Minimum wage hike bankrupts company.

Why is it anyone's responsibility other than the family to support the family? If a job doesn't generate more revenue than it costs, it cannot be sustained.

Because the alternative is letting them starve

If society deems it necessary to guarantee a minimum standard of living, it should be up to society to provide it through taxation and welfare programs. Companies should not be made into welfare distribution centers.
We should not have to support their workforce
Why not? The alternative is to let them starve, right? If society wants to support them, society needs to agree to massive tax hikes and massive welfare programs. It's not the job of business to support anyone. It's the job of business to pay for work that generates more revenue than it costs.
I’m cool with that

If Republicans solution is to have taxpayers make up the difference for low wages......then let’s repeal that 40 percent tax break and use the $1.5 trillion to support low wage workers

What low wages?
You must be a city boy..

Ever plant a garden?



Why would they starve when companies would have to raise wages with no government welfare programs?

Hell back in the old days companies would build town's to get workers.
So.... You think it's still the 1800s?

My father is a cattle rancher BTW.

No what I am saying is companies would have no choice but to raise wages if we eliminated most welfare.

That's not true. Desperate people would be willing to work for less reward, live like animals to make ends meet. But would not require business's to raise rates just like it wouldn't force them to give a fuck about the downtrodden.

You fantasy world does not match reality..

Just go to the job boards in $7.25 an hour states..even McDonald's in most places are starting at $10 an hour.
supply and demand controls wages. Taking away welfare increases the supply of the number of people willing to work. They get desperate and will work under the table in fact. Wages go down in such circumstance.
Ok let's take your thinking here and apply it.

Welfare is taken away, and the worker supply increases you say, but what types of workers are we talking about here ??? Oh you mean those worker's who have been sitting on their butts waiting for their ship to come sailing on in, you know the golden ship that the Demon-crats promised them would come but never did ????

Ok so now these worker's are crappin mad for two reasons.. 1. They have to go to work. 2. The Demon-crats didn't save them from that mean ole employer who was ready to work them now.

Ok so the employee being mad as hell, wants to get out of paying the government whom he is mad at (the least amount of taxes possible), and attempts to negotiate some kind of work under the table with his employer. They agree, and the employee is happy again because it appears on paper that he is only making x amount of income, and now he has an excuse to cry back to the Demon-crats to say that he still can't make it. The Demon-crats then end up subsidizing his pay with limited government benefits in order to balance him on out.

So now the employer and the employee is happy, but the working class taxpayers are steaming hot mad because of the bullcrap that has gone on, and still goes on inside these things.

The working class taxpayers trying to do right are the most screwed over people in America these days. Corruption knows no bounds.
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We can consider the minimum wage that part of your business tax that is spent on prison prevention for petty economic street crime.

So then everyone should pay more taxes

Even you

No because that would be socialist. Are you trying to offload your business budget deficits onto the taxpayer? Hehehe!

If a business runs in a deficit it doesn't last very long.

But hey all those people that lose their jobs because of a ridiculously high MW will be supported by your taxes so you might as well pay more for that

this can't be the argument, because none of this affects hiring. Not even payroll tax. Minimum wage may be an annoyance to small business, but without it you can only hire your cousins and the day laborers who are MS13 members each.
We can consider the minimum wage that part of your business tax that is spent on prison prevention for petty economic street crime.

So then everyone should pay more taxes

Even you

No because that would be socialist. Are you trying to offload your business budget deficits onto the taxpayer? Hehehe!

If a business runs in a deficit it doesn't last very long.

But hey all those people that lose their jobs because of a ridiculously high MW will be supported by your taxes so you might as well pay more for that

this can't be the argument, because none of this affects hiring. Not even payroll tax. Minimum wage may be an annoyance to small business, but without it you can only hire your cousins and the day laborers who are MS13 members each.

Payroll tax is accounted for when hiring as it is an expense just like SUTA and FUTA taxes and workers comp

And if the MW didn't exist you would pay what ever you had to to keep your best employees.

You have never run a business have you?
We can consider the minimum wage that part of your business tax that is spent on prison prevention for petty economic street crime.

So then everyone should pay more taxes

Even you

No because that would be socialist. Are you trying to offload your business budget deficits onto the taxpayer? Hehehe!

If a business runs in a deficit it doesn't last very long.

