Militray service and politics

I take it English isn't your first language either.

You, son, are the jughaid here. You drink a beer, and you think your high school ROTC somehow became the real thing. Not cool.

Jughead, do you think touting yourself as THE Jarhead impresses people here?

You should've picked a different moniker instead of draping yourself as The Marine here.

My Marine friends would laugh in your face, jughead. Now, run along.

uh.....scuse me?

You just exposed yourself.

What would you know about honor OTH. You lied about your sexuality when you enlisted and you served dishonorably.

Where does THAT conclusion originate? "Lied about your sexuality"? "Served dishonorably"? My father never mentioned being ASKED.*

*Imagine IF our military leaders had INVESTIGATED the sexual orientation of all who volunteered after 12/07/41. We might now be speaking German...........

Hey stupid, they did ask when you enlisted, and if you lied like bodey did and got caught, you got an other than honorable discharge. Come back when you know what fuck you are talking about.

You MIGHT wanna read up on the subject:

During World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War, the military defined homosexuality as a mental defect, and officially barred homosexuals from serving based on medical criteria. However, when personnel needs increased due to combat, the military developed a habit of relaxing its screening criteria. Many homosexual men and women serviced honorably during these conflicts. Unfortunately, these periods were short-lived. As soon as the need for combat personnel decreased, the military would involuntarily discharge them.

It wasn't until 1982 that the Department of Defense officially put in writing that “homosexuality was incompatible with military service,” when they published a DOD directive stating such. According to a 1992 report by the Government Accounting Office, nearly 17,000 men and women were discharged under this new directive during the 1980s.

The RAYGUN years of course...............................
Based on your grasp of the English language, I don't doubt you were an enlisted jughead.

You, son, are the jughaid here. You drink a beer, and you think your high school ROTC somehow became the real thing. Not cool.

you want to know why I know Bodecea is true military?
Becuase she didnt argue when I accused her of being an imposter.

Enough siad there.

you have way too much time on your hands son.
I suggest you find something to do.
Where does THAT conclusion originate? "Lied about your sexuality"? "Served dishonorably"? My father never mentioned being ASKED.*

*Imagine IF our military leaders had INVESTIGATED the sexual orientation of all who volunteered after 12/07/41. We might now be speaking German...........

Hey stupid, they did ask when you enlisted, and if you lied like bodey did and got caught, you got an other than honorable discharge. Come back when you know what fuck you are talking about.

You MIGHT wanna read up on the subject:

During World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War, the military defined homosexuality as a mental defect, and officially barred homosexuals from serving based on medical criteria. However, when personnel needs increased due to combat, the military developed a habit of relaxing its screening criteria. Many homosexual men and women serviced honorably during these conflicts. Unfortunately, these periods were short-lived. As soon as the need for combat personnel decreased, the military would involuntarily discharge them.

It wasn't until 1982 that the Department of Defense officially put in writing that “homosexuality was incompatible with military service,” when they published a DOD directive stating such. According to a 1992 report by the Government Accounting Office, nearly 17,000 men and women were discharged under this new directive during the 1980s.

The RAYGUN years of course...............................

the only dishonorable thing about homosexuals serving in the military was the fact that it was deemed as a mental disorder.
I'll go with the military's view of Kerry's service, not malicious, partisan gossip.

Obviously Booosh got special treatment, and barely showed up. Read the military record. Rather's papers were copies, not wrong. A tidal wave of Pubcrappe for the dupes.

The problem is chickenhawk hypocrisy (see Cheney) not people who were against these bad wars...
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The motorpool was the climax of your Army career. :eusa_whistle:

Did you get to drive trucks around Germany? Did you get stuck in the mud? Sounds exciting.

A simple story from a time in the maintenace battalion, and you go bezerk on it. :lol:

You look absolutely boot here. Keep it up. :lol:

Oh please tell us again about your lesbian friends in the Army motorpool back in the 80s again, it sounds like something from the movie Stripes.

Do you pull your "war stories" from military movies? Did you use sticky bombs to blow up tanks? Did you fly a P-51 through downtown LA shooting at a Army Air Corps bomber than ended up in the La Brea tar pits? Or was that you the MG crying over the movie Dumbo in the theater while the troops rioted in the streets?

