and lesbians, and coming under pressure from a nationwide boycott of Indiana as a result, Pence was forced to sign an amendment protecting the LGBT community, thus taking out the reason religious groups wanted the original law in the first place. The result ended up being the whole ordeal was an epic waste of time, that needlessly had Hoosiers at each others’ throats.

Pence, in his infinite wisdom, decided that banning needle exchanges would curb drug use, despite evidence to the contrary. What happened, because of inept Mike Pence? Oh nothing, just an explosion of HIV in the state. So much so that Pence was forced to sign needle exchanges back into law.

Mike Pence also once decided to start spending resources to develop a state-controlled news service, which would feed the media with prewritten stories, and be the one to break “news” (read: “propaganda”) about his administration. When confronted with the fact that it was, well, kind of Soviet, Pence decided to stop developing the news service.

These are just some of the reasons that Mike Pence was very possibly on his way tobeing beaten for reelection as governor, by a state rep who hasn’t been in politics for 14 years, before Donald Trump saved his hide.

How bad is his reputation in the state? Republicans want Pence out of Indiana. Reported CNN, “[Trump picking Pence] also makes for a good fit for Indiana Republicans, who are ready for Pence to go after a tumultuous first term in Indiana that has opened up a chance for Democrats to claim the governor’s office.”

Oh, the title of that piece? “Indiana GOP to Trump: Take Mike Pence, Please!”

Like the former Congressional staffer above, the people of Indiana and Republicans found out, pretty darned quick, that Mike Pence is as inept and bumbling as he is lacking in intellect.

This is Donald Trump’s first presidential-level decision, and he didn’t just whiff.

He whiffed very, very badly.

After November, when the post-mortems on the Trump loss are written, people will look back on Pence and think, “What was Trump thinking?”

Mike Pence: Sarah Palin Without The Charisma

Unbelievable! An idiot picks another idiot. Thank you, Mr. Trump.
I think it's pretty clear that Pence was not Trump's first choice. Pence was an attempt to unite party with a strong christian conservative who has been critical of Trump. That's why Ryan, McConnell, and other party leaders immediately congratulated Trump on his choice. Rumors out the Trump camp last night were that Trump was reconsidering. However, reversing the decision is probably to gutsy even for Trump.
So, I wonder how many Pence threads Shitting Bull is going to start? What's this, like 3 already?

Just one less than were started about Benghazi, how about?

I think Benghazi is a bit more important than Mike Pence. I mean, it was just four dead Americans and that means little to folks like you.... but hey, let's flip out over one guy;s views on evolution. That really matters!

Exactly. Not only 4 Americans murdered, but also dragged through the streets, and let's not forget raped. Ah, but who cares. ;)

You think the Muzzies believe in evolution?

Inquiring minds want to know!

LOL Never thought about it. Why?
Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

He once threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding.

When Republicans took over the House of Representatives in 2011, then-Rep. Pence authored the first bill to strip all federal money from Planned Parenthood. He then threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding in an interview on MSNBC.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards told Politico at the time that she had never seen a legislator go after the organization with as much intensity as Pence. “He’s the only one I know of who has been so completely obsessed with Planned Parenthood,” she said. “This just seems to be an enormous focus of his.”

“A Trump-Pence ticket should send a shiver down the spine of women in this country,” the group said in a statement Thursday. “Donald Trump just sent a message to the women of America: your health and your lives are not important.”

Also in 2011, Pence cosponsored the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act, a bill that would have required abortion providers to perform an ultrasound on a woman seeking abortion, regardless of whether it was medically necessary, and then describe the embryo in detail to her. He also cosponsored a bill that would have essentially redefined rape, prohibiting federal funds from paying for abortion except in cases of “forcible rape,” and a bill that would allow hospitals to deny abortions to pregnant women who would die without the care.

Since Pence became governor of Indiana in 2013, he has signed multiple anti-abortion bills into law, including a measure that prohibits private insurance providers from offering abortion coverage. Under his leadership in 2015, Indiana experienced a devastating HIV outbreak, which was exacerbated by the closure of a Planned Parenthood clinic that was the only HIV testing center in the county. The clinic had closed due to Pence’s cuts to Planned Parenthood’s funding.

in March, Pence signed one of the worst anti-abortion omnibus bills in the country into law. Among other things, it requires doctors to offer women the “remains” of the fetus after an abortion.

