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Military, Government, Architects, Engineers, Scientists, DON'T believe 9/11 story

David Heller, BS Physics, M.Arch – Architect and Builder.

"While none of the many 9-11 researchers knows exactly what happened on that fateful day in September almost 3 years ago, any sensible person can easily spot dozens of inconsistencies in the official story that is being forced upon us.

And these inconsistencies are huge. They range from the apparent stand-down of our immense military arsenal (for over an hour and a half) to the small hole and lack of debris at the Pentagon. There was Bush's bizarre, uninterrupted photo op in a Florida elementary school, and then there is the matter of the remains of Flight 93 being scattered over eight miles of Pennsylvania farmland, a fact which suggests the plane may have been shot down. The official story seems wrong on all of these points. ...

And the fact is, most of the available 9-11 evidence points to at least some level of government complicity or foreknowledge.

Please, read more for yourself. Don't take my word for it. Most of all, do not buy the double-speak that visible politicians and the media use to discount any question about 9-11."

"I've been in the building trades for 28 years. I have hands on experience with concrete and steel and know their characteristics well. Though not an engineer, I do have a degree in physics from Bard College and a Masters of Architecture from San Francisco Institute of Architecture.

You cannot have a building simultaneously show no resistance (free fall speed of collapse) and show massive resistance (pulverizing concrete as WTC falls into itself). A 9th grade physics student could figure that out."
Chester W. Gearhart, BS CE, PE (ret) – Retired Civil Engineer for the City of Kansas City, MO.

"I have watched the construction of many large buildings and also have personally witnessed 5 controlled demolitions in KC [Kansas City]. When I saw the towers fall on 9/11 I knew something was wrong and my first instinct was that it was impossible. When I saw [WTC] building 7 fall I knew it was a CD [Controlled Demolition]. Why was there so many video cameras aimed at B7 when it fell if it was unexpected? Some coincidence. I have been studying this subject since it happened. I can find no evidence that any of the official story, even events other than the 3 [WTC] buildings, makes any sense or is even possible."
Nelson L. Johnson, M.Arch, PE – Licensed Architect and Licensed Professional Civil Engineer, State of California

"By 9/12 I was convinced that there was something 'fishy' about the 'collapse' of the WTC. I learned about progressive collapse from my engineering professors at Columbia, and I found it hard to imagine that the Twin Towers could have failed in that way. They were specifically designed to resist impact and load applied by the collision of a Boeing 707 jet. The buildings appeared to have been destroyed by an engineered demolition. When I articulated my suspicions, however, I was met with derision. I have continued, however, in my conviction that the buildings were intentionally destroyed."
Fred Robinson – Licensed Architect, State of Texas. Licensed architect for over 20 years.

"I want to know the truth about the collapse of the World Trade Centers."
Andrew Rasmussen, BS Eng – Project Engineer for the seismic retrofit of the Golden State Freeway. Experienced in heavy construction, earth work, advanced waste water treatment, grading and drainage design.

"I'm very interested to hear from professional hi-rise engineers that believe the 3 buildings could have collapsed without the use of explosives. It seems very clear from the direct and indirect documentation, that the explosives were the cause of the near free fall demolition."
Andrew McClure, B.Arch – Architect

"I have amounted the denial of the true reasons for the WTC buildings' collapse in the architecture and engineering field to a simple emotional unwillingness to examine the facts.

If you know the collapse times, if you know what fireproofing is, if you know how little fireproofing would be "knocked off" by the plane crashes (comparatively in terms of the whole building size), if you have a comprehension of steel and concrete strength and what would happen in a true failure, if you know EXACTLY how these towers were built--you would know that is absolutely impossible that the WTC buildings collapsed due to fire caused by airline crashes.

Again, the denial of the true reasons for the WTC buildings' collapse in the architecture and engineering field must be amounted to a simple emotional unwillingness to examine the facts--and I have met many deniers."
Mitchell Scott Stein, MS CE, PE – Licensed Professional Engineer, State of Texas.

"None of WTC 1, WTC 2, or WTC 7 could have fallen in the duration in took them to fall (on the order of 10 seconds), virtually directly downward, UNLESS the majority of their many key supporting structural elements on EACH FLOOR were 100% ineffective, or nearly 100% ineffective, and such a situation seems virtually 100% IMPLAUSIBLE, unless there was some sort of configuration for a controlled demolition in place PRIOR TO the planes hitting WTC 1 and WTC 2."
David Scott, AMICE, CEng, MIStructE – Consulting Structural Engineer. Founding director of a structural and architectural design practice in Perthshire, Scotland. 20 years experience in building design.

"Near-freefall collapse violates laws of physics. Fire induced collapse is not consistent with observed collapse mode. Lack of aircraft debris at Pentagon site leaves official story in tatters."
Jill Hacker, MS CE – Former Licensed Professional Engineer, State of New York. Employee of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1983 to 1996.

"The true story of the defining event of our era — 9/11 — should be known.

The notion that the towers' disintegration was caused by the impact of airplanes is not consistent with the law of conservation of energy. If the energy of collapse went into keeping the collapse going, then there had to be another source of energy — the energy that destroyed the buildings' structures and pulverized the concrete floors and all the buildings' contents."
Larry Dodge, B.Arch – Licensed Architect, State of California

"Skeptical of symmetrical and rapid collapse of towers and lack of credible description of cause of collapse. Doubts of the credibility of the whole public story of 9/11 - spent hours on the web trying to understand the specifics of the event: time lines, the actions surrounding 9/11 both before and after, evidence presented or lack thereof. The more I looked the more skeptical I have become."
John C. Link, M.Arch – Licensed Architect, State of California

"It is impossible for the lightest 'upper' part of a building to plow through the strongest 'lower' section through the force of gravity alone."
Sonne R. Idelshon, B.Arch – Retired Licensed Architect, State of California.

