Million Muslim March planned for D.C. on 9/11 !

That was a pretty stupid thing to say.


I have never once seen on television or met in person a "moderate muslim."

Where are these moderate muslims? And do you have undeniable proof that they are telling the truth when they say there are?

Have you ever met any Muslim person? Have you ever had a conversation with a Muslim person for so much as the duration of a cup of coffee? You're an ignorant, scared little boy (or girl, I don't know) throwing around categorical statements irresponsibly. Stop it, or you'll get no dessert.

simple question: why do so-called 'moderate' muslims support anti-free speech laws against criticism of Mohammed...?

simple answer: because they place the Koran above the Constitution even in political life...

Muslims in Dearborn rally against free speech, call for anti-blasphemy laws - National Policy & Issues |
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I have never once seen on television or met in person a "moderate muslim."

Where are these moderate muslims? And do you have undeniable proof that they are telling the truth when they say there are?

Have you ever met any Muslim person? Have you ever had a conversation with a Muslim person for so much as the duration of a cup of coffee? You're an ignorant, scared little boy (or girl, I don't know) throwing around categorical statements irresponsibly. Stop it, or you'll get no dessert.

simple question: why do so-called 'moderate' muslims support anti-free speech laws against criticism of Mohammed...?

simple answer: because they place the Koran above the Constitution even in political life...

Muslims in Dearborn rally against free speech, call for anti-blasphemy laws - National Policy & Issues |

A muslim who says they are moderate is a liar.

There is no such thing because the Koran is inherently extremist.

Muslims are the equivilant of modern day nazi's. They are fucking IslamoNazi's.

I have never once seen on television or met in person a "moderate muslim."

Where are these moderate muslims? And do you have undeniable proof that they are telling the truth when they say there are?

Have you ever met any Muslim person? Have you ever had a conversation with a Muslim person for so much as the duration of a cup of coffee? You're an ignorant, scared little boy (or girl, I don't know) throwing around categorical statements irresponsibly. Stop it, or you'll get no dessert.

Answer my question?

How disappointing that you really expected an answer to such a foolish question. They, like people of other faiths, are in many places. They are in schools, shops, large corporations, government offices, cheap little apartments and large homes, on the street, in the grocery store, etc. Like everyone else, dumbass.

Now, answer MY questions.
Have you ever met any Muslim person? Have you ever had a conversation with a Muslim person for so much as the duration of a cup of coffee? You're an ignorant, scared little boy (or girl, I don't know) throwing around categorical statements irresponsibly. Stop it, or you'll get no dessert.

simple question: why do so-called 'moderate' muslims support anti-free speech laws against criticism of Mohammed...?

simple answer: because they place the Koran above the Constitution even in political life...

Muslims in Dearborn rally against free speech, call for anti-blasphemy laws - National Policy & Issues |

A muslim who says they are moderate is a liar.

There is no such thing because the Koran is inherently extremist.

Muslims are the equivilant of modern day nazi's. They are fucking IslamoNazi's.

That would mean a billion and a half nazis

That is a lot of dead people.....I don't see them
Have you ever met any Muslim person? Have you ever had a conversation with a Muslim person for so much as the duration of a cup of coffee? You're an ignorant, scared little boy (or girl, I don't know) throwing around categorical statements irresponsibly. Stop it, or you'll get no dessert.

Answer my question?

How disappointing that you really expected an answer to such a foolish question. They, like people of other faiths, are in many places. They are in schools, shops, large corporations, government offices, cheap little apartments and large homes, on the street, in the grocery store, etc. Like everyone else, dumbass.

Now, answer MY questions.

Still didn't answer my question.

You lose.
Terrible comparison.

The jews weren't trying to behead the germans and take over the world.

I'm sure you have the evidence that all muslims are trying to behead people and take over the world. Go right ahead and post it, or the Hitler comparison stands, you little nazi wannabe.

There is no such thing as a moderate muslim.


That's a silly generalization. I have run across plenty of moderate Muslims, they were/are Turkish as well as people from other nations who emigrated here to the United States. .
Answer my question?

How disappointing that you really expected an answer to such a foolish question. They, like people of other faiths, are in many places. They are in schools, shops, large corporations, government offices, cheap little apartments and large homes, on the street, in the grocery store, etc. Like everyone else, dumbass.

Now, answer MY questions.

Still didn't answer my question.

You lose.

I'm sorry to say this, but the propaganda ministry has done a great job with you although most people don't wake up every day with a burning desire to slaughter someone for God. Usually, they exchange their sorrow for hate and become easily indoctrinated. Sometimes the mosque preaches hate. The same could be said for any religion. A protestant bombs a catholic or a Babtist bombs an abortion clinic. Similar way of thinking.
Ya...shrug all you f*ckin want ass! If Sharia comes to America, it's going to be the women that suffer the most! Why should YOU care?

Ok...but thats not what we were talking about.he gave an opinion which could happen ..I really didnt have an opinion on his opinion.

But you keep on trying for the fear going to just laugh at you.

Actually you are right. The intent of this march is to make it easier for islam to proselytize the US. Go back and read the article. Leftists generally approve of that. It would serve those nasty Christians right!

“These lies told to the American population has made it impossible for us to do true Dawa,” Ms. Hodge continues, referring to the practice of proselytizing or preaching Islam.

Oh you made it sound like something evil, its nothing different than what christians...yawn, keep your bigoted notions to yourself.
The moderate Muslim who gets up and goes to work every day to put food on the table for his family doesn't make the news precisely because he is not doing anything newsworthy.

Just like the moderate people in both political parties don't get any air time these days. Using Thorax's FuhrerLogic™, the lack of moderate people speaking on the air on behalf of the Republican or Democratic parties means there are none in either party.

