Minimum wage hike bankrupts company.

Well, imagine that .

That's what will happen when sources demand that unskilled/uneducated employees get these kind of wages. These current politicians (4 freshman congresswomen) are demanding minimum wages be raised across the board & free health care along with other freebies for all.
It's both anecdotal and out of context.
In the same article it also cites bad decisions led to troubles - BUT - the big sign is - they are closing none of the affected restaurants. So little hard to swallow the reasoning.
Bankruptcy courts only work if you can show precisely that either the costs are no longer a part of doing business, or you have a specific plan to lower/eliminate those costs. When filing bankruptcy and keeping the entities open - you can't just take a bunch of bills and say "help I can't pay!".... doesn't work like that in business bankruptcies.
No because that would be socialist. Are you trying to offload your business budget deficits onto the taxpayer? Hehehe!

If a business runs in a deficit it doesn't last very long.

But hey all those people that lose their jobs because of a ridiculously high MW will be supported by your taxes so you might as well pay more for that
Our taxes are subsidizing their low wages right now

Because it's too easy for able bodied people to get welfare so let's make only the truly needy eligible for assistance
Actually I couldn't get Welfare without becoming homeless first. I'm Disabled and can't collect Disability because I have a job. But if I didn't have a job I wouldn't be able to pay the rent and it takes Months, even years to get disability started, even with a lawyer, and I would be homeless if I sat on my ass and waited on it to kick in. My foot won't fit in a shoe because it's swollen. I'm not supposed to walk on it because my bones are too brittle and they break. I don't feel them break because I have neuropathy. I managed to find a job working from home over the internet in time to pay my rent which is the only reason I'm not homeless.

Honest people can't get governmental assistance they need. Only the ones who rig the system get it.
Food stamps are part of the welfare system and one of the major arguments of the 15 an hour crowd is that full time people can still qualify for food stamps. They say it's because employers pay too little. I say it's because it's too easy to get food stamps

And if you are able to work in any capacity and earn enough to support yourself you shouldn't have to be on disability unless it's your own insurance. Private insurance is much more reasonable than public disability insurance.

Please don't take that as an insult as it was not meant to be and I understand that you have real medical issues and should qualify for at least some assistance

they also think the food stamp level wont go up.............


because................. THEY ARE MAKING MINIMUM WAGE

Well, imagine that .

That's what will happen when sources demand that unskilled/uneducated employees get these kind of wages. These current politicians (4 freshman congresswomen) are demanding minimum wages be raised across the board & free health care along with other freebies for all.
Some jobs are only worth so much… Political correctness doesn’t know it’s ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to economics

How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

None of them do. All the units of an organization contribute to the bottom line. If they don't, they get cut.

Non-answer. Again; How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

I never had one employee that made all my money. I am now at the point where I won’t own a business. I like working for my current boss, I don’t give a damn how much he makes, I enjoy my sleep and my day ending when I leave the office.

Which of the three define your business failure.

You were inadequately funded.
You didn't hire the right people.
You hired relatives.

Well, imagine that .

That's what will happen when sources demand that unskilled/uneducated employees get these kind of wages. These current politicians (4 freshman congresswomen) are demanding minimum wages be raised across the board & free health care along with other freebies for all.
Some jobs are only worth so much… Political correctness doesn’t know it’s ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to economics

How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

None of them do. All the units of an organization contribute to the bottom line. If they don't, they get cut.

Non-answer. Again; How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

You pay him less than the amount he contributes to the bottom line. The premise of your question is false, because no employee makes a company all of its money.

Without employees the company would fail to exist.
Some jobs are only worth so much… Political correctness doesn’t know it’s ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to economics

How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

None of them do. All the units of an organization contribute to the bottom line. If they don't, they get cut.

Non-answer. Again; How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

You pay him less than the amount he contributes to the bottom line. The premise of your question is false, because no employee makes a company all of its money.

Onepercenter has no real business knowledge otherwise he wouldn’t ask silly question. He claims he owns businesses that pay his employees more per hour, uses all superior products to make whatever he makes, and sells it for less than his competitors that pay their employees less and buy inferior products. He claims he pays his janitors over $50,000 a year and they are his lowest paid employees. His model would automatically put every other competitor out of business but he claims they are still there. Just the dumbest BS to come down the pike.

