Misery Loves Company

Atheism is an argument against others having beliefs. It is a dead end. It doesn’t have a positive program. It is a negation. Throughout history human beings were able to derive happiness by finding meaning in life. This is especially true for those who suffered. William Joyce, said, "When all is said and done, we are in the end absolutely dependent on the universe; and into sacrifices and surrenders of some sort, deliberately looked at and accepted, we are drawn and pressed as into our only permanent positions of repose. Now in those states of mind which fall short of religion, the surrender is submitted to as an imposition of necessity, and the sacrifice is undergone at the very best without complaint. In the religious life, on the contrary, surrender and sacrifice are positively espoused: even unnecessary givings-up are added in order that the happiness may increase. Religion thus makes easy and felicitous what in any case is necessary; and if it be the only agency that can accomplish this result, its vital importance as a human faculty stands vindicated beyond dispute. It becomes an essential organ of our life, performing a function which no other portion of our nature can so successfully fulfill."

Happiness consists of seeing one’s life in its entirety as meaningful and worthwhile. Atheism has no such foundation. They are so miserable that they can't stand it when others are happy. Thus proving the old adage that misery loves company.
That's why agnosticism is the thinking person's position, we admit that we don't know either way and are still searching. The only logical choice.

And I'm very happy and have meaning to my life, but thanks for caring. :biggrin:
Who are you trying to convince?
Just replying to your nonsense.
Nope. You are definitely daving.
Then first, who are YOU trying to convince? :biggrin:
I consider every day that there is a "higher power" out there.

No, you don't. You look for reasons to not believe and to be critical of religion.

By any objective measure religion has been a force for good.
Yea, religion has also caused the death of millions of people.
A higher power doesnt automatically equate with religion. YOU do that. That isnt the way it is.
I clearly stated i dont believe in man made religion. What i dont doubt is the chance of a higher power.
Religion has caused the death of millions of people? Or man has caused the death of millions of people?

All but one religion are men seeking God, TN. They don't claim otherwise. Only one religion makes the claim of God seeking man. The question you have to ask yourself is why do they do that? The answer is that man is hardwired to worship. The only choice he gets is in choosing what he will worship.

As for the value of religion, I submit to you that you have never made an objective analysis of the good that religion provides. You only see the bad.
God drowned nearly everyone in his flood. He let his only sone die nailed to wood. He did a host of other nasty things that I'm sure you're aware of.
Atheism is an argument against others having beliefs. It is a dead end. It doesn’t have a positive program. It is a negation. Throughout history human beings were able to derive happiness by finding meaning in life. This is especially true for those who suffered. William Joyce, said, "When all is said and done, we are in the end absolutely dependent on the universe; and into sacrifices and surrenders of some sort, deliberately looked at and accepted, we are drawn and pressed as into our only permanent positions of repose. Now in those states of mind which fall short of religion, the surrender is submitted to as an imposition of necessity, and the sacrifice is undergone at the very best without complaint. In the religious life, on the contrary, surrender and sacrifice are positively espoused: even unnecessary givings-up are added in order that the happiness may increase. Religion thus makes easy and felicitous what in any case is necessary; and if it be the only agency that can accomplish this result, its vital importance as a human faculty stands vindicated beyond dispute. It becomes an essential organ of our life, performing a function which no other portion of our nature can so successfully fulfill."

Happiness consists of seeing one’s life in its entirety as meaningful and worthwhile. Atheism has no such foundation. They are so miserable that they can't stand it when others are happy. Thus proving the old adage that misery loves company.
That's why agnosticism is the thinking person's position, we admit that we don't know either way and are still searching. The only logical choice.

And I'm very happy and have meaning to my life, but thanks for caring. :biggrin:
Who are you trying to convince?
Just replying to your nonsense.
Nope. You are definitely daving.
Then first, who are YOU trying to convince? :biggrin:
No one. My obligation is satisfied when I present the information.

What you or others do with it is up to you. But at any point in our lives we are the sum of our choices.

There is a reason for everything. If you need to attack the beliefs of others, there is a reason for that.
I consider every day that there is a "higher power" out there.

No, you don't. You look for reasons to not believe and to be critical of religion.

