Mississippi School does the right thing: Bans prom due to Lesbian couple attending.

Should Homosexual Sex be Included in 5th Grade Sex Ed?

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Just as boys are not allowed to wear mini-skirts, etc.....

There are precedents for dress codes and those dress codes having standards for both boys and girls that are not exactly identical

First of all you say it's certain behavior and now it's a dress code thing. Can you show us where that school's dress code says that girls cannot wear tuxes? I understand their dress code is available on line.

No... Curve is making an argument based on the dress code thing.. I am stating that there are precedents for separate standards in dress for boys and girls in school... I am unsure if there was a specific rules against girls in tuxes.. but do know my daughters school does not allow boys to wear skirts or dresses... where in the past that rule was to prevent joking behavior, but it is still enforced and IMHO rightfully so

Would they kick guys out for wearing kilts? Those are some of the best looking guys' suits out there.
Yet we have appropriateness in dress rules everywhere from work to school to public establishments... girls are not discriminated against because they are told they must wear appropriate formal wear, nor because they are told not to wear something too revealing... it is not discrimination when boys have been instructed they cannot wear dresses, etc....

How is a tuxedo not appropriate formal attire at a prom you dumbass?

Just as boys are not allowed to wear mini-skirts, etc.....

There are precedents for dress codes and those dress codes having standards for both boys and girls that are not exactly identical

Thank you for showing the only way you can defend bigotry is by pointing to.....bigotry. That is known as circular logic. Tuxedos are obviously appropriate for a prom yet you are trying to claim who can or cannot wear one based on.......sex. (now you just have to figure out how to slide in your "behavior" red herring.....)
Ok, i'm laying 10-1 odds that Curveball is never going to back up the claim that the school broke the law.

Any takers? :lol:

What law were you talking about when you said it wasn't cowardly to obey the law?

The school's policy violates the 1st Amendment. Since you are obviously ignorant of this I will provide a link to help you understand that here in America discrimination based on sex is unacceptable.

Here you can see the flyer put out by the school explicitly forbidding same sex dates. If you prohibit a date based on sex that is discrimination based on sex. You can also read other documents and see Constance give a thank you to Americans. People like you have a social security number but you're about as American in character and principle as the saudi islamic clerics who let school girls burn to death.
Fulton, MS Prom Discrimination - School Flyer | American Civil Liberties Union


So they scrapped the illegal policy in favor of a legal one... no prom.

you lose :thup:

They did not scrap the policy you apple diddling cockroach. The policy is still in place.

You keep ignoring this simple question:

What law were you talking about when you said it wasn't cowardly to obey the law?

Go ahead and ignore it again you butt slime sucking weasel. I love it when bigots dodge because it reinforces how your position is based on shit.
Having a same sex date is a behavior, a choice... it is not discrimination because of sex.... as stated, there are indeed only 2 sexes... male and female... as determined by genetic make up

Just as other behaviors are not tolerated by students according to school rules... whether it be based on how they dress, how they act, shocking or disruptive behavior, etc

Acutally its not a choice
, it just happens so don't twist that up and it is discrimination against gays and lezbines they have no right to cancel prom cause of these two young ladies.

Show the gay gene as proven thru science and accepted widely as being biological and not behavior in nature

It doesn't matter if it's natural or a choice. We don't know if you choose to be as fuxxing stoopid as you are or if it's natural but either way, it would not retard your Constitutional right to keep celebrating the announcements of your bigotry.
What law were you talking about when you said it wasn't cowardly to obey the law?

The school's policy violates the 1st Amendment. Since you are obviously ignorant of this I will provide a link to help you understand that here in America discrimination based on sex is unacceptable.

Here you can see the flyer put out by the school explicitly forbidding same sex dates. If you prohibit a date based on sex that is discrimination based on sex. You can also read other documents and see Constance give a thank you to Americans. People like you have a social security number but you're about as American in character and principle as the saudi islamic clerics who let school girls burn to death.
Fulton, MS Prom Discrimination - School Flyer | American Civil Liberties Union


So they scrapped the illegal policy in favor of a legal one... no prom.

you lose :thup:

They did not scrap the policy you apple diddling cockroach. The policy is still in place.

You keep ignoring this simple question:

What law were you talking about when you said it wasn't cowardly to obey the law?

Go ahead and ignore it again you butt slime sucking weasel. I love it when bigots dodge because it reinforces how your position is based on shit.

All laws nitwit.

Now go ahead and tell me what law they broke when the cancelled the prom.

Of course you can't, because they didn't break any.

I already said I agree that they're assholes for doing what they did, but pretending they broke the law when the facts clearly show they did not, makes you look like a retarded fucking lunatic. Heck, even rainbow-bode conceded that point.
I'd make my own prom and not invite the girl with the tux.

That's what they'll do.

There will be a prom for homosexuals, and a prom for heterosexuals.