Indiana women were so frustrated with Pence’s apparent preoccupation with their reproductive organs this year that they started a “Periods for Pence” campaign, giving him details of their menstrual cycles. One woman even invited Pence to her gynecologist appointment.

Not surprisingly, anti-abortion advocates cheered the news of Trump’s likely pick on Thursday.

More: Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

Just another anti-choice anti-women religious nut. Just another deranged teabagger lunatic.
He opposed baby murder? I like him more and more.
So, I wonder how many Pence threads Shitting Bull is going to start? What's this, like 3 already?

Just one less than were started about Benghazi, how about?

I think Benghazi is a bit more important than Mike Pence. I mean, it was just four dead Americans and that means little to folks like you.... but hey, let's flip out over one guy;s views on evolution. That really matters!

Exactly. Not only 4 Americans murdered, but also dragged through the streets, and let's not forget raped. Ah, but who cares. ;)
Raped? SInce when? Were Drumpf's Mexicans involved?

Where have you been? You sure don't pay close attention to news. Nothing you say has any validity to it. Do a search. Left wing Snopes even says they can't prove or disprove it.
There are pics, and I am sure you'd love to see them, but they aren't available for viewing.
:lol: :lol: :lol: I just googled it and LOL'd over all the sources for that rumor.

It is too amazing to be true. Donald Trump charged Arthur Culvahouse, the same DC lawyer who vetted Sarah Palin, with vetting his VP choices.

And Trump has ended up picking Sarah Palin, without the charisma.

One source who used to work as a senior staff member in the House of Representatives told me, “Pence, smart? I used to eat salads at the Rayburn cafeteria that had more brains than Mike Pence.”

That certainly fits Mike Pence.

Mike Pence who, in 2001, still was seriously trying to claim that cigarette smoking wouldn’t kill you, writing “Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill. In fact, 2 out of every three smokers does not die from a smoking related illness and 9 out of ten smokers do not contract lung cancer.”

Mike Pence who, just last year, looked like a deer in headlights on television, when asked to explain a law he just signed. He was completely unable to tell George Stephanopoulos if the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (Reminder: a bill he just signed) would allow bakers and florists to refuse service to same-sex couples being married. The performance was widely mocked, and thought to be the end of his Presidential ambitions.

Mike Pence who, when asked if he believes in evolution, had to repeat the question, before giving a nonsensical response.

Mike Pence who either didn’t read, or didn’t understand, that he signed a law that requires women to bury or cremate their periods, if they contain a fertilized egg, leading to the Periods for Pence movement.

It isn’t so much that Mike Pence is a lightweight in the brains department.

It’s that Mike Pence is a lightweight in the brains department, and also ridiculously incompetent.

Remember that religious freedom bill that Pence signed, but couldn’t explain? Upon finding out that it wasn’t at all popular, that everyone realized it could be used to discriminate against gays and lesbians, and coming under pressure from a nationwide boycott of Indiana as a result, Pence was forced to sign an amendment protecting the LGBT community, thus taking out the reason religious groups wanted the original law in the first place. The result ended up being the whole ordeal was an epic waste of time, that needlessly had Hoosiers at each others’ throats.

Pence, in his infinite wisdom, decided that banning needle exchanges would curb drug use, despite evidence to the contrary. What happened, because of inept Mike Pence? Oh nothing, just an explosion of HIV in the state. So much so that Pence was forced to sign needle exchanges back into law.

Mike Pence also once decided to start spending resources to develop a state-controlled news service, which would feed the media with prewritten stories, and be the one to break “news” (read: “propaganda”) about his administration. When confronted with the fact that it was, well, kind of Soviet, Pence decided to stop developing the news service.

These are just some of the reasons that Mike Pence was very possibly on his way tobeing beaten for reelection as governor, by a state rep who hasn’t been in politics for 14 years, before Donald Trump saved his hide.

How bad is his reputation in the state? Republicans want Pence out of Indiana. Reported CNN, “[Trump picking Pence] also makes for a good fit for Indiana Republicans, who are ready for Pence to go after a tumultuous first term in Indiana that has opened up a chance for Democrats to claim the governor’s office.”

