Million Muslim March planned for D.C. on 9/11 !

I just like seeing the Islamophobes piss their pants in fear. :lol:

From the article:

"Whether AMPAC can get a million people to march on the National Mall is highly doubtful, however. The Facebook event page alone has only 5 people attending."

Yes. Let's allow them to start riots in America the way they start riots everywhere else in the world.

Burning, killing, get them used to doing what they did in just about every country they live in.

It's just harmless protests.

They have the right to protest and you have very little evidence it would turn into a riot here in the states

Did you really say that? LMAO!!!!

The evidence is in today's headlines.

Last 911 they chose to riot. What makes you think they haven't any intention this 911?
I think that a Million Muslim March on 9/11 is a great idea.

People here are always calling for muslims to stand up and show their support for America.

This march will do exactly that......... :cool:

Did you read the article?

The point of the march is to complain about the way Muslims have been treated, and to advocate for more Muslim politicians.

This will be very helpful, I'm sure.
I just like seeing the Islamophobes piss their pants in fear. :lol:

From the article:

"Whether AMPAC can get a million people to march on the National Mall is highly doubtful, however. The Facebook event page alone has only 5 people attending."

Fear? My only fear is that someone wont take advantage of this target rich environment.
Muslim do the same thing everywhere. They get a toe-hold, then they grow the size of their group, then they see what they can get away with, if no opposition presents itself before you know it buses start exploding and schools are attacked by armed gunmen with explosives.
does any muslim really have the time to protest, especially if it involves the inconvenience of being stuck in traffic with whatever "Forms Of Transportation" they would use to get to D.C.? can anyone just picture a busload of muslims?
Muslim do the same thing everywhere. They get a toe-hold, then they grow the size of their group, then they see what they can get away with, if no opposition presents itself before you know it buses start exploding and schools are attacked by armed gunmen with explosives.
Exactly - when equipped, they will inflict terror in the name of allah, mohammad, and the koran - fuck them all! :evil:
Way to choose the worst day imaginable you stupid dumb fucks ! :evil:
Unbelievable poor choice.
If these fucks were marching to protest the nutjobs inside their religion, I might applaud them, instead they're doubling down with demands.

AMPAC plans ‘Million Muslim March’ for D.C. on 9/11

A Muslim advocacy PAC is planning a “Million Muslim March” in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 11 to demand social justice by the U.S. government.

The American Political Action Committee, or AMPAC, is demanding “that laws be enacted protecting our 1st amendment. We are asking President Obama to fulfill his promise from his first campaign for Presidency of a transparent government. Lastly, we are asking for the release of the 9/11 commission report to the American people,” the event posting states on their website.

AMPAC’s Chief of Operations Isa Hodge writes that Muslims and non-Muslims alike were traumatized by the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, “but we as Muslims continue 12 years later to be victimized by being made the villains.”

“Yet our Government either sits idly by and does nothing to protect our freedoms or it exacerbates the problem with its constant war on terrorism in Islamic countries, congressional hearings on Islam in America, and its changes to the NDAA law.”

“These lies told to the American population has made it impossible for us to do true Dawa,” Ms. Hodge continues, referring to the practice of proselytizing or preaching Islam.

It is time for us as Muslims in America to stop being defensive and start being proactive by using our right to vote and our freedom of assemble and let our voices be heard by our country and the world. Stand with us help us fight the injustices being committed against us.”

AMPAC plans 'Million Muslim March' for D.C. on 9/11 - Washington Times

You are the typical ignorant, hateful conservative.

America was attacked by criminal terrorists on 9/11, their faith incidental and irrelevant.

Muslims of good faith represent Islam, not the criminals who misappropriated their religion. Consequently, 9/11 is a perfectly appropriate date to bring attention to this fact.

Islam is as much a victim of the terrorism perpetrated by criminal religious extremists; the evidence of that can be found in this very thread, by the hateful, ignorant posts of conservatives.

We are at war with that criminal religious extremism, not Islam.

More Muslims have been killed by radical Muslims than any other group, which is why Muslims should be able respect the feelings of others and not have the March on 911. Most Muslims hopefully understand that. That would be exactly like Japanese Americans having a March on December 7. It's 100% the same thing.
They should be rounded up and gassed IMO.

How Anti-american Of You.

How is it anti-american to gas people who want to kill me and ram jet liners into american buildings?

The American thing to do would be to round them all up and gas them in chambers and discard their bodies in mass graves.

That is EXACTLY, what they would do to every "INFIDEL" on the planet, if they had the ability to do so. As it is, flying planes into buildings and strapping bombs to themselves to KILL INNOCENT people is the best they can do.
The left isn't serious about gay rights, woman rights or anything if they side with the islamis.

I'm serious.


They coddle radical islam because they're the enemy of their enemy. (That's us).

They make all muslims in general a victim group they can exploit.

There are muslims in our country however that aren't fans of gay rights, and aren't fans of liberalism in general. They've assimilated to the country quite well, so I'm not going to pile on the entire religon.

The jihadist assholes in the world make life miserable for everyone, just like liberals do. We should all be fighting them both.
I think that a Million Muslim March on 9/11 is a great idea.

People here are always calling for muslims to stand up and show their support for America.

This march will do exactly that......... :cool:

Did you read the article?

The point of the march is to complain about the way Muslims have been treated, and to advocate for more Muslim politicians.

This will be very helpful, I'm sure.
I just like seeing the Islamophobes piss their pants in fear. :lol:

From the article:

"Whether AMPAC can get a million people to march on the National Mall is highly doubtful, however. The Facebook event page alone has only 5 people attending."

No one is in fear of these clowns, the point is holding the event on this day is in poor taste.
Sorry bout that,

1. Islam wants you all to die so they can have America.
2. And trust me the bold bastards saying they want to protest on 911 should alarm people that we need to go freaking nuts on the Islamic fuck heads!
3. I think sending them out of the country would be a GREAT idea!


All true, the only thing is that there will be perhaps 100 of these douchebags who actually march.

Those who do, should be condemned - but statements like "kill em all" only fan the flames.

Islam should be resisted and exposed, but attacks on Muslims work against the goal of defanging and deradicalizing Islam.

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