Minimum wage

the employee takes absolutely no risk

He puts in his time and gets a check at the end of the week

NO risk whatsoever if the business fails the employee loses nothing and he can sell his labor to someone else

What you don't understand is that employees sell their labor it is the employee's product. So if the employee wants more money for his product he has to make it worth more

If all five of my businesses folded today, all of my 650 employees would be out of work and I'd remain a multimillionaire.

An employee sells his/her labor IF he/she can find a new job.

Sorry but there is no way in hell you own even one business
It's not the employers fault if an employee who no longer works for him can find a job or not

If a person doesn't want to be at the mercy of others for work then he can work for himself
talk is cheap; most small businesses fail due to under-capitalization.

a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for unemployment compensation, provides a bailout.

A bailout for who? Lazy shits like you who would choose not to work?

In fairness, our Government has a long history of bailing rich folks out. Personally, i'd rather bail poor folks out.

First off, most bailouts for the rich, are bailouts for the poor.

At least, that is the way it is intended. For example, bailing out General Motors was by the Left-Wing, considered a way to save blue collar workers.

Most bailouts are sold as a way to save working class people.

Even the bank bailouts are supposedly to help the lower-class because if all the banks fail, then the economy will tank, and the poorest people won't have jobs.

At least that's the claim.

All that aside, a $15 hour minimum wage would eliminate jobs for the lower class. Not create them.

Again, when the minimum wage was originally pushed, economists wanted the minimum wage specifically because it eliminate jobs for undesirable minorities. They believed that the minimum wage would eliminate their jobs, and those groups would starve and die off.

But more than that, government handouts are actually the worst possible thing for the poor.

Doing a 'bailout for the poor', is a great way to keep people poor. Nothing dooms a person to poverty, than teaching them to wait on government to hand them something for free.

The primary way a person becomes wealthy, is by learning how to both manage their income and assets, and to generate income and assets.

Well if you have a set income that is guaranteed, you don't have to worry about keeping anything. And if you have no hope of increasing your income beyond what other people give you, you have no need to worry about generating more income.

This is one of the reasons that the Spanish empire led to Spain being the poorest in Europe. The Spanish empire imported from their raiding and colonizing activities, over 17,000 tons of silver alone. That doesn't include gold, and other imported goods from their various military moves.

The result was that prior to the 1600, Spain was relatively on par with the rest of Europe. But after the 1700, when their state run companies, and plunder ran out of easy gains, the Spanish were backward, and behind economically. Having all their freely collected and dolled out government money, allowed the Spanish to avoid learning how to manager their assets, and how to advance their productivity.

Today Spain is one of the poorest country in the EU.

Another example would be Europe after World War 2. When you think how entire cities in Europe were leveled to the ground, an utterly wiped off the map, compared to many other places in the world, that were not touched by the world war.

Yet nearly all of Europe reemerged as a wealthy 1st world countries, after being knocked back to almost zero.

How did this happen? Because the people of Europe knew how to create an income. The people of Europe knew how to manage their assets and wealth.

That's why. This is the key. The people who know how to create wealth, and manage wealth, end up with wealth.

The people who don't know, and learn how to be dependent on others, never have either the income, or the management to keep what they earn.

The same is true to this very day.

I just learned today, about the native Americans in the US.

Did you know, that to this very day, the most subsidized group in the US, is native Americans? No other minority group, collects as much in government subsidies as Native Americans, this includes Blacks and Hispanics. Yet the income level for Native Americans is lower, and poverty is higher, than Blacks and Hispanics.


Well, I'll give you one more informational tidbit. There is a native American Tribe most people have never heard of, written about in a book "Crazy Like a Fox", called the Lumbee Indians located in North Carolina.

The reason you have never heard of them, is because they are not a recognized Indian Tribe. Because they are not recognized, they get no benefits. No land. No hand outs. No free health care. No free education. No government funded investments.

And they are the most wealthy native Americans in the country today, that have a standard of living comparable to White and Asians.

My point to you is this.... You want to help the poor? Help them to live on their labor. Help them to manage their income.

