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Military, Government, Architects, Engineers, Scientists, DON'T believe 9/11 story

Douglas Claude Rhodes, BS Arch – Architect, Certified Member, NCARB

"An independent investigation must be done as there are so many questions about the collapse and inherent cover-up of information relating to the world trade center before and after the collapse."
Oliver William Purcell, B.Arch, AIA Emeritus – Retired Architect. In private practice for 15 years. Employed by the US Government for 20 years. Teaching, 4 years.

"It makes me sick to think that there people in our own country who would do this. It had to be an inside job."
First I would like to say the BOTH my brothers are high ranking military officers...

I have owned a steel framing construction company for over 10yrs...

This is why I question 9/11 and want a new and independent investigation...

I am going to show well documented statements from many prominent people with disturbing things to say about 9/11....

Major General Albert Stubblebine, U.S. Army (ret) – Former Commanding General of U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, 1981 - 1984. Also commanded the U.S. Army’s Electronic Research and Development Command and the U.S. Army’s Intelligence School and Center. Former head of Imagery Interpretation for Scientific and Technical Intelligence. 32-year Army career.

Member, Military Intelligence Hall of Fame.
Video interview 6/28/09:

General Stubblebine: I am Major General Albert Stubblebine. I am retired Army Major-General. In my last assignment -- my last command -- I was responsible for all of the Army's strategic intelligence forces around the world. I had responsibility for the Signals Intelligence, Photo Intelligence, Counter Intelligence, Human Intelligence. They all belonged to me, in my last assignment. …

I was supposed to find out what the enemy was doing, before the enemy did it so that we could take action against the enemy. That's Intelligence, OK, before the fact. So, we always -- always -- rely not on a single piece of data, before we make a statement, but on multiple and the more pieces of data that you have that correlate, the better you know exactly what is going on. …

So I have had a lot of experience looking at photographs. I have looked at many, many different kinds of photographs, from many, many different platforms on many, many different countries, around the world.

Interviewer: OK. So on September the 11th, in 2001, what hit the Pentagon?

General Stubblebine: I don't know exactly what hit it, but I do know, from the photographs that I have analyzed and looked at very, very carefully, it was not an airplane.

Interviewer: What made you believe that?

General Stubblebine: Well, for one thing, if you look at the hole that was made in the Pentagon, the nose penetrated far enough so that there should have been wing marks on the walls of the Pentagon. I have been unable to find those wing marks. So where were they? Did this vessel -- vehicle, or whatever it was -- have wings? Apparently not, because if it had had wings, they would have made marks on the side of the Pentagon.

One person counteracted my theory, and said, "Oh, you've got it all wrong. And the reason that it's wrong is that as the airplane came across, one wing tipped down and hit the ground and broke off." I said, "Fine, that's possible, one wing could have broken off." But if I understand airplanes correctly, most airplanes have two wings. I haven't met an airplane with only one wing. So where was the mark for the second wing? OK, one broke off -- there should have been a mark for the second wing. I could not find that in any of the photographs that I've analyzed. Now I've been very careful to not say what went in there. Why? Because you don't have that evidence. …

I did -- I've never believed that it was an airplane since I've looked at the photographs. Up until the time I looked at the photographs, I accepted what was being said. After I looked at it -- NO WAY! …

We pride ourselves with the "free press." I do not believe the "free press" is free any more. It's very expensive. It's very expensive. And the press is saying what they have been told to say about this.

Now, do I have proof of that? No. But I believe that what is being -- what certainly the -- the stories that were told -- all about 9/11 were false. I mean, you take a look at the buildings falling down. They didn't fall down because airplanes hit them. They fell down because of explosives went off inside. Demolition. Look at Building 7, for God's sake. It didn't fall down to its side. It didn't fall to this direction or that direction; just like the two Towers. …

When you look at the temperatures that you can create with fuel in a gas tank or a fuel tank of an airplane, and then you investigate the amount of heat that would be required to melt -- to melt -- the superstructure of the buildings that came tumbling down, when you put all of that together, the one thing that shows; It does not match the facts. What is it they do not want the public to know?

Nobody cares.
Andrea Walhof-Grisham, BS Arch – Architect. Member, Organization of Women Architects. Member, Sierra Green Building Association.

