Militray service and politics

There are numerous reasons why the military opposed openly gay people in the military:

1) Unity of the unit in deployed locations or closed quarters.
2) Blackmail of gay members with security clearances.
3) Health costs associated with gay people, which are higher than others.
4) Family Housing situations where a gay couple demands equal access.
5) "Married" vs single pay differences since gay people can't get married in most states.
6) Retention and recruitment of troops that are opposed to the gay lifestyle.

At the end of the day, does the military benefit by Jake and Jughead being gay men on base? Jughead hanging out in the sauna staring at naked men? Jughead and Jake demanding "married" pay benefits. Jughead and Jake demanding to move in on base next door to normal couples raising kids? Jake and Jughead harming recruiting and retention rates to promote their lifestyle over normal Americans?

The answer is NO. Damaging the US military long term so that Jake and Jughead can hold hands at the base pool around families and their kids isn't what the US military is all about. Go get a job at Walmart.....

I don't have to deny being a homosexual, because that is not the point here. The point is this. GoneBezerk's homophobic ways are no longer the military ways. The armed forces have put away the nonsense of GB's and the absolute silliness of it. That military is gone and done with forever.

That is a good thing. We want folks like Seal 6 and folks like me who are straight and those who are same-sex, all who served honorably and faithfully. We don't want the old military outliers like GB. They are not wanted, they can't pull their weight.

The GB's are no longer welcome in our stellar armed forces now, and our military is better for it.

:lol::lol: Love the way you use 'we' to announce what 'you' think.

We means more than you wish to assert that Peach is the only one who thinks that way?
I joined up before DADT. I was specificially asked, more than once, if I had ever had a homosexual sexual experience, on paper, and had to sign it. And like Bezerk, I was also asked again when I got a security clearance.

I joined before DADT too.

I honestly don't remember if they asked or not. That was 23 years ago.

They asked me if I had ever engaged in "homosexual activities". Since I hadn't at that point (that would happen within 2 weeks of graduating boot camp), I was able to answer truthfully.

Yep...same here. I was only 21 and never had a relationship yet.
I joined before DADT too.

I honestly don't remember if they asked or not. That was 23 years ago.

They asked me if I had ever engaged in "homosexual activities". Since I hadn't at that point (that would happen within 2 weeks of graduating boot camp), I was able to answer truthfully.

You just proved my point. Bodey thinks I was lying when I said that all were asked and some had to sign depending on security clearance, that they were not homosexual. She is a Fraud. She claims she served, but its a lie.

LOLOLOL...that's ok, silly boy. I get my retirement check no matter what you believe.
I don't have to deny being a homosexual, because that is not the point here. The point is this. GoneBezerk's homophobic ways are no longer the military ways. The armed forces have put away the nonsense of GB's and the absolute silliness of it. That military is gone and done with forever.

That is a good thing. We want folks like Seal 6 and folks like me who are straight and those who are same-sex, all who served honorably and faithfully. We don't want the old military outliers like GB. They are not wanted, they can't pull their weight.

The GB's are no longer welcome in our stellar armed forces now, and our military is better for it.

:lol::lol: Love the way you use 'we' to announce what 'you' think.

We means more than you wish to assert that Peach is the only one who thinks that way?

California Girl loves tell us what we really think! :lol:

She is a twit that way. If she is concerned about us, I suggest she look up DOD regulations on this issue. She will find that we means the official armed forces of the US.
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They asked me if I had ever engaged in "homosexual activities". Since I hadn't at that point (that would happen within 2 weeks of graduating boot camp), I was able to answer truthfully.

You just proved my point. Bodey thinks I was lying when I said that all were asked and some had to sign depending on security clearance, that they were not homosexual. She is a Fraud. She claims she served, but its a lie.

LOLOLOL...that's ok, silly boy. I get my retirement check no matter what you believe.

IF you do... it's Fraudulent... :thup:


John Kerry is going to get benefits from the Wounded Warrior Program for his paper cut.

^ Case in point.

Kerry still carries sharpnel in his body to this day..from the Vietnam war.

Attempting to bolster their accusations that Kerry misrepresented slight injuries to win Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star, the vets cite a March 13, 1969, incident for which the young lieutenant was decorated.

