Mississippi Governor Declares April as Confederate Heritage Month

Celebrating the heritage of a group of people who fought a war to retain the right own, rape, buy and sell human beings seems a bit dicey.
You mean the USA?

Nope, they called themselves the confederacy.
But you described the USA. Selective history, eh? That’s an agenda.

hmmm...nope. Accurate history. As opposed to your revisionist version. At the time of the Cival War, the Confederacy seceded over the right to own human beings which was being threatened. As of 1863, all slaves in the US were declared free. The Confederacy continued To fight for their right (to own human beings).

Now you want to celebrate a heritage built around the institution and preservation of slavery without taking responsibility for it.

I think recognizes that the entire US, such as it existed, had slavery at one time, but states one by one were abolishing. Except for those that would form the confederacy and a few others.

I don’t recall the rest of the country choosing to honor the right to enslave.
Celebrating the heritage of a group of people who fought a war to retain the right own, rape, buy and sell human beings seems a bit dicey.
You mean the USA?
Nope, they called themselves the confederacy.
Some facts Wokesters dont like to ackowlege:
1) Far more slaves were sold in markets under the US flag than the flag of the Confederacy or the CBF.
2) ALL slaves were brought to the US and sold under the US flag, and never the Confedereate flag or the CBF.
3) The Civil War was fought by the USA for two years before a ban on slavery was made and only applied to states in rebellion, not loyal slave states like Mayland, Kentucky and Missouri or West Virginia.
4) The US Army used slaves to assist their officers and staff that still owned slaves during the Civil War, like Grant did.
5) The slaves that were repatriated were ALL repatriated by US courts.
6) In the War of 1812, the Brits used freed slaves in their forces and when recaptured, US courts repatriated them to their owners, and this was long before the Confederacy, so did the US Army fight to preserve slavery? The US government?

Lol Woketards juss cant hep demselves!
hmmm...nope. Accurate history. As opposed to your revisionist version. At the time of the Cival War, the Confederacy seceded over the right to own human beings which was being threatened. As of 1863, all slaves in the US were declared free. The Confederacy continued To fight for their right (to own human beings).
So didnt Kentucky, Missouri and West Virginia and Maryland not also secede since slavery was legal in their states also?

Celebrating the heritage of a group of people who fought a war to retain the right own, rape, buy and sell human beings seems a bit dicey.
You mean the USA?

Nope, they called themselves the confederacy.
But you described the USA. Selective history, eh? That’s an agenda.

hmmm...nope. Accurate history. As opposed to your revisionist version. At the time of the Cival War, the Confederacy seceded over the right to own human beings which was being threatened. As of 1863, all slaves in the US were declared free. The Confederacy continued To fight for their right (to own human beings).

Now you want to celebrate a heritage built around the institution and preservation of slavery without taking responsibility for it.

I think recognizes that the entire US, such as it existed, had slavery at one time, but states one by one were abolishing. Except for those that would form the confederacy and a few others.

I don’t recall the rest of the country choosing to honor the right to enslave.

Celebrating the heritage of a group of people who fought a war to retain the right own, rape, buy and sell human beings seems a bit dicey.
You mean the USA?

Nope, they called themselves the confederacy.
But you described the USA. Selective history, eh? That’s an agenda.

hmmm...nope. Accurate history. As opposed to your revisionist version. At the time of the Cival War, the Confederacy seceded over the right to own human beings which was being threatened. As of 1863, all slaves in the US were declared free. The Confederacy continued To fight for their right (to own human beings).

Now you want to celebrate a heritage built around the institution and preservation of slavery without taking responsibility for it.

Listen, my best friend kept a 6-inch thick book on the Civil War in the bathroom I used at his house, I've read quite a bit about it.

Products the yankees tried to tax us on, that did not fly, as can be documented in history.

I think recognizes that the entire US, such as it existed, had slavery at one time, but states one by one were abolishing. Except for those that would form the confederacy and a few others.

I don’t recall the rest of the country choosing to honor the right to enslave.
The war was not about slavery, gf. It was about tariffs on goods produced in the South.
Yeah, some 2nd-tier shnook wrote some stuff, but that doesn't reveal the whole picture.
FL was predominately a non-slave state, yet they joined the war in earnest, because there is much agriculture here.
The tariffs were BS.
Inter-US tariffs? As the girls say: "Oh Hell No"
Shiet, some land my grandma owned used to be a Civil War rifle range, I got all kindsa lime-covered bullets in a jar..somewhere.
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Jefferson Davis raised regiments to defend America from murderous thugs that invaded to kill Americans and take away their arms. God bless him.

That shithead Lincoln raised thug regiments to kill Americans and take away their arms. Piss on him.
You need to get back on your meds.
Personally, I would have chosen a month with 31 days in it, but I'm not the Governor.

