Missouri: Illegal Alien Released by New Jersey Sanctuary City Murders 3 People in 2 Days

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
When those on the far-Left bash POTUS Donald Trump as a “racist” for his calls to build a border wall and end so-called “sanctuary cities,” they are doing so in part as a means of distracting us from the myriad of criminal acts committed by illegals who have been released into society by Democratic policies.

Just like their claims that there is no such thing as “voter fraud” are lies, so too are their claims that illegal immigrants don’t commit heinous criminal acts and those sanctuary city policies always benefit us.

Take the case of Luis Rodrigo Perez, an illegal alien who was arrested in Middlesex County, New Jersey in December 2017 on charges of domestic assault and battery. He was summarily released by authorities under a sanctuary policy by local authorities despite the fact that Immigration and Customs Enforcement requested a detainer on him.

Read more at dcclothesline.com ...

Liberal policies are truly a danger to the general public....seems they care more about illegal criminals than their own American citizens!
Two weeks ago when the MAGA bomber was sending bombs to people, you guys were stressing that we shouldn’t indict all supporters of the blob for the actions of one.

Apparently that only applies to non brown folks.
Two weeks ago when the MAGA bomber was sending bombs to people, you guys were stressing that we shouldn’t indict all supporters of the blob for the actions of one.

Apparently that only applies to non brown folks.

The so called MAGA bomber was a crony of the democrat party. 2+2=4
Two weeks ago when the MAGA bomber was sending bombs to people, you guys were stressing that we shouldn’t indict all supporters of the blob for the actions of one.

Apparently that only applies to non brown folks.
What???...You need a list of ALL ILLEGALS that were released and commit murder?...Google it I no longer do low 2 digit IQ'd ABNORMALS work!
Two weeks ago when the MAGA bomber was sending bombs to people, you guys were stressing that we shouldn’t indict all supporters of the blob for the actions of one.

Apparently that only applies to non brown folks.
Unfortunately this is hardly an example of the behavior of just this one single illegal. It happens quite a bit. Immigration\'s Human Cost - human consequences of open borders and illegal immigration - recognizing the real victims of immigration anarchy
You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.
Your post is a failure.
Two weeks ago when the MAGA bomber was sending bombs to people, you guys were stressing that we shouldn’t indict all supporters of the blob for the actions of one.

Apparently that only applies to non brown folks.
This is hardly an example of the behavior of just this one single illegal. It happens quite a bit. Immigration\'s Human Cost - human consequences of open borders and illegal immigration - recognizing the real victims of immigration anarchy
You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.

The MAGA bomber is continuing a long line of conservative antics;

Tim Mcveigh, Dylan Root, Eric Rudolph…. You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.
Two weeks ago when the MAGA bomber was sending bombs to people, you guys were stressing that we shouldn’t indict all supporters of the blob for the actions of one.

Apparently that only applies to non brown folks.
This is hardly an example of the behavior of just this one single illegal. It happens quite a bit. Immigration\'s Human Cost - human consequences of open borders and illegal immigration - recognizing the real victims of immigration anarchy
You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.

The MAGA bomber is continuing a long line of conservative antics;

Tim Mcveigh, Dylan Root, Eric Rudolph…. You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.
Even with McVeigh, that's tiddlywinks compared to Muzzies.
Two weeks ago when the MAGA bomber was sending bombs to people, you guys were stressing that we shouldn’t indict all supporters of the blob for the actions of one.

Apparently that only applies to non brown folks.
This is hardly an example of the behavior of just this one single illegal. It happens quite a bit. Immigration\'s Human Cost - human consequences of open borders and illegal immigration - recognizing the real victims of immigration anarchy
You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.

The MAGA bomber is continuing a long line of conservative antics;

Tim Mcveigh, Dylan Root, Eric Rudolph…. You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.
You are very wise to so quickly change the subject when the facts show your post to be a failed foolish appeal to racism.
From illegal immigrants who murder to killers on the right in the blink of an eye! Impressive.

If you want to discuss leftist killers who have assaulted and killed innocent American citizens I'm sure there are many here who would love to discuss that matter. Just pick an issue and stop running away from it like a chicken with it's head cut off.
Two weeks ago when the MAGA bomber was sending bombs to people, you guys were stressing that we shouldn’t indict all supporters of the blob for the actions of one.

Apparently that only applies to non brown folks.
This is hardly an example of the behavior of just this one single illegal. It happens quite a bit. Immigration\'s Human Cost - human consequences of open borders and illegal immigration - recognizing the real victims of immigration anarchy
You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.

The MAGA bomber is continuing a long line of conservative antics;

Tim Mcveigh, Dylan Root, Eric Rudolph…. You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.
Even with McVeigh, that's tiddlywinks compared to Muzzies.
When those on the far-Left bash POTUS Donald Trump as a “racist” for his calls to build a border wall and end so-called “sanctuary cities,” they are doing so in part as a means of distracting us from the myriad of criminal acts committed by illegals who have been released into society by Democratic policies.

