Milo Goes On Bill Maher And Plugs America's New Trusted News Website, 'The Daily Stormer'

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Are you overwhelmed with white pride and hate, McNugget? Did Milo make your nipples hard?
It was funny that the "intelligent" liberals could only yell "go fuck yourself" at Milo during that segment. They also wouldn't touch the qip about Hillary taking Saudi money. All they could do was scream about Russia.
It was funny that the "intelligent" liberals could only yell "go fuck yourself" at Milo during that segment. They also wouldn't touch the qip about Hillary taking Saudi money. All they could do was scream about Russia.
because its the kind of retarded mindless race baiting bullshit that only slack jawed neo nazi trolls read about in the daily stormer

Wow, just watched that. Good to see that they mopped the floor with Milo's douchey ass. That was enjoyable. "Go fuck yourself." LOL, pure gold.

Also, Malcom Nance has some very interesting things to say about wikileaks. Wow....I might pick up his book.
I`m not sure what to make of this!

I's 3 to 1 against Milo and the two blacks on the panel showed their bigotry toward Gays very clearly.
Milo triggered a filthy response from these guys.
If Milo had had anyone besides the token Republican to back him up it would have been a fair fight.
It was funny that the "intelligent" liberals could only yell "go fuck yourself" at Milo during that segment. They also wouldn't touch the qip about Hillary taking Saudi money. All they could do was scream about Russia.
because its the kind of retarded mindless race baiting bullshit that only slack jawed neo nazi trolls read about in the daily stormer

The Daily Stormer only promotes the truth where other news sources dare not tread.
It was funny that the "intelligent" liberals could only yell "go fuck yourself" at Milo during that segment. They also wouldn't touch the qip about Hillary taking Saudi money. All they could do was scream about Russia.
because its the kind of retarded mindless race baiting bullshit that only slack jawed neo nazi trolls read about in the daily stormer

The Daily Stormer only promotes the truth.
yeah whatever you say adolf

Ive got a question for the nazis why do whites in America have such a high suicide rate? It's three times as high as everyone else.

US suicide rate surges, particularly among white people - BBC News
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