The absolute worst thing you can do, is subsidize their bad choices and bad work ethic.

Ironically, I was just listening to a BBC documentary, that was just random stories by listeners, sent in, and compiled by the BBC. One was a guy that quit working, lost his home, and was living in an Airport Terminal. He lived there, in the terminal, for over almost 2 years, eating food left in garbage cans, and drinking from bottles people left because their gate opened, and they had to make the flight.

The turning point in his life came because a police officer happen to notice him, followed him, and caught him asleep. The officer forced him off the Airport property, and because of that, he swallowed his pride, asked a friend to put him up, got a minimum wage job so he could get a cheap appartment, and got an apprenticeship program for wielding. Now he has a wife and kids and a house, and a life.

He of course credits the lady who let him stay for a few months.

But in reality, it was the police officer that forced him away from his free room and board. It wasn't hand outs that improved his life. It was threat of starvation on the street, that caused him to dump his pride, and learn what he had to, in order to make his life better.

End subsidies. End welfare. End free handouts. That will be the best thing for the poor. They will have no choice but to improve their lives, and because of that, they will improve their lives. Instead of being doomed to poverty, like they are today.
If all five of my businesses folded today, all of my 650 employees would be out of work and I'd remain a multimillionaire.

An employee sells his/her labor IF he/she can find a new job.

Sorry but there is no way in hell you own even one business
It's not the employers fault if an employee who no longer works for him can find a job or not

If a person doesn't want to be at the mercy of others for work then he can work for himself
talk is cheap; most small businesses fail due to under-capitalization.

a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for unemployment compensation, provides a bailout.

A bailout for who? Lazy shits like you who would choose not to work?

In fairness, our Government has a long history of bailing rich folks out. Personally, i'd rather bail poor folks out.

"Personally, i'd rather bail poor folks out."

Then that's what you should do. I asked earlier....when was the last time you demanded to pay more than the bill at the restaurant?

Get my point?

It's great to see you again. I missed your short concise slaps across the face of left-wing ideology.
the employee takes absolutely no risk

He puts in his time and gets a check at the end of the week

NO risk whatsoever if the business fails the employee loses nothing and he can sell his labor to someone else

What you don't understand is that employees sell their labor it is the employee's product. So if the employee wants more money for his product he has to make it worth more

If all five of my businesses folded today, all of my 650 employees would be out of work and I'd remain a multimillionaire.

An employee sells his/her labor IF he/she can find a new job.

Sorry but there is no way in hell you own even one business
It's not the employers fault if an employee who no longer works for him can find a job or not

If a person doesn't want to be at the mercy of others for work then he can work for himself
talk is cheap; most small businesses fail due to under-capitalization.

a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for unemployment compensation, provides a bailout.

A bailout for who? Lazy shits like you who would choose not to work?
i am willing to work harder than any rich guy; so, i deserve a bailout.
That's funny
well you'd be a horrible employee so I'm sure no good boss would hire you
what about a "horrible boss" that is into, "fixer uppers"?

no. You have obviously never ran a business and you certainly have never hired anyone. I don't have time for fixer uppers no business owner does

So I suggest you stop playing Mario Cart and learn some new skills and while you're at it give yourself an attitude adjustment
i am not the one complaining about a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage; if Henry Ford could double autoworker wages, any decent capitalist can double minimum wages.
If it's so easy then you start a business and pay everyone 15 an hour no matter what the market will bear for the price of your product or service and let me know how long you last

hell pay them 30 an hour from day one after all if Henry Ford could do it any business owner can
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages, and made a profit. Only lousy capitalists rely on minimum wages, forever. Why complain about the poor, making that poor lifestyle choice.

So do it if it's so fucking easy

Ford paid his people more to keep them from working at the competition he had a product that was in high demand was making a huge profit and he wanted to to keep his work force and attract workers from his competition

That's why he paid his people more

Some business that is just scraping buy every year doesn't have that option

But go ahead and start a business and pay everyone 15 an hour from day one or double it to 30 since Ford did it and then tell me how long your doors stay open
If all five of my businesses folded today, all of my 650 employees would be out of work and I'd remain a multimillionaire.