Just like their claims that there is no such thing as “voter fraud” are lies, so too are their claims that illegal immigrants don’t commit heinous criminal acts and those sanctuary city policies always benefit us.

Take the case of Luis Rodrigo Perez, an illegal alien who was arrested in Middlesex County, New Jersey in December 2017 on charges of domestic assault and battery. He was summarily released by authorities under a sanctuary policy by local authorities despite the fact that Immigration and Customs Enforcement requested a detainer on him.

Read more at dcclothesline.com ...

Liberal policies are truly a danger to the general public....seems they care more about illegal criminals than their own American citizens!
Typical illegal alien behavior
Two weeks ago when the MAGA bomber was sending bombs to people, you guys were stressing that we shouldn’t indict all supporters of the blob for the actions of one.

Apparently that only applies to non brown folks.
This is hardly an example of the behavior of just this one single illegal. It happens quite a bit. Immigration\'s Human Cost - human consequences of open borders and illegal immigration - recognizing the real victims of immigration anarchy
You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.

The MAGA bomber is continuing a long line of conservative antics;

Tim Mcveigh, Dylan Root, Eric Rudolph…. You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.
Even with McVeigh, that's tiddlywinks compared to Muzzies.
You know, the religion of peace.
Two weeks ago when the MAGA bomber was sending bombs to people, you guys were stressing that we shouldn’t indict all supporters of the blob for the actions of one.

Apparently that only applies to non brown folks.
This is hardly an example of the behavior of just this one single illegal. It happens quite a bit. Immigration\'s Human Cost - human consequences of open borders and illegal immigration - recognizing the real victims of immigration anarchy
You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.

The MAGA bomber is continuing a long line of conservative antics;

Tim Mcveigh, Dylan Root, Eric Rudolph…. You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.
Even with McVeigh, that's tiddlywinks compared to Muzzies.
You know, the religion of peace.
Oh, right. Of course. Don't expect leftists to go there however.
Two weeks ago when the MAGA bomber was sending bombs to people, you guys were stressing that we shouldn’t indict all supporters of the blob for the actions of one.

Apparently that only applies to non brown folks.
This is hardly an example of the behavior of just this one single illegal. It happens quite a bit. Immigration\'s Human Cost - human consequences of open borders and illegal immigration - recognizing the real victims of immigration anarchy
You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.

The MAGA bomber is continuing a long line of conservative antics;

Tim Mcveigh, Dylan Root, Eric Rudolph…. You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.
You are very wise to so quickly change the subject when the facts show your post to be a failed foolish appeal to racism.
From illegal immigrants who murder to killers on the right in the blink of an eye! Impressive.

If you want to discuss leftist killers who have assaulted and killed innocent American citizens I'm sure there are many here who would love to discuss that matter. Just pick an issue and stop running away from it like a chicken with it's head cut off.

Didn’t change the subject. Just pointed out the hypocrisy of saying “don’t judge me by the actions of people like me” 2 weeks ago with the multiple threads about this all condemning the group instead of the actions of the individual person.
Two weeks ago when the MAGA bomber was sending bombs to people, you guys were stressing that we shouldn’t indict all supporters of the blob for the actions of one.

Apparently that only applies to non brown folks.
Unfortunately this is hardly an example of the behavior of just this one single illegal. It happens quite a bit. Immigration\'s Human Cost - human consequences of open borders and illegal immigration - recognizing the real victims of immigration anarchy
You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.
Your post is a failure.
Her talking points keep her from hearing what's really happening.
Two weeks ago when the MAGA bomber was sending bombs to people, you guys were stressing that we shouldn’t indict all supporters of the blob for the actions of one.

Apparently that only applies to non brown folks.
This is hardly an example of the behavior of just this one single illegal. It happens quite a bit. Immigration\'s Human Cost - human consequences of open borders and illegal immigration - recognizing the real victims of immigration anarchy
You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.

The MAGA bomber is continuing a long line of conservative antics;

Tim Mcveigh, Dylan Root, Eric Rudolph…. You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.
You are very wise to so quickly change the subject when the facts show your post to be a failed foolish appeal to racism.
From illegal immigrants who murder to killers on the right in the blink of an eye! Impressive.

If you want to discuss leftist killers who have assaulted and killed innocent American citizens I'm sure there are many here who would love to discuss that matter. Just pick an issue and stop running away from it like a chicken with it's head cut off.

Didn’t change the subject. Just pointed out the hypocrisy of saying “don’t judge me by the actions of people like me” 2 weeks ago with the multiple threads about this all condemning the group instead of the actions of the individual person.
That's a very self serving excuse but of course what Tim McVeigh did in Oklahoma City has absolutely nothing to do with the problem of illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities and states murdering innocent American citizens.