By any objective measure religion has been a force for good.
Yea, religion has also caused the death of millions of people.
A higher power doesnt automatically equate with religion. YOU do that. That isnt the way it is.
I clearly stated i dont believe in man made religion. What i dont doubt is the chance of a higher power.
Religion has caused the death of millions of people? Or man has caused the death of millions of people?

All but one religion are men seeking God, TN. They don't claim otherwise. Only one religion makes the claim of God seeking man. The question you have to ask yourself is why do they do that? The answer is that man is hardwired to worship. The only choice he gets is in choosing what he will worship.

As for the value of religion, I submit to you that you have never made an objective analysis of the good that religion provides. You only see the bad.
God drowned nearly everyone in his flood. He let his only sone die nailed to wood. He did a host of other nasty things that I'm sure you're aware of.
He also made it so that everyone dies. Some even die a horrible death. Cancer exists. Disease exists.

So what is your point?
I consider every day that there is a "higher power" out there.

No, you don't. You look for reasons to not believe and to be critical of religion.

By any objective measure religion has been a force for good.
Yea, religion has also caused the death of millions of people.
A higher power doesnt automatically equate with religion. YOU do that. That isnt the way it is.
I clearly stated i dont believe in man made religion. What i dont doubt is the chance of a higher power.
Religion has caused the death of millions of people? Or man has caused the death of millions of people?

All but one religion are men seeking God, TN. They don't claim otherwise. Only one religion makes the claim of God seeking man. The question you have to ask yourself is why do they do that? The answer is that man is hardwired to worship. The only choice he gets is in choosing what he will worship.

As for the value of religion, I submit to you that you have never made an objective analysis of the good that religion provides. You only see the bad.
In the name of god. Also, in your bible, it is clear that god commanded murder. Dont play coy, dingbat. Good grief
I know religion has brought some good to our species. I have never said otherwise.
In all honesty, faith can be very good. It helps fill in voids that some people cant find through nature, the now and reality. It helps answer questions because most humans HAVE to know everything. Even when they really cant know.
I consider every day that there is a "higher power" out there.

No, you don't. You look for reasons to not believe and to be critical of religion.

By any objective measure religion has been a force for good.
Yea, religion has also caused the death of millions of people.
A higher power doesnt automatically equate with religion. YOU do that. That isnt the way it is.
I clearly stated i dont believe in man made religion. What i dont doubt is the chance of a higher power.
Religion has caused the death of millions of people? Or man has caused the death of millions of people?

All but one religion are men seeking God, TN. They don't claim otherwise. Only one religion makes the claim of God seeking man. The question you have to ask yourself is why do they do that? The answer is that man is hardwired to worship. The only choice he gets is in choosing what he will worship.

As for the value of religion, I submit to you that you have never made an objective analysis of the good that religion provides. You only see the bad.
In the name of god. Also, in your bible, it is clear that god commanded murder. Dont play coy, dingbat. Good grief
I know religion has brought some good to our species. I have never said otherwise.
In all honesty, faith can be very good. It helps fill in voids that some people cant find through nature, the now and reality. It helps answer questions because most humans HAVE to know everything. Even when they really cant know.
No, TN, not in the name of God... for the sake of their own good. How many times do I have to tell you that man prefers good over evil and when he violates that concept rather than abandoning the concept he rationalizes he didn't violate it?

Maybe it is just easier for you to blame God or religion for what man does.

Religion exists because we are hardwired to worship God. Absent worshiping God we will find something else to worship. Morality and religion are the pillars of freedom and liberty. Absent worshiping a higher power we will elevate man to fill that void.
I consider every day that there is a "higher power" out there.

No, you don't. You look for reasons to not believe and to be critical of religion.

By any objective measure religion has been a force for good.
Yea, religion has also caused the death of millions of people.
A higher power doesnt automatically equate with religion. YOU do that. That isnt the way it is.
I clearly stated i dont believe in man made religion. What i dont doubt is the chance of a higher power.
Religion has caused the death of millions of people? Or man has caused the death of millions of people?

All but one religion are men seeking God, TN. They don't claim otherwise. Only one religion makes the claim of God seeking man. The question you have to ask yourself is why do they do that? The answer is that man is hardwired to worship. The only choice he gets is in choosing what he will worship.