An employee sells his/her labor IF he/she can find a new job.

Sorry but there is no way in hell you own even one business
It's not the employers fault if an employee who no longer works for him can find a job or not

If a person doesn't want to be at the mercy of others for work then he can work for himself
talk is cheap; most small businesses fail due to under-capitalization.

a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for unemployment compensation, provides a bailout.

A bailout for who? Lazy shits like you who would choose not to work?

In fairness, our Government has a long history of bailing rich folks out. Personally, i'd rather bail poor folks out.

First off, most bailouts for the rich, are bailouts for the poor.

At least, that is the way it is intended. For example, bailing out General Motors was by the Left-Wing, considered a way to save blue collar workers.

Most bailouts are sold as a way to save working class people.

Even the bank bailouts are supposedly to help the lower-class because if all the banks fail, then the economy will tank, and the poorest people won't have jobs.

At least that's the claim.

All that aside, a $15 hour minimum wage would eliminate jobs for the lower class. Not create them.

Again, when the minimum wage was originally pushed, economists wanted the minimum wage specifically because it eliminate jobs for undesirable minorities. They believed that the minimum wage would eliminate their jobs, and those groups would starve and die off.

But more than that, government handouts are actually the worst possible thing for the poor.

Doing a 'bailout for the poor', is a great way to keep people poor. Nothing dooms a person to poverty, than teaching them to wait on government to hand them something for free.

The primary way a person becomes wealthy, is by learning how to both manage their income and assets, and to generate income and assets.

Well if you have a set income that is guaranteed, you don't have to worry about keeping anything. And if you have no hope of increasing your income beyond what other people give you, you have no need to worry about generating more income.

This is one of the reasons that the Spanish empire led to Spain being the poorest in Europe. The Spanish empire imported from their raiding and colonizing activities, over 17,000 tons of silver alone. That doesn't include gold, and other imported goods from their various military moves.

The result was that prior to the 1600, Spain was relatively on par with the rest of Europe. But after the 1700, when their state run companies, and plunder ran out of easy gains, the Spanish were backward, and behind economically. Having all their freely collected and dolled out government money, allowed the Spanish to avoid learning how to manager their assets, and how to advance their productivity.

Today Spain is one of the poorest country in the EU.

Another example would be Europe after World War 2. When you think how entire cities in Europe were leveled to the ground, an utterly wiped off the map, compared to many other places in the world, that were not touched by the world war.

Yet nearly all of Europe reemerged as a wealthy 1st world countries, after being knocked back to almost zero.

How did this happen? Because the people of Europe knew how to create an income. The people of Europe knew how to manage their assets and wealth.

That's why. This is the key. The people who know how to create wealth, and manage wealth, end up with wealth.

The people who don't know, and learn how to be dependent on others, never have either the income, or the management to keep what they earn.

The same is true to this very day.

I just learned today, about the native Americans in the US.

Did you know, that to this very day, the most subsidized group in the US, is native Americans? No other minority group, collects as much in government subsidies as Native Americans, this includes Blacks and Hispanics. Yet the income level for Native Americans is lower, and poverty is higher, than Blacks and Hispanics.


Well, I'll give you one more informational tidbit. There is a native American Tribe most people have never heard of, written about in a book "Crazy Like a Fox", called the Lumbee Indians located in North Carolina.

The reason you have never heard of them, is because they are not a recognized Indian Tribe. Because they are not recognized, they get no benefits. No land. No hand outs. No free health care. No free education. No government funded investments.

And they are the most wealthy native Americans in the country today, that have a standard of living comparable to White and Asians.

My point to you is this.... You want to help the poor? Help them to live on their labor. Help them to manage their income.

The absolute worst thing you can do, is subsidize their bad choices and bad work ethic.

Ironically, I was just listening to a BBC documentary, that was just random stories by listeners, sent in, and compiled by the BBC. One was a guy that quit working, lost his home, and was living in an Airport Terminal. He lived there, in the terminal, for over almost 2 years, eating food left in garbage cans, and drinking from bottles people left because their gate opened, and they had to make the flight.

