‘Million Women March’ To Storm D.C. For Trump Inauguration


“We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women’s rights.”

NEW YORK - Women anxious that a Donald Trump presidency in the United States could set back or destroy many of their rights are planning a massive march in Washington one day after he is sworn in, organizers said on Friday.

On Facebook, where the “Million Women March” is being organized, some 35,000 people said they would attend within the first 24 hours after it was announced, said Bob Bland, an organizer based in New York.

The march comes in response to Trump’s attitudes toward women that emerged during his campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton, Bland told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

The Republican Trump insulted female reporters, a female political rival and other women over their looks, and a video surfaced in which he could be heard bragging about groping women and making unwanted sexual advances.

The video prompted several women to say publicly that Trump had groped them.

Trump denied their allegations and dismissed his words as “locker room talk.”

During the campaign Trump also said abortion should be largely banned, that the U.S. Supreme Court ruling Roe v Wade legalizing abortion should be overturned and that he would appoint an anti-abortion justice to the nation’s highest court.

He said women who had abortions should be punished, but later retracted this, saying that doctors who perform abortions should be punished.

Bland said plans for the march kicked off on Thursday, two days after Trump won the U.S. presidential election in a widely unexpected victory.

“A lot of women got up the second day with the same idea” for a march on Washington, and they coordinated on social media, she said.

“We need to be working together in a coherent, supportive way over the next four years, to activate more women into leadership positions, to be more politically active,” Bland said. “We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women’s rights.”

The march is being organized state by state, said Fontaine Pearson, 54, a coordinator in Memphis, Tennessee.

“We have a huge groundswell of women,” she said. “This is growing faster than anyone expected.”

The march is planned for Jan. 21, 2017, the day after Trump is to be sworn into office, at Washington, D.C.’s Lincoln Memorial.

The Lincoln Memorial was the site of the famed civil rights march in 1963, when Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech.

‘Million Women March’ To Storm D.C. For Trump Inauguration

Well, at least that's something to look forward to.
It's gonna be a bloodbath!!!!!!!!
I guess they dont plan to stop for lunch first?
Going to look like a scene from the walking dead.

We stand together in solidarity with our partners and children for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families - recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country.

Our Mission

The rhetoric of the past election cycle has insulted, demonized, and threatened many of us - immigrants of all statuses, Muslims and those of diverse religious faiths, people who identify as LGBTQIA, Native people, Black and Brown people, people with disabilities, survivors of sexual assault - and our communities are hurting and scared. We are confronted with the question of how to move forward in the face of national and international concern and fear.

In the spirit of democracy and honoring the champions of human rights, dignity, and justice who have come before us, we join in diversity to show our presence in numbers too great to ignore. The Women’s March on Washington will send a bold message to our new government on their first day in office, and to the world that women's rights are human rights. We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.

We support the advocacy and resistance movements that reflect our multiple and intersecting identities. We call on all defenders of human rights to join us. This march is the first step towards unifying our communities, grounded in new relationships, to create change from the grassroots level up. We will not rest until women have parity and equity at all levels of leadership in society. We work peacefully while recognizing there is no true peace without justice and equity for all.


Mission & Vision


And what do you think could be accomplished by this?

You know, if you liberals would concentrate on using your energy to do things that somehow helps your particular situation or plight, you'd be way further ahead than wasting your time doing things that accomplish absolutely nothing.

Instead of wasting a day making a fool out of yourself, why don't you get a job for one day and make income? Why not donate that time to charity or volunteer work? Why not paint your living room or clean out the garage?

This time next week, Donald Trump will be your new President. I don't care how many people march, how many people protest, how many people stop traffic by laying in the street, or how many bras you burn (I really miss those days) Trump is going to be your President and there is nothing in the world you can do about it.

“We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women’s rights.”

NEW YORK - Women anxious that a Donald Trump presidency in the United States could set back or destroy many of their rights are planning a massive march in Washington one day after he is sworn in, organizers said on Friday.

On Facebook, where the “Million Women March” is being organized, some 35,000 people said they would attend within the first 24 hours after it was announced, said Bob Bland, an organizer based in New York.