As for the value of religion, I submit to you that you have never made an objective analysis of the good that religion provides. You only see the bad.
In the name of god. Also, in your bible, it is clear that god commanded murder. Dont play coy, dingbat. Good grief
I know religion has brought some good to our species. I have never said otherwise.
In all honesty, faith can be very good. It helps fill in voids that some people cant find through nature, the now and reality. It helps answer questions because most humans HAVE to know everything. Even when they really cant know.
No, TN, not in the name of God... for the sake of their own good. How many times do I have to tell you that man prefers good over evil and when he violates that concept rather than abandoning the concept he rationalizes he didn't violate it?

Maybe it is just easier for you to blame God or religion for what man does.

Religion exists because we are hardwired to worship God. Absent worshiping God we will find something else to worship. Morality and religion are the pillars of freedom and liberty. Absent worshiping a higher power we will elevate man to fill that void.
We arent hardwired to worship a man made thing. How ridiculous. Most people are followers and seek safety. Most people use man made concepts to complete lines of thoughts or questions.
You said "People who believe in heaven have an already created design and are attempting to implement that design here on earth. "

Then you say that others want a design that suits themselves

Well when you believers try to make the earth like heaven are you not choosing a design that suits yourselves?

Seems to me you are doing exactly what people who don't believe do

To clarify: Heaven has its design, to be obedient to the will of God. This is what believers want here on earth as well. Do non-believers desire the will of God? If not God's will, whose will?

If the will of god is to have non-believers free will and the believers obedience play out in a passion play, who are you to declare you know better what god's will is?

Even atheists have a place in the divine plan. . . .


Remember, before there was a collective soul, or even god, there was nothing.

What happened before god? "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. "

And before that? It was the time of the non-believer. Should that time come again, we, all of us, in the mind, and of the mind, will return.

No, you don't. You look for reasons to not believe and to be critical of religion.

By any objective measure religion has been a force for good.
Yea, religion has also caused the death of millions of people.
A higher power doesnt automatically equate with religion. YOU do that. That isnt the way it is.
I clearly stated i dont believe in man made religion. What i dont doubt is the chance of a higher power.
Religion has caused the death of millions of people? Or man has caused the death of millions of people?

All but one religion are men seeking God, TN. They don't claim otherwise. Only one religion makes the claim of God seeking man. The question you have to ask yourself is why do they do that? The answer is that man is hardwired to worship. The only choice he gets is in choosing what he will worship.

As for the value of religion, I submit to you that you have never made an objective analysis of the good that religion provides. You only see the bad.
In the name of god. Also, in your bible, it is clear that god commanded murder. Dont play coy, dingbat. Good grief
I know religion has brought some good to our species. I have never said otherwise.
In all honesty, faith can be very good. It helps fill in voids that some people cant find through nature, the now and reality. It helps answer questions because most humans HAVE to know everything. Even when they really cant know.
No, TN, not in the name of God... for the sake of their own good. How many times do I have to tell you that man prefers good over evil and when he violates that concept rather than abandoning the concept he rationalizes he didn't violate it?

Maybe it is just easier for you to blame God or religion for what man does.

Religion exists because we are hardwired to worship God. Absent worshiping God we will find something else to worship. Morality and religion are the pillars of freedom and liberty. Absent worshiping a higher power we will elevate man to fill that void.
We arent hardwired to worship a man made thing. How ridiculous. Most people are followers and seek safety. Most people use man made concepts to complete lines of thoughts or questions.
Or maybe the Jews took liberty with what they wrote, TN.

People worship all kinds of things, TN; drugs, alcohol, sex, money, power, etc. But mostly they worship themselves.
You said "People who believe in heaven have an already created design and are attempting to implement that design here on earth. "

Then you say that others want a design that suits themselves

Well when you believers try to make the earth like heaven are you not choosing a design that suits yourselves?

Seems to me you are doing exactly what people who don't believe do

To clarify: Heaven has its design, to be obedient to the will of God. This is what believers want here on earth as well. Do non-believers desire the will of God? If not God's will, whose will?

If the will of god is to have non-believers free will and the believers obedience play out in a passion play, who are you to declare you know better what god's will is?

Even atheists have a place in the divine plan. . . .