The turning point in his life came because a police officer happen to notice him, followed him, and caught him asleep. The officer forced him off the Airport property, and because of that, he swallowed his pride, asked a friend to put him up, got a minimum wage job so he could get a cheap appartment, and got an apprenticeship program for wielding. Now he has a wife and kids and a house, and a life.

He of course credits the lady who let him stay for a few months.

But in reality, it was the police officer that forced him away from his free room and board. It wasn't hand outs that improved his life. It was threat of starvation on the street, that caused him to dump his pride, and learn what he had to, in order to make his life better.

End subsidies. End welfare. End free handouts. That will be the best thing for the poor. They will have no choice but to improve their lives, and because of that, they will improve their lives. Instead of being doomed to poverty, like they are today.
GM wasn't bailed out, it was stolen from its owners by the .gov.....

Clearly isn't enough if you have to work between 53 and 92 hours at minimum wage simply to be able to afford accommodation.
So then we can take it that you agree with Trump that the minimum wage needs to be raised?
If all five of my businesses folded today, all of my 650 employees would be out of work and I'd remain a multimillionaire.

An employee sells his/her labor IF he/she can find a new job.

Sorry but there is no way in hell you own even one business
It's not the employers fault if an employee who no longer works for him can find a job or not

If a person doesn't want to be at the mercy of others for work then he can work for himself
talk is cheap; most small businesses fail due to under-capitalization.

a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for unemployment compensation, provides a bailout.

A bailout for who? Lazy shits like you who would choose not to work?

In fairness, our Government has a long history of bailing rich folks out. Personally, i'd rather bail poor folks out.

First off, most bailouts for the rich, are bailouts for the poor.

At least, that is the way it is intended. For example, bailing out General Motors was by the Left-Wing, considered a way to save blue collar workers.

Most bailouts are sold as a way to save working class people.

Even the bank bailouts are supposedly to help the lower-class because if all the banks fail, then the economy will tank, and the poorest people won't have jobs.

At least that's the claim.

All that aside, a $15 hour minimum wage would eliminate jobs for the lower class. Not create them.

Again, when the minimum wage was originally pushed, economists wanted the minimum wage specifically because it eliminate jobs for undesirable minorities. They believed that the minimum wage would eliminate their jobs, and those groups would starve and die off.

But more than that, government handouts are actually the worst possible thing for the poor.

Doing a 'bailout for the poor', is a great way to keep people poor. Nothing dooms a person to poverty, than teaching them to wait on government to hand them something for free.

The primary way a person becomes wealthy, is by learning how to both manage their income and assets, and to generate income and assets.

Well if you have a set income that is guaranteed, you don't have to worry about keeping anything. And if you have no hope of increasing your income beyond what other people give you, you have no need to worry about generating more income.

This is one of the reasons that the Spanish empire led to Spain being the poorest in Europe. The Spanish empire imported from their raiding and colonizing activities, over 17,000 tons of silver alone. That doesn't include gold, and other imported goods from their various military moves.

The result was that prior to the 1600, Spain was relatively on par with the rest of Europe. But after the 1700, when their state run companies, and plunder ran out of easy gains, the Spanish were backward, and behind economically. Having all their freely collected and dolled out government money, allowed the Spanish to avoid learning how to manager their assets, and how to advance their productivity.

Today Spain is one of the poorest country in the EU.

Another example would be Europe after World War 2. When you think how entire cities in Europe were leveled to the ground, an utterly wiped off the map, compared to many other places in the world, that were not touched by the world war.

Yet nearly all of Europe reemerged as a wealthy 1st world countries, after being knocked back to almost zero.

How did this happen? Because the people of Europe knew how to create an income. The people of Europe knew how to manage their assets and wealth.

That's why. This is the key. The people who know how to create wealth, and manage wealth, end up with wealth.

The people who don't know, and learn how to be dependent on others, never have either the income, or the management to keep what they earn.

The same is true to this very day.

I just learned today, about the native Americans in the US.

