Militray service and politics

NLT, that language was not required when she entered. She was asked whether she had ever had a homosexual encounter not whether she was homosexual. Did your Command Sergeant Major exceed his authority in wrongfully issuing such changes to his subordinate recruiters? If so, a violation of the UCMJ occurred.

I agree with you on wrongful fraternization. I helped ensure that several officers and NCOs left the service for dipping where they did not belong. Leaders who did those types of things are infuriating to those who are trying to create and lead an outstanding in very trying times.

I nor My CMC, would ask the recruits anything medical. It was done at MEPS or AFEES by the Medical Officer.

Then you are engaged in second-hand, anecdotal memory if you don't know first hand.

I do know first hand, I was asked the same damn question when I went through my medical screen, are you really that dense.
Still waiting for the exact question from the recruitment questionairre. How odd that you claim to know this stuff and yet we get NO evidence of the exact question asked from you.

Both Seawytch and I have provided the question....and yet you ignore it and go on EVADING.....yes, you are lying about this. Your bitterness over women who have obviously bested you in life, in work, in love has addled your mind.

Never said you were asked question from a recuirting questionairre, quit trying to twist the issue. I said you were asked during the medical screen by the medical officer, unless you joined after DADT you had to answer the question. I know what you said, "I wasnt gay then". (which I dont believe, I thought all you gays were born that way and it was not a decision). Does not change the fact that you were asked the question.

You say I was asked the question by a Medical Officer? Uh, no I was not. It was during my Officer Candidate interview. How interesting that for a supposed recruiter you did not know that.

Oh you are saying you were an officer? really? sure. Thanks for proving my point you were asked. I am done here.
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Um....people don't recommend themselves for Purple Hearts. Thanks for playing.

Kerry was the. CO of a swift boat, and it is a matter of record that he reported to sick call, got a band aid and then put himself in for a purple heart. According to SBVT member Grant Hibbard, who was Kerry's commander at the time. Hibbard claimed that Kerry came to him the morning after the incident, after he had been to sick bay, stating that he was eligible for a Purple Heart.

It is? Show us that record then.

The record is taking Kerry's Commanders word, since Kerry will not allow his military record to be released.
It is? Show us that record then.

If he was the CO of the Swift Boat and he was recommended for a purple heart while in command of that swift boat, then ONLY HE can recommend a purple heart. Only he or his next in command if his life was lost.

Now, I dont know if he was the CO.....I dont really care...but if he was, then only he can recommend himself for the purple heart.

Were COs of river boats treated as real COs? Or more like OinCs? He was only an LT.....and then there is the issue may recommend....but it STILL has to be approved by those up the Chain of Command.

He was the CO of his boat, and he went to his next in command and put in for a purple heart after getting a medic to put a band aid on his wound. He then went on another patrol the next day.
AR 601-270 Section K5. (sf 93) If you served during the 70's/80's/90's you had a medical screen and these questions were asked. I am done with your lies.

I need to interject here. I ran my own little "test" yesterday and whereas I did not tell her, Bodecea passed with flying coloirs. The babe is true military. Did she lie about her sexuality to get in? Maybe. Good for her. Sexual orientation is a non factor anyway.

Are you aware of how many men lied about their age back during WWII? Did they serve with less honor becuase of this?

How did you vet her with out knowing SSN.

I am not denying her service, she obviously knows the lingo. She called me a liar when I said you had to tell the Military wether or not you were gay, I was a recruiter, I know exactly what you had to divulge in your medical screen. I could give a fuck if she lied to get in, but if she was in my unit and it was found out that she was having relations with other female sailors, especially lower rank and younger, I would have gone out of my way to boot her out.

Well, I dont know for sure.....but like I siad...I ran my own little test.
There is a rule of thumb that most of us are aware of..

True military does not brag of their service.

When I cast doubt on her service, she did not toss at me her "experience" and her "medals".

She simply said "believe what you want".

Compare that to the reaction of that GoneBezerk guy.

As for the other part of accused her of serving you really expect her to admit she lied?

Not saying she lied...but if she did, I dont blame her for avoiding the issue.

And I dont agree with you saying she served dishonorably.

Instead I thank her for doing whatever she needed to do to serve her country.
I nor My CMC, would ask the recruits anything medical. It was done at MEPS or AFEES by the Medical Officer.

Then you are engaged in second-hand, anecdotal memory if you don't know first hand.

I do know first hand, I was asked the same damn question when I went through my medical screen, are you really that dense.

I wasn't asked if I was homosexual. I was asked if I had any such encounters. No, I didn't, and I was never asked anything of the sort again in my years of activity. Since I had a compartmentalized TSC, I must have been investigated, but simply was never asked again.

I think you are wrong on this.
If he was the CO of the Swift Boat and he was recommended for a purple heart while in command of that swift boat, then ONLY HE can recommend a purple heart. Only he or his next in command if his life was lost.

Now, I dont know if he was the CO.....I dont really care...but if he was, then only he can recommend himself for the purple heart.

Were COs of river boats treated as real COs? Or more like OinCs? He was only an LT.....and then there is the issue may recommend....but it STILL has to be approved by those up the Chain of Command.

