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Military, Government, Architects, Engineers, Scientists, DON'T believe 9/11 story

Ken Reiner – Engineer, inventor, and entrepreneur. Co-founder, Kaynar Manufacturing, Inc., acquired by Fairchild in 1999. Billions of one of his inventions, a simple self-locking nut, are used in 90% of the airplanes in the world. Founding member of the The Alliance for Democracy.

"I've learned that there's no question that this government, that we have perpetrated the 9/11 event. I know as an engineer that steel buildings do not melt inside of an hour's time and even if they did -- got soft spots or whatever due to whatever it is -- there's no way to bring them down in a free-falling condition. And on 9/11, three tremendous structures, three powerful steel structures came down in 10 seconds or less. Just like that.

That can only be done by a demolition process; implosions, which are very dramatic and so on. But implosions are things you have to plan well in advance. And you have to have access to all parts of the buildings which are going to be imploded. And so you'll have to go through security systems and so on. And it has to be, really, a conspiracy to bring down a building by that method, which is inhabited by thousands of people. And yet, that is exactly what happened. ...

I believe that the 9/11 event has now been exposed by so many, many people; ... David Ray Griffin, ... Steven Jones and many others have destroyed the myth really of 9/11 being an incident caused by foreign elements. So this country really has never been attacked and there is no terrorists that we need to fight against other than the those in Washington, D.C."

"By late 2003, after seeing, on the internet, questions of the validity of our government's claims that 9/11 was the basis for both pre-emptive attacks, on Afghanistan then Iraq, and hearing that there were no Arabs on any of the passenger manifests; that the usually instant Air Force probe of flights going astray was never performed until much too late (could there have been a "stand-down"?); that tremendous Put options were placed on American and United Airlines stock yielding millions of dollars of profits to insiders who seemingly knew which Airlines were going to lose their aircraft, (none of which was ever investigated by the government, I became increasingly suspicious of the government's stories. ...

With such powerful suspicions I decided to attend the first skeptics meeting in San Francisco, and from the information gleaned there, attended the follow-up meetings in Toronto, Washington D.C., Los Angeles and finally Chicago, each time learning of more significant facts which left me to conclude that, beyond all doubt, key members within our own government and key agencies created, even if they may not have performed, they planned and tactically perpetrated psy-op operation of 9/11 ..."
Heikki Kurttila, D.Sc. (Tech.) (Doctor of Technology) – Safety Engineer and Accident Analyst, National Safety Technology Authority (TUKES), Finland. Specialist in the investigation of pressure vessel explosion accidents and the impacts of the shock waves caused by them. 30 years experience.

Analysis of the collapse of WTC Building 7,

"Conclusion: The observed collapse time of WTC 7 was 6.5 seconds. That is only half a second longer than it would have taken for the top of the building to fall to the ground in a vacuum, and half a second shorter than the falling time of an apple when air resistance is taken into account. ... The great speed of the collapse and the low value of the resistance factor strongly suggest controlled demolition."

"WTC Tower 1, 2 and 7 could not have collapsed by fires the way we saw without extra auxiliaries, as for example, explosives. NIST could not have explained the collapses at all and it has left the 'official' explanations to private persons who have failed, too. The last attempt was done by Dr. Seffen from Cambridge University (UK) , but his paper can be debunked to be false."
Erk Erginer, MSc ME, PhD Metallurgy – Retired Manufacturing Engineer. Research and Development in Explosive Forming of Steel Pre-forms. Design and production of castings and forgings in industry. Prior to retirement, served in Production Plant Management.

"I am convinced beyond any shadow of doubt that:

1. NORAD could not have been rendered worthless by anyone or any organization but persons in or close to the U.S. government.

2. No passenger plane hit the Pentagon.

3. The two towers could not have come down in near-free fall speed if explosives were not scientifically planted and distributed throughout the structures and sequentially exploded through computer control. Explosions occurred ahead of the advancing debris so that the near-free fall speed can be achieved.

4. The 9/11 wars and war
David Wayne Nicholson, BS ME – Retired Mechanical Engineer with experience in the nuclear, automotive, aerospace and pharmaceutical industries designing and developing new and novel machinery and equipment. 37-year career. Former Senior Project Engineer designing and developing specialized mechanical equipment for Eli Lilly and Co (23 years). Former Project Engineer at Battelle Memorial Institute doing classified government research involving seals, wear, nuclear fuel encapsulations and nuclear damage estimations (5 years). Former Engineer at Detroit Diesel Allison (GMC) designing large high temperature test equipment for temperature studies of gas turbine blades and other jet engine parts (5 years). Former Instructor of Machine Design at Indiana University and Purdue University.

"I worked in the nuclear, automotive, aerospace and pharmaceutical industries concentrating on the design of machinery. Some of my equipment contained 3,000 degree F gases that were used to test gas turbine components.