The march comes in response to Trump’s attitudes toward women that emerged during his campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton, Bland told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

The Republican Trump insulted female reporters, a female political rival and other women over their looks, and a video surfaced in which he could be heard bragging about groping women and making unwanted sexual advances.

The video prompted several women to say publicly that Trump had groped them.

Trump denied their allegations and dismissed his words as “locker room talk.”

During the campaign Trump also said abortion should be largely banned, that the U.S. Supreme Court ruling Roe v Wade legalizing abortion should be overturned and that he would appoint an anti-abortion justice to the nation’s highest court.

He said women who had abortions should be punished, but later retracted this, saying that doctors who perform abortions should be punished.

Bland said plans for the march kicked off on Thursday, two days after Trump won the U.S. presidential election in a widely unexpected victory.

“A lot of women got up the second day with the same idea” for a march on Washington, and they coordinated on social media, she said.

“We need to be working together in a coherent, supportive way over the next four years, to activate more women into leadership positions, to be more politically active,” Bland said. “We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women’s rights.”

The march is being organized state by state, said Fontaine Pearson, 54, a coordinator in Memphis, Tennessee.

“We have a huge groundswell of women,” she said. “This is growing faster than anyone expected.”

The march is planned for Jan. 21, 2017, the day after Trump is to be sworn into office, at Washington, D.C.’s Lincoln Memorial.

The Lincoln Memorial was the site of the famed civil rights march in 1963, when Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech.

‘Million Women March’ To Storm D.C. For Trump Inauguration

Well, at least that's something to look forward to.

“We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women’s rights.”

NEW YORK - Women anxious that a Donald Trump presidency in the United States could set back or destroy many of their rights are planning a massive march in Washington one day after he is sworn in, organizers said on Friday.

On Facebook, where the “Million Women March” is being organized, some 35,000 people said they would attend within the first 24 hours after it was announced, said Bob Bland, an organizer based in New York.

The march comes in response to Trump’s attitudes toward women that emerged during his campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton, Bland told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

The Republican Trump insulted female reporters, a female political rival and other women over their looks, and a video surfaced in which he could be heard bragging about groping women and making unwanted sexual advances.

The video prompted several women to say publicly that Trump had groped them.

Trump denied their allegations and dismissed his words as “locker room talk.”

During the campaign Trump also said abortion should be largely banned, that the U.S. Supreme Court ruling Roe v Wade legalizing abortion should be overturned and that he would appoint an anti-abortion justice to the nation’s highest court.

He said women who had abortions should be punished, but later retracted this, saying that doctors who perform abortions should be punished.

Bland said plans for the march kicked off on Thursday, two days after Trump won the U.S. presidential election in a widely unexpected victory.

“A lot of women got up the second day with the same idea” for a march on Washington, and they coordinated on social media, she said.

“We need to be working together in a coherent, supportive way over the next four years, to activate more women into leadership positions, to be more politically active,” Bland said. “We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women’s rights.”

The march is being organized state by state, said Fontaine Pearson, 54, a coordinator in Memphis, Tennessee.

“We have a huge groundswell of women,” she said. “This is growing faster than anyone expected.”

The march is planned for Jan. 21, 2017, the day after Trump is to be sworn into office, at Washington, D.C.’s Lincoln Memorial.

The Lincoln Memorial was the site of the famed civil rights march in 1963, when Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech.

‘Million Women March’ To Storm D.C. For Trump Inauguration

Well, at least that's something to look forward to.

A bunch of ugly carpet munchers....yay!!!!
Must be lots of wannabee wimmun, ooops, pardon me transgender men, showing up. I cannot imagine that many stupid women (real ones).
Must be lots of wannabee wimmun, ooops, pardon me transgender men, showing up. I cannot imagine that many stupid women (real ones).