There will be a prom for Star-bellied sneeches and Plain-bellied sneeches

There will be a prom for Liberals and a prom for Conservatives

There will be a prom for cat lovers and a prom for dog lovers

There will even be a prom for those that like OctoErotic Art.

Aren't there some places in the South where they have White Proms and Black Proms?

I don't consider washington DC "the South" but it does have a "Black Caucus."
What law were you talking about when you said it wasn't cowardly to obey the law?

The school's policy violates the 1st Amendment. Since you are obviously ignorant of this I will provide a link to help you understand that here in America discrimination based on sex is unacceptable.

Here you can see the flyer put out by the school explicitly forbidding same sex dates. If you prohibit a date based on sex that is discrimination based on sex. You can also read other documents and see Constance give a thank you to Americans. People like you have a social security number but you're about as American in character and principle as the saudi islamic clerics who let school girls burn to death.
Fulton, MS Prom Discrimination - School Flyer | American Civil Liberties Union


So they scrapped the illegal policy in favor of a legal one... no prom.

you lose :thup:

They did not scrap the policy you apple diddling cockroach. The policy is still in place.

You keep ignoring this simple question:

What law were you talking about when you said it wasn't cowardly to obey the law?

Go ahead and ignore it again you butt slime sucking weasel. I love it when bigots dodge because it reinforces how your position is based on shit.

did you major in stupid?

So they scrapped the illegal policy in favor of a legal one... no prom.

you lose :thup:

They did not scrap the policy you apple diddling cockroach. The policy is still in place.

You keep ignoring this simple question:

What law were you talking about when you said it wasn't cowardly to obey the law?

Go ahead and ignore it again you butt slime sucking weasel. I love it when bigots dodge because it reinforces how your position is based on shit.

All laws nitwit.

Now go ahead and tell me what law they broke when the cancelled the prom.

Of course you can't, because they didn't break any.

I already said I agree that they're assholes for doing what they did, but pretending they broke the law when the facts clearly show they did not, makes you look like a retarded fucking lunatic. Heck, even rainbow-bode conceded that point.

I never said they broke the law when they cancelled the prom you fuxxing idiot.
I can see the lawyer questioning the head of the School Dist. now:

ACLU Lawyer: "So, Mr Jones, how long has your school district sponsored a Senior Prom?"

Mr Jones: "For the last ___ years, ever since we've had a high school."

ACLU Lawyer: "So, you would say that this is a tradition, a yearly expectation?"

Mr. Jones: "Er...yes"

ACLU Lawyer: "And is it also true, Mr Jones, that this year's prom was being planned as was all other years all the way up to....when was that, Mr. Jones?"

Mr Jones: "Um...up to early March."

ACLU Lawyer: "And what happened then?"

Mr. Jones: "We cancelled it."

ACLU Lawyer: "Have you ever cancelled it before?"

Mr. Jones: "No"

ACLU Lawyer: "Never before? Ever?"

Mr. Jones: "No."

ACLU Lawyer: "And...why did you cancel your prom this year?"

Mr. Jones: "We wanted to avoid a law suit."

ACLU Lawyer: "A lawsuit? Over what?"

Mr. Jones: "We had a girl...a, er, avowed homesexual, who asked permission to bring her girlfriend to the prom. She wanted to wear a tux...and that is against our dress code."

ACLU Lawyer: "Wearing a tux is against your dress code?"

Mr. Jones: "Yes"

ACLU Lawyer: "Well, why didn't you tell her to wear a dress instead just like you would tell others that their clothing is inappropriate?"

Mr. Jones: "Well..um"

ACLU Lawyer: "Not to interrupt, Mr Jones...but I have a copy of your dress code here. I can't seem to find the part that says that girls cannot wear tuxes. Could you point that out for us?

Mr. Jones: "Well...um"
Since you are obviously ignorant of this I will provide a link to help you understand that here in America discrimination based on sex is unacceptable.

The discrimination "based on sex" argument you're making here based on this law is BOGUS!!!! If it in any way applied to the incident, your argument or gay rights this thread and this controversy would never have happened.

Are you saying now that there is a third sex....male...female...and "what the fuck?"
Bottom line is that being an asshole bigot alone isn't against the law.

Sure, there are specific expressions of bigotry that have been outlawed, but cancelling a prom because you're an asshole bigot isn't among them.

Not yet anyway. :lol:
I can see the lawyer questioning the head of the School Dist. now:

ACLU Lawyer: "So, Mr Jones, how long has your school district sponsored a Senior Prom?"

Mr Jones: "For the last ___ years, ever since we've had a high school."

ACLU Lawyer: "So, you would say that this is a tradition, a yearly expectation?"

Mr. Jones: "Er...yes"

ACLU Lawyer: "And is it also true, Mr Jones, that this year's prom was being planned as was all other years all the way up to....when was that, Mr. Jones?"

Mr Jones: "Um...up to early March."

ACLU Lawyer: "And what happened then?"