Two injuries – a small bruise on his right arm and a minor injury to his buttocks – won Kerry his Third Purple Heart and a trip home. However, the vets say, the wound to his buttocks was self-inflicted and should never have received Purple Heart consideration.

While Kerry claims the injury came from shrapnel from an underwater mine, Larry Thurlow, an officer on shore with Kerry that day, insists the wound was the result of Kerry’s decision to throw a concussion grenade into a rice pile. The “shrapnel,” he says, was actually rice pellets.As further evidence, the vets say, Kerry himself reflected in his own journal that his buttocks’ wound came, not from a mine but, rather, from a grenade tossed into a rice cache.
Sworn statements of those present say there was no hostile fire involved in this incident for which Kerry received his third Purple Heart and the coveted Bronze Star.

“The conclusion is inescapable: that Kerry lied by reporting to the Navy that he had been wounded by shrapnel in his backside from an enemy mine when in reality he negligently wounded himself and then lied about the wound in order to secure a third Purple Heart and a quick trip home,” reads the letter.
The letter continues: “Kerry’s operating report, Bronze Star story, and subsequent ‘no man left behind’ story are a total hoax on the Navy and the nation,” they say.
As to the daring rescue discussed in the documentary video shown to the nation at the Democratic convention, the vets say the rescue was well under way under the leadership of others when Kerry returned to the scene where Special Forces soldier Jim Rassman was plucked out of the water. Eyewitnesses have signed affidavits explaining when Kerry returned, there was no more hostile fire. He just merely leaned over the boat and assisted Rassman out of the water.

Swift Boat Vets for Truth claims a membership of 254 sailors from Coastal Squadron One, ranging from vice admirals to seamen. They claim 16 of the 23 surviving officers who served with Kerry in swift boats in Vietnam and who could be found have joined

If you use your military service as some sort of plus to score political points you better realize that if your service wasn't totally up to snuff and you didn't live by the values of the military while your served its going to be used against you, espcially if you're a big mouth who pounds your chest about your service, like Allen West.
Exactly right, and that's what happened to Kerry; he used his service as a stepping stone to the presidency and those he served with held him to the truth.
Military service is not the same in the essential sense today as it once was. Military service today is more of a job than a patriotic obligation.

The current generation seems quite comfortable with the increasingly familiar phrase, Thank you for your service to our Country, even when pronounced by an able-bodied, military-eligible male. While it might be appropriate for a woman, or a man who is either too old, too young, or somehow ineligible for military service, to say that to one who is in or has been in the military, for a military-eligible male to say it seems mildly offensive to me. Almost like saying, better you than me.

I joined the military during peacetime (mid 1950s) because I was 1-A and would eventually have been drafted -- otherwise I would not have joined. Military service back then was an obligation, not a choice, for able-bodied males. I didn't feel especially patriotic for serving, mainly because most men of my age category had done their time or soon would, whether they wanted to or not. I was merely doing my duty as a citizen. The real patriots were those American men and women who lined up to enlist in the Army, Navy and Marine Corps on the days following the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

Today men (and women) join the military for enlistment bonuses and college tuition, or because they can't find a decent civilian job. Some are brainwashed enough to believe the Nation is "at war" while others are sufficiently demented to join because they seek the kind of "adventure" available from walking point or riding on a road in Iraq or Afghanistan carrying an M-16.

None of that is patriotism. It's something other.
My problem is people who think Americans are undeserving of high levels of respect if they haven't served in the military. Guess what? We're not all soldiers, and we don't have to be in this country.
Is current or past military service (of ones self or ones family) the only indicator of patriotism?

Should lack of military service (personally) disqualify someone from holding public office?

Is it fair to criticize Romney for seeking the Presidency when neither he nor his children ever served in the military, and yet NOT criticize Obama, who never served in the military?

I was in the circus. I think it can be quite educational and an incredible experience if you can ignore the hypnotics.
The career men are more brainwashed than the Yeehawz Witlesses that travel door to door....even in the midst of a hurricane.
Translation : It's a fucking joke made for meatheads.
I joined before DADT too.

I honestly don't remember if they asked or not. That was 23 years ago.