There will be the typical paid women from various Soros groups. Other than that, they might get a couple thousand at most. Then we can come back here and laugh at the OP like we did after she predicted the Trump slaughter before the election.
To the women at the March, all I can say is

Too fucking bad

You knew what Trump was
You heard what Trump said about women
You knew Roe v Wade and equal pay was on the line

But fewer women voted for Hillary than voted for Obama. If you had turned out and voted against Trump, you would not have these problems
To the women at the March, all I can say is

Too fucking bad

You knew what Trump was
You heard what Trump said about women
You knew Roe v Wade and equal pay was on the line

But fewer women voted for Hillary than voted for Obama. If you had turned out and voted against Trump, you would not have these problems

What problems do you speak of?

“We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women’s rights.”

NEW YORK - Women anxious that a Donald Trump presidency in the United States could set back or destroy many of their rights are planning a massive march in Washington one day after he is sworn in, organizers said on Friday.

On Facebook, where the “Million Women March” is being organized, some 35,000 people said they would attend within the first 24 hours after it was announced, said Bob Bland, an organizer based in New York.

The march comes in response to Trump’s attitudes toward women that emerged during his campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton, Bland told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

The Republican Trump insulted female reporters, a female political rival and other women over their looks, and a video surfaced in which he could be heard bragging about groping women and making unwanted sexual advances.

The video prompted several women to say publicly that Trump had groped them.

Trump denied their allegations and dismissed his words as “locker room talk.”

During the campaign Trump also said abortion should be largely banned, that the U.S. Supreme Court ruling Roe v Wade legalizing abortion should be overturned and that he would appoint an anti-abortion justice to the nation’s highest court.

He said women who had abortions should be punished, but later retracted this, saying that doctors who perform abortions should be punished.

Bland said plans for the march kicked off on Thursday, two days after Trump won the U.S. presidential election in a widely unexpected victory.

“A lot of women got up the second day with the same idea” for a march on Washington, and they coordinated on social media, she said.

“We need to be working together in a coherent, supportive way over the next four years, to activate more women into leadership positions, to be more politically active,” Bland said. “We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women’s rights.”

The march is being organized state by state, said Fontaine Pearson, 54, a coordinator in Memphis, Tennessee.

“We have a huge groundswell of women,” she said. “This is growing faster than anyone expected.”

The march is planned for Jan. 21, 2017, the day after Trump is to be sworn into office, at Washington, D.C.’s Lincoln Memorial.

The Lincoln Memorial was the site of the famed civil rights march in 1963, when Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech.

‘Million Women March’ To Storm D.C. For Trump Inauguration

Well, at least that's something to look forward to.

The burning question is:

How long is it going to take DJT to grab their pussies?


“We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women’s rights.”

NEW YORK - Women anxious that a Donald Trump presidency in the United States could set back or destroy many of their rights are planning a massive march in Washington one day after he is sworn in, organizers said on Friday.

On Facebook, where the “Million Women March” is being organized, some 35,000 people said they would attend within the first 24 hours after it was announced, said Bob Bland, an organizer based in New York.

The march comes in response to Trump’s attitudes toward women that emerged during his campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton, Bland told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

The Republican Trump insulted female reporters, a female political rival and other women over their looks, and a video surfaced in which he could be heard bragging about groping women and making unwanted sexual advances.

The video prompted several women to say publicly that Trump had groped them.

Trump denied their allegations and dismissed his words as “locker room talk.”

During the campaign Trump also said abortion should be largely banned, that the U.S. Supreme Court ruling Roe v Wade legalizing abortion should be overturned and that he would appoint an anti-abortion justice to the nation’s highest court.

He said women who had abortions should be punished, but later retracted this, saying that doctors who perform abortions should be punished.

Bland said plans for the march kicked off on Thursday, two days after Trump won the U.S. presidential election in a widely unexpected victory.

“A lot of women got up the second day with the same idea” for a march on Washington, and they coordinated on social media, she said.

“We need to be working together in a coherent, supportive way over the next four years, to activate more women into leadership positions, to be more politically active,” Bland said. “We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women’s rights.”

The march is being organized state by state, said Fontaine Pearson, 54, a coordinator in Memphis, Tennessee.

“We have a huge groundswell of women,” she said. “This is growing faster than anyone expected.”

