Minnesota Town Votes to Permit "White People Only" Folk Church

I say associate with who you want and let others do the same. I'm sure some attack will happen though. And that is a shame.
The freedom of association is one of the most important freedoms we have no matter who you are.
I wonder if this church is largely pro-Trump.
For the sake of your credibility and so we know we can take you seriously, link us to your post where you denounced the racist Berkeley Boogers who got their wish for segregation...We'll be standing by waiting patiently.
(I'd pretend you didn't see this)

(And I'd pretend you didn't see this)

“While the … center is dedicated to the retention and academic/professional matriculation of Black identified students, anyone can use it,” said Simons
Didn't Jesus say: "Don't let Black people into my Lily White Church!!"

There were very few black Christians that I know of, during Jesus' time. I'm sure the Romans had some but most of them were slaves, or pressed into military service.
Apparently the left gets bent out of shape when someone of the wrong color exercises their freedom of association.

"On Dec. 9, the City Council of Murdock, Minnesota, voted anonymously 3-1 to allow a religious group that believes in Aryan religiosity and the preservation of White, ethnic European folk to use a former Lutheran church as its gathering hall:

The Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) is legally recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious group...

According to its website, “Asatru is an expression of the native, pre-Christian spirituality of Europe. More specifically, it is the religion by which the Ethnic European Folk have traditionally related to the Divine and to the world around them.”

“Let us be clear: by Ethnic European Folk we mean white people,” states the AFA.
“We honor the Gods under the names given to them by our Germanic/Norse ancestors,” says the AFA. “We in Asatru support strong, healthy white family relationships. We want our children to grow up to be mothers and fathers to white children of their own. We believe that those activities and behaviors supportive of the white family should be encouraged while those activities and behaviors destructive of the white family are to be discouraged...”

Minnesota resident Eridan Ampora started a petition on Change.org to stop the group from establishing a church, or meeting hall, in the town of Murcdock..."

Liberals Blow A Gasket After Minnesota Town Votes to Permit White-People-Only Folk 'Church' | Christians for Truth
Racism is bad, okay?
But it's not illegal, which is the point. Unpopular speech needs the most protection.
Didn't Jesus say: "Don't let Black people into my Lily White Church!!"

There were very few black Christians that I know of, during Jesus' time. I'm sure the Romans had some but most of them were slaves, or pressed into military service.
But shortly after the Ascension, the Gospel was spread rapidly to Africa and India. In regards to this thread, however, these people are not followers of Jesus, so it's a moot point.
I can see why some people here are horrified by a religion which encourages these virtues:
  • Courage
  • Truth
  • Honor
  • Fidelity
  • Discipline
  • Hospitality
  • Industriousness
  • Self-Reliance
  • Perseverance
Didn't Jesus say: "Don't let Black people into my Lily White Church!!"

There were very few black Christians that I know of, during Jesus' time. I'm sure the Romans had some but most of them were slaves, or pressed into military service.
But shortly after the Ascension, the Gospel was spread rapidly to Africa and India. In regards to this thread, however, these people are not followers of Jesus, so it's a moot point.

It did spread fast, but I rather doubt that Christianity spread to the Sub-Saharan jungles of Africa. That seemed to be a place where nobody but the Islamic slave traders would set foot, until the 19th century arrived. The environment was just too hostile.
It might be an response to violent anti white Christianity. The movement is to leap past Christianity into Norse beliefs. While communists are finding Christians under every bed the rising opposition is both Sons of Odin and Soldiers of Odin.
I can see why some people here are horrified by a religion which encourages these virtues:
  • Courage
  • Truth
  • Honor
  • Fidelity
  • Discipline
  • Hospitality
  • Industriousness
  • Self-Reliance
  • Perseverance
And if a church allows Black people in they'll lose those virtues?
I can see why some people here are horrified by a religion which encourages these virtues:
  • Courage
  • Truth
  • Honor
  • Fidelity
  • Discipline
  • Hospitality
  • Industriousness
  • Self-Reliance
  • Perseverance
And if a church allows Black people in they'll lose those virtues?

I don't recall saying any such thing, bub.

Asatru is based on pre-Christian Norse and Germanic multi-theism. If some people wish to gather together to explore and celebrate the traditions of their ancient ancestors, its no skin off of my nose. They are free to do so. It's no different than any other ethnic group which forms organizations to do the same.
Apparently the left gets bent out of shape when someone of the wrong color exercises their freedom of association.

"On Dec. 9, the City Council of Murdock, Minnesota, voted anonymously 3-1 to allow a religious group that believes in Aryan religiosity and the preservation of White, ethnic European folk to use a former Lutheran church as its gathering hall:

The Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) is legally recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious group...

According to its website, “Asatru is an expression of the native, pre-Christian spirituality of Europe. More specifically, it is the religion by which the Ethnic European Folk have traditionally related to the Divine and to the world around them.”

“Let us be clear: by Ethnic European Folk we mean white people,” states the AFA.
“We honor the Gods under the names given to them by our Germanic/Norse ancestors,” says the AFA. “We in Asatru support strong, healthy white family relationships. We want our children to grow up to be mothers and fathers to white children of their own. We believe that those activities and behaviors supportive of the white family should be encouraged while those activities and behaviors destructive of the white family are to be discouraged...”