My professional experience with metals in high temperature environments convinced me that the three buildings could not have been demolished with jet fuel fires."
Christopher Edward Lyon, BS ME, MS EE, PE – Licensed Professional Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, State of Washington. Over 15 years engineering experience.

"I have been active in spreading the truth about 9/11 for over three years. An analysis of the videos and photos of 9/11 show that explosives had to be utilized in the demolition of all three buildings. The government's story violates the laws of physics and must thus be false. I have personally been calling for a new 9/11 commission for the past two years."
Anthony Szamboti, BS ME – Mechanical Design Engineer with over 20 years experience in the Aerospace and Communications industries. Responsible for designing a large variety of structures required to perform in dynamic environments.

"I am a mechanical engineer who grew up and went to school in the Philadelphia area. I am also a U.S. Navy veteran. I watched the Twin Towers fall live at work after a number of us went to the cafeteria, during a design review break, after hearing about the second plane hit. Due to my training I have a very good appreciation for static and dynamic forces. While watching the towers fall I had a lot of trouble understanding how they could have collapsed so quickly. It turns out they came down at near free fall speed. I also could never really understand the complete collapse of the third building which fell in NYC that day, WTC Bldg. 7, which was not hit by a plane. ...

Since the events of Sept. 11, 2001 have been used to justify the two wars we are currently involved in and the overall "war on terror", I believe it is incumbent on all of us to scrutinize these events. It turns out that the 911 Commission Report does not even mention the collapse of Bldg. 7, nor do they mention the oral histories of the firefighters and emergency personnel taken down by the NY fire commissioner in late 2001 and early 2002. These oral histories were sealed by mayors Giuliani and Bloomberg and only released after three court attempts by the 911 victims families and the NY Times when the NY State Court of Appeals forced them to be released in August 2005. It turns out that in these oral histories there is quite a bit of mention of seeing, hearing, and feeling explosions in the towers while they were collapsing."

"My intent here is to show that any honest and objective look at all of the theories, for the destruction of the twin towers, including the present government explanation, will cause one to realize that only the controlled demolition hypothesis is sustainable. I believe an honest look at the evidence will convince anyone that the controlled demolition hypothesis provides the best explanation for the complete collapses of the towers, as well as the damage to the buildings and objects surrounding them. The remarkable collapse of WTC7 seems to have had a separate cause in its own controlled demolition. "

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:
"After watching the twin tower collapses live I wondered to myself where all of the energy came from to cause such rapid collapses.

At the time I did not know how the buildings were designed and also heard a few days later about a civil engineering professor saying there was a 30g dynamic load. This was probably Dr. Bazant of Northwestern University. I somewhat accepted this but still wondered.

After hearing about Dr. Steven Jones bringing up issues with molten metal in the rubble in early 2006, I decided I should read his paper. I found it on the Internet and after reading it started looking much harder at those collapses myself.

Unfortunately, there is little doubt that the collapses were caused by controlled demolitions and it appears the aircraft impacts were causal ruses."
Gordon Ross, BSc ME, M.Eng – Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineer.

"The NIST enquiry into the destruction of the WTC towers purported to be an examination of the physical evidence. The final report includes commentary upon much of the physical evidence available from this examination but concentrates upon the time period prior to the onset of the collapse. The report does not go into much detail of the period of the collapse itself but instead relies upon the theoretical work of Dr. Bazant, to argue that once collapse was initiated then total collapse was inevitable. ...

The short cut taken by NIST in relying upon this theoretical work, allowed them to avoid a continuation of their examination to include the physical evidence available from the collapse. Such a continuation would have shown many points of evidence which cannot be readily explained by a collapse whose initiation and progression was caused as a result of aircraft impact and subsequent fires. It does however allow the authors of the NIST Journal of 9/11 Studies 44 May 2007 report to pass responsibility to Dr. Bazant for this, the most important part of the investigation.

A theory which can be so easily refuted is not an adequate foundation on which to rest the conclusions of a report on an event with such far reaching global consequences.

But since NIST relies upon the work of Dr. Bazant to justify their assertion that collapse, once initiated, would inevitably progress to ground level, this refutation of Dr. Bazant's work and theory also serves as a refutation of this most crucial part of the NIST report."
Dennis Bricker, MS Mathematics, MS Industrial Eng, PhD Industrial Eng – Professor Emeritus, Industrial Engineering, University of Iowa 1974 - 2004. Visiting Professor: Dept. of Business Administration, Bethlehem University, Palestine; Dept. of Industrial Engineering, American University of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia; School of Logistics Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China; Dept. of Business, LCC International University (formerly Lithuania Christian College), Klaipeda, Lithuania; Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Pohang Institute of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Korea; Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan. Author and co-author of numerous journal articles on industrial engineering and operations research.
Signatory: War Is Illegal Petition 12/07, which states:

"Against a background of escalating ecological crises, and the fact that large parts of the world´s population are being exposed to extreme poverty, inhuman working conditions and increasing social tensions, the annual global military expenditure has risen to more than 1,000 billion dollars.

