Minnesota Town Votes to Permit "White People Only" Folk Church

Apparently the left gets bent out of shape when someone of the wrong color exercises their freedom of association.

"On Dec. 9, the City Council of Murdock, Minnesota, voted anonymously 3-1 to allow a religious group that believes in Aryan religiosity and the preservation of White, ethnic European folk to use a former Lutheran church as its gathering hall:

The Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) is legally recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious group...

According to its website, “Asatru is an expression of the native, pre-Christian spirituality of Europe. More specifically, it is the religion by which the Ethnic European Folk have traditionally related to the Divine and to the world around them.”

“Let us be clear: by Ethnic European Folk we mean white people,” states the AFA.
“We honor the Gods under the names given to them by our Germanic/Norse ancestors,” says the AFA. “We in Asatru support strong, healthy white family relationships. We want our children to grow up to be mothers and fathers to white children of their own. We believe that those activities and behaviors supportive of the white family should be encouraged while those activities and behaviors destructive of the white family are to be discouraged...”

Minnesota resident Eridan Ampora started a petition on Change.org to stop the group from establishing a church, or meeting hall, in the town of Murcdock..."

Liberals Blow A Gasket After Minnesota Town Votes to Permit White-People-Only Folk 'Church' | Christians for Truth

Sound like sort of a stupid religion, but no more stupid than the Black Congressional Israelites or the Radical Episcopalianite faith.

But people have a right to start whatever religion they want, this being America and all.
Apparently the left gets bent out of shape when someone of the wrong color exercises their freedom of association.

"On Dec. 9, the City Council of Murdock, Minnesota, voted anonymously 3-1 to allow a religious group that believes in Aryan religiosity and the preservation of White, ethnic European folk to use a former Lutheran church as its gathering hall:

The Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) is legally recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious group...

According to its website, “Asatru is an expression of the native, pre-Christian spirituality of Europe. More specifically, it is the religion by which the Ethnic European Folk have traditionally related to the Divine and to the world around them.”

“Let us be clear: by Ethnic European Folk we mean white people,” states the AFA.
“We honor the Gods under the names given to them by our Germanic/Norse ancestors,” says the AFA. “We in Asatru support strong, healthy white family relationships. We want our children to grow up to be mothers and fathers to white children of their own. We believe that those activities and behaviors supportive of the white family should be encouraged while those activities and behaviors destructive of the white family are to be discouraged...”

Minnesota resident Eridan Ampora started a petition on Change.org to stop the group from establishing a church, or meeting hall, in the town of Murcdock..."

Liberals Blow A Gasket After Minnesota Town Votes to Permit White-People-Only Folk 'Church' | Christians for Truth
Racism is bad, okay?
It is..but freedom of religion is, and should be, sacrosanct. They have the right to their beliefs and and the right to worship peacefully. We faced this same dilemma in Coeur d'Alene ID. with the Aryan Nations and Butler. Eventually the good guys prevailed...but the community never went after them because of their religion.
Freedom of religion also includes freedom from religion, and not discriminating against them for their religion means they can't use their religion to discriminate against me.

Freedom is a two way street.

FREEDUMB is notm
How would not allowing you to go into their church of THOR discriminate against you? Are you a secret believer in THOR? Are you gay?
I am familiar with the asatru. It didn't used to be about race. It was about the "warrior spirit" and all were welcome.
A little reading for you:

I think that the racial angle is being spun...both by the church members and by the media. It may be a dodge...time will tell.
Personally I believe they've co-opted the religion to allow them to practice their racism in public.
Didn't Jesus say: "Don't let Black people into my Lily White Church!!"
i dont think jesus had a church....
I tell you, Peter, upon this rock I will build my church.
at the time he was alive?....
He was alive and the Church was not built.
i dont think he meant a physical church.....
Not even a metaphysical church was built. Until Jesus died there was nothing. Once He died and was resurrected the church was built. That's why Easter is the holiest day in Christianity.
easter is just a big day for the chocolate industry.....
Apparently the left gets bent out of shape when someone of the wrong color exercises their freedom of association.

"On Dec. 9, the City Council of Murdock, Minnesota, voted anonymously 3-1 to allow a religious group that believes in Aryan religiosity and the preservation of White, ethnic European folk to use a former Lutheran church as its gathering hall:

The Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) is legally recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious group...

According to its website, “Asatru is an expression of the native, pre-Christian spirituality of Europe. More specifically, it is the religion by which the Ethnic European Folk have traditionally related to the Divine and to the world around them.”

“Let us be clear: by Ethnic European Folk we mean white people,” states the AFA.
“We honor the Gods under the names given to them by our Germanic/Norse ancestors,” says the AFA. “We in Asatru support strong, healthy white family relationships. We want our children to grow up to be mothers and fathers to white children of their own. We believe that those activities and behaviors supportive of the white family should be encouraged while those activities and behaviors destructive of the white family are to be discouraged...”

