‘Million Women March’ To Storm D.C. For Trump Inauguration

It's about a bunch of women getting together and synching their Aunt Flows. It's a sign of unification.
If that's the kind of image you need to get going, that's your business, but you really should keep that kind of thing to yourself.

Don't like it, put me on ignore. Pretty simple... there is a thing called the first Amendment. Funny you Conservatives support its enforcement until someone says something you don't like. That's part of the reason I quit being a Republican... so often the stances and beliefs of the party are only important when it is convenient to you, but when it comes up in a way that counteracts with the party, its all of a sudden bad and should be squashed. So much hypocrisy.
So first you say you want to be covered with bloody tampons and now you want to wrap yourself up in the Constitution.

Pretty kinky.

Excuse me? I said they should throw bloody tampons at the White House as a protest. Now you're just being stupid. The fact that you have carried this on like this makes me think you are the one with some kind of fetish. You want some chick in high heels to step on your junk and tell you what kind of piece of shit you are?
Is that another one of your fantasies? You want women throwing their bloody tampons at you and driving their spike heels into your genitals?

Oh yeah... and telling me how HUGE my fingers are. And then grab them by the pussy just because I'm so important and I can. Then kiss the pretty ones because they will let me, they always let me.

If that's the kind of image you need to get going, that's your business, but you really should keep that kind of thing to yourself.

Don't like it, put me on ignore. Pretty simple... there is a thing called the first Amendment. Funny you Conservatives support its enforcement until someone says something you don't like. That's part of the reason I quit being a Republican... so often the stances and beliefs of the party are only important when it is convenient to you, but when it comes up in a way that counteracts with the party, its all of a sudden bad and should be squashed. So much hypocrisy.
So first you say you want to be covered with bloody tampons and now you want to wrap yourself up in the Constitution.

Pretty kinky.

Excuse me? I said they should throw bloody tampons at the White House as a protest. Now you're just being stupid. The fact that you have carried this on like this makes me think you are the one with some kind of fetish. You want some chick in high heels to step on your junk and tell you what kind of piece of shit you are?
Is that another one of your fantasies? You want women throwing their bloody tampons at you and driving their spike heels into your genitals?

Oh yeah... and telling me how HUGE my fingers are. And then grab them by the pussy just because I'm so important and I can. Then kiss the pretty ones because they will let me, they always let me.

Having a bout of Trump envy, are you?

“We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women’s rights.”

NEW YORK - Women anxious that a Donald Trump presidency in the United States could set back or destroy many of their rights are planning a massive march in Washington one day after he is sworn in, organizers said on Friday.

On Facebook, where the “Million Women March” is being organized, some 35,000 people said they would attend within the first 24 hours after it was announced, said Bob Bland, an organizer based in New York.

The march comes in response to Trump’s attitudes toward women that emerged during his campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton, Bland told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

The Republican Trump insulted female reporters, a female political rival and other women over their looks, and a video surfaced in which he could be heard bragging about groping women and making unwanted sexual advances.

The video prompted several women to say publicly that Trump had groped them.

Trump denied their allegations and dismissed his words as “locker room talk.”

During the campaign Trump also said abortion should be largely banned, that the U.S. Supreme Court ruling Roe v Wade legalizing abortion should be overturned and that he would appoint an anti-abortion justice to the nation’s highest court.

He said women who had abortions should be punished, but later retracted this, saying that doctors who perform abortions should be punished.

Bland said plans for the march kicked off on Thursday, two days after Trump won the U.S. presidential election in a widely unexpected victory.

“A lot of women got up the second day with the same idea” for a march on Washington, and they coordinated on social media, she said.

“We need to be working together in a coherent, supportive way over the next four years, to activate more women into leadership positions, to be more politically active,” Bland said. “We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women’s rights.”

The march is being organized state by state, said Fontaine Pearson, 54, a coordinator in Memphis, Tennessee.

“We have a huge groundswell of women,” she said. “This is growing faster than anyone expected.”

The march is planned for Jan. 21, 2017, the day after Trump is to be sworn into office, at Washington, D.C.’s Lincoln Memorial.

The Lincoln Memorial was the site of the famed civil rights march in 1963, when Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech.

‘Million Women March’ To Storm D.C. For Trump Inauguration

Well, at least that's something to look forward to.