But hey all those people that lose their jobs because of a ridiculously high MW will be supported by your taxes so you might as well pay more for that

this can't be the argument, because none of this affects hiring. Not even payroll tax. Minimum wage may be an annoyance to small business, but without it you can only hire your cousins and the day laborers who are MS13 members each.

Payroll tax is accounted for when hiring as it is an expense just like SUTA and FUTA taxes and workers comp

And if the MW didn't exist you would pay what ever you had to to keep your best employees.

You have never run a business have you?

But you can't deny that your business will have to deal with wage pressure don't you? You can't put your Mexican day laborers to make the sandwiches in your wawa shop. And even if you could, they too work for higher than the minimum wage. I agree that there is too much regularive pressure on wages and employment. But you are the slave of an omnipotent government. And there are too many zombies wanting a job from you that you don't have. You will go bankrupt and join the zombies. At least that doesn't threaten you with jail, like taxation does. So the minimum wage prank is still the lesser evil. Isn't it?
It helps by FINALLY increasing the wages of low skilled workers who have been struggling for decades
It helps by shifting the responsibility of supporting these families from the taxpayer to their employers

Why is it anyone's responsibility other than the family to support the family? If a job doesn't generate more revenue than it costs, it cannot be sustained.

Because the alternative is letting them starve
No the alternative is they work to make enough to support themselves

There wasn't one single time in my life up until the age of 40 where I didn't have at least 2 jobs.

If your skills do not allow you to support yourself on one job then it's up to you to work enough to support yourself.

When did the idea that one 40 hour a week will pay enough to cover all of anyone's expenses come to be held as gospel?
Good solution

With 30 million low skilled workers, you must have 30 million unfilled jobs for them to take

You don't have to work for someone else to make money

And anyone who really wants to can find a second job.

I never had any trouble finding a side gig

Show me 30 million unfilled jobs or any year when that many successful private businesses have been created

Your “get a second job” is unworkable for low wage employees as a group
We can consider the minimum wage that part of your business tax that is spent on prison prevention for petty economic street crime.

So then everyone should pay more taxes

Even you

No because that would be socialist. Are you trying to offload your business budget deficits onto the taxpayer? Hehehe!

If a business runs in a deficit it doesn't last very long.

But hey all those people that lose their jobs because of a ridiculously high MW will be supported by your taxes so you might as well pay more for that
Our taxes are subsidizing their low wages right now
You must be a city boy..

Ever plant a garden?



Why would they starve when companies would have to raise wages with no government welfare programs?

Hell back in the old days companies would build town's to get workers.
So.... You think it's still the 1800s?

My father is a cattle rancher BTW.

No what I am saying is companies would have no choice but to raise wages if we eliminated most welfare.

That's not true. Desperate people would be willing to work for less reward, live like animals to make ends meet. But would not require business's to raise rates just like it wouldn't force them to give a fuck about the downtrodden.

You fantasy world does not match reality..

Just go to the job boards in $7.25 an hour states..even McDonald's in most places are starting at $10 an hour.
supply and demand controls wages. Taking away welfare increases the supply of the number of people willing to work. They get desperate and will work under the table in fact. Wages go down in such circumstance.

That has to be the most stupidest thing I have ever read, So they will now be like illegal Mexicans?

We can consider the minimum wage that part of your business tax that is spent on prison prevention for petty economic street crime.

So then everyone should pay more taxes

Even you

No because that would be socialist. Are you trying to offload your business budget deficits onto the taxpayer? Hehehe!

If a business runs in a deficit it doesn't last very long.

But hey all those people that lose their jobs because of a ridiculously high MW will be supported by your taxes so you might as well pay more for that
Our taxes are subsidizing their low wages right now

other way around, with out those jobs billions more would be spent on welfare
That's changing the goal post.. how does it help if 45% plus of American workers make minimum wage, if this bill passes the Senate and Trump signs it?

It helps by FINALLY increasing the wages of low skilled workers who have been struggling for decades
It helps by shifting the responsibility of supporting these families from the taxpayer to their employers

Why is it anyone's responsibility other than the family to support the family? If a job doesn't generate more revenue than it costs, it cannot be sustained.

Because the alternative is letting them starve

If society deems it necessary to guarantee a minimum standard of living, it should be up to society to provide it through taxation and welfare programs. Companies should not be made into welfare distribution centers.
We should not have to support their workforce

we should not have to support democrat high welfare spending

Well, imagine that .

That's what will happen when sources demand that unskilled/uneducated employees get these kind of wages. These current politicians (4 freshman congresswomen) are demanding minimum wages be raised across the board & free health care along with other freebies for all.