Did you know, that to this very day, the most subsidized group in the US, is native Americans? No other minority group, collects as much in government subsidies as Native Americans, this includes Blacks and Hispanics. Yet the income level for Native Americans is lower, and poverty is higher, than Blacks and Hispanics.


Well, I'll give you one more informational tidbit. There is a native American Tribe most people have never heard of, written about in a book "Crazy Like a Fox", called the Lumbee Indians located in North Carolina.

The reason you have never heard of them, is because they are not a recognized Indian Tribe. Because they are not recognized, they get no benefits. No land. No hand outs. No free health care. No free education. No government funded investments.

And they are the most wealthy native Americans in the country today, that have a standard of living comparable to White and Asians.

My point to you is this.... You want to help the poor? Help them to live on their labor. Help them to manage their income.

The absolute worst thing you can do, is subsidize their bad choices and bad work ethic.

Ironically, I was just listening to a BBC documentary, that was just random stories by listeners, sent in, and compiled by the BBC. One was a guy that quit working, lost his home, and was living in an Airport Terminal. He lived there, in the terminal, for over almost 2 years, eating food left in garbage cans, and drinking from bottles people left because their gate opened, and they had to make the flight.

The turning point in his life came because a police officer happen to notice him, followed him, and caught him asleep. The officer forced him off the Airport property, and because of that, he swallowed his pride, asked a friend to put him up, got a minimum wage job so he could get a cheap appartment, and got an apprenticeship program for wielding. Now he has a wife and kids and a house, and a life.

He of course credits the lady who let him stay for a few months.

But in reality, it was the police officer that forced him away from his free room and board. It wasn't hand outs that improved his life. It was threat of starvation on the street, that caused him to dump his pride, and learn what he had to, in order to make his life better.

End subsidies. End welfare. End free handouts. That will be the best thing for the poor. They will have no choice but to improve their lives, and because of that, they will improve their lives. Instead of being doomed to poverty, like they are today.
If a bailout is good for the rich, it must also be good for the poor. The poor don't get to keep their wealth on means tested individual welfare; the rich get to keep their multimillion dollar bonuses on means tested corporate welfare. Equal protection of the law helps the poor more than any work ethic from the Age of Iron.
If all five of my businesses folded today, all of my 650 employees would be out of work and I'd remain a multimillionaire.

An employee sells his/her labor IF he/she can find a new job.

Sorry but there is no way in hell you own even one business
It's not the employers fault if an employee who no longer works for him can find a job or not

If a person doesn't want to be at the mercy of others for work then he can work for himself
talk is cheap; most small businesses fail due to under-capitalization.

a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for unemployment compensation, provides a bailout.

A bailout for who? Lazy shits like you who would choose not to work?
i am willing to work harder than any rich guy; so, i deserve a bailout.
That's funny
don't believe in equality in the, "hard work" sector? i can work harder than most any rich guy. i deserve my bailout more, since i practice a work ethic from the, historical, Age of Iron.
Sorry but there is no way in hell you own even one business
It's not the employers fault if an employee who no longer works for him can find a job or not

If a person doesn't want to be at the mercy of others for work then he can work for himself
talk is cheap; most small businesses fail due to under-capitalization.

a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for unemployment compensation, provides a bailout.

A bailout for who? Lazy shits like you who would choose not to work?

In fairness, our Government has a long history of bailing rich folks out. Personally, i'd rather bail poor folks out.

"Personally, i'd rather bail poor folks out."

Then that's what you should do. I asked earlier....when was the last time you demanded to pay more than the bill at the restaurant?

Get my point?

It's great to see you again. I missed your short concise slaps across the face of left-wing ideology.

And the same, Andy!

My best wishes for a Happy New Year!
Sorry but there is no way in hell you own even one business
It's not the employers fault if an employee who no longer works for him can find a job or not

If a person doesn't want to be at the mercy of others for work then he can work for himself
talk is cheap; most small businesses fail due to under-capitalization.

a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for unemployment compensation, provides a bailout.

A bailout for who? Lazy shits like you who would choose not to work?
i am willing to work harder than any rich guy; so, i deserve a bailout.
That's funny
don't believe in equality in the, "hard work" sector? i can work harder than most any rich guy. i deserve my bailout more, since i practice a work ethic from the, historical, Age of Iron.