What human rights or women's rights has Trump violated?

Do you live in a cave?

Donald Trump on Reproductive Rights and Women's Equality

7 Terrifying Changes Women Can Expect to Face Under President Trump

Marie Claire and ProChoice America? Speaking of living in a cave . . .
This is so beautiful it makes one want to weep with laughter.

Imagine the signs that will be all over the news right next to images of p.o.shit trump. There will be no 'moment' for him. It will be utterly overtaken by the sights and sounds of huge numbers of people that hate this pig and understand he isn't and won't be president of anything.

No wonder the world is laughing at us, with morons like you and the protesters unwilling to accept the will of the people. You people are an embarrassment to the US.

I wonder, will the left call for a violent revolution next? They always claimed the right wants to start a civil war, yet they are the ones calling the President Elect "illegitimate". I'm gueissing they won't though, they're just a bunch of pussies that never fought for anything they believe in. This is the welfare crowd that wants everything handed to them, like spoiled little brats.

The will of the people, like when they elect a president and Republicans deny him the Constitutional right to seat a Supreme Court justice, in essence telling all those voters that their vote doesn't count?

Just suck it up, this is the world you cons created and now you are going get it shoved back down your throats without mercy. And it won't stop ever. This is the new normal that YOU wanted.

Now you have it.

Normally I would agree about the Supreme Court pick, but the Republicans did what was in the best interest for the country. If another Marxist was allowed on the Supreme Court, it would had been the beginning of the end for all of our Constitutional rights. Maybe if the Dems go back to nominating politicians that don't worship Karl Marx, we'd let them nominate judges.

The Dems have a big choice to make no that they have been decimated in this election, they can either go back to being the party for the blue collar worker, or pander to extremist groups like Muslims and LGBT. I'm betting they go with Muslims.
This is so beautiful it makes one want to weep with laughter.

Imagine the signs that will be all over the news right next to images of p.o.shit trump. There will be no 'moment' for him. It will be utterly overtaken by the sights and sounds of huge numbers of people that hate this pig and understand he isn't and won't be president of anything.

No wonder the world is laughing at us, with morons like you and the protesters unwilling to accept the will of the people. You people are an embarrassment to the US.

I wonder, will the left call for a violent revolution next? They always claimed the right wants to start a civil war, yet they are the ones calling the President Elect "illegitimate". I'm gueissing they won't though, they're just a bunch of pussies that never fought for anything they believe in. This is the welfare crowd that wants everything handed to them, like spoiled little brats.

The will of the people, like when they elect a president and Republicans deny him the Constitutional right to seat a Supreme Court justice, in essence telling all those voters that their vote doesn't count?

Just suck it up, this is the world you cons created and now you are going get it shoved back down your throats without mercy. And it won't stop ever. This is the new normal that YOU wanted.

Now you have it.

Normally I would agree about the Supreme Court pick, but the Republicans did what was in the best interest for the country. If another Marxist was allowed on the Supreme Court, it would had been the beginning of the end for all of our Constitutional rights. Maybe if the Dems go back to nominating politicians that don't worship Karl Marx, we'd let them nominate judges.

The Dems have a big choice to make no that they have been decimated in this election, they can either go back to being the party for the blue collar worker, or pander to extremist groups like Muslims and LGBT. I'm betting they go with Muslims.

What you just said was it's ok for the party in power in Congress to ignore the Constitution. If that is the case then certainly all the laws in the country are subject to everyone's whim as no person including no person in Congress decides who is and isn't subject to the law. The rest of us will now ignore the the law and take matters into our own hands.

Conservatives you are under some weird impression that you can fuck with the rest of the population without the same happening to you. Life on Earth has never worked like that and never will. It doesn't matter who wins elections or what laws are now, YOU have told the rest of us that. You have grumbled about civil war, you will be getting what you want. Only it won't be televised, it will be silent as a wolf in the night through an open window.
It would be easy to mount a two million women FOR Trump march. To surround the antis. Women did turn out for Trump/Pence in droves after all.
This is so beautiful it makes one want to weep with laughter.

Imagine the signs that will be all over the news right next to images of p.o.shit trump. There will be no 'moment' for him. It will be utterly overtaken by the sights and sounds of huge numbers of people that hate this pig and understand he isn't and won't be president of anything.