"From the first moment I saw the footage on TV on the day off 9/11/2001, I was suspicious about the complete collapse off these buildings, looking like a demolition site. I do not trust this government, and am convinced they could have planned all of it. I don't believe in Terrorism, but in terrorizing us in fear."
C. Matthew Taylor, B.Arch – Licensed Architect, State of South Carolina

"At first I could not believe that the world trade center buildings 1 and 2 were taken down by demolitions, but after doing my research, seeing several documentaries on general demolitions I began to compare the collapse of building 7 to the footage of normal building demolitions. As I continued to research the events of 9/11 it became clear to me that there needs to be a serious independent study of the events and the collapse of buildings 1, 2 and 7. Now, there is no question in my mind that all three building were taken down by controlled demolitions. One question that I did have in the following days of 9/11 was the statement that all steel was being sent to China, having grown up in a steel town in Ohio, I couldn't imagine that the steel would not have been kept for investigation."
Reed Simpson, M.Arch, Associate AIA – Experienced in residential and commercial construction, development, construction management, project management, and finance.

"This deed will not continue to go unpunished. The actual perpetrators will yet be brought to justice, and through this we can correct and adjust for our future. We the people can always handle the truth, yet most of those in power are proven irresponsible and cannot handle the truth, much less demand it. We demand an actual arms length technical investigation, outsourced to a truly independent commission, to follow to wherever the truth itself leads. We should also demand actual and thorough criminal investigations and prosecutions, starting with basic evidence from the crime scene itself."
Jeffrey S. Orling, B.Arch – Licensed Architect, State of New York

"I am not satisfied with the explanation given. The explanation raises more questions than it answers."
Earl H. Booth, BFA, B.Arch – Retired but currently Licensed Architect, State of Utah.

"Sept. 11, 2001, I knew something was terribly wrong as I watched the television reporting, and saw the towers collapse. Buildings do not collapse in that manner. I appreciate all the work by Dr. Steven Jones and others to help expose this terrible truth to the American people and the world."
Joseph V. Williams, B.Arch – Architect with experience in residential, retail, institutional, medical, educational, recreational, evangelical and governmental design.

"Part of the cover up lies in the design of buildings 1 and 2. The obvious "demolition style" collapse of building 7 is much harder to ascertain in buildings 1 and 2 because of their exterior structure. If the basement columns were intentionally sheared then the fall would have been masked by the vertical exterior lines of the structure moving vertically. This is an optical illusion impossible with buildings having standard windows or noticeable articulation. I've watched video of the collapse many times and it is impossible to tell if the floors pancaked, collapsed all the way down or if it had a demolition style collapse."
A.J. James Shieck – Architectural Technologist.

"I have serious problem with the way that WTC 7 fell. That the penthouse fell first and the fact that it came down in less then 7 seconds. Yet it was never mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report."
Lamont Langworthy, B.Arch – Licensed Architect, State of California. Sixty years practice in seven states. Experienced in commercial, multi-family, residential, and modular design. Author of Hillside Homes .

"The 3 WTC buildings collapsed very strangely. Why did WTC 7 even fall?

Kristen Kepner-Coleman, B.Arch – Architect.

"The evidence I have seen points to the structural 'failure' actually being a controlled demolition. My brief architectural experience has taught me that a lot of the media facts just cannot be so considering the laws of physics. I feel a professional study of the collapses should be ordered immediately."
William D. Taylor, BS Engineering, PE – Licensed Professional Engineer, State of Florida.

"I remember back to September 11, 2001 when the towers fell how shocked I was to actually see them fall. Based on my knowledge of structures and seeing the fires in the buildings appear to subside, I figured that the buildings would be salvageable. As many did, I did not question what I saw. However, when I woke up and researched further years later, I confirmed my initial gut feeling that the official story was not accurate."
Daniel W. Richard, BS ChemE, PE – Retired Licensed Professional Civil Engineer, State of Arizona.

"I accepted the government's conspiracy story as given out by the main stream media and did not give much if any thought to it until a neighbor on March 1, 2006 brought me a story from the Deseret Morning News in SLC, Utah.

It was dated 1-28-06. I contacted the journalist and asked if there were any other stories and she sent me two others. After reading them and finally thinking about it and based on my engineering education and experience, I realized that we have been lied to and that there was a coverup. For instance if the floors pancaked and fell one on the other from the fires, which could not possibly melt and cut the steel, the 47 massive columns over a quarter mile high would still be standing!

