Military Historian Hammers Dick Cheney On Iraq

Former Vice President Dick Cheney's recent claims that President Obama is responsible for misleading people about the Iraq war has drawn disapproval from opponents including military historian Andrew Bacevich.

When Bacevich spoke with HuffPost Live's Josh Zeppson Thursday, he had harsh words for Cheney's Wall Street Journal op-ed:

I do have to say, that is genuine chutzpah to blame President Obama for misleading the American people given the quotes we have of Cheney, on the record, declaring that he knew, for sure, that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, knew for sure that Saddam was in cahoots with Al Qaeda -- all of that turning out to be nonsense.​

Watch the full conversation with Andrew Bacevich and the Iraq crisis below:

MORE: Andrew Bacevich Thinks Cheney's WSJ Op-Ed On The Iraq War Is 'Genuine Chutzpah'

Cheney's attempts to whitewash the deceitful Bush/Cheney years won't fool historians.

Cheney said that shit just to piss people off, Darth knows what he did better than anyone.

Seems you guys will never stop blaming all of your problems on Bush and Cheney.

Obama had it rough, and he turned it all to shit instead of doing the miracles he promised.

So who can the next guy blame?
two half truths make 1

Obama has lost more soldiers in Afghanistan than bush did ,,, Bush left and went to Iraq

Bush had more deaths in Iraq than Obama ... Obama left Iraq

in total for both Iraq and Afghanistan, Bush is by far the President with the most war casualties ..

theres the truth

The far left stopped counting in 2009 so how do you know?

Then again the far left have to justify their stance of backing Obama even though he is worse than Bush.

lucky for you the world isn't counting idiots.

Typical far left Obama drone response when they are force d to face the facts that are backing someone worse than Bush.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney's recent claims that President Obama is responsible for misleading people about the Iraq war has drawn disapproval from opponents including military historian Andrew Bacevich.

When Bacevich spoke with HuffPost Live's Josh Zeppson Thursday, he had harsh words for Cheney's Wall Street Journal op-ed:

I do have to say, that is genuine chutzpah to blame President Obama for misleading the American people given the quotes we have of Cheney, on the record, declaring that he knew, for sure, that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, knew for sure that Saddam was in cahoots with Al Qaeda -- all of that turning out to be nonsense.​

Watch the full conversation with Andrew Bacevich and the Iraq crisis below:

MORE: Andrew Bacevich Thinks Cheney's WSJ Op-Ed On The Iraq War Is 'Genuine Chutzpah'

Cheney's attempts to whitewash the deceitful Bush/Cheney years won't fool historians.

Cheney said that shit just to piss people off, Darth knows what he did better than anyone.

Seems you guys will never stop blaming all of your problems on Bush and Cheney.

Obama had it rough, and he turned it all to shit instead of doing the miracles he promised.

So who can the next guy blame?

The far left may stop blaming Bush by 2260.

They do not have a good track record, they try and bolster Clinton, but he had a Conservative Congress that kept him in check. That is why he let the whitewater scandal go out there to cover the fact he was working with the opposition.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney's recent claims that President Obama is responsible for misleading people about the Iraq war has drawn disapproval from opponents including military historian Andrew Bacevich.

When Bacevich spoke with HuffPost Live's Josh Zeppson Thursday, he had harsh words for Cheney's Wall Street Journal op-ed:

I do have to say, that is genuine chutzpah to blame President Obama for misleading the American people given the quotes we have of Cheney, on the record, declaring that he knew, for sure, that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, knew for sure that Saddam was in cahoots with Al Qaeda -- all of that turning out to be nonsense.​

Watch the full conversation with Andrew Bacevich and the Iraq crisis below:

MORE: Andrew Bacevich Thinks Cheney's WSJ Op-Ed On The Iraq War Is 'Genuine Chutzpah'

Cheney's attempts to whitewash the deceitful Bush/Cheney years won't fool historians.

Cheney said that shit just to piss people off, Darth knows what he did better than anyone.

Seems you guys will never stop blaming all of your problems on Bush and Cheney.

Obama had it rough, and he turned it all to shit instead of doing the miracles he promised.

So who can the next guy blame?

big difference for blaming Bush and giving him credit for his actions during his 2 terms ...
The far left stopped counting in 2009 so how do you know?

Then again the far left have to justify their stance of backing Obama even though he is worse than Bush.

lucky for you the world isn't counting idiots.

