Missing Migrant Children Being Funneled Through Christian Adoption Agency

What would you rather do with child victims of human trafficking? Give them back to pedo rings, or perform a post-birth abortion?
Pedo rings!?? What the fuck are you taking about, Slick?

Pe-do-phile rings and sex trafficking of young women too.

Why do you think they enter illegally instead of at a border entry point?

But, keep lobbying for human traffickers and run on that for the 2020 platform. We’ll see if America is really that morally bankrupt.

That dumb hillbilly acts like he doesn't know what you're talking about.

What would you rather do with child victims of human trafficking? Give them back to pedo rings, or perform a post-birth abortion?
Pedo rings!?? What the fuck are you taking about, Slick?

Pe-do-phile rings and sex trafficking of young women too.

Why do you think they enter illegally instead of at a border entry point?

But, keep lobbying for human traffickers and run on that for the 2020 platform. We’ll see if America is really that morally bankrupt.

That dumb hillbilly acts like he doesn't know what you're talking about.

So much for any chance of an intelligent and informed discussion of the topic. You people are pathetic.
What would you rather do with child victims of human trafficking? Give them back to pedo rings, or perform a post-birth abortion?
Pedo rings!?? What the fuck are you taking about, Slick?

Pe-do-phile rings and sex trafficking of young women too.

Why do you think they enter illegally instead of at a border entry point?

But, keep lobbying for human traffickers and run on that for the 2020 platform. We’ll see if America is really that morally bankrupt.

That dumb hillbilly acts like he doesn't know what you're talking about.

So much for any chance of an intelligent and informed discussion of the topic. You people are pathetic.

SO, I asked before, where are the parents?
If the children cannot be reunited with their parents, its because the parents do not want to be found and reunited with their kids. They have been released and gone into the shadows. Knowing their kids are being taken care of. By the American taxpayers. From a diehard liberal...Damn you fucking Democrats for open borders, paths to citizenship, amnesty, DACA, and automatic birthright citizenship.
At least the kids got them entry. LMAO, The kids are better off anywhere other than their parents. What kind of parent would drag their kids through Mexico? Parents should they be found should be charged with child abuse and neglect.
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Open borders are a windfall for Human Traffickers.
Democrats need to grow a conscience.

Can you do nothing more than mindlessly parrot the idiotic right wing talking point about open borders? Apparently not.

Those so-called "religious charity organizations" are getting big money from the government. They love open borders, you ignorant hillbilly.

Jesus, grow yourself a brain already.

Hillbilly!!?? Born and bread in New York City, Dude. Now, perhaps you could dispense with the childish insults and actually explain, and document what you're talking about? I am open to all possibilities.

Government Partnerships With Faith-Based Organizations: Looking Back, Moving Forward

Religious Agencies and Refugee Resettlement

Christian Charities Profit from Muslim Refugee Resettlement

ACLU Tries To Drag Catholic Charities Into Illegal Immigrant Abortions


Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

President Obama Signs Executive Order to Implement Reform Recommendations of the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships

More than 750 Faith Leaders and Faith Organizations Decry Low Refugee Arrivals - GreaterAs1

FACT SHEET: The Federal Role in Immigrant & Refugee Integration

Refugee Resettlement: The Lucrative Business of Serving Immigrants
Well OK, I'm aware of all of this. But what does any of this have to do with separating children from parents and putting them up for adoption. What does it have to do with human trafficking and pedophile rings as has been alleged ? And while these organizations may profit from refugees and other migrants , it does not mean that anyone wants "open boarders" This hillbilly wants to know.
Open borders are a windfall for Human Traffickers.
Democrats need to grow a conscience.

Can you do nothing more than mindlessly parrot the idiotic right wing talking point about open borders? Apparently not.

Those so-called "religious charity organizations" are getting big money from the government. They love open borders, you ignorant hillbilly.

Jesus, grow yourself a brain already.

Hillbilly!!?? Born and bread in New York City, Dude. Now, perhaps you could dispense with the childish insults and actually explain, and document what you're talking about? I am open to all possibilities.

Government Partnerships With Faith-Based Organizations: Looking Back, Moving Forward

Religious Agencies and Refugee Resettlement

Christian Charities Profit from Muslim Refugee Resettlement

ACLU Tries To Drag Catholic Charities Into Illegal Immigrant Abortions


Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

President Obama Signs Executive Order to Implement Reform Recommendations of the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships

More than 750 Faith Leaders and Faith Organizations Decry Low Refugee Arrivals - GreaterAs1

FACT SHEET: The Federal Role in Immigrant & Refugee Integration

Refugee Resettlement: The Lucrative Business of Serving Immigrants
Well OK, I'm aware of all of this. But what does any of this have to do with separating children from parents and putting them up for adoption. What does it have to do with human trafficking and pedophile rings as has been alleged ? And while these organizations may profit from refugees and other migrants , it does not mean that anyone wants "open boarders" This hillbilly wants to know.
"Open boarders"?
Well OK, I'm aware of all of this. But what does any of this have to do with separating children from parents and putting them up for adoption. What does it have to do with human trafficking and pedophile rings as has been alleged ? And while these organizations may profit from refugees and other migrants , it does not mean that anyone wants "open boarders" This hillbilly wants to know.
"Open boarders"?


