Million Muslim March planned for D.C. on 9/11 !

Yep....just like the mosque in NY.
It's pretty obvious what they're up to. I think they'll find that Americans aren't the pushovers the europeans are.
Well at least most of us......

And yet, the 9-11 victory Mosque goes forward as planned....

Per Muhammad, Muslims have erected a Mosque to glorified the god Allah at the site of great victories over their enemies. The 9-11 victory Mosque signifies the victory Allah gave Islam over the infidel Americans on 9-11.

Is ?Ground Zero? developer planning ?mega-mosque??* - NY Daily News

You haven't been paying attention. The "mosque" has been open for nearly two years already. It's a nice place, I've been there. No jihadists in sight.
Yep....just like the mosque in NY.
It's pretty obvious what they're up to. I think they'll find that Americans aren't the pushovers the europeans are.
Well at least most of us......

And yet, the 9-11 victory Mosque goes forward as planned....

Per Muhammad, Muslims have erected a Mosque to glorified the god Allah at the site of great victories over their enemies. The 9-11 victory Mosque signifies the victory Allah gave Islam over the infidel Americans on 9-11.

Is ?Ground Zero? developer planning ?mega-mosque??* - NY Daily News

Awww tissue?
What if they side with their First Amendment right to have that march? I personally think that their timing and alleged theme for that timing STINKS.

Then it is awfully funny that leftists NEVER side with the first amendment right of Abortion opponents or gun owners to march....

Islam is an ally of convenience for the left, more troops to fight those who cling to "God, Guns, and the Constitution," as Dear Leader put it. When no longer convenient, the left will turn on Muslims in a snap.

I think that you have a problem with, I really can't describe it, but it seems that you have been a fed a line of bullshit and an inaccurate caricature of Liberals" of "the Left". Has an organization like the ACLU fought against the right of Anti-Abortion or gun rights advocates to march? I personally have no problem with people or groups marching as long as it's done in a lawful manner.
You haven't been paying attention. The "mosque" has been open for nearly two years already. It's a nice place, I've been there. No jihadists in sight.

Again, the Mosque is to commemorate the defeat of the American infidels on 9-11, per Muslim tradition. Why would "Jihadists" need to be present.

Oh, and ALL Muslims are "Jihadists," you need to look up what the word means.
Yep....just like the mosque in NY.
It's pretty obvious what they're up to. I think they'll find that Americans aren't the pushovers the europeans are.
Well at least most of us......

And yet, the 9-11 victory Mosque goes forward as planned....

Per Muhammad, Muslims have erected a Mosque to glorified the god Allah at the site of great victories over their enemies. The 9-11 victory Mosque signifies the victory Allah gave Islam over the infidel Americans on 9-11.

Is ?Ground Zero? developer planning ?mega-mosque??* - NY Daily News

You haven't been paying attention. The "mosque" has been open for nearly two years already. It's a nice place, I've been there. No jihadists in sight.

Really? No jihadist huh?
Do you actually believe they would have them out training in their suicide vests for all to see?
The height of stupidity.....
for all good muslims this march is simply a step forward in the Islamization of America....

religion is simply a "beard" for all other components of Islam and their System of life....totally anti-American...

[ame=]How Islam is Taking Over The World: Islamization Explained - YouTube[/ame]
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You haven't been paying attention. The "mosque" has been open for nearly two years already. It's a nice place, I've been there. No jihadists in sight.

Again, the Mosque is to commemorate the defeat of the American infidels on 9-11, per Muslim tradition. Why would "Jihadists" need to be present.

Oh, and ALL Muslims are "Jihadists," you need to look up what the word means.

And liberals wonder why we call them anti American. They're just fine with muslims rubbing our noses in the attacks of 9-11.
If they were all armed, the rightwing would be applauding
If they were all armed, the rightwing would be applauding

Unless they are hypocrites.'s a thought. WHAT IF the muslims were marching to PROTEST islamic terrorism. Haven't people complained for a long time about a lack of protesting by mainstream muslims against the islamic terrorists? Not saying this is what it's all about....but wouldn't it be ironic for people to bitch about muslims doing something that they also cry about muslims not doing enough?
Yep....just like the mosque in NY.
It's pretty obvious what they're up to. I think they'll find that Americans aren't the pushovers the europeans are.
Well at least most of us......

And yet, the 9-11 victory Mosque goes forward as planned....

Per Muhammad, Muslims have erected a Mosque to glorified the god Allah at the site of great victories over their enemies. The 9-11 victory Mosque signifies the victory Allah gave Islam over the infidel Americans on 9-11.

Is ?Ground Zero? developer planning ?mega-mosque??* - NY Daily News

You haven't been paying attention. The "mosque" has been open for nearly two years already. It's a nice place, I've been there. No jihadists in sight.

The only way you could know that for a fact is to read minds.
If they were all armed, the rightwing would be applauding

Unless they are hypocrites.'s a thought. WHAT IF the muslims were marching to PROTEST islamic terrorism. Haven't people complained for a long time about a lack of protesting by mainstream muslims against the islamic terrorists? Not saying this is what it's all about....but wouldn't it be ironic for people to bitch about muslims doing something that they also cry about muslims not doing enough?

You still have NOT read the article. Or can't find anyone to read it to you. That much is crystal clear.
Well, this topic sure has provided many juicy tidbits from the racists for the memory banks. The masks totally fell off on this go round.

They make the GOP look so attractive with their unadulterated, murderous hate of a yet another entire group of people, don't they?

As for the Muslim group wanting a Million Muslim March, someone called them truthers. I have to agree. Their web site seems to indicate that is what they are.

So, gosh, we have on the one hand some weak-minded truthers, and on the other hand some weak-minded bigots. That's just too much material to enjoy all at once.

Fun times!
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They should be rounded up and gassed IMO.

I think that was tried with Jews not so long ago.
How did it work out for Adolf?

Terrible comparison.

The jews weren't trying to behead the germans and take over the world.

I'm sure you have the evidence that all muslims are trying to behead people and take over the world. Go right ahead and post it, or the Hitler comparison stands, you little nazi wannabe.

I see a lot of similarities in you. A craving for national identity papers to be carried by everyone. Wanting to toss millions of people in gas ovens.

Yeah. You don't even wear a mask to hide your swastika stripes, Mini Führer .
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I think that was tried with Jews not so long ago.
How did it work out for Adolf?

Terrible comparison.

The jews weren't trying to behead the germans and take over the world.

I'm sure you have the evidence that all muslims are trying to behead people and take over the world. Go right ahead and post it, or the Hitler comparison stands, you little nazi wannabe.

There is no such thing as a moderate muslim.

If they were all armed, the rightwing would be applauding

Unless they are hypocrites.'s a thought. WHAT IF the muslims were marching to PROTEST islamic terrorism. Haven't people complained for a long time about a lack of protesting by mainstream muslims against the islamic terrorists? Not saying this is what it's all about....but wouldn't it be ironic for people to bitch about muslims doing something that they also cry about muslims not doing enough?
Yeah, there's about as much chance of that happening as Obama balancing the budget.
Terrible comparison.

The jews weren't trying to behead the germans and take over the world.

I'm sure you have the evidence that all muslims are trying to behead people and take over the world. Go right ahead and post it, or the Hitler comparison stands, you little nazi wannabe.

There is no such thing as a moderate muslim.


Ipse dixit, Mini Fuhrer.

You have no evidence, I see.

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