They were profitable until they were sold to Sun Capital Partners.

Well, imagine that .

That's what will happen when sources demand that unskilled/uneducated employees get these kind of wages. These current politicians (4 freshman congresswomen) are demanding minimum wages be raised across the board & free health care along with other freebies for all.
Some jobs are only worth so much… Political correctness doesn’t know it’s ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to economics

How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?
A Manufacturing company in Dexter, Michigan folded due to minium wage bankruptcy.


Thomson-Shore was founded in 1972, offering manufacturing, printing, publishing, production and distribution. The Sheridan Group, which produces books, magazines, journals and catalogs, formed after CJK acquired Chelsea-based Sheridan Books, Inc. and Dickinson Press in Grand Rapids.

Let me guess, they didn't encompass online sales?

Well, imagine that .

That's what will happen when sources demand that unskilled/uneducated employees get these kind of wages. These current politicians (4 freshman congresswomen) are demanding minimum wages be raised across the board & free health care along with other freebies for all.
Some jobs are only worth so much… Political correctness doesn’t know it’s ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to economics

How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

Who hired that employee?

I need minimum wage kept at levels from ten years ago to stay in business

Poor, poor me

So, you don't care about the workers that list their jobs or those that would have been working. They now get nothing.
Yea....I hear that one every time they try to raise minimum wage

If a business can make do with fewer workers......they would already be doing it

They have been profiting off a frozen minimum wage for ten years.
Time to pay up

Pay up or go out of business I see. For the worker it's "get paid or don't have a job." Makes sense to me.

You do know the worker doesn't have to work for minimum wage right. They can go get a different job.

Minimum wage was NEVER meant to be a living wage. It was meant for low skilled, new workers in entry level jobs. Most people don't work for minimum wage for long.
We can consider the minimum wage that part of your business tax that is spent on prison prevention for petty economic street crime.

So then everyone should pay more taxes

Even you

No because that would be socialist. Are you trying to offload your business budget deficits onto the taxpayer? Hehehe!

If a business runs in a deficit it doesn't last very long.

But hey all those people that lose their jobs because of a ridiculously high MW will be supported by your taxes so you might as well pay more for that
Our taxes are subsidizing their low wages right now

The more people you want to support, the more it's going to cost. Hiding the cost by forcing employers to pay artificially inflated wages is a false hope.

Well, imagine that .

That's what will happen when sources demand that unskilled/uneducated employees get these kind of wages. These current politicians (4 freshman congresswomen) are demanding minimum wages be raised across the board & free health care along with other freebies for all.
Some jobs are only worth so much… Political correctness doesn’t know it’s ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to economics

How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

None of them do. All the units of an organization contribute to the bottom line. If they don't, they get cut.

Well, imagine that .

That's what will happen when sources demand that unskilled/uneducated employees get these kind of wages. These current politicians (4 freshman congresswomen) are demanding minimum wages be raised across the board & free health care along with other freebies for all.
Yup, that's what happens when a business is run poorly and refuses to accept responsibility for their own mistakes.

“I think what Restaurants Unlimited found out is that they can’t pass along the full impact of that labor cost increase to customers through their prices, said Michael Saltsman of the Employment Policies Institute. “People can stay home, people can eat out less often.”​

.... or they'll eat at any of the other restaurants that don't have to file for bankruptcy.

Well, imagine that .

That's what will happen when sources demand that unskilled/uneducated employees get these kind of wages. These current politicians (4 freshman congresswomen) are demanding minimum wages be raised across the board & free health care along with other freebies for all.
Some jobs are only worth so much… Political correctness doesn’t know it’s ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to economics

How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?
Employees have no risk nor skin in the game... You obviously don’t understand self-employment, political correctness has made you fucking retarded

Well, imagine that .

That's what will happen when sources demand that unskilled/uneducated employees get these kind of wages. These current politicians (4 freshman congresswomen) are demanding minimum wages be raised across the board & free health care along with other freebies for all.
Yup, that's what happens when a business is run poorly and refuses to accept responsibility for their own mistakes.

“I think what Restaurants Unlimited found out is that they can’t pass along the full impact of that labor cost increase to customers through their prices, said Michael Saltsman of the Employment Policies Institute. “People can stay home, people can eat out less often.”​

.... or they'll eat at any of the other restaurants that don't have to file for bankruptcy.

A liberal will eat at Chic-fli-A?


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