Minnesota resident Eridan Ampora started a petition on Change.org to stop the group from establishing a church, or meeting hall, in the town of Murcdock..."

Liberals Blow A Gasket After Minnesota Town Votes to Permit White-People-Only Folk 'Church' | Christians for Truth
Racism is bad, okay?
You mean like for Black Awards, and things like that?
It's a stupid policy, but it's not my church, none of my business, and, they have every right to associate with (or not) whomever they wish.
The trump cultists love the system, when it provides them cover. Not so much, when it tosses Dear Leader out on his fat ass.
These are folkish Heathens, that's all. They been around for quite awhile now.
I feel that most Americans are down (OK) with a church that wishes to have only worshippers of a particular ethnicity, gender, sexuality, etc.
They are free to preach how they want on such topics, but they are not free to call the cops and have people of unwanted ethnicity, gender, sexuality, etc. arrested. Jesus ate with publicans and sinners of all walks of life and rebuked them harshly at times, but at no time did he go to law to have them arrested like these “churches” are doing today.
In 2020, probably most Americans feel, however, that business establishments (restaurants, hotels, etc.) should not limit their services to any particular group.
How does it do any good for a church to preach against, say, homosexuality, if homosexuals are forbidden from attending church?
Scientifically speaking, they are out to lunch in assuming that prechristian Europe would be recognizably white to modern Americans.

Whitish at most.
It's a stupid policy, but it's not my church, none of my business, and, they have every right to associate (or not) with whomever they wish.
Sure they do. But church pimps and madams absolutely do not have the right to call the cops on certain particular persons just to have them arrested arbitrarily at religious services which are otherwise generally open to the public. And they'd better get their financial affairs in order and their tax returns ready for a thorough audit, too, because they've just lost their non-profit status with the IRS.
And as a for-profit business evading taxes, they are subject to further rules against discrimination.
Apparently the left gets bent out of shape when someone of the wrong color exercises their freedom of association.

"On Dec. 9, the City Council of Murdock, Minnesota, voted anonymously 3-1 to allow a religious group that believes in Aryan religiosity and the preservation of White, ethnic European folk to use a former Lutheran church as its gathering hall:

The Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) is legally recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious group...

According to its website, “Asatru is an expression of the native, pre-Christian spirituality of Europe. More specifically, it is the religion by which the Ethnic European Folk have traditionally related to the Divine and to the world around them.”

“Let us be clear: by Ethnic European Folk we mean white people,” states the AFA.
“We honor the Gods under the names given to them by our Germanic/Norse ancestors,” says the AFA. “We in Asatru support strong, healthy white family relationships. We want our children to grow up to be mothers and fathers to white children of their own. We believe that those activities and behaviors supportive of the white family should be encouraged while those activities and behaviors destructive of the white family are to be discouraged...”

Minnesota resident Eridan Ampora started a petition on Change.org to stop the group from establishing a church, or meeting hall, in the town of Murcdock..."

Liberals Blow A Gasket After Minnesota Town Votes to Permit White-People-Only Folk 'Church' | Christians for Truth

I'm actually having trouble understanding why the town gets any vote at all on this. Mind you, I find these people's beliefs repellent, but last time I checked, governments are prohibited from butting into people's religious beliefs in this country. Does the town own the former Lutheran church or something? What makes this any of their business?
I feel that most Americans are down (OK) with a church that wishes to have only worshippers of a particular ethnicity, gender, sexuality, etc.

In 2020, probably most Americans feel, however, that business establishments (restaurants, hotels, etc.) should not limit their services to any particular group.

A big part of our problem in this country today is that everyone's running around "feeling" things, and substituting that for thinking about those things instead.
Satanic church perhaps, but certainly not a Christian church, as bigotry is not Christlike.
BET tv..you won't find any whites in their programs or movies.


All Black Prom....ditto

BLM....big ditto.

Good for the goose..good for the gander.

I have no idea what "All Black Prom" is, but other than that, I think you're actually mistaken. I don't spend a lot of time watching BET, but I'm guessing they probably do have occasionally white characters, if only as "tokens" or villains.

NAACP has always had white fellow travelers associated with it.

A quick scan of any BLM protest will show you that a good chunk of the people there are actually suburban white people.
Apparently the left gets bent out of shape when someone of the wrong color exercises their freedom of association.

"On Dec. 9, the City Council of Murdock, Minnesota, voted anonymously 3-1 to allow a religious group that believes in Aryan religiosity and the preservation of White, ethnic European folk to use a former Lutheran church as its gathering hall:

The Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) is legally recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious group...

According to its website, “Asatru is an expression of the native, pre-Christian spirituality of Europe. More specifically, it is the religion by which the Ethnic European Folk have traditionally related to the Divine and to the world around them.”