Minnesota resident Eridan Ampora started a petition on Change.org to stop the group from establishing a church, or meeting hall, in the town of Murcdock..."

Liberals Blow A Gasket After Minnesota Town Votes to Permit White-People-Only Folk 'Church' | Christians for Truth
Guys should be able to pray for true love and perform true love rituals at a temple dedicated to a goddess of Love!
Apparently the left gets bent out of shape when someone of the wrong color exercises their freedom of association.

"On Dec. 9, the City Council of Murdock, Minnesota, voted anonymously 3-1 to allow a religious group that believes in Aryan religiosity and the preservation of White, ethnic European folk to use a former Lutheran church as its gathering hall:

The Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) is legally recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious group...

According to its website, “Asatru is an expression of the native, pre-Christian spirituality of Europe. More specifically, it is the religion by which the Ethnic European Folk have traditionally related to the Divine and to the world around them.”

“Let us be clear: by Ethnic European Folk we mean white people,” states the AFA.
“We honor the Gods under the names given to them by our Germanic/Norse ancestors,” says the AFA. “We in Asatru support strong, healthy white family relationships. We want our children to grow up to be mothers and fathers to white children of their own. We believe that those activities and behaviors supportive of the white family should be encouraged while those activities and behaviors destructive of the white family are to be discouraged...”

Minnesota resident Eridan Ampora started a petition on Change.org to stop the group from establishing a church, or meeting hall, in the town of Murcdock..."

Liberals Blow A Gasket After Minnesota Town Votes to Permit White-People-Only Folk 'Church' | Christians for Truth
Racism is bad, okay?
It is..but freedom of religion is, and should be, sacrosanct. They have the right to their beliefs and and the right to worship peacefully. We faced this same dilemma in Coeur d'Alene ID. with the Aryan Nations and Butler. Eventually the good guys prevailed...but the community never went after them because of their religion.
Apparently the left gets bent out of shape when someone of the wrong color exercises their freedom of association.

"On Dec. 9, the City Council of Murdock, Minnesota, voted anonymously 3-1 to allow a religious group that believes in Aryan religiosity and the preservation of White, ethnic European folk to use a former Lutheran church as its gathering hall:

The Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) is legally recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious group...

According to its website, “Asatru is an expression of the native, pre-Christian spirituality of Europe. More specifically, it is the religion by which the Ethnic European Folk have traditionally related to the Divine and to the world around them.”

“Let us be clear: by Ethnic European Folk we mean white people,” states the AFA.
“We honor the Gods under the names given to them by our Germanic/Norse ancestors,” says the AFA. “We in Asatru support strong, healthy white family relationships. We want our children to grow up to be mothers and fathers to white children of their own. We believe that those activities and behaviors supportive of the white family should be encouraged while those activities and behaviors destructive of the white family are to be discouraged...”

Minnesota resident Eridan Ampora started a petition on Change.org to stop the group from establishing a church, or meeting hall, in the town of Murcdock..."

Liberals Blow A Gasket After Minnesota Town Votes to Permit White-People-Only Folk 'Church' | Christians for Truth
That's awesome...FINALLY some folks not scared shitless of Leftist imposed PC bullshit....They're smart enough to know that multiculturalism destroys everything it invades.
Actually..given their belief structure..they are a distinct part of multicultural America..now aren't they?
Apparently the left gets bent out of shape when someone of the wrong color exercises their freedom of association.

"On Dec. 9, the City Council of Murdock, Minnesota, voted anonymously 3-1 to allow a religious group that believes in Aryan religiosity and the preservation of White, ethnic European folk to use a former Lutheran church as its gathering hall:

The Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) is legally recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious group...

According to its website, “Asatru is an expression of the native, pre-Christian spirituality of Europe. More specifically, it is the religion by which the Ethnic European Folk have traditionally related to the Divine and to the world around them.”

“Let us be clear: by Ethnic European Folk we mean white people,” states the AFA.
“We honor the Gods under the names given to them by our Germanic/Norse ancestors,” says the AFA. “We in Asatru support strong, healthy white family relationships. We want our children to grow up to be mothers and fathers to white children of their own. We believe that those activities and behaviors supportive of the white family should be encouraged while those activities and behaviors destructive of the white family are to be discouraged...”

Minnesota resident Eridan Ampora started a petition on Change.org to stop the group from establishing a church, or meeting hall, in the town of Murcdock..."

Liberals Blow A Gasket After Minnesota Town Votes to Permit White-People-Only Folk 'Church' | Christians for Truth
Racism is bad, okay?
It is..but freedom of religion is, and should be, sacrosanct. They have the right to their beliefs and and the right to worship peacefully. We faced this same dilemma in Coeur d'Alene ID. with the Aryan Nations and Butler. Eventually the good guys prevailed...but the community never went after them because of their religion.
Freedom of religion also includes freedom from religion, and not discriminating against them for their religion means they can't use their religion to discriminate against me.

Freedom is a two way street.

FREEDUMB is notm

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