Militray service and politics

Romney had every right to do what he did. Anybody have a problem with it? Doesn't matter now, does it? You will get over it.

Of course he has every right to do or say what he wants..about the war. But it should be pointed out.

He truly was for having other people fight a war he had zero intention of fighting in himself. Unlike most people that claim a religious objection to the war.

He claimed an exemption in order to be a missionary. No issue that.

But he protested, FOR THE DRAFT. And supported the war.
Is current or past military service (of ones self or ones family) the only indicator of patriotism?

Should lack of military service (personally) disqualify someone from holding public office?

Is it fair to criticize Romney for seeking the Presidency when neither he nor his children ever served in the military, and yet NOT criticize Obama, who never served in the military?


Well, I suppose if we took a candidates military record into consideration John McCain would be president now...

I think some view serving in the military as something negative...
Interesting you should say that. One of the reasons I would not have voted for McCain is because he was a POW. I admire and honor him for that, but I would not have voted for him. The Navy too has had concern about the stability of returning POWs. After they returned, NONE of them were ever given tactical command ever again. They became COs of Training Bases, the War College (I served for a short TAD period under Stockdale), etc. If the Navy doesn't trust them in tactical commands, it would be EXTREMELY foolish to trust them in REAL CinC command. That is and was my opinion.....
Of course he has every right to do or say what he wants..about the war. But it should be pointed out.

He truly was for having other people fight a war he had zero intention of fighting in himself. Unlike most people that claim a religious objection to the war.

He claimed an exemption in order to be a missionary. No issue that.

But he protested, FOR THE DRAFT. And supported the war.

So? He's an American; it was his right to do so. It does not make him one of Lucifer's step sons, like some we can name here. :lol: Remember, families are off limits!
Is current or past military service (of ones self or ones family) the only indicator of patriotism?

Should lack of military service (personally) disqualify someone from holding public office?

Is it fair to criticize Romney for seeking the Presidency when neither he nor his children ever served in the military, and yet NOT criticize Obama, who never served in the military?


Well, I suppose if we took a candidates military record into consideration John McCain would be president now...

I think some view serving in the military as something negative...
Interesting you should say that. One of the reasons I would not have voted for McCain is because he was a POW. I admire and honor him for that, but I would not have voted for him. The Navy too has had concern about the stability of returning POWs. After they returned, NONE of them were ever given tactical command ever again. They became COs of Training Bases, the War College (I served for a short TAD period under Stockdale), etc. If the Navy doesn't trust them in tactical commands, it would be EXTREMELY foolish to trust them in REAL CinC command. That is and was my opinion.....

So you're saying McCain being a POW makes him unstable??

There is no evidence to support that idea....

If anything being a POW will make an individual stronger. I'm sure POW's look at every day situations (that would be stressful to the normal individual) as nothing more than a simple problem...

If anything McCain has proved he can handle stressful situations that most people couldn't even dream to be in....
He claimed an exemption in order to be a missionary. No issue that.

But he protested, FOR THE DRAFT. And supported the war.

So? He's an American; it was his right to do so. It does not make him one of Lucifer's step sons, like some we can name here. :lol: Remember, families are off limits!

:lol: the very least..the General that sends his men off the fight should appear to look like he would join the fight himself.

That's not Romney.

He's against putting himself in harm's way to pursue a cause he believes in.

That's a pretty big character flaw.
Well, I suppose if we took a candidates military record into consideration John McCain would be president now...

I think some view serving in the military as something negative...
Interesting you should say that. One of the reasons I would not have voted for McCain is because he was a POW. I admire and honor him for that, but I would not have voted for him. The Navy too has had concern about the stability of returning POWs. After they returned, NONE of them were ever given tactical command ever again. They became COs of Training Bases, the War College (I served for a short TAD period under Stockdale), etc. If the Navy doesn't trust them in tactical commands, it would be EXTREMELY foolish to trust them in REAL CinC command. That is and was my opinion.....

So you're saying McCain being a POW makes him unstable??

There is no evidence to support that idea....

If anything being a POW will make an individual stronger. I'm sure POW's look at every day situations (that would be stressful to the normal individual) as nothing more than a simple problem...

If anything McCain has proved he can handle stressful situations that most people couldn't even dream to be in....
Take it up with the U.S. Navy.
^ Case in point.

Kerry still carries sharpnel in his body to this day..from the Vietnam war.

The only place Kerry might carry shrapnel is in his butt. He took advantage of "three Hearts and you are out" by recommending himself for two Purple Hearts for band-aids and a third when he wounded himself because he stood too close to a grenade that he threw it at a sack of rice. Kerry is a disgrace and a symbol of that 1% of officers who dishonored the service.

Um....people don't recommend themselves for Purple Hearts. Thanks for playing.

