Militray service and politics

If only those who served in the military can have a voice in politics, doesn't it make sense that only those who pay taxes should be able to vote on how those taxes are spent?

That is certainly what the Big Government statist Founders like Hamilton, Jay, Adams, and others thought.
If only those who served in the military can have a voice in politics, doesn't it make sense that only those who pay taxes should be able to vote on how those taxes are spent?

That is certainly what the Big Government statist Founders like Hamilton, Jay, Adams, and others thought.

Exactly...that was their thinking when initially only property owners were allowed to vote.
If only those who served in the military can have a voice in politics, doesn't it make sense that only those who pay taxes should be able to vote on how those taxes are spent?

Those who pay taxes would not have the income to pay taxes without those that dont pay taxes.

Every company has lower level employees who, once deductions and write offs are instituted, have no tax liability.

Those employees may be easily repalced for they rarely have a reason to display a differential, but the positions themselves are necessary for a successful company.

So yes, they deserve the same rights as anyone else as it pertains to the spending of tax mnoney.
There are many ways to serve your country and community. Many ways besides serving in the armed forces. Fact is there are many who cannot and should not serve in the armed forces, I sent several of them back home. Not because they were bad, but because the military was wrong for them. I'm sure some of them went on to become Doctors, lawyers, or teachers. But even the used car salesman does a service to the community. He/she pays taxes, votes, pulls jury duty......
I served almost twelve years, and NLT is wrong in his assumptions about what was asked and not asked. Simple. Ladies, thank you for your service.

I retired after 22 years, and thier is no assumption, hard fact.
he was of age during a time when we drafted.

He used his religion to keep from fighting while many poor kids died for their country under this draft.

You bet it matters
Romney didn't LIE to avoid the draft like one bottom feeding former President did. And I will bet you still idolize that scumbag
I served almost twelve years, and NLT is wrong in his assumptions about what was asked and not asked. Simple. Ladies, thank you for your service.

I retired after 22 years, and thier is no assumption, hard fact.

I served 12 years, and you are wrong. The ladies described accurately what they were asked at the time: did they have a same-sex encoutner, not whether they were homosexual. That changed later.

Why are you delibrately distorting this?
he was of age during a time when we drafted.

He used his religion to keep from fighting while many poor kids died for their country under this draft.

You bet it matters
Romney didn't LIE to avoid the draft like one bottom feeding former President did. And I will bet you still idolize that scumbag

Romney had every right to do what he did. Anybody have a problem with it? Doesn't matter now, does it? You will get over it.
John Kerry is a war hero.

The right trashed his service for cheap political gain.

Actually, it was his fellow veterans that trashed him.

The lousy bastard came back and testified against those still fighting and dying in Vietnam. I put him in the same category as Hanoi Jane Fonda.
John Kerry is a war hero.

The right trashed his service for cheap political gain.

Actually, it was his fellow veterans that trashed him.

The lousy bastard came back and testified against those still fighting and dying in Vietnam. I put him in the same category as Hanoi Jane Fonda.

Yeah..over a million people served in Vietnam..

Some are bound to have opinions different from Kerry's.

Doesn't change the fact he was a bonafided hero. Unlike Romney..who was a piece of shit about the war. He protested for it..and protested for having other people fight it..then went to France.
John Kerry is a war hero.

The right trashed his service for cheap political gain.

Actually, it was his fellow veterans that trashed him.

Umm . . . it was a lousy bastard life alcoholic senior officer, whose ass Kerry kicked in bivouac on the delta, who went lying after Kerry. I put that senior officer in the same category as Jane Fonda.

Get your facts straight.
he was of age during a time when we drafted.

He used his religion to keep from fighting while many poor kids died for their country under this draft.

You bet it matters
Romney didn't LIE to avoid the draft like one bottom feeding former President did. And I will bet you still idolize that scumbag

Romney had every right to do what he did. Anybody have a problem with it? Doesn't matter now, does it? You will get over it.

Of course he has every right to do or say what he wants..about the war. But it should be pointed out.

He truly was for having other people fight a war he had zero intention of fighting in himself. Unlike most people that claim a religious objection to the war.
Kerry never should have tried to talk about his military service during his campaign, he would have been better off......... I try hard not to talk about him....... He's such an easy target..
Is current or past military service (of ones self or ones family) the only indicator of patriotism?

Should lack of military service (personally) disqualify someone from holding public office?

Is it fair to criticize Romney for seeking the Presidency when neither he nor his children ever served in the military, and yet NOT criticize Obama, who never served in the military?


Well, I suppose if we took a candidates military record into consideration John McCain would be president now...

I think some view serving in the military as something negative...
I'll go with the military's view of Kerry's, not malicious, partisan gossip.

Obviously Booosh got special treatment, and barely showed up. Read the military record. Rather's papers were copies, not wrong. A tidal wave of Pubcrappe for the dupes.

The problem is chickenhawk hypocrisy (see Cheney) not people who were against these bad wars...

Kerry refused to allow release of his military records that would show the extent of treatment for his wounds.

Rather got fired for nothing? And he lost the law suit as well. LMAO.
Romney didn't LIE to avoid the draft like one bottom feeding former President did. And I will bet you still idolize that scumbag

Romney had every right to do what he did. Anybody have a problem with it? Doesn't matter now, does it? You will get over it.

Of course he has every right to do or say what he wants..about the war. But it should be pointed out.

He truly was for having other people fight a war he had zero intention of fighting in himself. Unlike most people that claim a religious objection to the war.

He claimed an exemption in order to be a missionary. No issue that.
Kerry never should have tried to talk about his military service during his campaign, he would have been better off......... I try hard not to talk about him....... He's such an easy target..

I agree that he should have let his surrogates defend him, and they immediately should have gone after the alcoholic rear admiral who was swifting Kerry: the admiral's drinking, his rages, his family life, all of it.

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