Militray service and politics

Quote for us the questions about sexuality when one was being recruited, NLT. Exact quotes, mind you.

I joined up before DADT. I was specificially asked, more than once, if I had ever had a homosexual sexual experience, on paper, and had to sign it. And like Bezerk, I was also asked again when I got a security clearance.

I joined before DADT too.

I honestly don't remember if they asked or not. That was 23 years ago.

I was a recuirter, I saw guys and girls come back from MEPS that could not join either because they refused to sign or they told the screener that they had an homosexual relationship. Bodey and Peach are full of shit.
Quote for us the questions about sexuality when one was being recruited, NLT. Exact quotes, mind you.

I joined up before DADT. I was specificially asked, more than once, if I had ever had a homosexual sexual experience, on paper, and had to sign it. And like Bezerk, I was also asked again when I got a security clearance.

I joined before DADT too.

I honestly don't remember if they asked or not. That was 23 years ago.

They asked me if I had ever engaged in "homosexual activities". Since I hadn't at that point (that would happen within 2 weeks of graduating boot camp), I was able to answer truthfully.
There are numerous reasons why the military opposed openly gay people in the military:

1) Unity of the unit in deployed locations or closed quarters.
2) Blackmail of gay members with security clearances.
3) Health costs associated with gay people, which are higher than others.
4) Family Housing situations where a gay couple demands equal access.
5) "Married" vs single pay differences since gay people can't get married in most states.
6) Retention and recruitment of troops that are opposed to the gay lifestyle.

At the end of the day, does the military benefit by Jake and Jughead being gay men on base? Jughead hanging out in the sauna staring at naked men? Jughead and Jake demanding "married" pay benefits. Jughead and Jake demanding to move in on base next door to normal couples raising kids? Jake and Jughead harming recruiting and retention rates to promote their lifestyle over normal Americans?

The answer is NO. Damaging the US military long term so that Jake and Jughead can hold hands at the base pool around families and their kids isn't what the US military is all about. Go get a job at Walmart.....
There were a lot of lesbians in the service. Everyone knew who they were. It was an open secret. It is my anecdotal estimation that up to half of the women in the service when I was around were gay or bisexual. This made the straight women very popular, if you know what I mean. :D

It was gay men who were not tolerated.

Sexist? Yes. Lesbians are a turn-on for men. At least the way they are portrayed in films. Real lesbians, not so much.

One of the best people who served under me (no pun intended) was a hardcore lesbian. Hardworking, and I trusted her implicity.

Her partner, though, was a piece of work. Extreme jealous type. Would show up unannounced to check up on her mate to make sure she hadn't run off with someone else. She would throw a huge fit if her love was not present and we could not account for her whereabouts.

That's not a gay problem. That's a human problem.

We'd have parties like all units do. And sometimes they would be at this woman's place, and we could all see there was only one bed. It didn't take a genius to see the nature of things, you know?

But like Bezerk, I have no doubt that if men said they wanted to share the same private spaces as women in the military, there would be some serious blood spilled. Why some people can't see gay men in the same private spaces as straight men as being just as problematic is beyond me.

Early in my career, I was present in the command's senior enlisted's office one day when a woman came in bawling her eyes out because she had walked in on a big lesbian orgy her roommate was putting on in her barracks room and was constantly being hassled by them.

The senior enlisted thought it was amusing, and the command did nothing.

As for a homosexual being a security risk, the only reason they can be blackmailed is because they are blackballed.

Something to ruminate over.
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I joined up before DADT. I was specificially asked, more than once, if I had ever had a homosexual sexual experience, on paper, and had to sign it. And like Bezerk, I was also asked again when I got a security clearance.

I joined before DADT too.

I honestly don't remember if they asked or not. That was 23 years ago.

They asked me if I had ever engaged in "homosexual activities". Since I hadn't at that point (that would happen within 2 weeks of graduating boot camp), I was able to answer truthfully.

You just proved my point. Bodey thinks I was lying when I said that all were asked and some had to sign depending on security clearance, that they were not homosexual. She is a Fraud. She claims she served, but its a lie.
Where did Bodey go? thats right bailed, when she was exposed.
There are numerous reasons why the military opposed openly gay people in the military:

1) Unity of the unit in deployed locations or closed quarters.
2) Blackmail of gay members with security clearances.