Typical far left Obama drone response when they are force d to face the facts that are backing someone worse than Bush.

see what I mean ? I didn't vote for Obama, but you're an IDIOT
Cheney said that shit just to piss people off, Darth knows what he did better than anyone.

Seems you guys will never stop blaming all of your problems on Bush and Cheney.

Obama had it rough, and he turned it all to shit instead of doing the miracles he promised.

So who can the next guy blame?

big difference for blaming Bush and giving him credit for his actions during his 2 terms ...

More far left Obama drone comments!
lucky for you the world isn't counting idiots.

Typical far left Obama drone response when they are force d to face the facts that are backing someone worse than Bush.

see what I mean ? I didn't vote for Obama, but you're an IDIOT

Says the far left Obama drone!

Yet spouts far left programmed propaganda at will..

You are backing someone worse than Bush and you can not own up to it. That is not my problem that you choose to be a far left Obama drone.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney's recent claims that President Obama is responsible for misleading people about the Iraq war has drawn disapproval from opponents including military historian Andrew Bacevich.

When Bacevich spoke with HuffPost Live's Josh Zeppson Thursday, he had harsh words for Cheney's Wall Street Journal op-ed:

I do have to say, that is genuine chutzpah to blame President Obama for misleading the American people given the quotes we have of Cheney, on the record, declaring that he knew, for sure, that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, knew for sure that Saddam was in cahoots with Al Qaeda -- all of that turning out to be nonsense.​

Watch the full conversation with Andrew Bacevich and the Iraq crisis below:

MORE: Andrew Bacevich Thinks Cheney's WSJ Op-Ed On The Iraq War Is 'Genuine Chutzpah'

Cheney's attempts to whitewash the deceitful Bush/Cheney years won't fool historians.

The issue of WMD's has been hashed over so many times I want to bazooka barf. To blame only Cheney for saying that Saddam had WMD's is utterly false.

And I know that MSNBC and Chris Matthew falsely and selectively edited the President's and Vice President's words to make him sound like Al Qaeda and Hussein were one and the same.

I give this historian ......


Thank God for the people who can keep their fucking facts straight. I've never seen so many gullible people in my life as the current day liberal. Especially those that call themselves members of the press.

For those who conveniently forget - Bill Clinton made strikes in Iraq in his speech he talked about WMD. See it for yourself:

[ame=]Clinton Iraq War WMD Speech in 1998 Desert Fox Bush Lied? P1 - YouTube[/ame]
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Ha ha FAIL! He isn't much of a historian if he doesn't know the simple FACT that Saddam did have WMDs. He's no expert, he's a left wing putz.

The fact he had them at one time is irrelevant. Everyone knows and acknowledges he had them at one time. He didn't have them when we invaded Iraq looking for the ones Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush claimed he had at the time of the invasion.

Bull shit. No one knew that and they still do not. Not you, not this idiot "historian", no one knew. No one "knows" that the WMDs were not there when we invaded. It's. 100% bull shit, and that idiot sucks as a historian.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney's recent claims that President Obama is responsible for misleading people about the Iraq war has drawn disapproval from opponents including military historian Andrew Bacevich.

When Bacevich spoke with HuffPost Live's Josh Zeppson Thursday, he had harsh words for Cheney's Wall Street Journal op-ed:
I do have to say, that is genuine chutzpah to blame President Obama for misleading the American people given the quotes we have of Cheney, on the record, declaring that he knew, for sure, that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, knew for sure that Saddam was in cahoots with Al Qaeda -- all of that turning out to be nonsense.
Watch the full conversation with Andrew Bacevich and the Iraq crisis below:

MORE: Andrew Bacevich Thinks Cheney's WSJ Op-Ed On The Iraq War Is 'Genuine Chutzpah'

Cheney's attempts to whitewash the deceitful Bush/Cheney years won't fool historians.

Cheney said that shit just to piss people off, Darth knows what he did better than anyone.

Seems you guys will never stop blaming all of your problems on Bush and Cheney.

Obama had it rough, and he turned it all to shit instead of doing the miracles he promised.

So who can the next guy blame?

Obama is BLAMING Republicans for being in his way...he stated as much in his address this morning. The guy will NEVER own up to his fuck ups...typical Statist MEME...BLAME the other guy...Nevermind YOU have held the reigns of power for 6+ years.
Ha ha FAIL! He isn't much of a historian if he doesn't know the simple FACT that Saddam did have WMDs. He's no expert, he's a left wing putz.