No wonder the world is laughing at us, with morons like you and the protesters unwilling to accept the will of the people. You people are an embarrassment to the US.

I wonder, will the left call for a violent revolution next? They always claimed the right wants to start a civil war, yet they are the ones calling the President Elect "illegitimate". I'm gueissing they won't though, they're just a bunch of pussies that never fought for anything they believe in. This is the welfare crowd that wants everything handed to them, like spoiled little brats.

The will of the people, like when they elect a president and Republicans deny him the Constitutional right to seat a Supreme Court justice, in essence telling all those voters that their vote doesn't count?

Just suck it up, this is the world you cons created and now you are going get it shoved back down your throats without mercy. And it won't stop ever. This is the new normal that YOU wanted.

Now you have it.

Normally I would agree about the Supreme Court pick, but the Republicans did what was in the best interest for the country. If another Marxist was allowed on the Supreme Court, it would had been the beginning of the end for all of our Constitutional rights. Maybe if the Dems go back to nominating politicians that don't worship Karl Marx, we'd let them nominate judges.

The Dems have a big choice to make no that they have been decimated in this election, they can either go back to being the party for the blue collar worker, or pander to extremist groups like Muslims and LGBT. I'm betting they go with Muslims.

What you just said was it's ok for the party in power in Congress to ignore the Constitution. If that is the case then certainly all the laws in the country are subject to everyone's whim as no person including no person in Congress decides who is and isn't subject to the law. The rest of us will now ignore the the law and take matters into our own hands.

Conservatives you are under some weird impression that you can fuck with the rest of the population without the same happening to you. Life on Earth has never worked like that and never will. It doesn't matter who wins elections or what laws are now, YOU have told the rest of us that. You have grumbled about civil war, you will be getting what you want. Only it won't be televised, it will be silent as a wolf in the night through an open window.

The constitution doesn't require the Senate to approve the presidents nominations. They've decided not to consent to them. That's their job and fully within the precedence of not confirming judicial nominees in an election year
This is so beautiful it makes one want to weep with laughter.

Imagine the signs that will be all over the news right next to images of p.o.shit trump. There will be no 'moment' for him. It will be utterly overtaken by the sights and sounds of huge numbers of people that hate this pig and understand he isn't and won't be president of anything.

No wonder the world is laughing at us, with morons like you and the protesters unwilling to accept the will of the people. You people are an embarrassment to the US.

I wonder, will the left call for a violent revolution next? They always claimed the right wants to start a civil war, yet they are the ones calling the President Elect "illegitimate". I'm gueissing they won't though, they're just a bunch of pussies that never fought for anything they believe in. This is the welfare crowd that wants everything handed to them, like spoiled little brats.

The will of the people, like when they elect a president and Republicans deny him the Constitutional right to seat a Supreme Court justice, in essence telling all those voters that their vote doesn't count?

Just suck it up, this is the world you cons created and now you are going get it shoved back down your throats without mercy. And it won't stop ever. This is the new normal that YOU wanted.

Now you have it.

Normally I would agree about the Supreme Court pick, but the Republicans did what was in the best interest for the country. If another Marxist was allowed on the Supreme Court, it would had been the beginning of the end for all of our Constitutional rights. Maybe if the Dems go back to nominating politicians that don't worship Karl Marx, we'd let them nominate judges.

The Dems have a big choice to make no that they have been decimated in this election, they can either go back to being the party for the blue collar worker, or pander to extremist groups like Muslims and LGBT. I'm betting they go with Muslims.

What you just said was it's ok for the party in power in Congress to ignore the Constitution. If that is the case then certainly all the laws in the country are subject to everyone's whim as no person including no person in Congress decides who is and isn't subject to the law. The rest of us will now ignore the the law and take matters into our own hands.

Conservatives you are under some weird impression that you can fuck with the rest of the population without the same happening to you. Life on Earth has never worked like that and never will. It doesn't matter who wins elections or what laws are now, YOU have told the rest of us that. You have grumbled about civil war, you will be getting what you want. Only it won't be televised, it will be silent as a wolf in the night through an open window.

Good luck with your little insurgency, Corky.
"Storm D.C." Is it intended to be a threat? Everything the left threatened would happen if Trump lost, happened when Hillary lost. Did they know it?

