Missouri House Republicans Vote To Defund Libraries

Here is what I think, anyone who can' t find a position on what party to support in 2023 is a weakling , they attack both sides so that they can't get backed into a corner , That is the ultimate wimp.
Disagree, The thought that there are zero good Republicans or zero good democrats is too simple of a solution.
Yes right now many are caught up in the mania from all the negative propaganda focused on lesser problems, While we have BIG problems no one really wants to look at.
Just people that read, & study,
like to learn new things and do well in school.
You can do all those things in your home or your dorn room using a thing called a computer and the internet. I recognize there are lots of folks who like a brick and mortar library. That's fine.
You damage straight students , some of whom can be lured into gay and trans behavior because they are young and inexperienced
A person who doesn't have a gay bone in their body would never be " lured " into it. Straight people are repulsed by it, just like most gay people are repulsed by heterosexual sex. My neighbor said it best, " Stan, I love you but I'm straight. " We can be friends but that's it.
WOW, just had a thought, what about the young people checking out this site, Look at the language the photos posted by those calling them self's defenders of children.
All of that is happening in the library? We can go after people in sports too but maybe we should not have gay porn in the library. If you have some concern to bring up go ahead but can we actually focus on this problem first?
One should get their priorities straight ( not literally ) before taking any action. Knee-jerk responses are generally wrong and costly. They are based on emotions rather than common sense.
WOW, just had a thought, what about the young people checking out this site, Look at the language the photos posted by those calling them self's defenders of children.
Sad examples trying to control their education.
This particular area has no need of any of those amenities. The net is free provided by each neighborhood HOA. Clubs are handled by each neighborhood's community club house. There are no poor people. Everyone has AC and heat.

The surprising thing that struck me was how little popularity print books have. I know for myself, I have not read a print book in years. I either read ebooks or listen to audio books.
One of these posters on here cited some educational statistics for Missouri and they weren't very good, so your assessment that libraries are not necessary is in doubt. They need all the help they can get. I looked back many posts to find the information but gave up after reviewing over 100 of them. But you seem like a whiz on the computer so I'm sure you could look it up for yourself if you wanted to. Found it post 324. Missouri ranked 49th. out of 51. ( D.C. makes 51. )
Ok I hate anyone who supports trump or Jan6th , So how do you fit. It is simple I hate anyone who is the enemy of my country , it is called being a patriot, something that no longer exist on the right.
That no longer exists on the far-right, which it seems most republicans are these days. Unfortunately.
Totally disgusting way to look at it. No, you absolutely don't understand the situation. This is another attack on people just because they're different. Get over yourself, the world is a big place and part of the beauty is we are not all the same. That would simply be boring. Again, it's not gay porn, gay porn/ straight porn cannot be accessed in schools.
Exactly so no gay pornography in schools. I’m fucking shocked you actually said that.
Exactly so no gay pornography in schools. I’m fucking shocked you actually said that.
It isn't allowed, it is blocked just like straight porn.This was about educational material, not pornography. Another lie to stir up the public into another foolish and emotional knee-jerk reaction.
It isn't allowed, it is blocked just like straight porn.This was about educational material, not pornography. Another lie to stir up the public into another foolish and emotional knee-jerk reaction.
Pure. Faggot. Porn. And it’s been removed from schools. Deal with it, go fuck yourself, adios.
Pure. Faggot. Porn. And it’s been removed from schools. Deal with it, go fuck yourself, adios.
You are a very sick person, hope you get the professional help you need. Way too much angst. How do you live with all that hatred. It's got to be eating you alive.
One of these posters on here cited some educational statistics for Missouri and they weren't very good, so your assessment that libraries are not necessary is in doubt. They need all the help they can get. I looked back many posts to find the information but gave up after reviewing over 100 of them. But you seem like a whiz on the computer so I'm sure you could look it up for yourself if you wanted to. Found it post 324. Missouri ranked 49th. out of 51. ( D.C. makes 51. )
What, in your opinion, makes Missouri worth a citation? Libraries may certainly be necessary. They are just not necessary HERE. Many of the books available electronically at my library aren't even available in print.

Again, of what import is Missouri?
It isn't allowed, it is blocked just like straight porn.This was about educational material, not pornography. Another lie to stir up the public into another foolish and emotional knee-jerk reaction.
If it wasn't porn, parents would not be prohibited from exhibiting these books, and reading from them, in school board meetings. Since school boards call them inappropriate pornography I see no reason to disagree.
What, in your opinion, makes Missouri worth a citation? Libraries may certainly be necessary. They are just not necessary HERE. Many of the books available electronically at my library aren't even available in print.

Again, of what import is Missouri?
This thread is about the state of Missouri.
Then my assessment would never apply at all. Libraries are going the way of the carriage house. No matter where they are. Some places will just move slower than others.
Your assumption is simply that. Libraries are growing and evolving. And hard copy backup is always a good idea. All our technology could be wiped out by a single huge solar flare, or if some foolish nation begins using EMP weaponry. The way things are going, anything is possible. I'm m glad many people share my point of view and are not ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Your assumption is simply that. Libraries are growing and evolving. And hard copy backup is always a good idea. All our technology could be wiped out by a single huge solar flare, or if some foolish nation begins using EMP weaponry. The way things are going, anything is possible. I'm m glad many people share my point of view and are not ready to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Do you honestly think that none of the publishing houses have back ups of their books? Or, hard copy?

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