The military-industrial complex of just a few G8 countries is responsible for the overwhelming part of this spending, causing incalculable social and ecological consequences.

Unequal distribution of global resources, increasingly controlled by large multinational companies, global debt policy and unfair international trading practices ultimately could not be maintained without military security. In many countries the military is used to repress critical opposition.

The terror attacks of September 11, 2001 are increasingly used to justify systematic surveillance and the dismantling of constitutional rights. [Bold added for emphasis by Editor of this website.] Even European countries have helped to establish Guantanomo-like secret prisons, where torture in all probability takes place.

Iraq was attacked based on falsified evidence causing the death of hundreds of thousands of people, widespread destruction, destabilization and contamination with cancer-causing depleted uranium munitions.

Now plans to attack Iran and the possibility of a new World War have been made public, meeting resistance even from moderate elements within the military due to the unforeseeable consequences.

Faced with the choice between a war, that according to some western leaders, will last for many years or a possible peaceful transformation we support the following demands: ...

International investigation of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. They are used as the central justification for the "War on Terror", but well documented evidence shows that the official explanation of 9/11 cannot be correct. International personalities in science, politics, and culture, including high-ranking military veterans, have called for a new investigation."
Christopher Hahn, PE – Licensed Professional Engineer, State of Illinois. Mechanical Engineer with over 15 years of experience. Also Structural Engineering Intern in Illinois with experience in industrial steel structures.

"The collapses do not add up. Even with manipulated models, getting the results they have tried to show seems impossible."
Kirk G. Miller, BA, BS IE – Former Manufacturing Engineer. Retired commercial airline pilot, Delta Airlines. Aircraft flown: Boeing 727, 737, 757, 767, Lockheed L-1011. Former U.S. Coast Guard pilot. Aircraft flown: Grumman HU-16 Albatross. Professional pilot for 37 years.

"HIDE Air Traffic Control radar tapes. HIDE major airliner crash reports (NTSB). HIDE NORAD tapes. Give me a break, these guys in power are guilty of high treason. ... "
Jeffrey G. Strahl, BS ME – Mechanical Engineer. Student Affairs Advisor, School of Engineering, University of California at Berkeley.

"I have a degree in mechanical engineering (CCNY, 1970, 3.47 GPA, 3.6 in my major), and have for many years worked for the UC Berkeley School of Engineering, doing workshops in second year calculus, the foundation of engineering and physical sciences. ...

Analyses by Jim Hoffman, Kevin Ryan, and others have been very careful to state that the temps were not hot enough to even WEAKEN steel, LET ALONE "melt it", and quite specific that the OS [Official Story] is that of WEAKENING, not melting, at least after the first day or two. Your claim is the one made in the Scientific American article by Michael Shermer supposedly debunking "conspiracy stories" from a year ago, an article thoroughly debunked by Jim Hoffman

Indeed, the very title of the SciAm article, Fahrenheit 2777, is based upon a falsehood, as 911research never used that figure, as claimed by Shermer.

In fact, experiments done by Corus Construction in Britain were not capable of producing temps higher than 680 degrees F in fossil fuel fires set in steel and concrete structures, even with furniture and computers and....

And the NIST investigation, also discussed by Hoffman in a home page essay, could not find any evidence of temps higher than 500 deg F, way below the 1170 level." Mindfully.org
Arnold B. Walker, BS (Tool & Manufacturing Technology) – Retired Mechanical Engineer for General Electric. Worked in areas associated with manufacturing, metallurgy, nuclear and structural.

"Never did make sense to me that the collapse took place symmetrically. Having experience with exothermic reactions while working at Hanford [Nuclear Reactor] in Washington State, and the melting temperature of steel, the clincher for me was not only the diagonal cuts in the columns but the molten steel at the bottom of the rubble. A person has to be total stupid or in denial to accept the official account of the collapse of all three [WTC] buildings."
Capt. Daniel Davis, U.S. Army – Turbine engineering specialist. Founder and former CEO of Turbine Technology Services Corp., a turbine (jet engine) services and maintenance company (15 years). Former Senior Manager at General Electric Turbine (jet) Engine Division (15 years). Former U.S. Army Air Defense Officer and NORAD Tac Director. Decorated with the Bronze Star and the Soldiers Medal for bravery under fire and the Purple Heart for injuries sustained in Viet Nam. Also served in the Army Air Defense Command as Nike Missile Battery Control Officer for the Chicago-Milwaukee Defense Area. Private pilot.

