Missouri House Republicans Vote To Defund Libraries

Dammit. Leave libraries alone. They don't cost much, relatively speaking, and provide huge resources to every community.

They are conscientious about dumbing it down in Missouri. Their middle class can't be trusted with education.
I didn't include myself when I mentioned the educators.
Meaning you are uneducated so you let the educated librarians do your thinking for you?

Either way you are obviously basking in their glow
Meaning you are uneducated so you let the educated librarians do your thinking for you?

Either way you are obviously basking in their glow
No, I don't gloat or over-react to sad, isolated incidences ( if they even happened at all ) and apply them generally to an entire group of people, that is also known as prejudice. And yes, the majority of educators are great people despite how you seem to want to detract from their record.
State budgets are extremely stressed and they need to look for ways they can spend the money more efficiently to serve the people. Spending millions to build and maintain a library full of dusty books is not efficient spending.
You are not describing any library I've ever been to, past or present. Today's libraries are research stations. Vital to the communities they serve. Many of my town's meetings are held there because of the design and amenities of the new facility.
I disagree strongly, very few parents are knowledgeable enough to handle it. And a lot of kids wouldn't like to have those type of conversations with their parents. It's far worse of the kids gay. Thank GOD for public schools. Imagine the shit job they do in Christian schools. That's got to be the worst. Guilt and shame about everything. That's no way to learn and definitely no way to live.
I disagree. Giving that responsibility to the state leads to the very clusterfuck we're arguing about. If anything, offer it as a optional course in the schools, letting parents decide if their children can participate.
This is beyond insane, political propaganda taken to the absolute edge of reality.
I disagree. Giving that responsibility to the state leads to the very clusterfuck we're arguing about. If anything, offer it as a optional course in the schools, letting parents decide if their children can participate.
Statistics demonstrate otherwise.In 1991 25% of all teenagers would become pregnant before the age of 20. By 2021 this number declined to 6%; reflecting a 75% decrease in teenage pregnancies. This is attributed to better education and better access to women's health care.
This is beyond insane, political propaganda taken to the absolute edge of reality.
I know these radical far-right views are destroying America.
Statistics demonstrate otherwise.
You can find statistics to bolster any bullshit position.
Bottom line is, children belong to their parents, not the state.
Barring abuse, there is no reason to upset that natural law.
Not teaching them about gay sex isn't abuse.
You can find statistics to bolster any bullshit position.
Bottom line is, children belong to their parents, not the state.
Barring abuse, there is no reason to upset that natural law.
Not teaching them about gay sex isn't abuse.
Well statistics do matter, despite your attempt to negate their value and these support state sex education programs to your chagrin. Actually children are people and they aren't owned by anyone, they are simply in their parent / parents custody and hopefully good care at the present time.
Well statistics do matter, despite your attempt to negate their value and these support state sex education programs to your chagrin. Actually children are people and they aren't owned by anyone, they are simply in their parent / parents custody and hopefully good care at the present time.

Sex education for 6 and 7th graders is pretty benign and generic. You're getting worked up over nothing less than bullshit propaganda.
No, I don't gloat or over-react to sad, isolated incidences ( if they even happened at all ) and apply them generally to an entire group of people, that is also known as prejudice. And yes, the majority of educators are great people despite how you seem to want to detract from their record.
It can be argued that most of the solders in the German Army were good people

Which I agree with

But the 10% who were historically horrible controlled the other 90%
Well statistics do matter, despite your attempt to negate their value
I didn’t say they don’t matter, I said you can find stats to bolster any opinion. Pay attention.
and these support state sex education programs to your chagrin.
I don’t have children, so I really don’t care beyond from a philosophical perspective.

Actually children are people and they aren't owned by anyone, they are simply in their parent / parents custody and hopefully good care at the present time.
They are owned by their parents until they reach the age of legal adulthood. Try going up to some parents and telling them they don’t own their 2year old. Hopefully you get punched in the face.
I took my kids to the library almost every week when they were small. It continued until they started high school.

I was aware of every single book they read in the library and that they checked out. If parents would step up, it would help.

They do step up... that's why leftists are annoyed

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