I was a recuirter, I saw guys and girls come back from MEPS that could not join either because they refused to sign or they told the screener that they had an homosexual relationship. Bodey and Peach are full of shit.

Ah...but you still have to provide the exact wording of the questions asked...have you?

BTW...if I had been asked if I was in a homosexual relationship when I answer would honestly have been "No."

And you are still claiming that you were not asked or had to sign off that you were not homosexual or had engaged in an homosexual act. You lie, you say that you are retired Military then you must have served at least 20 yrs. That puts you right in the the time frame before dont ask dont tell. If you served then you had to sign off that you were not an homosexual during MEPS and before you got your security clearance. Even though you say you were not gay until 21(right) after you turned gay (lol) you still served as a fraud.
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I was a recuirter, I saw guys and girls come back from MEPS that could not join either because they refused to sign or they told the screener that they had an homosexual relationship. Bodey and Peach are full of shit.

Ah...but you still have to provide the exact wording of the questions asked...have you?

BTW...if I had been asked if I was in a homosexual relationship when I answer would honestly have been "No."

And you are still claiming that you were not asked or had to sign off that you were not homosexual or had engaged in an homosexual act. You lie, you say that you are retired Military then you must have served at least 20 yrs. That puts you right in the the time frame before dont ask dont tell. If you served then you had to sign off that you were not an homosexual during MEPS and before you got your security clearance. Even though you say you were not gay until 21(right) after you turned gay (lol) you still served as a fraud.

Still haven't given us the exact questions asked, have you?

Let me help you. They did NOT as if I thought I was homosexual. They asked if I had had homosexual acts. I did not lie when I said "no". And when recruited that was the last time they ever asked.

But, I can almost feel sorry for you and your non-serving chums. It must have sucked to have the women serving with you beat you out in work, promotion....and maybe even love.

So, please continue with your envy-fueled whining.
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I was a recuirter, I saw guys and girls come back from MEPS that could not join either because they refused to sign or they told the screener that they had an homosexual relationship. Bodey and Peach are full of shit.

Ah...but you still have to provide the exact wording of the questions asked...have you?

BTW...if I had been asked if I was in a homosexual relationship when I answer would honestly have been "No."

And you are still claiming that you were not asked or had to sign off that you were not homosexual or had engaged in an homosexual act. You lie, you say that you are retired Military then you must have served at least 20 yrs. That puts you right in the the time frame before dont ask dont tell. If you served then you had to sign off that you were not an homosexual during MEPS and before you got your security clearance. Even though you say you were not gay until 21(right) after you turned gay (lol) you still served as a fraud.

Bod, like me, was asked if we had ever engaged in "homosexual activities". Since neither of us had, we didn't have to lie. I was never asked again, after boot camp, if I had engaged in said activities.

Does it bother you as much that Audey Murphey lied in order to serve as it does the gays and lesbians that have?
I'll basically fully agree with only one statement that ever came out of Kissingers mouth.
"In Haig's presence, Kissinger referred pointedly to military men as 'dumb, stupid animals to be used' as pawns for foreign policy."
Ah...but you still have to provide the exact wording of the questions asked...have you?

BTW...if I had been asked if I was in a homosexual relationship when I answer would honestly have been "No."

And you are still claiming that you were not asked or had to sign off that you were not homosexual or had engaged in an homosexual act. You lie, you say that you are retired Military then you must have served at least 20 yrs. That puts you right in the the time frame before dont ask dont tell. If you served then you had to sign off that you were not an homosexual during MEPS and before you got your security clearance. Even though you say you were not gay until 21(right) after you turned gay (lol) you still served as a fraud.

Bod, like me, was asked if we had ever engaged in "homosexual activities". Since neither of us had, we didn't have to lie. I was never asked again, after boot camp, if I had engaged in said activities.

Does it bother you as much that Audey Murphey lied in order to serve as it does the gays and lesbians that have?

We should forgive NLT's bitterness. Some guys just have a really hard time with being beat out in life, love, work, etc. by or straight.
John Kerry is going to get benefits from the Wounded Warrior Program for his paper cut.

^ Case in point.

Kerry still carries sharpnel in his body to this day..from the Vietnam war.