The march is planned for Jan. 21, 2017, the day after Trump is to be sworn into office, at Washington, D.C.’s Lincoln Memorial.

The Lincoln Memorial was the site of the famed civil rights march in 1963, when Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech.

‘Million Women March’ To Storm D.C. For Trump Inauguration

Well, at least that's something to look forward to.

The burning question is:

How long is it going to take DJT to grab their pussies?

uummm...NEVER! What guy with enough money would touch even one of these skanks with a 10' pole. Seriously, if these gals had a clue, they'd have a man and wouldn't have to demonstrate how much they hate men.

“We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women’s rights.”

NEW YORK - Women anxious that a Donald Trump presidency in the United States could set back or destroy many of their rights are planning a massive march in Washington one day after he is sworn in, organizers said on Friday.

On Facebook, where the “Million Women March” is being organized, some 35,000 people said they would attend within the first 24 hours after it was announced, said Bob Bland, an organizer based in New York.

The march comes in response to Trump’s attitudes toward women that emerged during his campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton, Bland told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

The Republican Trump insulted female reporters, a female political rival and other women over their looks, and a video surfaced in which he could be heard bragging about groping women and making unwanted sexual advances.

The video prompted several women to say publicly that Trump had groped them.

Trump denied their allegations and dismissed his words as “locker room talk.”

During the campaign Trump also said abortion should be largely banned, that the U.S. Supreme Court ruling Roe v Wade legalizing abortion should be overturned and that he would appoint an anti-abortion justice to the nation’s highest court.

He said women who had abortions should be punished, but later retracted this, saying that doctors who perform abortions should be punished.

Bland said plans for the march kicked off on Thursday, two days after Trump won the U.S. presidential election in a widely unexpected victory.

“A lot of women got up the second day with the same idea” for a march on Washington, and they coordinated on social media, she said.

“We need to be working together in a coherent, supportive way over the next four years, to activate more women into leadership positions, to be more politically active,” Bland said. “We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women’s rights.”

The march is being organized state by state, said Fontaine Pearson, 54, a coordinator in Memphis, Tennessee.

“We have a huge groundswell of women,” she said. “This is growing faster than anyone expected.”

The march is planned for Jan. 21, 2017, the day after Trump is to be sworn into office, at Washington, D.C.’s Lincoln Memorial.

The Lincoln Memorial was the site of the famed civil rights march in 1963, when Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech.

‘Million Women March’ To Storm D.C. For Trump Inauguration

Well, at least that's something to look forward to.

The burning question is:

How long is it going to take DJT to grab their pussies?

uummm...NEVER! What guy with enough money would touch even one of these skanks with a 10' pole. Seriously, if these gals had a clue, they'd have a man and wouldn't have to demonstrate how much they hate men.

Did you hear that Lakota, you are safe.


I don't think you'll find many people that want to throw these individuals in the street and let them starve,
*quickly raises hand*
I honestly would have no problem stepping over the whithering bodies of able body people that don't want to work or are unwilling to make the life choices that make them employable.

I should have wrote that better. What I meant to say are those truly in need that have no choice.

My cousin went on welfare back in the days where it didn't pay much. She had her life planned out. She married a guy with a great job working at the nuclear power plant as a manager, she was going to be your typical stay at home wife, she had a couple of kids, and life could't be better.

Then her husband found drugs. Money became scarce because that's what he spent it on, he eventually lost his job, and in spite of trying to help him, was forced to file for divorce.

There she was with two children and no income, so she applied for every program imaginable. While taking care of the kids, she became an expert on buying food and household items for almost free, and sometimes free by the smart use of coupons. When the kids entered school, so did she.

She graduated college, got a job, and got off of welfare. The money that we taxpayers spent to help her out was paid back tenfold by her getting a job and contributing into that tax system that helped her out.

That's a situation very few if any would be upset about.
and that is the situation that I describe as being what welfare should resemble.
not the 18 year that runs down on her 18th birthday, 3 kids in tow, applying for her welfare so she can raise her kids just like her mom raised her.

I agree with what you're saying.

