Military investigates four servicemen for white nationalist ties

Exposed: Military Investigating 4 More Servicemen For Ties To White Nationalist Group | HuffPost

Naw....the Liar in Chief says white supremacy is not a problem. Nothing to see here.......These people are emboldened to come out from under their rocks now that one of them is in the White House....

Let the National Peoples Media (CNN, MSNB, HuffPost, etc.) chase boogeymen created only by their psychological warfare division. Meanwhile, true warriors of racist hate (the radical American Left) and their guerrilla commie vanguard forces, Antifa and BLM continue to oppress minority and majority Americans alike while of course keeping alive the meta-narrative that there's a white racist under every broken slab of sidewalk concrete in the ghettos. Kind of like how after three riots in the Baltimore area perpetrated by black inner city youth lately the hallowed and wise politicians of that urban center continue to live in denial of the problem. Hell, in one instance over 300 black inner city youth went crazy in a mall parking lot and we had to call up reserve law enforcement units just to kid glove the situation, while local media does its best to make the whole thing look like some kind of misunderstanding . . . misunderstood "youth" rioting, destroying mall goer private property. The fairy tale of organized white supremacy certainly has been an effective mass deception for your side, no doubt. Tragic that your side must deceive an entire nation and civilization in order to seize and maintain power.
Exposed: Military Investigating 4 More Servicemen For Ties To White Nationalist Group | HuffPost

Naw....the Liar in Chief says white supremacy is not a problem. Nothing to see here.......These people are emboldened to come out from under their rocks now that one of them is in the White House....

Let the National Peoples Media (CNN, MSNB, HuffPost, etc.) chase boogeymen created only by their psychological warfare division. Meanwhile, true warriors of racist hate (the radical American Left) and their guerrilla commie vanguard forces, Antifa and BLM continue to oppress minority and majority Americans alike while of course keeping alive the meta-narrative that there's a white racist under every broken slab of sidewalk concrete in the ghettos. Kind of like how after three riots in the Baltimore area perpetrated by black inner city youth lately the hallowed and wise politicians of that urban center continue to live in denial of the problem. Hell, in one instance over 300 black inner city youth went crazy in a mall parking lot and we had to call up reserve law enforcement units just to kid glove the situation, while local media does its best to make the whole thing look like some kind of misunderstanding . . . misunderstood "youth" rioting, destroying mall goer private property. The fairy tale of organized white supremacy certainly has been an effective mass deception for your side, no doubt. Tragic that your side must deceive an entire nation and civilization in order to seize and maintain power.

The NRA is going down and NOBODY reads you ramblings....
Exposed: Military Investigating 4 More Servicemen For Ties To White Nationalist Group | HuffPost

Naw....the Liar in Chief says white supremacy is not a problem. Nothing to see here.......These people are emboldened to come out from under their rocks now that one of them is in the White House....

You are cornfused, cornhole, you are again conflating nationalism with supremacism! The first pertains to mere national pride, the other with fanatical ethnic racism. Just how do you figure you FIGHT in a nation's army effectively if you aren't a NATIONalist (patriot)?
Exposed: Military Investigating 4 More Servicemen For Ties To White Nationalist Group | HuffPost

Naw....the Liar in Chief says white supremacy is not a problem. Nothing to see here.......These people are emboldened to come out from under their rocks now that one of them is in the White House....

You are cornfused, cornhole, you are again conflating nationalism with supremacism! The first pertains to mere national pride, the other with fanatical ethnic racism. Just how do you figure you FIGHT in a nation's army effectively if you aren't a NATIONalist (patriot)?

Sadly for those who voluntarily enlist to defend their great nation these days all it takes to be labelled as such (a white supremacist or whatever) is one slip of the tongue or suspected, supposed "thought crime". The same is true for sheep dogs . . . I mean LEOs. It's a hell of a time to be a true patriot, to volunteer to meet the enemies of our great US of A at the gate, so the rest of the video game playing, energy drink quaffing generation shit can lean back, load up a saved game and open another cold one.
I'm sure there are a lot more, tip of the iceberg.