It has happened often enough (see my link) that we aren't talking about this one individual killer but a phenomenon now.
The good liberals who don't want illegal aliens to be bothered by federal immigration law are complicit in the deaths
of many, many people by shielding criminals.
Two weeks ago when the MAGA bomber was sending bombs to people, you guys were stressing that we shouldn’t indict all supporters of the blob for the actions of one.

Apparently that only applies to non brown folks.
This is hardly an example of the behavior of just this one single illegal. It happens quite a bit. Immigration\'s Human Cost - human consequences of open borders and illegal immigration - recognizing the real victims of immigration anarchy
You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.

The MAGA bomber is continuing a long line of conservative antics;

Tim Mcveigh, Dylan Root, Eric Rudolph…. You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.
You are very wise to so quickly change the subject when the facts show your post to be a failed foolish appeal to racism.
From illegal immigrants who murder to killers on the right in the blink of an eye! Impressive.

If you want to discuss leftist killers who have assaulted and killed innocent American citizens I'm sure there are many here who would love to discuss that matter. Just pick an issue and stop running away from it like a chicken with it's head cut off.

Didn’t change the subject. Just pointed out the hypocrisy of saying “don’t judge me by the actions of people like me” 2 weeks ago with the multiple threads about this all condemning the group instead of the actions of the individual person.
That's a very self serving excuse but of course what Tim McVeigh did in Oklahoma City has absolutely nothing to do with the problem of illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities and states murdering innocent American citizens.

It has happened often enough (see my link) that we aren't talking about this one individual killer but a phenomenon now.
The good liberals who don't want illegal aliens to be bothered by federal immigration law are complicit in the deaths
of many, many people by shielding criminals.

And I guess that means you’re complicit in OKC bombing. Wow. Boy you suck.

And this guy’s illegal status did not induce him to kill people. He’s a bad person. McVeigh is a bad person (or was anyway). However again, it’s hypocritical of the right to indict a whole group for the actions of a few. Just like it’s not fair to indict all conservatives because of McVeigh, Root, Rudolph, and the MAGA bomber. But if you’re going to do it…I will do it too I suppose.
Two weeks ago when the MAGA bomber was sending bombs to people, you guys were stressing that we shouldn’t indict all supporters of the blob for the actions of one.

Apparently that only applies to non brown folks.

The bomber story had so many holes in it. You believe everything you ready. He wasn’t a Republican and hole story was BS

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This is hardly an example of the behavior of just this one single illegal. It happens quite a bit. Immigration\'s Human Cost - human consequences of open borders and illegal immigration - recognizing the real victims of immigration anarchy
You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.

The MAGA bomber is continuing a long line of conservative antics;

Tim Mcveigh, Dylan Root, Eric Rudolph…. You should wake up and stop ignoring what has been happening to innocent American citizens.
You are very wise to so quickly change the subject when the facts show your post to be a failed foolish appeal to racism.
From illegal immigrants who murder to killers on the right in the blink of an eye! Impressive.

If you want to discuss leftist killers who have assaulted and killed innocent American citizens I'm sure there are many here who would love to discuss that matter. Just pick an issue and stop running away from it like a chicken with it's head cut off.

Didn’t change the subject. Just pointed out the hypocrisy of saying “don’t judge me by the actions of people like me” 2 weeks ago with the multiple threads about this all condemning the group instead of the actions of the individual person.
That's a very self serving excuse but of course what Tim McVeigh did in Oklahoma City has absolutely nothing to do with the problem of illegal immigrants in sanctuary cities and states murdering innocent American citizens.

It has happened often enough (see my link) that we aren't talking about this one individual killer but a phenomenon now.
The good liberals who don't want illegal aliens to be bothered by federal immigration law are complicit in the deaths
of many, many people by shielding criminals.

And I guess that means you’re complicit in OKC bombing. Wow. Boy you suck.

And this guy’s illegal status did not induce him to kill people. He’s a bad person. McVeigh is a bad person (or was anyway). However again, it’s hypocritical of the right to indict a whole group for the actions of a few. Just like it’s not fair to indict all conservatives because of McVeigh, Root, Rudolph, and the MAGA bomber. But if you’re going to do it…I will do it too I suppose.
The point is, since you seem determined not to get it, no one is saying ALL illegal immigrants are killers and rapists.
A very nice lady from Mexico used to babysit my son from time to time. She was a great person!

But when people who aren't so nice slip past the border, just like the good people, we have no way of screening them out,
needless to say. Is this getting through to you?
And to complicate matters, when federal immigration agents are completely shut out and shunned in sanctuary
states and cities (like New Jersey, for example) it makes it tragically difficult to cull out the killers and criminals
from the baby sitters.

I wish there was a magic wand that could separate the "good" law abiding illegals from the "bad" criminals.
But there is no such thing. People like you, perhaps well meaning but pretty dumb in this matter, make the problem of illegal immigration all the more difficult to deal with. And innocent people get raped and killed as a result.

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