Oh, the title of that piece? “Indiana GOP to Trump: Take Mike Pence, Please!”

Like the former Congressional staffer above, the people of Indiana and Republicans found out, pretty darned quick, that Mike Pence is as inept and bumbling as he is lacking in intellect.

This is Donald Trump’s first presidential-level decision, and he didn’t just whiff.

He whiffed very, very badly.

After November, when the post-mortems on the Trump loss are written, people will look back on Pence and think, “What was Trump thinking?”

Mike Pence: Sarah Palin Without The Charisma

Unbelievable! An idiot picks another idiot. Thank you, Mr. Trump.
I think it's pretty clear that Pence was not Trump's first choice. Pence was an attempt to unite party with a strong christian conservative who has been critical of Trump. That's why Ryan, McConnell, and other party leaders immediately congratulated Trump on his choice. Rumors out the Trump camp last night were that Trump was reconsidering. However, reversing the decision is probably to gutsy even for Trump.
Libturds LOVE rumors. They live for it. I call bullshit though and obviously Pence will help with the base. Tough shitski!
Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

He once threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding.

When Republicans took over the House of Representatives in 2011, then-Rep. Pence authored the first bill to strip all federal money from Planned Parenthood. He then threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding in an interview on MSNBC.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards told Politico at the time that she had never seen a legislator go after the organization with as much intensity as Pence. “He’s the only one I know of who has been so completely obsessed with Planned Parenthood,” she said. “This just seems to be an enormous focus of his.”

“A Trump-Pence ticket should send a shiver down the spine of women in this country,” the group said in a statement Thursday. “Donald Trump just sent a message to the women of America: your health and your lives are not important.”

Also in 2011, Pence cosponsored the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act, a bill that would have required abortion providers to perform an ultrasound on a woman seeking abortion, regardless of whether it was medically necessary, and then describe the embryo in detail to her. He also cosponsored a bill that would have essentially redefined rape, prohibiting federal funds from paying for abortion except in cases of “forcible rape,” and a bill that would allow hospitals to deny abortions to pregnant women who would die without the care.

Since Pence became governor of Indiana in 2013, he has signed multiple anti-abortion bills into law, including a measure that prohibits private insurance providers from offering abortion coverage. Under his leadership in 2015, Indiana experienced a devastating HIV outbreak, which was exacerbated by the closure of a Planned Parenthood clinic that was the only HIV testing center in the county. The clinic had closed due to Pence’s cuts to Planned Parenthood’s funding.

in March, Pence signed one of the worst anti-abortion omnibus bills in the country into law. Among other things, it requires doctors to offer women the “remains” of the fetus after an abortion.

Indiana women were so frustrated with Pence’s apparent preoccupation with their reproductive organs this year that they started a “Periods for Pence” campaign, giving him details of their menstrual cycles. One woman even invited Pence to her gynecologist appointment.

Not surprisingly, anti-abortion advocates cheered the news of Trump’s likely pick on Thursday.

More: Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

Just another anti-choice anti-women religious nut. Just another deranged teabagger lunatic.
Just one less than were started about Benghazi, how about?

I think Benghazi is a bit more important than Mike Pence. I mean, it was just four dead Americans and that means little to folks like you.... but hey, let's flip out over one guy;s views on evolution. That really matters!

Exactly. Not only 4 Americans murdered, but also dragged through the streets, and let's not forget raped. Ah, but who cares. ;)
Raped? SInce when? Were Drumpf's Mexicans involved?

Where have you been? You sure don't pay close attention to news. Nothing you say has any validity to it. Do a search. Left wing Snopes even says they can't prove or disprove it.
There are pics, and I am sure you'd love to see them, but they aren't available for viewing.
:lol: :lol: :lol: I just googled it and LOL'd over all the sources for that rumor.

Like the left wing ones? I LOL'd too. But it still made me sad to know that happened to him. Of course you, and ones like you are trying to take away from the BIG picture....the 4 were murdered thanks to the woman you so adore.

It is too amazing to be true. Donald Trump charged Arthur Culvahouse, the same DC lawyer who vetted Sarah Palin, with vetting his VP choices.

And Trump has ended up picking Sarah Palin, without the charisma.

One source who used to work as a senior staff member in the House of Representatives told me, “Pence, smart? I used to eat salads at the Rayburn cafeteria that had more brains than Mike Pence.”

