Million Muslim March planned for D.C. on 9/11 !

Way to choose the worst day imaginable you stupid dumb fucks ! :evil:
Unbelievable poor choice.
If these fucks were marching to protest the nutjobs inside their religion, I might applaud them, instead they're doubling down with demands.

AMPAC plans ‘Million Muslim March’ for D.C. on 9/11

A Muslim advocacy PAC is planning a “Million Muslim March” in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 11 to demand social justice by the U.S. government.

The American Political Action Committee, or AMPAC, is demanding “that laws be enacted protecting our 1st amendment. We are asking President Obama to fulfill his promise from his first campaign for Presidency of a transparent government. Lastly, we are asking for the release of the 9/11 commission report to the American people,” the event posting states on their website.

AMPAC’s Chief of Operations Isa Hodge writes that Muslims and non-Muslims alike were traumatized by the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, “but we as Muslims continue 12 years later to be victimized by being made the villains.”

“Yet our Government either sits idly by and does nothing to protect our freedoms or it exacerbates the problem with its constant war on terrorism in Islamic countries, congressional hearings on Islam in America, and its changes to the NDAA law.”

“These lies told to the American population has made it impossible for us to do true Dawa,” Ms. Hodge continues, referring to the practice of proselytizing or preaching Islam.

It is time for us as Muslims in America to stop being defensive and start being proactive by using our right to vote and our freedom of assemble and let our voices be heard by our country and the world. Stand with us help us fight the injustices being committed against us.”

AMPAC plans 'Million Muslim March' for D.C. on 9/11 - Washington Times
This is a disgrace to the families who lost family members in the name of the religion ISLAM.
They want the gains that have been attained in Europe. Hell, they even have Sharia courts in Britain for Christ's Sake. While they are not an official court of Britain, they are a required COUNCIL to their believers there so they can Dictate Islamic Justice and Decrees.

The date was picked to tick us off.

Well you bunch of Rc,ccjd;;d; M djcmcmc fcljdlfjdl IT WORKED.

You can take your march, and your BS religion, and stick it where the sun doesn't shine.

But that's just a personal opinion. I'm sure the Left will preach us to be Tolerant of the Religion of Peace. That we must GROVEL TO THEIR WISHES, and accept them and their believes even when they spit in the faces of our DEAD.

They of course will be carrying their usual signs saying we are Satan, Islam will Dominate the World, and Death to Unbelievers, doing it while celebrating the day 3000 Americans died because of their Religion. Up yours to them from me.
They have every right to do this, and I see nothing wrong with it. After all, they are Americans. This thread would not exist if it were Christians marching on 9/11.

It would if Christians were accused of attacking and killing Americans on said date.

I think it's really bad judgement to choose this date.

If it were held on a different date to raise awareness of the mistreatment of muslims in general I would support it.
I gotta say, this thread is an interesting case study.

I guess nothing says "Constitution-loving Conservative" quite like wanting to kill people just because of their religious beliefs...
No where in this thread is their a differentiation between radical Islamic fundamentalist and other Muslims. In the mind of extremist there is no difference. They are all guilty.
There is no disinction; they all believe in the koran. The moderates do not protest the radicals; they would not protest sharia law. They would stand by and watch whatever the radicals do.

The koran teaches to subjugate the world through violence, and that nothing is above that hate belief. Fuck the muslims, allah, mohammad, and the koran. Islam came from hell - it can go back to hell.
Treating people as individuals is a basic principal in the American concept of justice and fair play. We judge people based on their individual actions. 19 Islamic terrorist brought down the towers, not 2 billion Muslims.

Muslims, just like Jews and Christians have different beliefs and varying degrees of faith. Some are extremist and some are moderate. Just as you can't judge a book by it's cover, you can't judge a person by their religion, color of their skin, or their nationality.
This is typical of muslims pushing the envelope, the way they do in every other country they weasel their way into. If they can get away with dancing on the graves of the 3,000 people they murdered in the name of their sick religion, it'll be a green light for them to keep pressing forward. And the American liberals who support this shit would be used for target practice if the muslims had their way. Idiots.
"...I think it's really bad judgement to choose this date..."


Such a choice is not simply bad judgment, but it is intentionally antagonistic.

An intentional, hostile act.


They continue to poke the hornet's nest with a stick.

They merely supply their opposites with more ammunition with which to condemn them.

This is typical of muslims pushing the envelope, the way they do in every other country they weasel their way into. If they can get away with dancing on the graves of the 3,000 people they murdered in the name of their sick religion, it'll be a green light for them to keep pressing forward. And the American liberals who support this shit would be used for target practice if the muslims had their way. Idiots.

They should be rounded up and gassed IMO.

I hope that was a frigging joke, but it sure doesn't deserve a laugh. What a disgustingly anti-American and archaic thought. I expected better from you.

"...I think it's really bad judgement to choose this date..."


Such a choice is not simply bad judgment, but it is intentionally antagonistic.

An intentional, hostile act.