He was the CO of his boat, and he went to his next in command and put in for a purple heart after getting a medic to put a band aid on his wound. He then went on another patrol the next day.

small correction...he did not "put in" for a purple heart.

Assuming he is the one who "put it in"...he submitted a recommendation for review and consideration.
Kerry was the. CO of a swift boat, and it is a matter of record that he reported to sick call, got a band aid and then put himself in for a purple heart. According to SBVT member Grant Hibbard, who was Kerry's commander at the time. Hibbard claimed that Kerry came to him the morning after the incident, after he had been to sick bay, stating that he was eligible for a Purple Heart.

It is? Show us that record then.

The record is taking Kerry's Commanders word, since Kerry will not allow his military record to be released.

The O attacking K had his ass kicked in bivouac for lying about Kerry. He was a raging alcoholic who hated Kerry. Nothing he says is to be trusted.

The only record to be trusted are the ones on file for Bush and Kerry.

They served honorably.

End of story.
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If he was the CO of the Swift Boat and he was recommended for a purple heart while in command of that swift boat, then ONLY HE can recommend a purple heart. Only he or his next in command if his life was lost.

Now, I dont know if he was the CO.....I dont really care...but if he was, then only he can recommend himself for the purple heart.

Were COs of river boats treated as real COs? Or more like OinCs? He was only an LT.....and then there is the issue may recommend....but it STILL has to be approved by those up the Chain of Command.

He was the CO of his boat, and he went to his next in command and put in for a purple heart after getting a medic to put a band aid on his wound. He then went on another patrol the next day.

Simple horse shit. End of story.
Then you are engaged in second-hand, anecdotal memory if you don't know first hand.

I do know first hand, I was asked the same damn question when I went through my medical screen, are you really that dense.

I wasn't asked if I was homosexual. I was asked if I had any such encounters. No, I didn't, and I was never asked anything of the sort again in my years of activity. Since I had a compartmentalized TSC, I must have been investigated, but simply was never asked again.

I think you are wrong on this.

And you know that Homosexuality would have been reason to pull that TSC....
Still waiting for the exact question from the recruitment questionairre. How odd that you claim to know this stuff and yet we get NO evidence of the exact question asked from you.

Both Seawytch and I have provided the question....and yet you ignore it and go on EVADING.....yes, you are lying about this. Your bitterness over women who have obviously bested you in life, in work, in love has addled your mind.

Never said you were asked question from a recuirting questionairre, quit trying to twist the issue. I said you were asked during the medical screen by the medical officer, unless you joined after DADT you had to answer the question. I know what you said, "I wasnt gay then". (which I dont believe, I thought all you gays were born that way and it was not a decision). Does not change the fact that you were asked the question.

You say I was asked the question by a Medical Officer? Uh, no I was not. It was during my Officer Candidate interview. How interesting that for a supposed recruiter you did not know that.

I was not an officer recruiter, I have no Idea what was asked during your OCS interview, never said I did. But I damn sure know what was asked of the enlisted recuirts. If you claim to know so much, you would know there are officer recruiters and enlisted recruiters
We even had seperate recruiting offices.
Then you are engaged in second-hand, anecdotal memory if you don't know first hand.

I do know first hand, I was asked the same damn question when I went through my medical screen, are you really that dense.

I wasn't asked if I was homosexual. I was asked if I had any such encounters. No, I didn't, and I was never asked anything of the sort again in my years of activity. Since I had a compartmentalized TSC, I must have been investigated, but simply was never asked again.

I think you are wrong on this.

I enlisted in 78, when did you enlist. Maybe the Army was different but I doubt it.
That's right, SFC Ollie. I knew guys who left the service because of homosexuality, and I am sure you did as well. I was asked once about any encounters, never about my orientation.

Maybe I am making too much of this? I have had a wonderful relationship with each of my two wives. I have never known another women outside of them, not before my first wife passed, not in between my marriages, not during my second marriage, never when I was on active duty and gone elsewhere.

I just don't understand all this interest about someone's sexuality.
I do know first hand, I was asked the same damn question when I went through my medical screen, are you really that dense.

I wasn't asked if I was homosexual. I was asked if I had any such encounters. No, I didn't, and I was never asked anything of the sort again in my years of activity. Since I had a compartmentalized TSC, I must have been investigated, but simply was never asked again.

I think you are wrong on this.

I enlisted in 78, when did you enlist. Maybe the Army was different but I doubt it.

Several years before you. Maybe the Army was different but I doubt it. Maybe are memories are slipping, and while I can't answer for you, I don't think mine has gone.

I am going to look up my papers. They are all buried in the files up in the attic storage. I will do that tonight.
That's right, SFC Ollie. I knew guys who left the service because of homosexuality, and I am sure you did as well. I was asked once about any encounters, never about my orientation.

Maybe I am making too much of this? I have had a wonderful relationship with each of my two wives. I have never known another women outside of them, not before my first wife passed, not in between my marriages, not during my second marriage, never when I was on active duty and gone elsewhere.

I just don't understand all this interest about someone's sexuality.

You just dont the history of my complete dislike of Bodey thats all. When she posts her crap it sets me off, I should put her on ignore.
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Maybe so, but what she is writing rings so in my experience. You say that doesn't ring in yours.

She was Navy, I was Army.

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