That certainly fits Mike Pence.

Mike Pence who, in 2001, still was seriously trying to claim that cigarette smoking wouldn’t kill you, writing “Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill. In fact, 2 out of every three smokers does not die from a smoking related illness and 9 out of ten smokers do not contract lung cancer.”

Mike Pence who, just last year, looked like a deer in headlights on television, when asked to explain a law he just signed. He was completely unable to tell George Stephanopoulos if the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (Reminder: a bill he just signed) would allow bakers and florists to refuse service to same-sex couples being married. The performance was widely mocked, and thought to be the end of his Presidential ambitions.

Mike Pence who, when asked if he believes in evolution, had to repeat the question, before giving a nonsensical response.

Mike Pence who either didn’t read, or didn’t understand, that he signed a law that requires women to bury or cremate their periods, if they contain a fertilized egg, leading to the Periods for Pence movement.

It isn’t so much that Mike Pence is a lightweight in the brains department.

It’s that Mike Pence is a lightweight in the brains department, and also ridiculously incompetent.

Remember that religious freedom bill that Pence signed, but couldn’t explain? Upon finding out that it wasn’t at all popular, that everyone realized it could be used to discriminate against gays and lesbians, and coming under pressure from a nationwide boycott of Indiana as a result, Pence was forced to sign an amendment protecting the LGBT community, thus taking out the reason religious groups wanted the original law in the first place. The result ended up being the whole ordeal was an epic waste of time, that needlessly had Hoosiers at each others’ throats.

Pence, in his infinite wisdom, decided that banning needle exchanges would curb drug use, despite evidence to the contrary. What happened, because of inept Mike Pence? Oh nothing, just an explosion of HIV in the state. So much so that Pence was forced to sign needle exchanges back into law.

Mike Pence also once decided to start spending resources to develop a state-controlled news service, which would feed the media with prewritten stories, and be the one to break “news” (read: “propaganda”) about his administration. When confronted with the fact that it was, well, kind of Soviet, Pence decided to stop developing the news service.

These are just some of the reasons that Mike Pence was very possibly on his way tobeing beaten for reelection as governor, by a state rep who hasn’t been in politics for 14 years, before Donald Trump saved his hide.

How bad is his reputation in the state? Republicans want Pence out of Indiana. Reported CNN, “[Trump picking Pence] also makes for a good fit for Indiana Republicans, who are ready for Pence to go after a tumultuous first term in Indiana that has opened up a chance for Democrats to claim the governor’s office.”

Oh, the title of that piece? “Indiana GOP to Trump: Take Mike Pence, Please!”

Like the former Congressional staffer above, the people of Indiana and Republicans found out, pretty darned quick, that Mike Pence is as inept and bumbling as he is lacking in intellect.

This is Donald Trump’s first presidential-level decision, and he didn’t just whiff.

He whiffed very, very badly.

After November, when the post-mortems on the Trump loss are written, people will look back on Pence and think, “What was Trump thinking?”

Mike Pence: Sarah Palin Without The Charisma

Unbelievable! An idiot picks another idiot. Thank you, Mr. Trump.
I think it's pretty clear that Pence was not Trump's first choice. Pence was an attempt to unite party with a strong christian conservative who has been critical of Trump. That's why Ryan, McConnell, and other party leaders immediately congratulated Trump on his choice. Rumors out the Trump camp last night were that Trump was reconsidering. However, reversing the decision is probably to gutsy even for Trump.

You're making shit up.....good grief
Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

He once threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding.

When Republicans took over the House of Representatives in 2011, then-Rep. Pence authored the first bill to strip all federal money from Planned Parenthood. He then threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding in an interview on MSNBC.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards told Politico at the time that she had never seen a legislator go after the organization with as much intensity as Pence. “He’s the only one I know of who has been so completely obsessed with Planned Parenthood,” she said. “This just seems to be an enormous focus of his.”

“A Trump-Pence ticket should send a shiver down the spine of women in this country,” the group said in a statement Thursday. “Donald Trump just sent a message to the women of America: your health and your lives are not important.”