“I work in HR firing ******* and spics all day. Before that, I was in the army and I got to kill Muslims for fun. I’m not sure which one was better: watching ******* and spics cry because they can’t feed their little mud children or watching Muslims brains spray on the wall. Honestly both probably suck compared to listening to a ****’s scream while in the oven.”
Eli Mosley on The War Room, March 20, 2017
Identity Evropa

Looks like a real winner, NOT.
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Exposed: Military Investigating 4 More Servicemen For Ties To White Nationalist Group | HuffPost

Naw....the Liar in Chief says white supremacy is not a problem. Nothing to see here.......These people are emboldened to come out from under their rocks now that one of them is in the White House....
This is America it’s pretty clear we are a free country and we don’t have to like each other if you want to arrest on crimes so be it. But don’t arrest people for not liking someone
Exposed: Military Investigating 4 More Servicemen For Ties To White Nationalist Group | HuffPost

Naw....the Liar in Chief says white supremacy is not a problem. Nothing to see here.......These people are emboldened to come out from under their rocks now that one of them is in the White House....

Let the National Peoples Media (CNN, MSNB, HuffPost, etc.) chase boogeymen created only by their psychological warfare division. Meanwhile, true warriors of racist hate (the radical American Left) and their guerrilla commie vanguard forces, Antifa and BLM continue to oppress minority and majority Americans alike while of course keeping alive the meta-narrative that there's a white racist under every broken slab of sidewalk concrete in the ghettos. Kind of like how after three riots in the Baltimore area perpetrated by black inner city youth lately the hallowed and wise politicians of that urban center continue to live in denial of the problem. Hell, in one instance over 300 black inner city youth went crazy in a mall parking lot and we had to call up reserve law enforcement units just to kid glove the situation, while local media does its best to make the whole thing look like some kind of misunderstanding . . . misunderstood "youth" rioting, destroying mall goer private property. The fairy tale of organized white supremacy certainly has been an effective mass deception for your side, no doubt. Tragic that your side must deceive an entire nation and civilization in order to seize and maintain power.

The NRA is going down and NOBODY reads you ramblings....
The NRA has nothing to do with white nationalism and is still going strong

You fascists have no way to hurt the NRA or the human rights they protect.

White nationalism is harmless and not a problem.
Naw....the Liar in Chief says white supremacy is not a problem.

Because it’s not. You paranoid retards see white supremacists around every corner the way Joe McCarthy saw communists under every rock. You’re as loony as he was.
Exposed: Military Investigating 4 More Servicemen For Ties To White Nationalist Group | HuffPost

Naw....the Liar in Chief says white supremacy is not a problem. Nothing to see here.......These people are emboldened to come out from under their rocks now that one of them is in the White House....

You leftists frequently conflate nationalism with supremacy. Fine, I'll give you that.

But in order to accuse someone of being racist or a supremacist, you first have to acknowledge that there are differences between the races. And if there are differences, then there are superior and inferior races based upon those differences. This isn't "racist", it's nature. Take dogs, for instance. Nobody would argue that a German Shepherd is superior in both intelligence and ability than say, a Pekingese. It's scientific fact. But if you point that out those same facts among human beings, out come the bleeding hearts and screeching SJW's.

Using IQ as a general guideline, Arabs are superior to Blacks. Hispanics are superior to Arabs. Caucasians are superior to Hispanics. Asians are superior to Caucasians. Again - This is not "waaaayycist", this is fact, and is easily verifiable. Nobody questions Hispanic Pride, or Black Pride, or Asian Pride.... but heaven forbid the goddamn white people do it!

Stop promoting this ideology that we are all the same. We are NOT. If ethnicities want to take pride in their own race and culture there is nothing wrong with that. If they want to believe they are superior to another race, there's nothing wrong with that either. It's only a problem when one race attempts to subvert another. Me simply being proud of my ancestry, heritage & their accomplishments, and engaging with like minded people doesn't harm YOU in the slightest.

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