But I like to call them "Trespassers", which is what they really are.
Well OK, I'm aware of all of this. But what does any of this have to do with separating children from parents and putting them up for adoption. What does it have to do with human trafficking and pedophile rings as has been alleged ? And while these organizations may profit from refugees and other migrants , it does not mean that anyone wants "open boarders" This hillbilly wants to know.
"Open boarders"?


But I like to call them "Trespassers", which is what they really are.
So then, "open boarders" is the new PC term for illegals?
Well OK, I'm aware of all of this. But what does any of this have to do with separating children from parents and putting them up for adoption. What does it have to do with human trafficking and pedophile rings as has been alleged ? And while these organizations may profit from refugees and other migrants , it does not mean that anyone wants "open boarders" This hillbilly wants to know.
"Open boarders"?


But I like to call them "Trespassers", which is what they really are.
So then, "open boarders" is the new PC term for illegals?

Well, we are being "boarded", aren't we? Like they say in the Navy:

"Stand by to repel boarders."

What would you rather do with child victims of human trafficking? Give them back to pedo rings, or perform a post-birth abortion?

a SECULAR adoption agency.

I have no doubt conservatives approve of stealing children from non-christian parents and giving them to devout and deranged christians to brainwash. Now imagine how outraged cons would be if an atheist or muslim organization were given the same privilege.
If you pay a Christian family enough they will take as many of the kids as they are allowed. My children are all over 50 but if I need to be found I will be found. These parents do not want to be found. Why would anyone want to adopt any of those kids.??
What would you rather do with child victims of human trafficking? Give them back to pedo rings, or perform a post-birth abortion?

a SECULAR adoption agency.

I have no doubt conservatives approve of stealing children from non-christian parents and giving them to devout and deranged christians to brainwash. Now imagine how outraged cons would be if an atheist or muslim organization were given the same privilege.

You people really are sick.
Open borders are a windfall for Human Traffickers.
Democrats need to grow a conscience.

Can you do nothing more than mindlessly parrot the idiotic right wing talking point about open borders? Apparently not.

Those so-called "religious charity organizations" are getting big money from the government. They love open borders, you ignorant hillbilly.

Jesus, grow yourself a brain already.

Hillbilly!!?? Born and bread in New York City, Dude. Now, perhaps you could dispense with the childish insults and actually explain, and document what you're talking about? I am open to all possibilities.

Government Partnerships With Faith-Based Organizations: Looking Back, Moving Forward

Religious Agencies and Refugee Resettlement

Christian Charities Profit from Muslim Refugee Resettlement

ACLU Tries To Drag Catholic Charities Into Illegal Immigrant Abortions


Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

President Obama Signs Executive Order to Implement Reform Recommendations of the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships

More than 750 Faith Leaders and Faith Organizations Decry Low Refugee Arrivals - GreaterAs1

FACT SHEET: The Federal Role in Immigrant & Refugee Integration

Refugee Resettlement: The Lucrative Business of Serving Immigrants
Well OK, I'm aware of all of this. But what does any of this have to do with separating children from parents and putting them up for adoption. What does it have to do with human trafficking and pedophile rings as has been alleged ? And while these organizations may profit from refugees and other migrants , it does not mean that anyone wants "open boarders" This hillbilly wants to know.

So, where are the parents?
What would you rather do with child victims of human trafficking? Give them back to pedo rings, or perform a post-birth abortion?

a SECULAR adoption agency.

I have no doubt conservatives approve of stealing children from non-christian parents and giving them to devout and deranged christians to brainwash. Now imagine how outraged cons would be if an atheist or muslim organization were given the same privilege.

In your mind, would Christians be allowed to adopt these children?
Well OK, I'm aware of all of this. But what does any of this have to do with separating children from parents and putting them up for adoption. What does it have to do with human trafficking and pedophile rings as has been alleged ? And while these organizations may profit from refugees and other migrants , it does not mean that anyone wants "open boarders" This hillbilly wants to know.

So, where are the parents?

Sitting at the table in a Taco Bell in suburban San Diego, planning their next family.

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