If you are allowed to be gay in the military, how can you be blackmailed?
They're liars about being in the military before.

My ROTC Det had a SR cadet admit he was gay and he was dropped on the spot. I even think he had to payback his scholarship he took up to that point.

Gays and their liberal supporters are slowly molding the military in their social experiment. Since gay people can be gay at the bank, well then they should be able to be gay in the Army 24/7. :cuckoo:

Soon liberals will realize we have religion on base and they will try to ban churches and pastors from the military. Afterall, we can't be so "closed minded"....

I joined up before DADT. I was specificially asked, more than once, if I had ever had a homosexual sexual experience, on paper, and had to sign it. And like Bezerk, I was also asked again when I got a security clearance.

I joined before DADT too.

I honestly don't remember if they asked or not. That was 23 years ago.

I was a recuirter, I saw guys and girls come back from MEPS that could not join either because they refused to sign or they told the screener that they had an homosexual relationship. Bodey and Peach are full of shit.
Should lack of military service (personally) disqualify someone from holding public office?

Absolutely not. Being in the military has no advantage when it comes to Presidential qualifications.
They were closet gay people.

There are still some that are closet gay people and they wouldn't want their family to find out, even if they admit it to close friends in the military that will never meet their parents.

The openly flaming gay people are the ones that really cause unit problems by making others feel uncomfortable or awkward situations arise when the gay person hits on co-workers.

The military doesn't tolerate straight males that act like they are some male stud there to bang all the women in the office, so a gay man trying to pick up men to bang isn't tolerated either....or we shall see.

There are numerous reasons why the military opposed openly gay people in the military:

1) Unity of the unit in deployed locations or closed quarters.
2) Blackmail of gay members with security clearances.

If you are allowed to be gay in the military, how can you be blackmailed?
I joined before DADT too.

I honestly don't remember if they asked or not. That was 23 years ago.

They asked me if I had ever engaged in "homosexual activities". Since I hadn't at that point (that would happen within 2 weeks of graduating boot camp), I was able to answer truthfully.

You just proved my point. Bodey thinks I was lying when I said that all were asked and some had to sign depending on security clearance, that they were not homosexual. She is a Fraud. She claims she served, but its a lie.

After my first stint I had a TS for 16 years. I was never again asked about anything gay related. (in an official capacity.)

Audey Murphy lied to join. Do you hold him in as much contempt as you do gays and lesbians who have "lied" to serve?

Seeking an escape from that life in 1942, he looked to the Marines. War had just been declared and, like so many other young men, Murphy lied about his age in his attempt to enlist. But it was not his age that kept him out of the Marines; it was his size. Not tall enough to meet the minimum requirements, he tried to enlist in the paratroopers, but again was denied entrance. Despondent, he chose the infantry.
If you are allowed to be gay in the military, how can you be blackmailed?

They were closet gay people.

There are still some that are closet gay people and they wouldn't want their family to find out, even if they admit it to close friends in the military that will never meet their parents.

And why do you think some gays feel it necessary to conceal their sexual orientation?

Are THEY the cause of the need to be in the closet?
The openly flaming gay people are the ones that really cause unit problems by making others feel uncomfortable or awkward situations arise when the gay person hits on co-workers.

They are subject to the exact same regulations about fraternization and sexual harrassment as straight people in the military.

You think a straight guy doesn't make women feel uncomfortable or awkward when he makes unwanted advances on them?
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So you have nothing. I did my jobs and did them well. That you are not impressed is not material to anything at all. What you don't know is what you don't know, and I will leave it at that.

I find it interesting when a supposed vet puts down other vets as somehow not doing the job. You sound more and more like a boot every post. :lol:

Says something about the naysayer.

Ho-hum career for someone floating under the radar and getting by I see.

Not 1 tour in the middle east or Europe. :lol: Yeah, the Army has never been in those places, now Alaska, that is the top of the food chain for Army grunts. :cuckoo:

Never stationed in the FRG. Did a lot of grunt time in Alaska, a couple of tours in Korea, spent some time at Huachuca, plus the airborne school at Benning as a trainee and later cadre. Finished with 1st Cav.

The motorpool was the climax of your Army career. :eusa_whistle:

Did you get to drive trucks around Germany? Did you get stuck in the mud? Sounds exciting.
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It was upgraded after Carter's '77 Amnesty Declaration.. see Kerry's acceptance of the Claytor Honorable Discharge, issued in 1978. Kerry was originally discharged in 1970 and nothing of that discharge has been offered.