You want to be paid 14 dollars an hour for not working

That is NOT a work ethic
talk is cheap; most small businesses fail due to under-capitalization.

a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and fourteen dollars an hour for unemployment compensation, provides a bailout.

A bailout for who? Lazy shits like you who would choose not to work?
i am willing to work harder than any rich guy; so, i deserve a bailout.
That's funny
don't believe in equality in the, "hard work" sector? i can work harder than most any rich guy. i deserve my bailout more, since i practice a work ethic from the, historical, Age of Iron.

You want to be paid 14 dollars an hour for not working

That is NOT a work ethic
it is a low rate, to ensure Capital works, not fools or horses. full employment of capital resources does not require a work ethic from the Age of Iron. Only the morally challenged, right wing, never gets it.
A bailout for who? Lazy shits like you who would choose not to work?
i am willing to work harder than any rich guy; so, i deserve a bailout.
That's funny
don't believe in equality in the, "hard work" sector? i can work harder than most any rich guy. i deserve my bailout more, since i practice a work ethic from the, historical, Age of Iron.

You want to be paid 14 dollars an hour for not working

That is NOT a work ethic
it is a low rate, to ensure Capital works, not fools or horses. full employment of capital resources does not require a work ethic from the Age of Iron. Only the morally challenged, right wing, never gets it.
No one with a strong work ethic wants to be paid for not working

I for one would pick up dog shit for 10 cents a pile before I went on welfare. You on the other hand would say you "deserve" 30K a year for doing nothing
i am willing to work harder than any rich guy; so, i deserve a bailout.
That's funny
don't believe in equality in the, "hard work" sector? i can work harder than most any rich guy. i deserve my bailout more, since i practice a work ethic from the, historical, Age of Iron.

You want to be paid 14 dollars an hour for not working

That is NOT a work ethic
it is a low rate, to ensure Capital works, not fools or horses. full employment of capital resources does not require a work ethic from the Age of Iron. Only the morally challenged, right wing, never gets it.
No one with a strong work ethic wants to be paid for not working

I for one would pick up dog shit for 10 cents a pile before I went on welfare. You on the other hand would say you "deserve" 30K a year for doing nothing
Only the right wing thinks Capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment means nothing. Being, naturally unemployed to help out Capitalism with its natural rate of unemployment deserves a bailout.
That's funny
don't believe in equality in the, "hard work" sector? i can work harder than most any rich guy. i deserve my bailout more, since i practice a work ethic from the, historical, Age of Iron.

You want to be paid 14 dollars an hour for not working

That is NOT a work ethic
it is a low rate, to ensure Capital works, not fools or horses. full employment of capital resources does not require a work ethic from the Age of Iron. Only the morally challenged, right wing, never gets it.
No one with a strong work ethic wants to be paid for not working

I for one would pick up dog shit for 10 cents a pile before I went on welfare. You on the other hand would say you "deserve" 30K a year for doing nothing
Only the right wing thinks Capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment means nothing. Being, naturally unemployed to help out Capitalism with its natural rate of unemployment deserves a bailout.

There is no natural rate of unemployment
Anyone can be employed if they want to be
It may not be in the job of their choosing but they can be employed if they so choose for the simple reason that anyone can choose to be self employed
i am willing to work harder than any rich guy; so, i deserve a bailout.
That's funny
don't believe in equality in the, "hard work" sector? i can work harder than most any rich guy. i deserve my bailout more, since i practice a work ethic from the, historical, Age of Iron.

You want to be paid 14 dollars an hour for not working

That is NOT a work ethic
it is a low rate, to ensure Capital works, not fools or horses. full employment of capital resources does not require a work ethic from the Age of Iron. Only the morally challenged, right wing, never gets it.
No one with a strong work ethic wants to be paid for not working

I for one would pick up dog shit for 10 cents a pile before I went on welfare. You on the other hand would say you "deserve" 30K a year for doing nothing
the rich get paid for not being fools or horses.
don't believe in equality in the, "hard work" sector? i can work harder than most any rich guy. i deserve my bailout more, since i practice a work ethic from the, historical, Age of Iron.

