Misleading anti gun numbers....how they distort the reality....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is a look at numbers used in the gun debate....from Extranosalley....

Why Do Anti 8217 s Use Crime Numbers Instead Of Rates Extrano s Alley a gun blog

someone came by searching for “why do gun control people use crime numbers instead of rates.”

Largely because it makes their case look better among those the propaganda is pitched to. For example, both England and the United States have about the same number of crimes. But the United States, with a current estimated population of just over 320,000,000, while England at an estimated 52,012,000 has less than one sixth the United States population.

Therefore England’s overall crime rate should be six times the United States overall rate, or about 20 million crimes. In reality, that ratio is about 13 to 1. And if you use rates, that is immediately obvious while using bare numbers on States with widely differing populations hides the facts.

So the highly paid gun control propagandists take great care, not only to use numbers such as “The United States had 14,196 “murders,” while “Country X” has strict gun control and only 300 murders.”

Putting not just one but two frauds. First, comparing “homicides” with “murders” when homicides include all applicable deaths, while murder only includes “depraved heart killings.”

And of course the second fraud is to compare the numbers from the third most populous country on earth with a State with less than one percent the United States population.

Bottom line? The gun ban people cannot support their argument when rates are compared.
Anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty -- what do you expect?
They also ignore the fact the US has to deal with literally millions of blacks and Latinos that are gang bangers, shit no EU country has to deal with.

When you take out gangland violence from USA statistics it is no different than places like Germany. So gun control has nothing to do with the violence problem in the states. We have a thug problem, not a gun problem.
The Stranger is a long time gun crank and pro-gun advocate, as well as a numbers guy. If you cannot measure and enumerate it, it is no better than a rumor.

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