Kerry was the. CO of a swift boat, and it is a matter of record that he reported to sick call, got a band aid and then put himself in for a purple heart. According to SBVT member Grant Hibbard, who was Kerry's commander at the time. Hibbard claimed that Kerry came to him the morning after the incident, after he had been to sick bay, stating that he was eligible for a Purple Heart.
The only place Kerry might carry shrapnel is in his butt. He took advantage of "three Hearts and you are out" by recommending himself for two Purple Hearts for band-aids and a third when he wounded himself because he stood too close to a grenade that he threw it at a sack of rice. Kerry is a disgrace and a symbol of that 1% of officers who dishonored the service.

Um....people don't recommend themselves for Purple Hearts. Thanks for playing.

Kerry was the. CO of a swift boat, and it is a matter of record that he reported to sick call, got a band aid and then put himself in for a purple heart. According to SBVT member Grant Hibbard, who was Kerry's commander at the time. Hibbard claimed that Kerry came to him the morning after the incident, after he had been to sick bay, stating that he was eligible for a Purple Heart.

It is? Show us that record then.
But he protested, FOR THE DRAFT. And supported the war.

So? He's an American; it was his right to do so. It does not make him one of Lucifer's step sons, like some we can name here. :lol: Remember, families are off limits!

:lol: the very least..the General that sends his men off the fight should appear to look like he would join the fight himself.

That's not Romney.

He's against putting himself in harm's way to pursue a cause he believes in.

That's a pretty big character flaw.

Most of the highest level of generals are too old to enter a combat zone and most certainly do not look like they would join the fight.

A CiC is not a general. He does not assist in tactical decisions and is only briefed on WHAT is going to be done...and what the result was. It is the JCo that make the recommendations and the CiC who, by law, approves.

Your partisnaship has you speaking like a child. It is quite unbecoming of you.

Not to mention that you are by no means qualified to determine what motivates military personnel.
Interesting you should say that. One of the reasons I would not have voted for McCain is because he was a POW. I admire and honor him for that, but I would not have voted for him. The Navy too has had concern about the stability of returning POWs. After they returned, NONE of them were ever given tactical command ever again. They became COs of Training Bases, the War College (I served for a short TAD period under Stockdale), etc. If the Navy doesn't trust them in tactical commands, it would be EXTREMELY foolish to trust them in REAL CinC command. That is and was my opinion.....

So you're saying McCain being a POW makes him unstable??

There is no evidence to support that idea....

If anything being a POW will make an individual stronger. I'm sure POW's look at every day situations (that would be stressful to the normal individual) as nothing more than a simple problem...

If anything McCain has proved he can handle stressful situations that most people couldn't even dream to be in....
Take it up with the U.S. Navy.

Funny you should say that because the Great Lakes Naval Base is right down the street. :lol:
Um....people don't recommend themselves for Purple Hearts. Thanks for playing.

Kerry was the. CO of a swift boat, and it is a matter of record that he reported to sick call, got a band aid and then put himself in for a purple heart. According to SBVT member Grant Hibbard, who was Kerry's commander at the time. Hibbard claimed that Kerry came to him the morning after the incident, after he had been to sick bay, stating that he was eligible for a Purple Heart.

It is? Show us that record then.

If he was the CO of the Swift Boat and he was recommended for a purple heart while in command of that swift boat, then ONLY HE can recommend a purple heart. Only he or his next in command if his life was lost.

Now, I dont know if he was the CO.....I dont really care...but if he was, then only he can recommend himself for the purple heart.
Kerry was the. CO of a swift boat, and it is a matter of record that he reported to sick call, got a band aid and then put himself in for a purple heart. According to SBVT member Grant Hibbard, who was Kerry's commander at the time. Hibbard claimed that Kerry came to him the morning after the incident, after he had been to sick bay, stating that he was eligible for a Purple Heart.

It is? Show us that record then.

If he was the CO of the Swift Boat and he was recommended for a purple heart while in command of that swift boat, then ONLY HE can recommend a purple heart. Only he or his next in command if his life was lost.

Now, I dont know if he was the CO.....I dont really care...but if he was, then only he can recommend himself for the purple heart.

Were COs of river boats treated as real COs? Or more like OinCs? He was only an LT.....and then there is the issue may recommend....but it STILL has to be approved by those up the Chain of Command.
I joined before DADT too.

I honestly don't remember if they asked or not. That was 23 years ago.

I was a recuirter, I saw guys and girls come back from MEPS that could not join either because they refused to sign or they told the screener that they had an homosexual relationship. Bodey and Peach are full of shit.

Ah...but you still have to provide the exact wording of the questions asked...have you?

BTW...if I had been asked if I was in a homosexual relationship when I answer would honestly have been "No."

AR 601-270 Section K5. (sf 93) If you served during the 70's/80's/90's you had a medical screen and these questions were asked. I am done with your lies.
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It is? Show us that record then.

If he was the CO of the Swift Boat and he was recommended for a purple heart while in command of that swift boat, then ONLY HE can recommend a purple heart. Only he or his next in command if his life was lost.

Now, I dont know if he was the CO.....I dont really care...but if he was, then only he can recommend himself for the purple heart.