You want to be paid 14 dollars an hour for not working

That is NOT a work ethic
it is a low rate, to ensure Capital works, not fools or horses. full employment of capital resources does not require a work ethic from the Age of Iron. Only the morally challenged, right wing, never gets it.
No one with a strong work ethic wants to be paid for not working

I for one would pick up dog shit for 10 cents a pile before I went on welfare. You on the other hand would say you "deserve" 30K a year for doing nothing
Only the right wing thinks Capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment means nothing. Being, naturally unemployed to help out Capitalism with its natural rate of unemployment deserves a bailout.

There is no natural rate of unemployment
Anyone can be employed if they want to be
It may not be in the job of their choosing but they can be employed if they so choose for the simple reason that anyone can choose to be self employed
there is no unemployment, only underpayment in our First World economy.
You want to be paid 14 dollars an hour for not working

That is NOT a work ethic
it is a low rate, to ensure Capital works, not fools or horses. full employment of capital resources does not require a work ethic from the Age of Iron. Only the morally challenged, right wing, never gets it.
No one with a strong work ethic wants to be paid for not working

I for one would pick up dog shit for 10 cents a pile before I went on welfare. You on the other hand would say you "deserve" 30K a year for doing nothing
Only the right wing thinks Capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment means nothing. Being, naturally unemployed to help out Capitalism with its natural rate of unemployment deserves a bailout.

There is no natural rate of unemployment
Anyone can be employed if they want to be
It may not be in the job of their choosing but they can be employed if they so choose for the simple reason that anyone can choose to be self employed
there is no unemployment, only underpayment in our First World economy.

supply and demand determine the price of labor. Want higher pay? get more skills so that your work is in more demand.

Society does not owe you a "fair" wage. whatever the fuck that is. You are only owed that which you earn.

Society should help those who are physically or mentally unable to work, everyone else should be on their own.
it is a low rate, to ensure Capital works, not fools or horses. full employment of capital resources does not require a work ethic from the Age of Iron. Only the morally challenged, right wing, never gets it.
No one with a strong work ethic wants to be paid for not working

I for one would pick up dog shit for 10 cents a pile before I went on welfare. You on the other hand would say you "deserve" 30K a year for doing nothing
Only the right wing thinks Capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment means nothing. Being, naturally unemployed to help out Capitalism with its natural rate of unemployment deserves a bailout.

There is no natural rate of unemployment
Anyone can be employed if they want to be
It may not be in the job of their choosing but they can be employed if they so choose for the simple reason that anyone can choose to be self employed
there is no unemployment, only underpayment in our First World economy.

supply and demand determine the price of labor. Want higher pay? get more skills so that your work is in more demand.

Society does not owe you a "fair" wage. whatever the fuck that is. You are only owed that which you earn.

Society should help those who are physically or mentally unable to work, everyone else should be on their own.
supply and demand means there is no unemployment, only underpayment, if you want to insist on a work ethic from the Age of Iron.
No one with a strong work ethic wants to be paid for not working

I for one would pick up dog shit for 10 cents a pile before I went on welfare. You on the other hand would say you "deserve" 30K a year for doing nothing
Only the right wing thinks Capitalism's, natural rate of unemployment means nothing. Being, naturally unemployed to help out Capitalism with its natural rate of unemployment deserves a bailout.

There is no natural rate of unemployment
Anyone can be employed if they want to be
It may not be in the job of their choosing but they can be employed if they so choose for the simple reason that anyone can choose to be self employed
there is no unemployment, only underpayment in our First World economy.

supply and demand determine the price of labor. Want higher pay? get more skills so that your work is in more demand.

Society does not owe you a "fair" wage. whatever the fuck that is. You are only owed that which you earn.

Society should help those who are physically or mentally unable to work, everyone else should be on their own.
supply and demand means there is no unemployment, only underpayment, if you want to insist on a work ethic from the Age of Iron.

why do brain surgeons make more than trash collectors? Is it not supply and demand?

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