Also in 2011, Pence cosponsored the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act, a bill that would have required abortion providers to perform an ultrasound on a woman seeking abortion, regardless of whether it was medically necessary, and then describe the embryo in detail to her. He also cosponsored a bill that would have essentially redefined rape, prohibiting federal funds from paying for abortion except in cases of “forcible rape,” and a bill that would allow hospitals to deny abortions to pregnant women who would die without the care.

Since Pence became governor of Indiana in 2013, he has signed multiple anti-abortion bills into law, including a measure that prohibits private insurance providers from offering abortion coverage. Under his leadership in 2015, Indiana experienced a devastating HIV outbreak, which was exacerbated by the closure of a Planned Parenthood clinic that was the only HIV testing center in the county. The clinic had closed due to Pence’s cuts to Planned Parenthood’s funding.

in March, Pence signed one of the worst anti-abortion omnibus bills in the country into law. Among other things, it requires doctors to offer women the “remains” of the fetus after an abortion.

Indiana women were so frustrated with Pence’s apparent preoccupation with their reproductive organs this year that they started a “Periods for Pence” campaign, giving him details of their menstrual cycles. One woman even invited Pence to her gynecologist appointment.

Not surprisingly, anti-abortion advocates cheered the news of Trump’s likely pick on Thursday.

More: Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

Just another anti-choice anti-women religious nut. Just another deranged teabagger lunatic.
He opposed baby murder? I like him more and more.

Do you now support food stamps and wic to make sure that baby can be fed by a poor single mother?
You won't like him conservatives!


Drumpf flip-flops and lies about his "positions" every single day. Pence has done the same.

They're a matched set.

Hillary was opposed ti gay marriage, she was for Iraq, etc. She's flip flopped on everything. She talks about a war on women then systematically destroys all the women her husband sexually abuses.

Yet, you're OK with that.
Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

He once threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding.

When Republicans took over the House of Representatives in 2011, then-Rep. Pence authored the first bill to strip all federal money from Planned Parenthood. He then threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding in an interview on MSNBC.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards told Politico at the time that she had never seen a legislator go after the organization with as much intensity as Pence. “He’s the only one I know of who has been so completely obsessed with Planned Parenthood,” she said. “This just seems to be an enormous focus of his.”

“A Trump-Pence ticket should send a shiver down the spine of women in this country,” the group said in a statement Thursday. “Donald Trump just sent a message to the women of America: your health and your lives are not important.”

Also in 2011, Pence cosponsored the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act, a bill that would have required abortion providers to perform an ultrasound on a woman seeking abortion, regardless of whether it was medically necessary, and then describe the embryo in detail to her. He also cosponsored a bill that would have essentially redefined rape, prohibiting federal funds from paying for abortion except in cases of “forcible rape,” and a bill that would allow hospitals to deny abortions to pregnant women who would die without the care.

Since Pence became governor of Indiana in 2013, he has signed multiple anti-abortion bills into law, including a measure that prohibits private insurance providers from offering abortion coverage. Under his leadership in 2015, Indiana experienced a devastating HIV outbreak, which was exacerbated by the closure of a Planned Parenthood clinic that was the only HIV testing center in the county. The clinic had closed due to Pence’s cuts to Planned Parenthood’s funding.

in March, Pence signed one of the worst anti-abortion omnibus bills in the country into law. Among other things, it requires doctors to offer women the “remains” of the fetus after an abortion.

Indiana women were so frustrated with Pence’s apparent preoccupation with their reproductive organs this year that they started a “Periods for Pence” campaign, giving him details of their menstrual cycles. One woman even invited Pence to her gynecologist appointment.

Not surprisingly, anti-abortion advocates cheered the news of Trump’s likely pick on Thursday.

More: Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

Just another anti-choice anti-women religious nut. Just another deranged teabagger lunatic.
He opposed baby murder? I like him more and more.

Actually, he is in favor of letting children AND women get sick and die. Just look at what he said about Planned Parenthood and food stamps.

Not to mention vets, the elderly, handicapped - just the usual people the right hates.
Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

He once threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding.

When Republicans took over the House of Representatives in 2011, then-Rep. Pence authored the first bill to strip all federal money from Planned Parenthood. He then threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding in an interview on MSNBC.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards told Politico at the time that she had never seen a legislator go after the organization with as much intensity as Pence. “He’s the only one I know of who has been so completely obsessed with Planned Parenthood,” she said. “This just seems to be an enormous focus of his.”