"Professional analysis of evidence presented herein leads to the obvious conclusion that the Federal 9/11 Commission's Report was outrageously inadequate."
Stephen A. Bourne, B.Arch – Licensed Architect, States of Washington and California.

"I have almost 20 years experience in construction of concrete, steel and masonry structures as architect / designer, construction manager, and project manager for several development corporations and construction companies on the west coast.

I have to ask myself, "Why didn't I see this earlier?" With even my limited understanding of physics and building demolition, it should have been completely obvious from watching the original event that the theories presented by the mass media machine we are all plugged into were baloney. It is never too late to find the truth."
Nathan S. Lomba, BS CE, PE, SE, M.ASCE – Licensed Professional Civil Engineer, State of California. Licensed Professional Civil and Structural Engineer, State of Idaho. Experience ranges from custom residential to heavy industrial structures. Major project involvements include: Lead civil/structural engineer on a $700 million project for the U.S. Air Force; structural design engineer for a 41,000 sq. ft. Pulp Machine Building; and Resident Engineer on a 550 MW Natural-gas fired power plant. Member, American Concrete Institute (ACI). Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Charter Member, Structural Engineering Institute (SEI). Professional Member, American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). 39 years experience.

"I began having doubts about, so called, official explanations for the collapse of the WTC towers soon after the explanations surfaced. The gnawing question that lingers in my mind is: How did the structures collapse in near symmetrical fashion when the apparent precipitating causes were asymmetrical loading? The collapses defies common logic from an elementary structural engineering perspective. “If” you accept the argument that fire protection covering was damaged to such an extent that structural members in the vicinity of the aircraft impacts were exposed to abnormally high temperatures, and “if” you accept the argument that the temperatures were high enough to weaken the structural framing, that still does not explain the relatively concentric nature of the failures.

Neither of the official precipitating sources for the collapses, namely the burning aircraft, were centered within the floor plan of either tower; both aircraft were off-center when they finally came to rest within the respective buildings. This means that, given the foregoing assumptions, heating and weakening of the structural framing would have been constrained to the immediate vicinity of the burning aircraft. Heat transmission (diffusion) through the steel members would have been irregular owing to differing sizes of the individual members; and, the temperature in the members would have dropped off precipitously the further away the steel was from the flames—just as the handle on a frying pan doesn't get hot at the same rate as the pan on the burner of the stove. These factors would have resulted in the structural framing furthest from the flames remaining intact and possessing its full structural integrity, i.e., strength and stiffness.

Structural steel is highly ductile, when subjected to compression and bending it buckles and bends long before reaching its tensile or shear capacity. Under the given assumptions, “if” the structure in the vicinity of either burning aircraft started to weaken, the superstructure above would begin to lean in the direction of the burning side. The opposite, intact, side of the building would resist toppling until the ultimate capacity of the structure was reached, at which point, a weak-link failure would undoubtedly occur. Nevertheless, the ultimate failure mode would have been a toppling of the upper floors to one side—much like the topping of a tall redwood tree—not a concentric, vertical collapse.

For this reason alone, I rejected the official explanation for the collapse of the WTC towers out of hand. Subsequent evidence supporting controlled, explosive demolition of the two buildings are more in keeping with the observed collapse modalities and only serve to validate my initial misgivings as to the causes for the structural failures. "
Thomas N. Burnham, M.Arch – Licensed Architect, State of California. Architect with over 20 years experience in office building design and construction including high rise structures.

"Since the first time I saw the building collapse on TV, I thought the collapse looked like a controlled demolition."
Michael A Minor II, B.Arch Eng – Project Engineer / Manager. Former Field Engineer. 14 years experience. Fire Investigator since 2004. Member, National Association of Fire Investigators.

"Responded to New York about two weeks after 9/11 to help with response in city. Went to the WTC site, was not allowed in the perimeter with a camera, did get a couple of shots of steel being carried out on the trucks. Did get some pics of building from a distance.

Believe there is more to meet the eye with this. As a disabled Marine Corps vet, having served in the first Gulf War, I want to know the truth. Did I inadvertently help achieve some agenda other than upholding our constitution?"
Dennis J. Kollar, PE – Structural Engineer. Licensed Professional Engineer, State of Wisconsin.

"For me the most convincing aspect that the 911 collapse was a controlled demolition is the recorded explosions on the 9/11 Eyewitness DVD. The explosions, along with the uniformity and totality of the collapses, when added to the 100's of so-called coincidences on, before and after that day, add up to more evidence of a Government involved crime than has convicted most people in our prisons today."
Curtiss Lee Palin, MS Eng, PE – Licensed Professional Engineer, State of Colorado.

"I thought from the first time that I saw the buildings fall that there is no way that all three of those buildings could come straight down as they did. Things just don't happen like that in the real world. Maybe one building, but not all three in such a perfect manner."
David C. Avina, BS ME – Project Construction Manager. 15 years of heavy utility and industrial construction experience. 5 years of operations experience. 10 years of project engineer experience in the construction of large utility power plants and industrial process facilities. Experienced with all phases of construction practices and procedures from demolition, civil, structural, mechanical electrical controls, and through startup and commissioning.

"Based upon the analysis of the telecast video reports, interviews of on site personnel and witness testimony, including that of the building lease holder and also those other reports provided by independent engineering observations, I am of the firm understanding that the collapse of the World Trade buildings 1, 2, and 7 were not caused by a plane impact, nor was this collapse caused by a fire from the fuel from the alleged plane impacts."
James W. Broadbent, M.Arch – Project Manager and Designer

"There is clearly enough doubt about the facts that a new investigation should begin. Especially considering the two wars that followed, with 9/11 as a pretext."

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