Mr. Jones: "We cancelled it."

ACLU Lawyer: "Have you ever cancelled it before?"

Mr. Jones: "No"

ACLU Lawyer: "Never before? Ever?"

Mr. Jones: "No."

ACLU Lawyer: "And...why did you cancel your prom this year?"

Mr. Jones: "We wanted to avoid a law suit."

ACLU Lawyer: "A lawsuit? Over what?"

Mr. Jones: "We had a girl...a, er, avowed homesexual, who asked permission to bring her girlfriend to the prom. She wanted to wear a tux...and that is against our dress code."

ACLU Lawyer: "Wearing a tux is against your dress code?"

Mr. Jones: "Yes"

ACLU Lawyer: "Well, why didn't you tell her to wear a dress instead just like you would tell others that their clothing is inappropriate?"

Mr. Jones: "Well..um"

ACLU Lawyer: "Not to interrupt, Mr Jones...but I have a copy of your dress code here. I can't seem to find the part that says that girls cannot wear tuxes. Could you point that out for us?

Mr. Jones: "Well...um"

Which would all be relevant if courts heard cases that were not based on any exitising law.

Wierd thing about Courts: They don't bother with people who don't break any law!!:eek:

I suggest that you sponsor a bill that would prohibit banning proms.

I'm certain US legislatures have nothing better to do than to coddle to The Sexually Deviant who would like to parade themselves and their Octopii, Inflateables, Dildos, etc. etc. around in a tux.
If there is a Crotch Watcher at the door who turns someone away based on sex that is discrimination based on sex. You are no where near intelligent enough to be a wordsmith worthy of the suave moves it would require to sell the policy as anything but discrimination.

Again.. you fucking idiot.. you are confusing discrimination based on sex with rules based on chosen behavior

there are indeed only 2 sexes, and there was no decision made for keeping anyone out because they were a male or because they were a female

Remember earlier when I said you lack the ability to argue your position? That was my polite way of suggesting you bow out before revealing the depths of your idiocy. The policy regarding this case has absolutely nothing to do with behavior. It is based purely on the sex of the students you fuxxing reject.

You are trying to be slick by replacing the word "sex" with "behavior" thus avoiding the problem of how you can justify supporting a policy that is discriminatory based purely on the Crotch Watch. You aren't that slick and you truly stink at trying to be a silver tongue taser.

Bullshit... either her or her date could attend.. THAT was not in question... what was not allowed was them having the BEHAVIOR of attending as each other's DATE..... I know simple logic is difficult for you to understand... but try and keep up
Someone needs to go read the complaint that the ACLU filed. It's easily downloadable from the site with the article.
First of all you say it's certain behavior and now it's a dress code thing. Can you show us where that school's dress code says that girls cannot wear tuxes? I understand their dress code is available on line.

No... Curve is making an argument based on the dress code thing.. I am stating that there are precedents for separate standards in dress for boys and girls in school... I am unsure if there was a specific rules against girls in tuxes.. but do know my daughters school does not allow boys to wear skirts or dresses... where in the past that rule was to prevent joking behavior, but it is still enforced and IMHO rightfully so

Would they kick guys out for wearing kilts? Those are some of the best looking guys' suits out there.

Unknown on that in the school... if it would be deemed as a 'skirt' it could be....

But you also have traditional dress of men from other cultures that would not be suitable for women

I do know that unless it is a day revolving around a cultural celebration sponsored by the employer I currently have, men are not allowed to weak kilts.. and that is indeed laid out in the policy, and was gone over in the orientation

The idea around equal treatment of both sexes is not to make us androgynous... like it or not, there are differences between men and women... so just as a woman will not be allowed in a men's speedo at the next school swim meet, and a man will not be allowed in a mini-skirt and tube top at the next dance at my daughter's school... and the next time someone goes against the norm to wear something purposely shocking for a yearbook picture and it gets left out by the editors... does not mean it is discrimination
Someone needs to go read the complaint that the ACLU filed. It's easily downloadable from the site with the article.

Whats the link to the complaint?

The link to the article doesn't have a sublink that I found.
How is a tuxedo not appropriate formal attire at a prom you dumbass?

Just as boys are not allowed to wear mini-skirts, etc.....

There are precedents for dress codes and those dress codes having standards for both boys and girls that are not exactly identical

Thank you for showing the only way you can defend bigotry is by pointing to.....bigotry. That is known as circular logic. Tuxedos are obviously appropriate for a prom yet you are trying to claim who can or cannot wear one based on.......sex. (now you just have to figure out how to slide in your "behavior" red herring.....)

Male speedos are appropriate for a swim meet too.. for males.... like i just said to bod, there are indeed differences between men and women...

Now.. would I personally be offended by some girl trying to wear a tux for a school picture for shock value?? No... but once you cross the line in allowing kids to dictate what is and is not acceptable in school, it can all go downhill very quickly

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