“A Trump-Pence ticket should send a shiver down the spine of women in this country,” the group said in a statement Thursday. “Donald Trump just sent a message to the women of America: your health and your lives are not important.”

Also in 2011, Pence cosponsored the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act, a bill that would have required abortion providers to perform an ultrasound on a woman seeking abortion, regardless of whether it was medically necessary, and then describe the embryo in detail to her. He also cosponsored a bill that would have essentially redefined rape, prohibiting federal funds from paying for abortion except in cases of “forcible rape,” and a bill that would allow hospitals to deny abortions to pregnant women who would die without the care.

Since Pence became governor of Indiana in 2013, he has signed multiple anti-abortion bills into law, including a measure that prohibits private insurance providers from offering abortion coverage. Under his leadership in 2015, Indiana experienced a devastating HIV outbreak, which was exacerbated by the closure of a Planned Parenthood clinic that was the only HIV testing center in the county. The clinic had closed due to Pence’s cuts to Planned Parenthood’s funding.

in March, Pence signed one of the worst anti-abortion omnibus bills in the country into law. Among other things, it requires doctors to offer women the “remains” of the fetus after an abortion.

Indiana women were so frustrated with Pence’s apparent preoccupation with their reproductive organs this year that they started a “Periods for Pence” campaign, giving him details of their menstrual cycles. One woman even invited Pence to her gynecologist appointment.

Not surprisingly, anti-abortion advocates cheered the news of Trump’s likely pick on Thursday.

More: Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

Just another anti-choice anti-women religious nut. Just another deranged teabagger lunatic.
He opposed baby murder? I like him more and more.

Do you now support food stamps and wic to make sure that baby can be fed by a poor single mother?

Republicans have never opposed welfare for a poor single mother....stop spewing BS. They oppose fraud and people making a career out of it
Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

He once threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding.

When Republicans took over the House of Representatives in 2011, then-Rep. Pence authored the first bill to strip all federal money from Planned Parenthood. He then threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding in an interview on MSNBC.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards told Politico at the time that she had never seen a legislator go after the organization with as much intensity as Pence. “He’s the only one I know of who has been so completely obsessed with Planned Parenthood,” she said. “This just seems to be an enormous focus of his.”

“A Trump-Pence ticket should send a shiver down the spine of women in this country,” the group said in a statement Thursday. “Donald Trump just sent a message to the women of America: your health and your lives are not important.”

Also in 2011, Pence cosponsored the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act, a bill that would have required abortion providers to perform an ultrasound on a woman seeking abortion, regardless of whether it was medically necessary, and then describe the embryo in detail to her. He also cosponsored a bill that would have essentially redefined rape, prohibiting federal funds from paying for abortion except in cases of “forcible rape,” and a bill that would allow hospitals to deny abortions to pregnant women who would die without the care.

Since Pence became governor of Indiana in 2013, he has signed multiple anti-abortion bills into law, including a measure that prohibits private insurance providers from offering abortion coverage. Under his leadership in 2015, Indiana experienced a devastating HIV outbreak, which was exacerbated by the closure of a Planned Parenthood clinic that was the only HIV testing center in the county. The clinic had closed due to Pence’s cuts to Planned Parenthood’s funding.

in March, Pence signed one of the worst anti-abortion omnibus bills in the country into law. Among other things, it requires doctors to offer women the “remains” of the fetus after an abortion.

Indiana women were so frustrated with Pence’s apparent preoccupation with their reproductive organs this year that they started a “Periods for Pence” campaign, giving him details of their menstrual cycles. One woman even invited Pence to her gynecologist appointment.

Not surprisingly, anti-abortion advocates cheered the news of Trump’s likely pick on Thursday.

More: Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

Just another anti-choice anti-women religious nut. Just another deranged teabagger lunatic.
He opposed baby murder? I like him more and more.

Actually, he is in favor of letting children AND women get sick and die. Just look at what he said about Planned Parenthood.

Geeze Louise.... what a crock of Luddly Neddite.
Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

He once threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding.

When Republicans took over the House of Representatives in 2011, then-Rep. Pence authored the first bill to strip all federal money from Planned Parenthood. He then threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding in an interview on MSNBC.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards told Politico at the time that she had never seen a legislator go after the organization with as much intensity as Pence. “He’s the only one I know of who has been so completely obsessed with Planned Parenthood,” she said. “This just seems to be an enormous focus of his.”