There was no forensic investigation and the steel fell in lengths that could be loaded and trucked to the west coast and shipped to Asia. Also the 9/11 Commission report did not mention the 47 story WTC 7, which fell the afternoon that the two towers fell in the morning! A sure sign of a false report.

My opinion is that the 3 WTC buildings fell as a result of planted cutting charges - an inside job. Regarding the Pentagon I believe from the size of the hole in the ext. wall and lack of airplane debris, that it must have been a missile. As for the 4th plane that supposedly crashed near Shanksville, PA, there was only a smoking hole in the ground and all the debris was scattered over a very wide area so it must have been shot down."
Kevin M. Hoelscher, M.Arch – Architect

"As a graduate of a master's of architecture program, I have studied Newtonian Physics and the structural systems used in building construction.

Based on my knowledge of building systems, and based on the photographic evidence of the falling buildings, I would like the government to revisit the questions of how the buildings collapsed."
Chad Jones, B.Arch – Architectural intern.

"When I saw the events of 9/11, I was a senior in high school. At the time I did not know much about building construction in general, but I could not overcome the feeling that something was wrong about the collapses. I remember thinking how fortunate they were that the buildings did not fall over, killing more people in the process. However, after revisiting the events of 9/11 six years later, I have realized that there is much more that must be investigated and this investigation is of absolute importance, given the stakes of the outcome."
Ryan McEnroe, B.Arch – Architectural intern.

"I feel it is important as a student to know the exact reason why the buildings fell. as a future designer in the profession, these same mistakes need to be corrected."
J. Marx Ayres, BS ME, MS ME, PE – Mechanical Engineer with over 55 years experience. Mr. Ayres is a nationally recognized expert in building air conditioning design and analysis, energy conservation, thermal energy storage, commissioning of HVAC systems, and earthquake damage to building mechanical systems.

Mr. Ayres is a former member of the California Seismic Safety Commission and former member of the National Institute of Sciences Building Safety Council. He also served on the State of California Department of Health Building Safety Board, where he was Chairman of the Mechanical/Electrical Subcommittee. Mr. Ayres has also served as a member of the Building Code Advisory committees for the City of Los Angeles, the California Building Standards Committee, and the International Conference of Building Officials.

Co-founder of one of the largest building engineering firms in Los Angeles, Mr. Ayres has been in responsible charge of the design of hundreds of major building projects, including high rise offices, commercial centers, hospitals and laboratories, hotels and residential buildings, universities and colleges, schools, theaters and entertainment centers, jails and correctional facilities, TV and sound studios, governmental buildings and industrial facilities.

Former engineering officer, U.S. Navy. Also formerly Research Assistant, Purdue University. Teaching Assistant, Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley. Guest Lecturer, University of Southern California School of Architecture. Guest Lecturer, UCLA School of Architecture and Urban Planning. Author of over 40 technical papers and contributing author to three books on building design. For more details on Mr. Ayres career, please click here.

"I am a consulting mechanical engineer with over 55 years of experience in the design and construction of all types of buildings including high-rise office towers. I am an expert in heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and fire protection for buildings. I have authored 41 technical papers and I am a chapter author in 3 books covering HVAC systems, building and energy requirements, solar heating and cooling applications, thermal energy storage and earthquake damage to building nonstructural systems.
John Edward Anderson, BS ME, MS ME, PhD Astronautics, PE – Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota (23 years). Former Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Boston University (8 years). World-renowned expert on Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) systems analysis and design. Chaired four international conferences on PRT, lectured and gave courses widely in the U. S. and abroad on transit systems analysis and design. Founding President and Member, Board of Directors, Advanced Transit Association (ATRA). In his early career he worked for 12 years at the Honeywell Aeronautical Division on instrument design, autopilots, inertial navigation, and spacecraft development; and previously two years as an Aeronautical Research Scientist in the Structures Research Division, NASA, Langley Field, VA. Named Outstanding Inventor of 1989 for his patents on PRT. Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, cited for his work on PRT. Licensed Professional Engineer, State of Minnesota. Author and co-author of numerous journal articles on rapid transit system analysis and design. Author of Transit Systems Theory (1978), Magnetohydrodynamic Shock Waves (1963 M.I.T. Press).

"My own calculation showed that the buildings fell more quickly than possible considering momentum exchange in pancaking from floor to floor."

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