Militray service and politics

Because I represent the clarity of the majority of Americans on this issue. GB doesn't, and you as an outlier, California Girl, can bark all you want. Who cares?

A private jet, CG? Really? Wow, growing up must have been tough. :lol:
I don't have to deny being a homosexual, because that is not the point here. The point is this. GoneBezerk's homophobic ways are no longer the military ways. The armed forces have put away the nonsense of GB's and the absolute silliness of it. That military is gone and done with forever.

That is a good thing. We want folks like Seal 6 and folks like me who are straight and those who are same-sex, all who served honorably and faithfully. We don't want the old military outliers like GB. They are not wanted, they can't pull their weight.

The GB's are no longer welcome in our stellar armed forces now, and our military is better for it.

Everyone adjusts at a different pace. Some people never adjust, but I would caution against dismissing GB as one of them.

It took me many years to change my outlook and attitude toward gays. And each step I made was the result of people appealing to my intellect and reason rather than my emotions.

That's not to say that my emotional strings were not affected as well. They were, but by acts of compassion and understanding, not anger.

I know we all throw punches at each other around here, but most of the hyperbole is the result of an instinct which informs us that most of us will never change our opinions in the short periods involved. No one is going to jump the fence to Obama's side or Romney's side between now and November. So its all playground taunting and pranks.

But the issue of homosexuals in our society is something that is going to be with all of us forever, and requires a lot more patience with each other. This is a great new divide we are crossing. And we can't all get where we need to be unless we get there together.

A little turning of the other cheek is called for here. I know that's unfair, but it sure worked on me.
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The issue of same-sex acceptance is all but over. The states are changing one at a time. But most importantly is those younger than forty by overwhelming majorities support same sex relationships in the law.

GB may change his attitude. Hope so. Doubt it. But he will die eventually, and his hatred will be forgotten.
I don't have to deny being a homosexual, because that is not the point here. The point is this. GoneBezerk's homophobic ways are no longer the military ways. The armed forces have put away the nonsense of GB's and the absolute silliness of it. That military is gone and done with forever.

That is a good thing. We want folks like Seal 6 and folks like me who are straight and those who are same-sex, all who served honorably and faithfully. We don't want the old military outliers like GB. They are not wanted, they can't pull their weight.

The GB's are no longer welcome in our stellar armed forces now, and our military is better for it.

Everyone adjusts at a different pace. Some people never adjust, but I would caution against dismissing GB as one of them.

It took me many years to change my outlook and attitude toward gays. And each step I made was the result of people appealing to my intellect and reason rather than my emotions.

That's not to say that my emotional strings were not affected as well. They were, but by acts of compassion and understanding, not anger.

I know we all throw punches at each other around here, but most of the hyperbole is the result of an instinct which informs us that most of us will never change our opinions in the short periods involved. No one is going to jump the fence to Obama's side or Romney's side between now and November. So its all playground taunting and pranks.

But the issue of homosexuals in our society is something that is going to be with all of us forever, and requires a lot more patience with each other. This is a great new divide we are crossing. And we can't all get where we need to be unless we get there together.

A little turning of the other cheek is called for here. I know that's unfair, but it sure worked on me.

Good analysis.
I have nothing against gays, I am still against gays serving openly in the military. I still see the problems this can cause. I do hope I'm wrong, but only time will tell.........
The issue of same-sex acceptance is all but over. The states are changing one at a time. But most importantly is those younger than forty by overwhelming majorities support same sex relationships in the law.

GB may change his attitude. Hope so. Doubt it. But he will die eventually, and his hatred will be forgotten.

I'm over 40, so it is never too late to change. :lol:
You are right, and I have been harsh. I will change my heart toward GB and include him in my prayers. Heavens knows I need all the guidance and inspiration I can get, so who am I to be harsh to GB. I apologize to him. He is wrong, but his path is his own. Best luck to him.
Is current or past military service (of ones self or ones family) the only indicator of patriotism?

Should lack of military service (personally) disqualify someone from holding public office?

Is it fair to criticize Romney for seeking the Presidency when neither he nor his children ever served in the military, and yet NOT criticize Obama, who never served in the military?


I think it is acceptable to criticize someone who made the statement that his sons were serving the country by campaigning for him.
I have nothing against gays, I am still against gays serving openly in the military. I still see the problems this can cause. I do hope I'm wrong, but only time will tell.........

I'm really old school. I had problems with women in the military, never mind gays. :lol:

I still have a serious problem with women in combat.

I once predicted in a speech before my state legislators that the ERA would lead to women in combat. This was when I was a young lad barely in puberty, and a conservative member of the Young Americans for Freedom.

Yeah. I was that much of a dork. A YAFfer when being conservative in the late 70s was as uncool as it gets.

Anyway, the feminists in the room accused me of scaremongering as everyone knew that would NEVER happen.

Good times.
Is current or past military service (of ones self or ones family) the only indicator of patriotism?

Should lack of military service (personally) disqualify someone from holding public office?

Is it fair to criticize Romney for seeking the Presidency when neither he nor his children ever served in the military, and yet NOT criticize Obama, who never served in the military?


The lack of military service is a disadvantage only if one comes on with the super patriot act. Neither Governor Romney nor President Obama have done so. No critisism for eithor on this point.
Is current or past military service (of ones self or ones family) the only indicator of patriotism?

Should lack of military service (personally) disqualify someone from holding public office?

Is it fair to criticize Romney for seeking the Presidency when neither he nor his children ever served in the military, and yet NOT criticize Obama, who never served in the military?


The lack of military service is a disadvantage only if one comes on with the super patriot act. Neither Governor Romney nor President Obama have done so. No critisism for eithor on this point.

True, on that both men are thus far, honorable.

Militray :thup:


Should lack of military service (personally) disqualify someone from holding public office?

Absolutely not. Being in the military has no advantage when it comes to Presidential qualifications.

Other than you'll have more creds when giving orders to those whose ranks YOU were once in...:eusa_whistle:

Carter had more cred than Reagan. Good to know.
Is current or past military service (of ones self or ones family) the only indicator of patriotism?

Should lack of military service (personally) disqualify someone from holding public office?

Is it fair to criticize Romney for seeking the Presidency when neither he nor his children ever served in the military, and yet NOT criticize Obama, who never served in the military?


You want fair from partisan hacks?
I joined up before DADT. I was specificially asked, more than once, if I had ever had a homosexual sexual experience, on paper, and had to sign it. And like Bezerk, I was also asked again when I got a security clearance.

I joined before DADT too.

I honestly don't remember if they asked or not. That was 23 years ago.

I was a recuirter, I saw guys and girls come back from MEPS that could not join either because they refused to sign or they told the screener that they had an homosexual relationship. Bodey and Peach are full of shit.

Ah...but you still have to provide the exact wording of the questions asked...have you?

BTW...if I had been asked if I was in a homosexual relationship when I answer would honestly have been "No."
Is current or past military service (of ones self or ones family) the only indicator of patriotism?



Is it fair to criticize Romney for seeking the Presidency when neither he nor his children ever served in the military, and yet NOT criticize Obama, who never served in the military?

Who has done so?

Partisan hacks. It's the basis of this thread...

On that I agree....thus my staying away from that thread.
Hell you fucks took a rich kid who fought and DIDNT avoid the draft and then recieved some of the highest honors this country gives a soldier and TRASHED his service.

guess who wins the asshold award in that debate.


He trashed his own service, I just took him at his word when he did it.

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