Remember, before there was a collective soul, or even god, there was nothing.

What happened before god? "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. "

And before that? It was the time of the non-believer. Should that time come again, we, all of us, in the mind, and of the mind, will return.

I believe that God's will is to achieve certain outcomes under certain conditions. It is not virtuous to be forced to be virtuous. Like every stage of the evolution of matter and energy before it consciousness is evolving.
Atheism is an argument against others having beliefs. It is a dead end. It doesn’t have a positive program. It is a negation. Throughout history human beings were able to derive happiness by finding meaning in life. This is especially true for those who suffered. William Joyce, said, "When all is said and done, we are in the end absolutely dependent on the universe; and into sacrifices and surrenders of some sort, deliberately looked at and accepted, we are drawn and pressed as into our only permanent positions of repose. Now in those states of mind which fall short of religion, the surrender is submitted to as an imposition of necessity, and the sacrifice is undergone at the very best without complaint. In the religious life, on the contrary, surrender and sacrifice are positively espoused: even unnecessary givings-up are added in order that the happiness may increase. Religion thus makes easy and felicitous what in any case is necessary; and if it be the only agency that can accomplish this result, its vital importance as a human faculty stands vindicated beyond dispute. It becomes an essential organ of our life, performing a function which no other portion of our nature can so successfully fulfill."

Happiness consists of seeing one’s life in its entirety as meaningful and worthwhile. Atheism has no such foundation. They are so miserable that they can't stand it when others are happy. Thus proving the old adage that misery loves company.
That's why I chose Norse Paganism.

If Christianity, Islam, or any other religion or sect thereof and the associate god(s) or afterlife is real, why can't Odin, Thor, or Valhalla be real.

I am no long pushing a negation.

Dead commies or Valhalla.
Atheism is an argument against others having beliefs. It is a dead end. It doesn’t have a positive program. It is a negation. Throughout history human beings were able to derive happiness by finding meaning in life. This is especially true for those who suffered. William Joyce, said, "When all is said and done, we are in the end absolutely dependent on the universe; and into sacrifices and surrenders of some sort, deliberately looked at and accepted, we are drawn and pressed as into our only permanent positions of repose. Now in those states of mind which fall short of religion, the surrender is submitted to as an imposition of necessity, and the sacrifice is undergone at the very best without complaint. In the religious life, on the contrary, surrender and sacrifice are positively espoused: even unnecessary givings-up are added in order that the happiness may increase. Religion thus makes easy and felicitous what in any case is necessary; and if it be the only agency that can accomplish this result, its vital importance as a human faculty stands vindicated beyond dispute. It becomes an essential organ of our life, performing a function which no other portion of our nature can so successfully fulfill."

Happiness consists of seeing one’s life in its entirety as meaningful and worthwhile. Atheism has no such foundation. They are so miserable that they can't stand it when others are happy. Thus proving the old adage that misery loves company.
That's why I chose Norse Paganism.

If Christianity, Islam, or any other religion or sect thereof and the associate god(s) or afterlife is real, why can't Odin, Thor, or Valhalla be real.

I am no long pushing a negation.

Dead commies or Valhalla.

George Washington
Farewell Address, Sept 17, 1796

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports...In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens...”
Yea, religion has also caused the death of millions of people.
A higher power doesnt automatically equate with religion. YOU do that. That isnt the way it is.
I clearly stated i dont believe in man made religion. What i dont doubt is the chance of a higher power.
Religion has caused the death of millions of people? Or man has caused the death of millions of people?

All but one religion are men seeking God, TN. They don't claim otherwise. Only one religion makes the claim of God seeking man. The question you have to ask yourself is why do they do that? The answer is that man is hardwired to worship. The only choice he gets is in choosing what he will worship.

As for the value of religion, I submit to you that you have never made an objective analysis of the good that religion provides. You only see the bad.
In the name of god. Also, in your bible, it is clear that god commanded murder. Dont play coy, dingbat. Good grief
I know religion has brought some good to our species. I have never said otherwise.
In all honesty, faith can be very good. It helps fill in voids that some people cant find through nature, the now and reality. It helps answer questions because most humans HAVE to know everything. Even when they really cant know.
No, TN, not in the name of God... for the sake of their own good. How many times do I have to tell you that man prefers good over evil and when he violates that concept rather than abandoning the concept he rationalizes he didn't violate it?