"Mississippi Republican Gov. Tate Reeves has declared April as Confederate Heritage Month.

The first-year governor is following the practice of several of his Democratic and Republican predecessors, and his action is drawing criticism from the state’s only African American congressman.

“Unnecessary,” Democratic U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson wrote Monday on Twitter.

The Mississippi chapter of Sons of Confederate Veterans recently posted Reeves’s proclamation on its Facebook page.

“God bless the Confederate Soldier. Many of whom are buried in unmarked and unknown mass graves throughout the South,” the group said in the post. “May he, or his sacrifices, never be forgotten...”

Mississippi governor declares Confederate Heritage Month

How pathetic is that. Still celebrating the defense of slavery and the idiocy of the Civil War all these years after it has been declared a crime against humanity. One must never under-estimate the complete pigheadedness of white men.

Count your blessings. If white women had ever been in charge, I'm sure one of them would have had a fit of PMS and initiated a nuclear launch by now.

If women were in charge, you would not be spending 4% of your GDP on the military, you would be spending it on health care, education and infrastructure. There would be universal, government funded health care, subsidized day care, and a strong social safety net.

Female lead corporations are more cooperative, diverse, and uplifting in developing new talent. Women leaders bring out the best in the subordinates. When women are placed in 1/3 of the leadership positions within a corporation, the corporate culture changes to become more cooperative and more productive.

Er .... in terms of US leadership, find me a Golda Meier, or even a Jean Kirkpatrick, and I'll consider it.

You have dozens of very capable women. There were three of them running for the Democrats this time. Hillary would have made a much better President than the current abject failure racking a body count, the likes the nation should never see again. What a tool.

Canada had it's first case the same day you did. We passes 20,000 cases today, and 500 deaths. Even allowing for differences in population, the rate of infection is so very much slower. Our hospitals were prepared with tests and PPE's. The shipment of masks Trump tried (and failed ) to stop from coming to Canada, was the restocking in advance of peak infections. Eddie Bauer is delivering face shields. Our hospitals have had tests since day 1.

Our infection rate took off after the snowbirds came home from the USA, and brought it with them. We'll keep our border closed now until you people get your act together.

Good. Then we should prevent all Canadians from coming to the USA to obtain the timely medical treatments they cannot receive in Tundraville.

You don't have to. The border is closed. Canadians are being prevented from leaving the country.

People weren't going to the US anyway. That's a urban myth perpetrated by the US for profit medial lobby. Besides which, nobody is their right mind is going to American hospitals at the moment. Not even Americans.

So, those hundreds of thousands of Tundraville dwellers who say that they come to the USA for their healthcare are liars? Hmm. What is it about them that makes them lie?

You would be hard pressed to find any Canadians willing to give up their healthcare system for ours.
Those who come, do so for elective procedures.
So, "elective procedures" don't matter to the Canadian commie system of "health care?"

Very interesting!
Celebrating the heritage of a group of people who fought a war to retain the right own, rape, buy and sell human beings seems a bit dicey.
Except nobody fought the war for those reasons, dudette.

Raping slaves was illegal, and no one fought the Civil War for the right to engage in the slave trade which had been banned internationally for decades.

So if your claim is right, why didnt Grant let his slaves go free? Why were Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland allowed to keep their slaves for years?

why did the South reject Lincolns offer to make slave ownership protected with a Constitutional amendment?

You dont know because all you want to know is what supports your perspective on the Civil war and really dont know jack shit about it at all.
Raping slaves was perfectly legal......they were your property
There was an active slave trade in the US, slaves were openly bought and sold.
Every nation that had slaves was able to end the practice without killing 600,000 people. The Confederacy was not
A heritage of what? I'm not making any judgement here, it is just that I associate celebration of heritage with food, and observing customs and traditions. I can understand a memorial to the fallen, but heritage pertains to the descendants. From my Georgia born wife I only know of the Southern heritage thing of eating black-eye peas on New Years Day. I know she'd want no part of this Confederate Heritage month and so won't go to her for any sort of explanation.

An inclusive Southern Heritage month I could understand.
Breaking News...

The South lost the Civil War.

But the south got the blue states to pay for there cheap standards of living


So who really lost?

Everyone. The South was much wealthier than the North prior to the Civil War, but much of that wealth was based on the value of slaves. The South fought for the wealth of their aristocracy. A strong young male sold for as much as $10,000. Lincoln wasn't proposing reimbursing slaves owners for the loss of that equity in free their slaves, and further, demanded that plantation owners give each slave 40 acres and a mule, so the plantation owner would lose both his slaves AND his land and become impoverished. But why the sharecroppers took up arms on their behalf is beyond me.

