Missouri House Republicans Vote To Defund Libraries

Have you ever actually seen any of these books? Do you think this is appropriate for elementary school kids? Can you think of any reason to even have it in High Schools?

When teenagers go through puberty, they need to know these things. That goes for heterosexual and homosexual students. Let's not forget the bisexual students either.
When teenagers go through puberty, they need to know these things. That goes for heterosexual and homosexual students. Let's not forget the bisexual students either.
These books were being given to prepubescent children.
State budgets are extremely stressed and they need to look for ways they can spend the money more efficiently to serve the people. Spending millions to build and maintain a library full of dusty books is not efficient spending.
Libraries are still essential in schools; they are changing, they include science and technology centers now. I visit our city library at least once a week.
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They were putting these books in elementary schools.
Some kids grow up faster than others, I knew I was gay when I was 7. I didn't know about sex yet, but I knew who I was attracted to. A book like that back then would have prevented many suicides.
Should we shut down all places where someone may have exposed themselves or does this only apply to libraries?

Parks? Schools? Churches? Theatres?

Was that your point or did you just want to show an example of websites you frequent?
Definitely an unusual situation, if it is a real news item. Not the normal in outreach programs.
Some kids grow up faster than others, I knew I was gay when I was 7. I didn't know about sex yet, but I knew who I was attracted to. A book like that back then would have prevented many suicides.
Thats dumb and you are dumb for saying it. Be gay all you want. I have no issue with anyone's sexuality, but you are a weirdo freak if you think children should be reading sexual content. :cuckoo:
I wish this was a joke, but it isn't.

Missouri House Republicans voted to defund all of the state’s public libraries, in a proposed $45.6 billion state budget that will soon move to a vote in the GOP-controlled state Senate.


Missouri House budget committee leader Rep. Cody Smith (R-Carthage) proposed cutting library aid due to a recent lawsuit filed against the state last February.

The lawsuit — filed by the ACLU of Missouri on behalf of the Missouri Association of School Librarians and the Missouri Library Association — seeks to declare Senate Bill 775 unconstitutional, a bill that has resulted in over 300 books getting banned from school libraries, many of which include LGBTQ characters or racial justice themes.

I guess those Republicans don't like reading. Especially their state Constitution:

Section 10. Free public libraries—declaration of policy—state aid to local public libraries.—It is hereby declared to be the policy of the state to promote the establishment and development of free public libraries and to accept the obligation of their support by the state and its subdivisions and municipalities in such manner as may be provided by law. When any such subdivision or municipality supports a free library, the general assembly shall grant aid to such public library in such manner and in such amounts as may be provided by law.

The GOP, steering the country to ignorance...
Thats dumb and you are dumb for saying it. Be gay all you want. I have no issue with anyone's sexuality, but you are a weirdo freak if you think children should be reading sexual content. :cuckoo:
Like I said it depends on the child. Puberty occurs as early as early as 8 for girls, 9 for boys.
Thats dumb and you are dumb for saying it. Be gay all you want. I have no issue with anyone's sexuality, but you are a weirdo freak if you think children should be reading sexual content. :cuckoo:
Educators have to have the best interest of ALL their students, not just the heterosexual ones. Which by the way is losing ground every day because of assholes like this.
Educators have to have the best interest of ALL their students, not just the heterosexual ones. Which by the way is losing ground every day because of assholes like this.
You are a scumbag for wanting to push sexual content onto elementary school children. Its creepy as fuck. Just go away man. No one wants to hear that shit.
Actually you'd have to check the book out if you wanted to read it. That's how libraries work.

Have libraries changed a lot in the last few years.

I, and many others, have spent hours reading in the quiet, conducive environs of the public library.
Free WiFi and a place for teenagers to make out?

If there are teenagers making out, they are certainly only a small percentage of the library's patrons. The library give people access to information, entertainment and the internet.

It is well worth whatever we spend on it.

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