Maybe it is just easier for you to blame God or religion for what man does.

Religion exists because we are hardwired to worship God. Absent worshiping God we will find something else to worship. Morality and religion are the pillars of freedom and liberty. Absent worshiping a higher power we will elevate man to fill that void.
We arent hardwired to worship a man made thing. How ridiculous. Most people are followers and seek safety. Most people use man made concepts to complete lines of thoughts or questions.
Or maybe the Jews took liberty with what they wrote, TN.

People worship all kinds of things, TN; drugs, alcohol, sex, money, power, etc. But mostly they worship themselves.
Just because Tom is addicted to crack, doesnt mean we are all hard wired to worship a "god"
Religion has caused the death of millions of people? Or man has caused the death of millions of people?

All but one religion are men seeking God, TN. They don't claim otherwise. Only one religion makes the claim of God seeking man. The question you have to ask yourself is why do they do that? The answer is that man is hardwired to worship. The only choice he gets is in choosing what he will worship.

As for the value of religion, I submit to you that you have never made an objective analysis of the good that religion provides. You only see the bad.
In the name of god. Also, in your bible, it is clear that god commanded murder. Dont play coy, dingbat. Good grief
I know religion has brought some good to our species. I have never said otherwise.
In all honesty, faith can be very good. It helps fill in voids that some people cant find through nature, the now and reality. It helps answer questions because most humans HAVE to know everything. Even when they really cant know.
No, TN, not in the name of God... for the sake of their own good. How many times do I have to tell you that man prefers good over evil and when he violates that concept rather than abandoning the concept he rationalizes he didn't violate it?

Maybe it is just easier for you to blame God or religion for what man does.

Religion exists because we are hardwired to worship God. Absent worshiping God we will find something else to worship. Morality and religion are the pillars of freedom and liberty. Absent worshiping a higher power we will elevate man to fill that void.
We arent hardwired to worship a man made thing. How ridiculous. Most people are followers and seek safety. Most people use man made concepts to complete lines of thoughts or questions.
Or maybe the Jews took liberty with what they wrote, TN.

People worship all kinds of things, TN; drugs, alcohol, sex, money, power, etc. But mostly they worship themselves.
Just because Tom is addicted to crack, doesnt mean we are all hard wired to worship a "god"
Correct. It is because we all worship something which tells us that.
In the name of god. Also, in your bible, it is clear that god commanded murder. Dont play coy, dingbat. Good grief
I know religion has brought some good to our species. I have never said otherwise.
In all honesty, faith can be very good. It helps fill in voids that some people cant find through nature, the now and reality. It helps answer questions because most humans HAVE to know everything. Even when they really cant know.
No, TN, not in the name of God... for the sake of their own good. How many times do I have to tell you that man prefers good over evil and when he violates that concept rather than abandoning the concept he rationalizes he didn't violate it?

Maybe it is just easier for you to blame God or religion for what man does.

Religion exists because we are hardwired to worship God. Absent worshiping God we will find something else to worship. Morality and religion are the pillars of freedom and liberty. Absent worshiping a higher power we will elevate man to fill that void.
We arent hardwired to worship a man made thing. How ridiculous. Most people are followers and seek safety. Most people use man made concepts to complete lines of thoughts or questions.
Or maybe the Jews took liberty with what they wrote, TN.

People worship all kinds of things, TN; drugs, alcohol, sex, money, power, etc. But mostly they worship themselves.
Just because Tom is addicted to crack, doesnt mean we are all hard wired to worship a "god"
Correct. It is because we all worship something which tells us that.
No it doesnt ding.
God is a MAN MADE CONCEPT. Humans cant be naturally wired to worship something like that. Not yet anyways.
Your dishonest dogma is sickening though.
No, TN, not in the name of God... for the sake of their own good. How many times do I have to tell you that man prefers good over evil and when he violates that concept rather than abandoning the concept he rationalizes he didn't violate it?

Maybe it is just easier for you to blame God or religion for what man does.