"As a former General Electric Turbine engineering specialist and manager and then CEO of a turbine engineering company, I can guarantee that none of the high tech, high temperature alloy engines on any of the four planes that crashed on 9/11 would be completely destroyed, burned, shattered or melted in any crash or fire. Wrecked, yes, but not destroyed. Where are all of those engines, particularly at the Pentagon? If jet powered aircraft crashed on 9/11, those engines, plus wings and tail assembly, would be there.

Additionally, in my experience as an officer in NORAD as a Tactical Director for the Chicago-Milwaukee Air Defense and as a current private pilot, there is no way that an aircraft on instrument flight plans (all commercial flights are IFR) would not be intercepted when they deviate from their flight plan, turn off their transponders, or stop communication with Air Traffic Control. No way! With very bad luck, perhaps one could slip by, but no there's no way all four of them could!

Finally, going over the hill and highway and crashing into the Pentagon right at the wall/ground interface is nearly impossible for even a small slow single engine airplane and no way for a 757. Maybe the best pilot in the world could accomplish that but not these unskilled "terrorists".

Attempts to obscure facts by calling them a "Conspiracy Theory" does not change the truth. It seems, "Something is rotten in the State."
Robert J. Walter, SB ME (MIT equivalent of BS ME), PE – Retired Licensed Professional Engineer, State of Connecticut. Experience included project and design engineering of fuel controls for gas turbine engines, specifically the General Electric T58 and Pratt &Whitney J58 engines. The T58 engine powered the Sikorsky SH-3 Sea King anti-submarine helicopter, the Boeing CH-46 Sea Knight assault transport (heavily used by the U.S. Marine Corps), the Kaman SH-2 Seasprite Light Airborne Multi-Purpose System (LAMPS), and specific models of the Bell UH-1 "Huey" helicopter. J58 engine applications include the SR-71 Blackbird ultra supersonic (Mach 3.2), high altitude surveillance aircraft and other high performance aircraft. Additional engineering experience included machine design, electric and pneumatic logic control system design, and formal reliability analysis and quality control.

"To my mind, consideration of only the collapse of the 3 towers is necessary and sufficient concern that 911 is fishy, a hoax.

I have seen the videos of the collapses of the towers and read the various comments as to the cause.

I am convinced (i.e. I know) they were controlled demolitions and that thermite was used.

Do you tell me I am not qualified to judge this circumstance! It's not a matter of esoteric science; its a matter of mundane engineering physics. And that is my field.

I am SBME MIT '57 [Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering] having ME major in materials and minor in automatic control. Further, I have done reliability analysis and probabilistic design analysis as pertains to structures and equipment. I know how to think and calculate in this area. ...

I am certain of the controlled demolitions. And beg the case you should be too --- for the reason I am telling you it is true."

Statement in support of Architects and Engineers petition:

"To the best of my knowledge and belief, the WTC towers collapsed due to controlled demolition.
Hans Peter Piet Feddersen, Dipl. Ing. – Retired Agricultural Engineer, specialist in agricultural machinery. For the 18 years prior to retirement, worked on sustainable energy systems and management at the University of Flensburg.

"There is no big question left how the buildings of the world trade center fell. I thank AE911truth for the answers, but it is essential that the world gets to know whom was responsible and take action against this crime."
Karl Joerger, BS ME – Mechanical Design Engineer. 10 years experience in mechanical product design primarily in advanced weapons and sensor development.

"1. WTC 1 & 2 collapse at or above free fall speed.

2. WTC 7 collapse with no aircraft impact and sparse fire damage.

3. Aircraft was 0.04% of total building mass. Conservation of momentum, energy and angular momentum should back this up.

4. Too much more to list."
Brian Wright, BS ME – Technical Consultant. Former aerospace design engineer, automotive product engineer, and biomechanical project engineer.

"One does not need to be an engineer to understand that contradictions cannot exist. If the pancake theory is true then we should sure have seen some pancakes, not pulverized concrete and steel. Further, buildings such as WTC 7 do not spontaneously collapse because they're depressed about losing their neighbors."
Erwin De Jong, MS Mechanical and Structural Eng – Aerospace and Structural Engineer.

"From a technical point of view it is not explainable that a steel structure sinks down into its own footprint with obviously no resistance after intense fires or even a plane crash."
Daryl Travnicek, BS ME, MS Math – Operations Research Analyst. Software Engineer. Former Professor of Mathematics and Statistics. SAS Administrator/Analyst.

"Those 3 buildings did not 'collapse' - they disintegrated. I deeply respect the research that Drs. Steven Jones, David Griffin & Judy Wood, and the many other tireless researchers that have helped in exploring (and exhausting) the range of possibilities, thereby exposing the true nature of what actually took place on 9/11/01."

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