Yet, you can't answer the silly question.
Might be the ultimate goal of the socialist, otherwise to shut everything down by government over regulating or extreme taxation in the many cloaked forms that it takes.

My guess is that they (Socialist and otherwise) are no fans of small businesses. As they over-regulate them, as well.

Well, imagine that .

That's what will happen when sources demand that unskilled/uneducated employees get these kind of wages. These current politicians (4 freshman congresswomen) are demanding minimum wages be raised across the board & free health care along with other freebies for all.
Some jobs are only worth so much… Political correctness doesn’t know it’s ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to economics
Another example why socialism applied doesn't work. How stupid or low can the Democrats go ??

Bernie is learning economics of the $15.00 ph Minimum wage. Well his ex employees are anyway!
No because that would be socialist. Are you trying to offload your business budget deficits onto the taxpayer? Hehehe!

If a business runs in a deficit it doesn't last very long.

But hey all those people that lose their jobs because of a ridiculously high MW will be supported by your taxes so you might as well pay more for that

this can't be the argument, because none of this affects hiring. Not even payroll tax. Minimum wage may be an annoyance to small business, but without it you can only hire your cousins and the day laborers who are MS13 members each.

Payroll tax is accounted for when hiring as it is an expense just like SUTA and FUTA taxes and workers comp

And if the MW didn't exist you would pay what ever you had to to keep your best employees.

You have never run a business have you?

But you can't deny that your business will have to deal with wage pressure don't you? You can't put your Mexican day laborers to make the sandwiches in your wawa shop. And even if you could, they too work for higher than the minimum wage. I agree that there is too much regularive pressure on wages and employment. But you are the slave of an omnipotent government. And there are too many zombies wanting a job from you that you don't have. You will go bankrupt and join the zombies. At least that doesn't threaten you with jail, like taxation does. So the minimum wage prank is still the lesser evil. Isn't it?

Anyone who hires illegals should be fined 5000 a day for every illegal worker

An artificially high MW is not good for any business that operates on a high volume low profit margin and since most jobs that pay MW are high volume low profit what do you think will happen to all those MW jobs?

Fines don't work. Case in point; The banking industry has been fined >$200B since 2009, Equifax has been fined $600M, and neither have shown any signs of cleaning up their act. Jail the bums, including tRump.
No because that would be socialist. Are you trying to offload your business budget deficits onto the taxpayer? Hehehe!

If a business runs in a deficit it doesn't last very long.

But hey all those people that lose their jobs because of a ridiculously high MW will be supported by your taxes so you might as well pay more for that

this can't be the argument, because none of this affects hiring. Not even payroll tax. Minimum wage may be an annoyance to small business, but without it you can only hire your cousins and the day laborers who are MS13 members each.

Payroll tax is accounted for when hiring as it is an expense just like SUTA and FUTA taxes and workers comp

And if the MW didn't exist you would pay what ever you had to to keep your best employees.

You have never run a business have you?

But you can't deny that your business will have to deal with wage pressure don't you? You can't put your Mexican day laborers to make the sandwiches in your wawa shop. And even if you could, they too work for higher than the minimum wage. I agree that there is too much regularive pressure on wages and employment. But you are the slave of an omnipotent government. And there are too many zombies wanting a job from you that you don't have. You will go bankrupt and join the zombies. At least that doesn't threaten you with jail, like taxation does. So the minimum wage prank is still the lesser evil. Isn't it?

Anyone who hires illegals should be fined 5000 a day for every illegal worker

An artificially high MW is not good for any business that operates on a high volume low profit margin and since most jobs that pay MW are high volume low profit what do you think will happen to all those MW jobs?
Lock them up
If a business runs in a deficit it doesn't last very long.

But hey all those people that lose their jobs because of a ridiculously high MW will be supported by your taxes so you might as well pay more for that

this can't be the argument, because none of this affects hiring. Not even payroll tax. Minimum wage may be an annoyance to small business, but without it you can only hire your cousins and the day laborers who are MS13 members each.

Payroll tax is accounted for when hiring as it is an expense just like SUTA and FUTA taxes and workers comp

And if the MW didn't exist you would pay what ever you had to to keep your best employees.

You have never run a business have you?

But you can't deny that your business will have to deal with wage pressure don't you? You can't put your Mexican day laborers to make the sandwiches in your wawa shop. And even if you could, they too work for higher than the minimum wage. I agree that there is too much regularive pressure on wages and employment. But you are the slave of an omnipotent government. And there are too many zombies wanting a job from you that you don't have. You will go bankrupt and join the zombies. At least that doesn't threaten you with jail, like taxation does. So the minimum wage prank is still the lesser evil. Isn't it?