Don't be stupid. Of course a non- cadet could know that.
Where does THAT conclusion originate? "Lied about your sexuality"? "Served dishonorably"? My father never mentioned being ASKED.*

*Imagine IF our military leaders had INVESTIGATED the sexual orientation of all who volunteered after 12/07/41. We might now be speaking German...........

Hey stupid, they did ask when you enlisted, and if you lied like bodey did and got caught, you got an other than honorable discharge. Come back when you know what fuck you are talking about.

You MIGHT wanna read up on the subject:

During World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War, the military defined homosexuality as a mental defect, and officially barred homosexuals from serving based on medical criteria. However, when personnel needs increased due to combat, the military developed a habit of relaxing its screening criteria. Many homosexual men and women serviced honorably during these conflicts. Unfortunately, these periods were short-lived. As soon as the need for combat personnel decreased, the military would involuntarily discharge them.

It wasn't until 1982 that the Department of Defense officially put in writing that “homosexuality was incompatible with military service,” when they published a DOD directive stating such. According to a 1992 report by the Government Accounting Office, nearly 17,000 men and women were discharged under this new directive during the 1980s.

The RAYGUN years of course

I dont need to read up on shit you stupid twit, I served 22 years, during 3 years of that time I was a recruiter, I think I know how it was dealt with. Your dates are off as well, I enlisted in 1978, and part of my screening I was asked about my sexuality. So take your little wiki search and sit back down and dont speak up unless you know wtf you are saying is accurate.
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Hmmm . . . the only discharg on file for Kerry is Honorable. Got more on it than that? I mean not conjecture, but actually something?

It was upgraded after Carter's '77 Amnesty Declaration.. see Kerry's acceptance of the Claytor Honorable Discharge, issued in 1978. Kerry was originally discharged in 1970 and nothing of that discharge has been offered.
Is current or past military service (of ones self or ones family) the only indicator of patriotism?

Should lack of military service (personally) disqualify someone from holding public office?

Is it fair to criticize Romney for seeking the Presidency when neither he nor his children ever served in the military, and yet NOT criticize Obama, who never served in the military?

To the best of my knowledge, Mr. Conservative, military service is not a Constitutional requirement of the President of the United States.

I personally, prefer someone who's had to carry out orders of a higher up, because then they have a feeling for the unfairness associated with being compelled to do something very unpleasant that could make their children fatherless in a worst case scenario. That would give them the perspective of the danger they are requiring of citizen soldiers in the field to protect the homeland, and the respect one must have for one courageous soldier to turn the tide in a fight by his derringdo act that rallied his fellows to win for the home team.
I'll go with the military's view of Kerry's service, not malicious, partisan goosip.

Obviously Booosh got special treatment, and barely showed up. Read the military record. Rather's papers were copies, not wrong. A tidal wave of Pubcrappe for the dupes.

The problem is chickenhawk hypocrisy (see Cheney and Romney kids) not people who were agianst these bad wars...

First you say this.....

I'll go with the military's view of Kerry's service, not malicious, partisan goosip.

Im cool with know...not going with the malicious, partisan gossip.

Then you say this....

Obviously Booosh got special treatment, and barely showed up. Read the military record. Rather's papers were copies, not wrong. A tidal wave of Pubcrappe for the dupes.

And I realize you are a hypocrite.
Ahhh, his left-wing views bubble to the top.

Gays in the military don't promote unity in a unit. It is not the same as straight men showering and living among each other in close quarters when gay men get to "mingle" among them, especially openly now.

I don't have a problem with gay people, but I don't want their lifestyle pushed on me and I wouldn't be ok with them showering and living with me in closed quarters.

There is no privacy in the military at bootcamp, on a ship, in a tent so putting some man that is attracted to other men among other men in that situation is disrepectful towards the straight men. Hell, why can't a straight man just shower and sleep in the women's dorm/tent? Come on jughead, your little brain can figure this out.