“Let us be clear: by Ethnic European Folk we mean white people,” states the AFA.
“We honor the Gods under the names given to them by our Germanic/Norse ancestors,” says the AFA. “We in Asatru support strong, healthy white family relationships. We want our children to grow up to be mothers and fathers to white children of their own. We believe that those activities and behaviors supportive of the white family should be encouraged while those activities and behaviors destructive of the white family are to be discouraged...”

Minnesota resident Eridan Ampora started a petition on Change.org to stop the group from establishing a church, or meeting hall, in the town of Murcdock..."

Liberals Blow A Gasket After Minnesota Town Votes to Permit White-People-Only Folk 'Church' | Christians for Truth

I'm actually having trouble understanding why the town gets any vote at all on this. Mind you, I find these people's beliefs repellent, but last time I checked, governments are prohibited from butting into people's religious beliefs in this country. Does the town own the former Lutheran church or something? What makes this any of their business?
but last time I checked, governments are prohibited from butting into people's religious beliefs in this country.
they are one in the same.

there is no function for chaos in a civil society, there can only be one or the other. there is no difference between religion and gov't except in the minds of the depraved.
Apparently the left gets bent out of shape when someone of the wrong color exercises their freedom of association.

"On Dec. 9, the City Council of Murdock, Minnesota, voted anonymously 3-1 to allow a religious group that believes in Aryan religiosity and the preservation of White, ethnic European folk to use a former Lutheran church as its gathering hall:

The Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) is legally recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious group...

According to its website, “Asatru is an expression of the native, pre-Christian spirituality of Europe. More specifically, it is the religion by which the Ethnic European Folk have traditionally related to the Divine and to the world around them.”

“Let us be clear: by Ethnic European Folk we mean white people,” states the AFA.
“We honor the Gods under the names given to them by our Germanic/Norse ancestors,” says the AFA. “We in Asatru support strong, healthy white family relationships. We want our children to grow up to be mothers and fathers to white children of their own. We believe that those activities and behaviors supportive of the white family should be encouraged while those activities and behaviors destructive of the white family are to be discouraged...”

Minnesota resident Eridan Ampora started a petition on Change.org to stop the group from establishing a church, or meeting hall, in the town of Murcdock..."

Liberals Blow A Gasket After Minnesota Town Votes to Permit White-People-Only Folk 'Church' | Christians for Truth

I'm actually having trouble understanding why the town gets any vote at all on this. Mind you, I find these people's beliefs repellent, but last time I checked, governments are prohibited from butting into people's religious beliefs in this country. Does the town own the former Lutheran church or something? What makes this any of their business?
but last time I checked, governments are prohibited from butting into people's religious beliefs in this country.
they are one in the same.

there is no function for chaos in a civil society, there can only be one or the other. there is no difference between religion and gov't except in the minds of the depraved.

That made absolutely no sort of sense.
Apparently the left gets bent out of shape when someone of the wrong color exercises their freedom of association.

"On Dec. 9, the City Council of Murdock, Minnesota, voted anonymously 3-1 to allow a religious group that believes in Aryan religiosity and the preservation of White, ethnic European folk to use a former Lutheran church as its gathering hall:

The Asatru Folk Assembly (AFA) is legally recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious group...

According to its website, “Asatru is an expression of the native, pre-Christian spirituality of Europe. More specifically, it is the religion by which the Ethnic European Folk have traditionally related to the Divine and to the world around them.”

“Let us be clear: by Ethnic European Folk we mean white people,” states the AFA.
“We honor the Gods under the names given to them by our Germanic/Norse ancestors,” says the AFA. “We in Asatru support strong, healthy white family relationships. We want our children to grow up to be mothers and fathers to white children of their own. We believe that those activities and behaviors supportive of the white family should be encouraged while those activities and behaviors destructive of the white family are to be discouraged...”

Minnesota resident Eridan Ampora started a petition on Change.org to stop the group from establishing a church, or meeting hall, in the town of Murcdock..."

Liberals Blow A Gasket After Minnesota Town Votes to Permit White-People-Only Folk 'Church' | Christians for Truth

I'm actually having trouble understanding why the town gets any vote at all on this. Mind you, I find these people's beliefs repellent, but last time I checked, governments are prohibited from butting into people's religious beliefs in this country. Does the town own the former Lutheran church or something? What makes this any of their business?
but last time I checked, governments are prohibited from butting into people's religious beliefs in this country.
they are one in the same.

there is no function for chaos in a civil society, there can only be one or the other. there is no difference between religion and gov't except in the minds of the depraved.

That made absolutely no sort of sense.

I believe the last part was describing the statist left, whose "god" is their government.
This church is no more racist than the Nation of Islam that's in bed with the Democrats.

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