“We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women’s rights.”

NEW YORK - Women anxious that a Donald Trump presidency in the United States could set back or destroy many of their rights are planning a massive march in Washington one day after he is sworn in, organizers said on Friday.

On Facebook, where the “Million Women March” is being organized, some 35,000 people said they would attend within the first 24 hours after it was announced, said Bob Bland, an organizer based in New York.

The march comes in response to Trump’s attitudes toward women that emerged during his campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton, Bland told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

The Republican Trump insulted female reporters, a female political rival and other women over their looks, and a video surfaced in which he could be heard bragging about groping women and making unwanted sexual advances.

The video prompted several women to say publicly that Trump had groped them.

Trump denied their allegations and dismissed his words as “locker room talk.”

During the campaign Trump also said abortion should be largely banned, that the U.S. Supreme Court ruling Roe v Wade legalizing abortion should be overturned and that he would appoint an anti-abortion justice to the nation’s highest court.

He said women who had abortions should be punished, but later retracted this, saying that doctors who perform abortions should be punished.

Bland said plans for the march kicked off on Thursday, two days after Trump won the U.S. presidential election in a widely unexpected victory.

“A lot of women got up the second day with the same idea” for a march on Washington, and they coordinated on social media, she said.

“We need to be working together in a coherent, supportive way over the next four years, to activate more women into leadership positions, to be more politically active,” Bland said. “We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women’s rights.”

The march is being organized state by state, said Fontaine Pearson, 54, a coordinator in Memphis, Tennessee.

“We have a huge groundswell of women,” she said. “This is growing faster than anyone expected.”

The march is planned for Jan. 21, 2017, the day after Trump is to be sworn into office, at Washington, D.C.’s Lincoln Memorial.

The Lincoln Memorial was the site of the famed civil rights march in 1963, when Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech.

‘Million Women March’ To Storm D.C. For Trump Inauguration

Well, at least that's something to look forward to.

Do it peacefully and lawfully.
This is so beautiful it makes one want to weep with laughter.

Imagine the signs that will be all over the news right next to images of p.o.shit trump. There will be no 'moment' for him. It will be utterly overtaken by the sights and sounds of huge numbers of people that hate this pig and understand he isn't and won't be president of anything.

No wonder the world is laughing at us, with morons like you and the protesters unwilling to accept the will of the people. You people are an embarrassment to the US.

I wonder, will the left call for a violent revolution next? They always claimed the right wants to start a civil war, yet they are the ones calling the President Elect "illegitimate". I'm gueissing they won't though, they're just a bunch of pussies that never fought for anything they believe in. This is the welfare crowd that wants everything handed to them, like spoiled little brats.

The will of the people, like when they elect a president and Republicans deny him the Constitutional right to seat a Supreme Court justice, in essence telling all those voters that their vote doesn't count?

Just suck it up, this is the world you cons created and now you are going get it shoved back down your throats without mercy. And it won't stop ever. This is the new normal that YOU wanted.

Now you have it.

Normally I would agree about the Supreme Court pick, but the Republicans did what was in the best interest for the country. If another Marxist was allowed on the Supreme Court, it would had been the beginning of the end for all of our Constitutional rights. Maybe if the Dems go back to nominating politicians that don't worship Karl Marx, we'd let them nominate judges.

The Dems have a big choice to make no that they have been decimated in this election, they can either go back to being the party for the blue collar worker, or pander to extremist groups like Muslims and LGBT. I'm betting they go with Muslims.

What you just said was it's ok for the party in power in Congress to ignore the Constitution. If that is the case then certainly all the laws in the country are subject to everyone's whim as no person including no person in Congress decides who is and isn't subject to the law. The rest of us will now ignore the the law and take matters into our own hands.

Conservatives you are under some weird impression that you can fuck with the rest of the population without the same happening to you. Life on Earth has never worked like that and never will. It doesn't matter who wins elections or what laws are now, YOU have told the rest of us that. You have grumbled about civil war, you will be getting what you want. Only it won't be televised, it will be silent as a wolf in the night through an open window.

The constitution doesn't require the Senate to approve the presidents nominations. They've decided not to consent to them. That's their job and fully within the precedence of not confirming judicial nominees in an election year

'IsaacNewton' the pseudo-intellectual doesn't quite get that.

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