But really, we understand you were a jughead to stare at men in the shower, fess up. You and Jakey have some love thingy going on.....jugheads and dogs in love.

the only dishonorable thing about homosexuals serving in the military was the fact that it was deemed as a mental disorder.
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Hmmm . . . the only discharg on file for Kerry is Honorable. Got more on it than that? I mean not conjecture, but actually something?

It was upgraded after Carter's '77 Amnesty Declaration.. see Kerry's acceptance of the Claytor Honorable Discharge, issued in 1978. Kerry was originally discharged in 1970 and nothing of that discharge has been offered.

What do you have official that it was upgraded? Want a solid piece of evidence: not blogging or conjecturing.
Hmmm . . . the only discharg on file for Kerry is Honorable. Got more on it than that? I mean not conjecture, but actually something?

It was upgraded after Carter's '77 Amnesty Declaration.. see Kerry's acceptance of the Claytor Honorable Discharge, issued in 1978. Kerry was originally discharged in 1970 and nothing of that discharge has been offered.

Could you provide some information on that from a reputable source?

Carters 1977 "GRANTING PARDON FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE SELECTIVE SERVICE ACT" would not have impacted any convictions under the UCMJ nor would it have upgrades discharges.

Proclamation 4483: Granting Pardon for Violations of the Selective Service Act

Jughead, it's Sir to you.'re here too, idiot.:cuckoo:

Based on your grasp of the English language, I don't doubt you were an enlisted jughead.

you have way too much time on your hands son.
I suggest you find something to do.

Oh yeah...and an FYI sparky....

My saying you had too much time on your hands wasnt about you being on here...

It was about you having the time to edit my posts for typos.

Never stationed in the FRG. Did a lot of grunt time in Alaska, a couple of tours in Korea, spent some time at Huachuca, plus the airborne school at Benning as a trainee and later cadre. Finished with 1st Cav.

The motorpool was the climax of your Army career. :eusa_whistle:

Did you get to drive trucks around Germany? Did you get stuck in the mud? Sounds exciting.

A simple story from a time in the maintenace battalion, and you go bezerk on it. :lol:

You look absolutely boot here. Keep it up. :lol:

Oh please tell us again about your lesbian friends in the Army motorpool back in the 80s again, it sounds like something from the movie Stripes.

Do you pull your "war stories" from military movies? Did you use sticky bombs to blow up tanks? Did you fly a P-51 through downtown LA shooting at a Army Air Corps bomber than ended up in the La Brea tar pits? Or was that you the MG crying over the movie Dumbo in the theater while the troops rioted in the streets?
Ahhh, his left-wing views bubble to the top.

Gays in the military don't promote unity in a unit. It is not the same as straight men showering and living among each other in close quarters when gay men get to "mingle" among them, especially openly now.

I don't have a problem with gay people, but I don't want their lifestyle pushed on me and I wouldn't be ok with them showering and living with me in closed quarters.

There is no privacy in the military at bootcamp, on a ship, in a tent so putting some man that is attracted to other men among other men in that situation is disrepectful towards the straight men. Hell, why can't a straight man just shower and sleep in the women's dorm/tent? Come on jughead, your little brain can figure this out.

But really, we understand you were a jughead to stare at men in the shower, fess up. You and Jakey have some love thingy going on.....jugheads and dogs in love.

the only dishonorable thing about homosexuals serving in the military was the fact that it was deemed as a mental disorder.

Curious Sparky....if there were unisex showers...would you have a problem with women showering in the same showers as you?

Likely, you would be beating off til your palms were raw.

Oh yeah...and an FYI...I am a conservaitve through and through.....but recognize that Gay people are no different than I am...for I am not a conservative who is guided by religion.
I am guided by my ideology.
It's just a reflex of correcting work by dunces like you before the 4-star saw it. Hell, some knucklehead like you changed some words in my assessment that went to the SECDEF and I saw the typos after the can't win with idiots like you out there.

Jughead, it's Sir to you.'re here too, idiot.:cuckoo:

you have way too much time on your hands son.
I suggest you find something to do.

Oh yeah...and an FYI sparky....

My saying you had too much time on your hands wasnt about you being on here...

It was about you having the time to edit my posts for typos.

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