Attempting to bolster their accusations that Kerry misrepresented slight injuries to win Purple Hearts and a Bronze Star, the vets cite a March 13, 1969, incident for which the young lieutenant was decorated.

Two injuries – a small bruise on his right arm and a minor injury to his buttocks – won Kerry his Third Purple Heart and a trip home. However, the vets say, the wound to his buttocks was self-inflicted and should never have received Purple Heart consideration.

While Kerry claims the injury came from shrapnel from an underwater mine, Larry Thurlow, an officer on shore with Kerry that day, insists the wound was the result of Kerry’s decision to throw a concussion grenade into a rice pile. The “shrapnel,” he says, was actually rice pellets.As further evidence, the vets say, Kerry himself reflected in his own journal that his buttocks’ wound came, not from a mine but, rather, from a grenade tossed into a rice cache.
Sworn statements of those present say there was no hostile fire involved in this incident for which Kerry received his third Purple Heart and the coveted Bronze Star.

“The conclusion is inescapable: that Kerry lied by reporting to the Navy that he had been wounded by shrapnel in his backside from an enemy mine when in reality he negligently wounded himself and then lied about the wound in order to secure a third Purple Heart and a quick trip home,” reads the letter.
The letter continues: “Kerry’s operating report, Bronze Star story, and subsequent ‘no man left behind’ story are a total hoax on the Navy and the nation,” they say.
As to the daring rescue discussed in the documentary video shown to the nation at the Democratic convention, the vets say the rescue was well under way under the leadership of others when Kerry returned to the scene where Special Forces soldier Jim Rassman was plucked out of the water. Eyewitnesses have signed affidavits explaining when Kerry returned, there was no more hostile fire. He just merely leaned over the boat and assisted Rassman out of the water.

Swift Boat Vets for Truth claims a membership of 254 sailors from Coastal Squadron One, ranging from vice admirals to seamen. They claim 16 of the 23 surviving officers who served with Kerry in swift boats in Vietnam and who could be found have joined

If you use your military service as some sort of plus to score political points you better realize that if your service wasn't totally up to snuff and you didn't live by the values of the military while your served its going to be used against you, espcially if you're a big mouth who pounds your chest about your service, like Allen West.
Exactly right, and that's what happened to Kerry; he used his service as a stepping stone to the presidency and those he served with held him to the truth.

Hores shit, pure and simple. Those who denigrated Bush and Kerry for their service were, every last one of them, American cowards.
Military service is not the same in the essential sense today as it once was. Military service today is more of a job than a patriotic obligation.

The current generation seems quite comfortable with the increasingly familiar phrase, Thank you for your service to our Country, even when pronounced by an able-bodied, military-eligible male. While it might be appropriate for a woman, or a man who is either too old, too young, or somehow ineligible for military service, to say that to one who is in or has been in the military, for a military-eligible male to say it seems mildly offensive to me. Almost like saying, better you than me.

I joined the military during peacetime (mid 1950s) because I was 1-A and would eventually have been drafted -- otherwise I would not have joined. Military service back then was an obligation, not a choice, for able-bodied males. I didn't feel especially patriotic for serving, mainly because most men of my age category had done their time or soon would, whether they wanted to or not. I was merely doing my duty as a citizen. The real patriots were those American men and women who lined up to enlist in the Army, Navy and Marine Corps on the days following the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

Today men (and women) join the military for enlistment bonuses and college tuition, or because they can't find a decent civilian job. Some are brainwashed enough to believe the Nation is "at war" while others are sufficiently demented to join because they seek the kind of "adventure" available from walking point or riding on a road in Iraq or Afghanistan carrying an M-16.

None of that is patriotism. It's something other.

According to you, MikeK, according to you.

However, the entitlement syndrome began after the end of the draft when the military had to recruit enlistees. That process is no different than other employers having to recruit.

It is the American way.
I served almost twelve years, and NLT is wrong in his assumptions about what was asked and not asked. Simple. Ladies, thank you for your service.
I always get seasick, but thanks! I was much more comfortable being arctic light infantry and airborne infantry. Being part of Charlie Manchu in the 172nd was a hoot!
If only those who served in the military can have a voice in politics, doesn't it make sense that only those who pay taxes should be able to vote on how those taxes are spent?

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