There is no such thing as a moderate muslim.

They do not exist. Not here and not anywhere.

Of course they don't.

By the way, all Americans are fat, rabid, gun nut Christians who murder children in schools when they haven't got a country to invade.
There are no moderate Americans.

No where in this thread is their a differentiation between radical Islamic fundamentalist and other Muslims. In the mind of extremist there is no difference. They are all guilty.
There is no disinction; they all believe in the koran. The moderates do not protest the radicals; they would not protest sharia law. They would stand by and watch whatever the radicals do.

The koran teaches to subjugate the world through violence, and that nothing is above that hate belief. Fuck the muslims, allah, mohammad, and the koran. Islam came from hell - it can go back to hell.
Treating people as individuals is a basic principal in the American concept of justice and fair play. We judge people based on their individual actions. 19 Islamic terrorist brought down the towers, not 2 billion Muslims.

Muslims, just like Jews and Christians have different beliefs and varying degrees of faith. Some are extremist and some are moderate. Just as you can't judge a book by it's cover, you can't judge a person by their religion, color of their skin, or their nationality.

But I can judge them by the date they pick to have the rally. That's for friggin sure. 364 days were available as an alternative.

Good grief

Ok...but thats not what we were talking about.he gave an opinion which could happen ..I really didnt have an opinion on his opinion.

But you keep on trying for the fear going to just laugh at you.

Actually you are right. The intent of this march is to make it easier for islam to proselytize the US. Go back and read the article. Leftists generally approve of that. It would serve those nasty Christians right!

“These lies told to the American population has made it impossible for us to do true Dawa,” Ms. Hodge continues, referring to the practice of proselytizing or preaching Islam.

Oh you made it sound like something evil, its nothing different than what christians...yawn, keep your bigoted notions to yourself.

You are a stupid fuck, there is no Christian equivalency here.
from the link, below...

so I am not sure where they get the 1st amendment thing from, they are being denied their 1st amend. rights? where?

and the call for the release of the/a 9-11 report? what report is that (?) and , what may I ask do they think it will show?

and what 'problem' are we exacerbating, that effects them, exactly?

A Muslim advocacy PAC is planning a “Million Muslim March” in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 11 to demand social justice by the U.S. government.

The American Political Action Committee, or AMPAC, is demanding “that laws be enacted protecting our 1st amendment. We are asking President Obama to fulfill his promise from his first campaign for Presidency of a transparent government. Lastly, we are asking for the release of the 9/11 commission report to the American people,” the event posting states on their website.

AMPAC’s Chief of Operations Isa Hodge writes that Muslims and non-Muslims alike were traumatized by the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, “but we as Muslims continue 12 years later to be victimized by being made the villains.”

“Yet our Government either sits idly by and does nothing to protect our freedoms or it exacerbates the problem with its constant war on terrorism in Islamic countries, congressional hearings on Islam in America, and its changes to the NDAA law.”

Read more: AMPAC plans 'Million Muslim March' for D.C. on 9/11 - Washington Times
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Here is a warm up for those terrorist before there march

Oh, think I 'll go crap on the Quaran while you watch this



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There is no disinction; they all believe in the koran. The moderates do not protest the radicals; they would not protest sharia law. They would stand by and watch whatever the radicals do.

The koran teaches to subjugate the world through violence, and that nothing is above that hate belief. Fuck the muslims, allah, mohammad, and the koran. Islam came from hell - it can go back to hell.
Treating people as individuals is a basic principal in the American concept of justice and fair play. We judge people based on their individual actions. 19 Islamic terrorist brought down the towers, not 2 billion Muslims.

Muslims, just like Jews and Christians have different beliefs and varying degrees of faith. Some are extremist and some are moderate. Just as you can't judge a book by it's cover, you can't judge a person by their religion, color of their skin, or their nationality.

But I can judge them by the date they pick to have the rally. That's for friggin sure. 364 days were available as an alternative.

Good grief


Yeah, that isn't a good way to win hearts and minds. That would be one event I'd personally like to attend.
I support racial profiling

Fuck Muslims!!!


I just like to fuck and I really don't care about the religion of the lady in question.
I'm far more interested in their tits, child bearing hips and general willingness to do filthy things to me.
Treating people as individuals is a basic principal in the American concept of justice and fair play. We judge people based on their individual actions. 19 Islamic terrorist brought down the towers, not 2 billion Muslims.

Muslims, just like Jews and Christians have different beliefs and varying degrees of faith. Some are extremist and some are moderate. Just as you can't judge a book by it's cover, you can't judge a person by their religion, color of their skin, or their nationality.

But I can judge them by the date they pick to have the rally. That's for friggin sure. 364 days were available as an alternative.

Good grief


Yeah, that isn't a good way to win hearts and minds. That would be one event I'd personally like to attend.

I do agree with that, the optics suck a mop.....I won't be attending though.
Treating people as individuals is a basic principal in the American concept of justice and fair play. We judge people based on their individual actions. 19 Islamic terrorist brought down the towers, not 2 billion Muslims.

Muslims, just like Jews and Christians have different beliefs and varying degrees of faith. Some are extremist and some are moderate. Just as you can't judge a book by it's cover, you can't judge a person by their religion, color of their skin, or their nationality.

But I can judge them by the date they pick to have the rally. That's for friggin sure. 364 days were available as an alternative.

Good grief


Yeah, that isn't a good way to win hearts and minds. That would be one event I'd personally like to attend.

Well to be fair, Muslims genuinely want your heart and your mind...

....on the ground next to your decapitated corpse.

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