“A Trump-Pence ticket should send a shiver down the spine of women in this country,” the group said in a statement Thursday. “Donald Trump just sent a message to the women of America: your health and your lives are not important.”

Also in 2011, Pence cosponsored the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act, a bill that would have required abortion providers to perform an ultrasound on a woman seeking abortion, regardless of whether it was medically necessary, and then describe the embryo in detail to her. He also cosponsored a bill that would have essentially redefined rape, prohibiting federal funds from paying for abortion except in cases of “forcible rape,” and a bill that would allow hospitals to deny abortions to pregnant women who would die without the care.

Since Pence became governor of Indiana in 2013, he has signed multiple anti-abortion bills into law, including a measure that prohibits private insurance providers from offering abortion coverage. Under his leadership in 2015, Indiana experienced a devastating HIV outbreak, which was exacerbated by the closure of a Planned Parenthood clinic that was the only HIV testing center in the county. The clinic had closed due to Pence’s cuts to Planned Parenthood’s funding.

in March, Pence signed one of the worst anti-abortion omnibus bills in the country into law. Among other things, it requires doctors to offer women the “remains” of the fetus after an abortion.

Indiana women were so frustrated with Pence’s apparent preoccupation with their reproductive organs this year that they started a “Periods for Pence” campaign, giving him details of their menstrual cycles. One woman even invited Pence to her gynecologist appointment.

Not surprisingly, anti-abortion advocates cheered the news of Trump’s likely pick on Thursday.

More: Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

Just another anti-choice anti-women religious nut. Just another deranged teabagger lunatic.
He opposed baby murder? I like him more and more.

Actually, he is in favor of letting children AND women get sick and die. Just look at what he said about Planned Parenthood and food stamps.

Not to mention vets, the elderly, handicapped - just the usual people the right hates.

I think he eats kittens too.
Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

He once threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding.

When Republicans took over the House of Representatives in 2011, then-Rep. Pence authored the first bill to strip all federal money from Planned Parenthood. He then threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding in an interview on MSNBC.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards told Politico at the time that she had never seen a legislator go after the organization with as much intensity as Pence. “He’s the only one I know of who has been so completely obsessed with Planned Parenthood,” she said. “This just seems to be an enormous focus of his.”

“A Trump-Pence ticket should send a shiver down the spine of women in this country,” the group said in a statement Thursday. “Donald Trump just sent a message to the women of America: your health and your lives are not important.”

Also in 2011, Pence cosponsored the Ultrasound Informed Consent Act, a bill that would have required abortion providers to perform an ultrasound on a woman seeking abortion, regardless of whether it was medically necessary, and then describe the embryo in detail to her. He also cosponsored a bill that would have essentially redefined rape, prohibiting federal funds from paying for abortion except in cases of “forcible rape,” and a bill that would allow hospitals to deny abortions to pregnant women who would die without the care.

Since Pence became governor of Indiana in 2013, he has signed multiple anti-abortion bills into law, including a measure that prohibits private insurance providers from offering abortion coverage. Under his leadership in 2015, Indiana experienced a devastating HIV outbreak, which was exacerbated by the closure of a Planned Parenthood clinic that was the only HIV testing center in the county. The clinic had closed due to Pence’s cuts to Planned Parenthood’s funding.

in March, Pence signed one of the worst anti-abortion omnibus bills in the country into law. Among other things, it requires doctors to offer women the “remains” of the fetus after an abortion.

Indiana women were so frustrated with Pence’s apparent preoccupation with their reproductive organs this year that they started a “Periods for Pence” campaign, giving him details of their menstrual cycles. One woman even invited Pence to her gynecologist appointment.

Not surprisingly, anti-abortion advocates cheered the news of Trump’s likely pick on Thursday.

More: Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade

Just another anti-choice anti-women religious nut. Just another deranged teabagger lunatic.
He opposed baby murder? I like him more and more.

Actually, he is in favor of letting children AND women get sick and die. Just look at what he said about Planned Parenthood and food stamps.

Not to mention vets, the elderly, handicapped - just the usual people the right hates.

Now you're just lying

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