Were COs of river boats treated as real COs? Or more like OinCs? He was only an LT.....and then there is the issue may recommend....but it STILL has to be approved by those up the Chain of Command.

Whether a CO or an OiC.....he/she is the only one who makes the recommendation. A final decision is based on the details of the recommendation; not based on the report of a medic or medical facility.

I am going to be frank with you. I do not know the detials of the Kerry situation....but anyone who questioned them should be ashamed of themselves. Kerry was not put in a position of command based on his friendships. He was put there based on his integrity at the time; his training, his experience, and his assumed liklihood of success.

Those in the military should know better.
So? He's an American; it was his right to do so. It does not make him one of Lucifer's step sons, like some we can name here. :lol: Remember, families are off limits!

:lol: the very least..the General that sends his men off the fight should appear to look like he would join the fight himself.

That's not Romney.

He's against putting himself in harm's way to pursue a cause he believes in.

That's a pretty big character flaw.

Most of the highest level of generals are too old to enter a combat zone and most certainly do not look like they would join the fight.

A CiC is not a general. He does not assist in tactical decisions and is only briefed on WHAT is going to be done...and what the result was. It is the JCo that make the recommendations and the CiC who, by law, approves.

Your partisnaship has you speaking like a child. It is quite unbecoming of you.

Not to mention that you are by no means qualified to determine what motivates military personnel.

Well the fact you have to get personal here..shows you have no real cognizant defense of this behavior.

The fact remains..most people who use religion to avoid fighting in a war do so because they have a real conviction that war is wrong..and that killing other human beings is wrong.

That wasn't the case with Romney.
I was a recuirter, I saw guys and girls come back from MEPS that could not join either because they refused to sign or they told the screener that they had an homosexual relationship. Bodey and Peach are full of shit.

Ah...but you still have to provide the exact wording of the questions asked...have you?

BTW...if I had been asked if I was in a homosexual relationship when I answer would honestly have been "No."

AR 601-270 Section K5. (sf 93) If you served during the 70's/80's/90's you had a medical screen and these questions were asked. I am done with your lies.

I need to interject here. I ran my own little "test" yesterday and whereas I did not tell her, Bodecea passed with flying coloirs. The babe is true military. Did she lie about her sexuality to get in? Maybe. Good for her. Sexual orientation is a non factor anyway.

Are you aware of how many men lied about their age back during WWII? Did they serve with less honor becuase of this?
:lol: the very least..the General that sends his men off the fight should appear to look like he would join the fight himself.

That's not Romney.

He's against putting himself in harm's way to pursue a cause he believes in.

That's a pretty big character flaw.

Most of the highest level of generals are too old to enter a combat zone and most certainly do not look like they would join the fight.

A CiC is not a general. He does not assist in tactical decisions and is only briefed on WHAT is going to be done...and what the result was. It is the JCo that make the recommendations and the CiC who, by law, approves.

Your partisnaship has you speaking like a child. It is quite unbecoming of you.

Not to mention that you are by no means qualified to determine what motivates military personnel.

Well the fact you have to get personal here..shows you have no real cognizant defense of this behavior.

The fact remains..most people who use religion to avoid fighting in a war do so because they have a real conviction that war is wrong..and that killing other human beings is wrong.

That wasn't the case with Romney.

you likely dont even see the back pedal you just did.

SO I will point it out.

At first you said this....

He's against putting himself in harm's way to pursue a cause he believes in.

That's a pretty big character flaw

That deserved my criticism.

Then you characterized it as this.....

most people who use religion to avoid fighting in a war do so because they have a real conviction that war is wrong..and that killing other human beings is wrong

And that deserves no criticism...for it is an excellent point....and onme that actually gave me reason to think.

But "against putting ones self in harms way" is by no means the same as "religious convictions saying that killing is wrong"

SO you see...your partisnaship had you FIRST refer to hinm as a coward.

Then your "backup" was saying he doesnt believe in killing people.

Got it?
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

At least they aren't out trying to sound like a "real good guy" like Warren Buffett who claims he wants to pay more taxes, yet he owes what about a billion in back taxes he refuses to pay?

Oh, is it a left-wing thing to attack the children and grandchildren of Republican candidates, yeah, it is.

Left wing? I attacked Republicans for supporting Cheney who dodged the draft 5 times while never blinking when sending other people's children to wars he would never have fought.

Romney's family has reaped the cream at the top of American society. Most old time Dems and Repubs of old felt a sense of obligation for their place in society. What the hell is wrong with these 1%ers?

Take, and never give? Romney is always talking about keeping America strong. He wants a strong America? It's time for his ilk to step up and sacrifice. The main reason troops had so many tours in Iraq and Afghanistan is NOT enough loud and proud flag wavers volunteered when needed.

but mention anyhing about the obama girls.........


comparing 5 grown men to young girls? :rofl:

Too funny. The girlyman/boy defense of gop idjits. :lol:

If obama had 5 grown up adult children, not serving while he waged a war, i'd ask the very same question.

You lose


why do conservatives like hortysir always want to pick on the wives and young daughters of democrats?

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