Anyone who hires illegals should be fined 5000 a day for every illegal worker

An artificially high MW is not good for any business that operates on a high volume low profit margin and since most jobs that pay MW are high volume low profit what do you think will happen to all those MW jobs?

Fines don't work. Case in point; The banking industry has been fined >$200B since 2009, Equifax has been fined $600M, and neither have shown any signs of cleaning up their act. Jail the bums, including tRump.
Change the law, then you can. Have fun storming the castle.
Some jobs are only worth so much… Political correctness doesn’t know it’s ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to economics

How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

None of them do. All the units of an organization contribute to the bottom line. If they don't, they get cut.

Non-answer. Again; How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

I never had one employee that made all my money. I am now at the point where I won’t own a business. I like working for my current boss, I don’t give a damn how much he makes, I enjoy my sleep and my day ending when I leave the office.

Which of the three define your business failure.

You were inadequately funded.
You didn't hire the right people.
You hired relatives.

I realize that you are a failure but many sell a business and then move on. Of course you are a failure, that doesn’t mean everyone else is.
How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

None of them do. All the units of an organization contribute to the bottom line. If they don't, they get cut.

Non-answer. Again; How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

You pay him less than the amount he contributes to the bottom line. The premise of your question is false, because no employee makes a company all of its money.

Onepercenter has no real business knowledge otherwise he wouldn’t ask silly question. He claims he owns businesses that pay his employees more per hour, uses all superior products to make whatever he makes, and sells it for less than his competitors that pay their employees less and buy inferior products. He claims he pays his janitors over $50,000 a year and they are his lowest paid employees. His model would automatically put every other competitor out of business but he claims they are still there. Just the dumbest BS to come down the pike.

Yet, you can't answer the silly question.

Already answered. I never had one employee make all my money.

Well, imagine that .

That's what will happen when sources demand that unskilled/uneducated employees get these kind of wages. These current politicians (4 freshman congresswomen) are demanding minimum wages be raised across the board & free health care along with other freebies for all.
Some jobs are only worth so much… Political correctness doesn’t know it’s ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to economics

How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

no employee makes all of the money for one company.

A business that employees people would not exist if no one provided the space, equipment and the materials needed to operate.

The business owner is the one who takes all the risk employees risk nothing and don't forget every single employee has agreed to sell his labor to his employer for an agreed upon price
this can't be the argument, because none of this affects hiring. Not even payroll tax. Minimum wage may be an annoyance to small business, but without it you can only hire your cousins and the day laborers who are MS13 members each.

Payroll tax is accounted for when hiring as it is an expense just like SUTA and FUTA taxes and workers comp

And if the MW didn't exist you would pay what ever you had to to keep your best employees.

You have never run a business have you?

But you can't deny that your business will have to deal with wage pressure don't you? You can't put your Mexican day laborers to make the sandwiches in your wawa shop. And even if you could, they too work for higher than the minimum wage. I agree that there is too much regularive pressure on wages and employment. But you are the slave of an omnipotent government. And there are too many zombies wanting a job from you that you don't have. You will go bankrupt and join the zombies. At least that doesn't threaten you with jail, like taxation does. So the minimum wage prank is still the lesser evil. Isn't it?

Anyone who hires illegals should be fined 5000 a day for every illegal worker

An artificially high MW is not good for any business that operates on a high volume low profit margin and since most jobs that pay MW are high volume low profit what do you think will happen to all those MW jobs?

Fines don't work. Case in point; The banking industry has been fined >$200B since 2009, Equifax has been fined $600M, and neither have shown any signs of cleaning up their act. Jail the bums, including tRump.
Change the law, then you can. Have fun storming the castle.
Existing law already includes jail time.
How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

None of them do. All the units of an organization contribute to the bottom line. If they don't, they get cut.

Non-answer. Again; How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

I never had one employee that made all my money. I am now at the point where I won’t own a business. I like working for my current boss, I don’t give a damn how much he makes, I enjoy my sleep and my day ending when I leave the office.

Which of the three define your business failure.

You were inadequately funded.
You didn't hire the right people.
You hired relatives.