They continue to poke the hornet's nest with a stick.

They merely supply their opposites with more ammunition with which to condemn them.


Yep....just like the mosque in NY.
It's pretty obvious what they're up to. I think they'll find that Americans aren't the pushovers the europeans are.
Well at least most of us......
The Nazis thought it was a "final solution."

Bad comparison. The jews weren't trying to behead non-muslims and rule the world. The opposite was true actually, it was the nazi's doing that.

So if anything, Muslims are modern day Nazi's.

So where have these people stated they will behead you? Seems to me they dont want to be connected to the terrorists at all.
But of course you need to make shit up in order to have a voice.

Then why don't they all speak out AGAINST the terrorists?? A very few have....the majority just keep to themselves and won't condemn them for all the murders. As long as they don't speak out and PROVE that they are actually "moderate" muslims, then they are all going to be called terrorists. They come here and try to change our laws and bring in their own, and you guys just want to let it slide! Unbelievable!!!
looks like they are advocating for equal rights and transparency.
Such evil...

they picked 9/11 so you people would talk it up and give it attention. You are getting usual.

I'm not sure if it's going to be the kind of "attention" they are going to want, because despite what you think, millions of ordinary Americans will be very offended they chose this day.
Seems to me if they want to start being treated "fairly" then the fools could have found one of the other 364 days of the year to have this.
Instead THEY have chosen to continue to stir the pot.


Ya...shrug all you f*ckin want ass! If Sharia comes to America, it's going to be the women that suffer the most! Why should YOU care?
Excuse me? But WHOM was it that brought down those buildings? Have created hate, death, discontent thorought the world, and are still doing it, and have been at WAR with us since our inception (See Barbary Pirates)?


A small group of Muslims brought down the buildings.
There were no wars between Muslim countries and America (Except pirate activity that America also engaged in) until America started to seriously support Israel and interfered in Muslim countries..

In other words; you started it all off and continue to blame all in a group for the actions of a few of that group.

Backed by a LARGE group of Muslims in the ME! It may have been only a small group that actually did the attack, but it was planned by all their leaders back home. Did you expect them to send over a few hundred just to fly 3 planes? Lol! During the Iraq war, our military came across quite a few terrorist training camps that Saddam controlled....he supported them.
What if they side with their First Amendment right to have that march? I personally think that their timing and alleged theme for that timing STINKS.

Then it is awfully funny that leftists NEVER side with the first amendment right of Abortion opponents or gun owners to march....

Islam is an ally of convenience for the left, more troops to fight those who cling to "God, Guns, and the Constitution," as Dear Leader put it. When no longer convenient, the left will turn on Muslims in a snap.
Yep....just like the mosque in NY.
It's pretty obvious what they're up to. I think they'll find that Americans aren't the pushovers the europeans are.
Well at least most of us......

And yet, the 9-11 victory Mosque goes forward as planned....

Per Muhammad, Muslims have erected a Mosque to glorified the god Allah at the site of great victories over their enemies. The 9-11 victory Mosque signifies the victory Allah gave Islam over the infidel Americans on 9-11.

Is ?Ground Zero? developer planning ?mega-mosque??* - NY Daily News
What if they side with their First Amendment right to have that march? I personally think that their timing and alleged theme for that timing STINKS.

Then it is awfully funny that leftists NEVER side with the first amendment right of Abortion opponents or gun owners to march....

Islam is an ally of convenience for the left, more troops to fight those who cling to "God, Guns, and the Constitution," as Dear Leader put it. When no longer convenient, the left will turn on Muslims in a snap.

Or the other way around. Like Egypt, it won't be pretty.
No where in this thread is their a differentiation between radical Islamic fundamentalist and other Muslims. In the mind of extremist there is no difference. They are all guilty.
There is no disinction; they all believe in the koran. The moderates do not protest the radicals; they would not protest sharia law. They would stand by and watch whatever the radicals do.

The koran teaches to subjugate the world through violence, and that nothing is above that hate belief. Fuck the muslims, allah, mohammad, and the koran. Islam came from hell - it can go back to hell.
Treating people as individuals is a basic principal in the American concept of justice and fair play. We judge people based on their individual actions. 19 Islamic terrorist brought down the towers, not 2 billion Muslims.

Muslims, just like Jews and Christians have different beliefs and varying degrees of faith. Some are extremist and some are moderate. Just as you can't judge a book by it's cover, you can't judge a person by their religion, color of their skin, or their nationality.

Right....there are many different types of Christians. But when a radical christian group (such as the Westboro idiots) do something that the rest of us Christians know is wrong, we do speak up! I won't sit by and just let it happen without voicing my opinion. But that's all we can do because those idiots have a right to their protests. Where's that happening with the muslims? Why are they just sitting by and letting the radicals do what they do and making them all look bad, if they really all arent the same? Because there's a difference between Christians and muslims. Christians would kill because someone makes a fool of them. Muslims know they wouldn't have much time left on earth if they spoke out!

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