Religion exists because we are hardwired to worship God. Absent worshiping God we will find something else to worship. Morality and religion are the pillars of freedom and liberty. Absent worshiping a higher power we will elevate man to fill that void.
We arent hardwired to worship a man made thing. How ridiculous. Most people are followers and seek safety. Most people use man made concepts to complete lines of thoughts or questions.
Or maybe the Jews took liberty with what they wrote, TN.

People worship all kinds of things, TN; drugs, alcohol, sex, money, power, etc. But mostly they worship themselves.
Just because Tom is addicted to crack, doesnt mean we are all hard wired to worship a "god"
Correct. It is because we all worship something which tells us that.
No it doesnt ding.
God is a MAN MADE CONCEPT. Humans cant be naturally wired to worship something like that. Not yet anyways.
Your dishonest dogma is sickening though.
Of course humans are wired for worship, TN. The only choice they get is in choosing what they worship. You think it is an accident that every civilization has overwhelmingly believed in God?

That would defy the principle of natural selection.
Of course humans are wired for worship, TN. The only choice they get is in choosing what they worship. You think it is an accident that every civilization has overwhelmingly believed in God?

That would defy the principle of natural selection.
I think you're right, we are wired for worship and natural selection was a major factor. We all need to make sense of the randomness and brutality of this life and religions give us a reason for the unknown, both good and bad.

What you can't say is that we're wired to believe in 'God' as in the Jewish/Christian/Islamic deity. For most of humanity's history, we worshiped the natural world and the 'spirits' that brought rain, disease, etc. Monotheism is a recent development and often imposed on people rather than developing naturally within their own culture.
We arent hardwired to worship a man made thing. How ridiculous. Most people are followers and seek safety. Most people use man made concepts to complete lines of thoughts or questions.
Or maybe the Jews took liberty with what they wrote, TN.

People worship all kinds of things, TN; drugs, alcohol, sex, money, power, etc. But mostly they worship themselves.
Just because Tom is addicted to crack, doesnt mean we are all hard wired to worship a "god"
Correct. It is because we all worship something which tells us that.
No it doesnt ding.
God is a MAN MADE CONCEPT. Humans cant be naturally wired to worship something like that. Not yet anyways.
Your dishonest dogma is sickening though.
Of course humans are wired for worship, TN. The only choice they get is in choosing what they worship. You think it is an accident that every civilization has overwhelmingly believed in God?

That would defy the principle of natural selection.
I just dont agree we are hard wired for "god"
god is a man made concept. I think you are confusing a god with nature
People had to explain the unexplainable. Why do you think 99% of civilizations had their own creation story? And what acts of earth a god controlled?
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Of course humans are wired for worship, TN. The only choice they get is in choosing what they worship. You think it is an accident that every civilization has overwhelmingly believed in God?

That would defy the principle of natural selection.
I think you're right, we are wired for worship and natural selection was a major factor. We all need to make sense of the randomness and brutality of this life and religions give us a reason for the unknown, both good and bad.

What you can't say is that we're wired to believe in 'God' as in the Jewish/Christian/Islamic deity. For most of humanity's history, we worshiped the natural world and the 'spirits' that brought rain, disease, etc. Monotheism is a recent development and often imposed on people rather than developing naturally within their own culture.
It has nothing whatsoever to do with that. It has to do with functional advantage just like every other natural selection.
Or maybe the Jews took liberty with what they wrote, TN.

People worship all kinds of things, TN; drugs, alcohol, sex, money, power, etc. But mostly they worship themselves.
Just because Tom is addicted to crack, doesnt mean we are all hard wired to worship a "god"
Correct. It is because we all worship something which tells us that.
No it doesnt ding.
God is a MAN MADE CONCEPT. Humans cant be naturally wired to worship something like that. Not yet anyways.
Your dishonest dogma is sickening though.
Of course humans are wired for worship, TN. The only choice they get is in choosing what they worship. You think it is an accident that every civilization has overwhelmingly believed in God?

That would defy the principle of natural selection.
I just dont agree we are hard wired for "god"
god is a man made concept. I think you are confusing a god with nature
People had to explain the unexplainable. Why do you think 99% of civilizations had their own creation story? And what acts of earth a god controlled?
No. I'm not confusing anything, TN. We are going to worship something. Absent worshipping God we will elevate a man to worship. Happens all the time.

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