That 18 year old nor her mother that raised her to do what she's now doing are raised their kids. The taxpayers did.
Why is it yhat the vast majority of anti-Trump threads are created by Trump's '#1 fan', Lakhota?

Dude, get some help with that hate, or it is going to destroy you from the inside out....
the court is rightfully disinterested in all things beside the point.

first trimester privacy is settled law, with good reason...

Settled law legislated by the court....

Tell me Rati, if Abortion is so great and noble, why do you need to lie and call it "privacy?"

The sort of reply that shows that more needs to be done to stop future generations thinking like you do.
I'm not advocating any of this but...getting rid of welfare, would go a long way toward that, so would not anointing a Queen, of course if ya choose to go the other way on this then you may have to dispense with the democracy part instead.

No, not getting rid of welfare, making welfare more intelligent.

Intelligent welfare? Talk about an oxymoron.
I think there is such a thing, maybe not by name, but if I understand him correctly I would agree.
lets say someone is in a position that maybe the lost a job they had and are not qualified to do anything else, or they for whatever reason ended up having to work and care for a family before they had skills or education, maybe its a woman that had a kid or two and then the scumbag sperm donor decided to run off or was killed etc.. There are times when even I have to say that its the right thing to do to help these people. So in these instances, I feel (and its only my opinion Im not trying to speak for anyone else) but, in these instances and other situations that might be similar, I think it is our responsibility to see that these people are given a hand to ensure they dont starve or "die in the streets" I would be all for them getting a place to live, some spending money, medical attention if needed from the taxpayer. Its the right thing to do. However, while getting that assistance, I think they need to step up and contribute, Im not talking about going down and flipping a burger or working the register at the local dollar store, What I would want to see is them back in school, they can go to college and get an education to open the doors for them, or maybe a trade school where they can learn a trade that will allow them to take care of themselves. But they have to show that they are working towards a goal to be self sufficient. Those that want to just kick back and collect that check once a month? sorry, the free ride is over. No attempt to better yourself? no check.
That would be a good investment of taxpayer dollar. But that is not what is happening right now.
Be reasonable give 6 years maximum for them to recieve the assistance, this gives them time to secure a degree even if they cant attend the college on a full time basis.
what we get out of it? the taxpayers ends up with a new member of the taxpayers club, We have someone raising their children and teaching them respect for themselves and others. but mostly, we get someone contributing to society instead of being a life long drain.
There are ways to fix the welfare problem.
What we can not do is continue to give free housing, food, cell phones, transportation, medical care, etc... to someone that has no desire to ever carry their own weight and contribute along with the rest of us.
If welfare was used like that, I would not have a single word to say against it.
Medical insurance is a different story, that is something that should not be free to anyone.

You're leaving one big factor out of your idea, and that is most of those people are not qualified for college or able to complete it even if they got in.

I tell this story from time to time. Back in the housing bubble days when it was impossible for us landlords to find decent tenants, I would get applicants that would reply to my CraigsList ad with such deplorable writing skills the emails looked like they were written by six year olds. With no choice, I had to interview some of them only to find out that they were indeed high school graduates.

Most of the emails I deleted because I figured if these people write this way, HTF do they find a job?

You're not going to make college material out of such people no matter how hard you try.

I don't think you'll find many people that want to throw these individuals in the street and let them starve, but our generosity grows thin when we see how some of these people live and conduct themselves while on the dole. That's because for Democrats, social programs are a political tool and people will take advantage of them if the offer is out there.

You're not wrong.

I read voraciously, and as a grammar Jedi, I find the proliferation recently of incorrect word usage, bad sentence structure, scattershot punctuation, etc. both annoying and distressing. It's one thing when the book is web-published by the author himself, but it happens more and more often with books that were published traditionally, and have therefore passed through the hands of proofreaders, editors, all manner of people at the publishing house who have college degrees in English. Catching that sort of thing is in their job description, for crying out loud! I've had a couple that were so bad, I went through with a red pen, making proofreading marks, and mailed them to the publisher with a note advising that they hire competent people.

Our society is rapidly becoming functionally illiterate.

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