What do you have official that it was upgraded? Want a solid piece of evidence: not blogging or conjecturing.

Kerry had a DD215 on his web site..... A DD215 is a correction or change to the DD 214.......

Does it show a reason for the change?
They asked me if I had ever engaged in "homosexual activities". Since I hadn't at that point (that would happen within 2 weeks of graduating boot camp), I was able to answer truthfully.

You just proved my point. Bodey thinks I was lying when I said that all were asked and some had to sign depending on security clearance, that they were not homosexual. She is a Fraud. She claims she served, but its a lie.

After my first stint I had a TS for 16 years. I was never again asked about anything gay related. (in an official capacity.)

Audey Murphy lied to join. Do you hold him in as much contempt as you do gays and lesbians who have "lied" to serve?

Seeking an escape from that life in 1942, he looked to the Marines. War had just been declared and, like so many other young men, Murphy lied about his age in his attempt to enlist. But it was not his age that kept him out of the Marines; it was his size. Not tall enough to meet the minimum requirements, he tried to enlist in the paratroopers, but again was denied entrance. Despondent, he chose the infantry.

Arlington National Cemetery | Audie Murphy

My father wasn't tall enough, he had NO problem enlisting. Those that actually believe the military SCREENED out gay Americans are left over from the 19th century.
There are numerous reasons why the military opposed openly gay people in the military:

1) Unity of the unit in deployed locations or closed quarters.
2) Blackmail of gay members with security clearances.
3) Health costs associated with gay people, which are higher than others.
4) Family Housing situations where a gay couple demands equal access.
5) "Married" vs single pay differences since gay people can't get married in most states.
6) Retention and recruitment of troops that are opposed to the gay lifestyle.

At the end of the day, does the military benefit by Jake and Jughead being gay men on base? Jughead hanging out in the sauna staring at naked men? Jughead and Jake demanding "married" pay benefits. Jughead and Jake demanding to move in on base next door to normal couples raising kids? Jake and Jughead harming recruiting and retention rates to promote their lifestyle over normal Americans?

The answer is NO. Damaging the US military long term so that Jake and Jughead can hold hands at the base pool around families and their kids isn't what the US military is all about. Go get a job at Walmart.....

I don't have to deny being a homosexual, because that is not the point here. The point is this. GoneBezerk's homophobic ways are no longer the military ways. The armed forces have put away the nonsense of GB's and the absolute silliness of it. That military is gone and done with forever.

That is a good thing. We want folks like Seal 6 and folks like me who are straight and those who are same-sex, all who served honorably and faithfully. We don't want the old military outliers like GB. They are not wanted, they can't pull their weight.

The GB's are no longer welcome in our stellar armed forces now, and our military is better for it.
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There are numerous reasons why the military opposed openly gay people in the military:

1) Unity of the unit in deployed locations or closed quarters.
2) Blackmail of gay members with security clearances.
3) Health costs associated with gay people, which are higher than others.
4) Family Housing situations where a gay couple demands equal access.
5) "Married" vs single pay differences since gay people can't get married in most states.
6) Retention and recruitment of troops that are opposed to the gay lifestyle.

At the end of the day, does the military benefit by Jake and Jughead being gay men on base? Jughead hanging out in the sauna staring at naked men? Jughead and Jake demanding "married" pay benefits. Jughead and Jake demanding to move in on base next door to normal couples raising kids? Jake and Jughead harming recruiting and retention rates to promote their lifestyle over normal Americans?

The answer is NO. Damaging the US military long term so that Jake and Jughead can hold hands at the base pool around families and their kids isn't what the US military is all about. Go get a job at Walmart.....

I don't have to deny being a homosexual, because that is not the point here. The point is this. GoneBezerk's homophobic ways are no longer the military ways. The armed forces have put away the nonsense of GB's and the absolute silliness of it. That military is gone and done with forever.

That is a good thing. We want folks like Seal 6 and folks like me who are straight and those who are same-sex, all who served honorably and faithfully. We don't want the old military outliers like GB. They are not wanted, they can't pull their weight.

The GB's are no longer welcome in our stellar armed forces now, and our military is better for it.

:lol::lol: Love the way you use 'we' to announce what 'you' think.

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