I realize that you are a failure but many sell a business and then move on. Of course you are a failure, that doesn’t mean everyone else is.
So you sold your business for a hellacious profit?
None of them do. All the units of an organization contribute to the bottom line. If they don't, they get cut.

Non-answer. Again; How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

You pay him less than the amount he contributes to the bottom line. The premise of your question is false, because no employee makes a company all of its money.

Onepercenter has no real business knowledge otherwise he wouldn’t ask silly question. He claims he owns businesses that pay his employees more per hour, uses all superior products to make whatever he makes, and sells it for less than his competitors that pay their employees less and buy inferior products. He claims he pays his janitors over $50,000 a year and they are his lowest paid employees. His model would automatically put every other competitor out of business but he claims they are still there. Just the dumbest BS to come down the pike.

Yet, you can't answer the silly question.

Already answered. I never had one employee make all my money.
What about the collective of employees?

Well, imagine that .

That's what will happen when sources demand that unskilled/uneducated employees get these kind of wages. These current politicians (4 freshman congresswomen) are demanding minimum wages be raised across the board & free health care along with other freebies for all.
It's both anecdotal and out of context.
In the same article it also cites bad decisions led to troubles - BUT - the big sign is - they are closing none of the affected restaurants. So little hard to swallow the reasoning.
Bankruptcy courts only work if you can show precisely that either the costs are no longer a part of doing business, or you have a specific plan to lower/eliminate those costs. When filing bankruptcy and keeping the entities open - you can't just take a bunch of bills and say "help I can't pay!".... doesn't work like that in business bankruptcies.

Yeah, I'm a bit put off by a congress person saying "they made some bad choices"..... Really? What choices? If the the $10 Million dollar increase in labor costs, wasn't the problem, then tell me what the problem was?

What were the bad decisions?

Here's my problem with your logic.

If the minimum wage was the problem, they would be closing the stores in the area affected by the minimum wage.

Not exactly. Just not entirely true.

Let's say you open a store, with the idea that you are going to make $400,000 profit year over year. Based on that idea, you have investors that expect a $250,000 payment on their investment. Maybe these are creditors, or bond holders, whatever.

Now say that due to minimum wage hikes, your profits drop to $200,000. Meanwhile other stores fall to even lower profits.

Those stores providing that $200,000 profit, might be the most profitable stores you own... yet you will still have to file bankruptcy, because you can't pay $250,000 to your creditors on $200,000 profit.

Do you understand now? The fact that they are not closing the stores in Portland does not necessarily mean anything.

And this is also why, you should never listen to the words of a life long politicians, on how business is run, or how bankruptcy works.

Jessyn Farrell has never run, or had, a private sector job in her entire life. That is exactly why she can say ignorant stuff like “They made some bad business decisions,” said former Washington State Rep. Jessyn Farrell of Civic Ventures. “There were a couple openings that didn’t go well, and I think what’s really telling is they aren’t closing restaurants in Seattle.”.

Here's a girl who has never done anything but live off tax payers her entire life, and has never run so much as a lemonade stand, and here she is trying to tell you what it means if they don't close a store in Seattle?
None of them do. All the units of an organization contribute to the bottom line. If they don't, they get cut.

Non-answer. Again; How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

I never had one employee that made all my money. I am now at the point where I won’t own a business. I like working for my current boss, I don’t give a damn how much he makes, I enjoy my sleep and my day ending when I leave the office.

Which of the three define your business failure.

You were inadequately funded.
You didn't hire the right people.
You hired relatives.

I realize that you are a failure but many sell a business and then move on. Of course you are a failure, that doesn’t mean everyone else is.
So you sold your business for a hellacious profit?

I sold it for what it was worth.
Non-answer. Again; How much do you pay an employee that makes you all of your money?

You pay him less than the amount he contributes to the bottom line. The premise of your question is false, because no employee makes a company all of its money.

Onepercenter has no real business knowledge otherwise he wouldn’t ask silly question. He claims he owns businesses that pay his employees more per hour, uses all superior products to make whatever he makes, and sells it for less than his competitors that pay their employees less and buy inferior products. He claims he pays his janitors over $50,000 a year and they are his lowest paid employees. His model would automatically put every other competitor out of business but he claims they are still there. Just the dumbest BS to come down the pike.

Yet, you can't answer the silly question.

Already answered. I never had one employee make all my money.
What about the collective of employees?

Without myself there was no business, there were no jobs.

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