The South was physically destroyed. Atlanta was burned, and the southern states have been dirt poor ever since. After the war, the Carpetbaggers came down in gangs from the north and stole whatever wealth they could find - jewellry, art works, anything they could pirate. The North/South divide endures to this day, and white Southerners take an inordinate amount of pride in having lost a ridiculous and futile war.

Tell me how anyone was better off for the decision to secede and declare war on the Union. The fact that Southerners still want to celebrate these wrong headed idiots who turned brothers against brothers just tells me that they aren't thinking this thing through very well.
Breaking News...

The South lost the Civil War.

But the south got the blue states to pay for there cheap standards of living


So who really lost?

Everyone. The South was much wealthier than the North prior to the Civil War, but much of that wealth was based on the value of slaves. The South fought for the wealth of their aristocracy. A strong young male sold for as much as $10,000. Lincoln wasn't proposing reimbursing slaves owners for the loss of that equity in free their slaves, and further, demanded that plantation owners give each slave 40 acres and a mule, so the plantation owner would lose both his slaves AND his land and become impoverished. But why the sharecroppers took up arms on their behalf is beyond me.

The South was physically destroyed. Atlanta was burned, and the southern states have been dirt poor ever since. After the war, the Carpetbaggers came down in gangs from the north and stole whatever wealth they could find - jewellry, art works, anything they could pirate. The North/South divide endures to this day, and white Southerners take an inordinate amount of pride in having lost a ridiculous and futile war.

Tell me how anyone was better off for the decision to secede and declare war on the Union. The fact that Southerners still want to celebrate these wrong headed idiots who turned brothers against brothers just tells me that they aren't thinking this thing through very well.

Translation you have never been to the south ..


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Celebrating the heritage of a group of people who fought a war to retain the right own, rape, buy and sell human beings seems a bit dicey.
You mean the USA?

Nope, they called themselves the confederacy.
But you described the USA. Selective history, eh? That’s an agenda.

hmmm...nope. Accurate history. As opposed to your revisionist version. At the time of the Cival War, the Confederacy seceded over the right to own human beings which was being threatened. As of 1863, all slaves in the US were declared free. The Confederacy continued To fight for their right (to own human beings).

Now you want to celebrate a heritage built around the institution and preservation of slavery without taking responsibility for it.

I think recognizes that the entire US, such as it existed, had slavery at one time, but states one by one were abolishing. Except for those that would form the confederacy and a few others.

I don’t recall the rest of the country choosing to honor the right to enslave.

1. You cannot spell "civil."

2. NO, all slaves in the US were NOT "declared free" in 1863.

Breaking News...

The South lost the Civil War.

But the south got the blue states to pay for there cheap standards of living


So who really lost?

Everyone. The South was much wealthier than the North prior to the Civil War, but much of that wealth was based on the value of slaves. The South fought for the wealth of their aristocracy. A strong young male sold for as much as $10,000. Lincoln wasn't proposing reimbursing slaves owners for the loss of that equity in free their slaves, and further, demanded that plantation owners give each slave 40 acres and a mule, so the plantation owner would lose both his slaves AND his land and become impoverished. But why the sharecroppers took up arms on their behalf is beyond me.

The South was physically destroyed. Atlanta was burned, and the southern states have been dirt poor ever since. After the war, the Carpetbaggers came down in gangs from the north and stole whatever wealth they could find - jewellry, art works, anything they could pirate. The North/South divide endures to this day, and white Southerners take an inordinate amount of pride in having lost a ridiculous and futile war.

Tell me how anyone was better off for the decision to secede and declare war on the Union. The fact that Southerners still want to celebrate these wrong headed idiots who turned brothers against brothers just tells me that they aren't thinking this thing through very well.

"A strong young male sold for as much as $10,000."


(Watch this, folks!)
Celebrating the heritage of a group of people who fought a war to retain the right own, rape, buy and sell human beings seems a bit dicey.
You mean the USA?

Nope, they called themselves the confederacy.
But you described the USA. Selective history, eh? That’s an agenda.

hmmm...nope. Accurate history. As opposed to your revisionist version. At the time of the Cival War, the Confederacy seceded over the right to own human beings which was being threatened. As of 1863, all slaves in the US were declared free. The Confederacy continued To fight for their right (to own human beings).

Now you want to celebrate a heritage built around the institution and preservation of slavery without taking responsibility for it.

I think recognizes that the entire US, such as it existed, had slavery at one time, but states one by one were abolishing. Except for those that would form the confederacy and a few others.

I don’t recall the rest of the country choosing to honor the right to enslave.

1. You cannot spell "civil."

2. NO, all slaves in the US were NOT "declared free" in 1863.


In her defense she is a good Canadian, been on here awhile no matter how ill formed her revisionist history is

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