The fact he had them at one time is irrelevant. Everyone knows and acknowledges he had them at one time. He didn't have them when we invaded Iraq looking for the ones Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush claimed he had at the time of the invasion.

Bull shit. No one knew that and they still do not. Not you, not this idiot "historian", no one knew. No one "knows" that the WMDs were not there when we invaded. It's. 100% bull shit, and that idiot sucks as a historian.

Exactly, Predfan. The thing I like most about liberal hypocricy is the child-King's push to strike Syria last year over WMD. Most of these dullards haven't figured out that sarin gas is chemical WMD...and that it came from Iraq.

Just last week even the idiots in the press couldn't hide the "old" chemical factory ISIS had overrun in Iraq. Yes, yes, old chem in Iraq that clearly was moved to Syria but not too old for Obama to want to do airstrikes.

With all this moving back and forth of chem WMD between Iraq-Syria that NO ONE can deny, what's so hard to believe about nuke WMD being moved just before we got there.

Since we never swarmed in to Syria like we did Iraq to see if the WMD had moved THERE....there's no way anyone can say whether it went there or not.

Just like you said.:D
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Cheney can defend himself all he wants to his heart's delight because history is going to take care of Dick Cheney. My guess is he'll end up in the same general category of disrespect that Americans have for former public figures like Joe McCarthy. In fact, it's already started. Type in "reviled American politicians." You'll find that Dick Cheney's name appears higher up on the first page than McCarthy's name.

Ten places below Obabble.
Cheney said that shit just to piss people off, Darth knows what he did better than anyone.

Seems you guys will never stop blaming all of your problems on Bush and Cheney.

Obama had it rough, and he turned it all to shit instead of doing the miracles he promised.

So who can the next guy blame?

The far left may stop blaming Bush by 2260.

They do not have a good track record, they try and bolster Clinton, but he had a Conservative Congress that kept him in check. That is why he let the whitewater scandal go out there to cover the fact he was working with the opposition.
Oh? They're still claiming they were the driving force behind civil rights reforms when Republicans were for over 100 years, not to mention ignoring all the civil rights Dwight Eisenhower did while politely omitting him from their working memory. And many of them still hate Reagan for his winning acts. :lol::lol::lol:

They can't help it if they can't handle responsibility. One of them told me the other day, "I never grew up. I liked being a child and won't let it go." :rolleyes:

At least he was honest. :D
Former Vice President Dick Cheney's recent claims that President Obama is responsible for misleading people about the Iraq war has drawn disapproval from opponents including military historian Andrew Bacevich.

When Bacevich spoke with HuffPost Live's Josh Zeppson Thursday, he had harsh words for Cheney's Wall Street Journal op-ed:

I do have to say, that is genuine chutzpah to blame President Obama for misleading the American people given the quotes we have of Cheney, on the record, declaring that he knew, for sure, that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, knew for sure that Saddam was in cahoots with Al Qaeda -- all of that turning out to be nonsense.​

Watch the full conversation with Andrew Bacevich and the Iraq crisis below:

MORE: Andrew Bacevich Thinks Cheney's WSJ Op-Ed On The Iraq War Is 'Genuine Chutzpah'

Cheney's attempts to whitewash the deceitful Bush/Cheney years won't fool historians.

Andrew Bacevich is a biased critic from the isolationist libertarian camp. So his comments about Dick Cheney are not a surprise.

But the fact of the matter is, Dick Cheney was right, Saddam needed to be removed from power, given the collapse of the containment regime around him, and it was a great thing the United States did it before he was able to rebuild past conventional military and WMD capabilities. That saved a huge number of lives and made the invasion and occupation easier than it would have been.

What a crock of fucking shit. And the "success" of this invasion can be seen by the stable, functioning democracy that exists in Iraq today. Right?
Ha ha FAIL! He isn't much of a historian if he doesn't know the simple FACT that Saddam did have WMDs. He's no expert, he's a left wing putz.

The fact he had them at one time is irrelevant. Everyone knows and acknowledges he had them at one time. He didn't have them when we invaded Iraq looking for the ones Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush claimed he had at the time of the invasion.

Bull shit. No one knew that and they still do not. Not you, not this idiot "historian", no one knew. No one "knows" that the WMDs were not there when we invaded. It's. 100% bull shit, and that idiot sucks as a historian.

What is it that you are saying predfan. That the President and the VP were guessing that Saddam had WMDs when they decided to invade? Gee that should make the parents of the killed and maimed soldiers feel good.

Fucking idiot.

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