Missouri moves to next step: Banning Trans Care for Adults


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
Missouri is moving to the next step, banning adults from receiving Trans care.
No libraries, no abortion, interfering in adult trans care, Missouri is really stepping their game up. Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama need to step it up to stay in the game!

  • Missouri's attorney general announced new requirements for adults seeking gender affirming care.
  • Adults with depression are banned from seeking care until their mental health issues are resolved.
  • Other requirements include three consecutive years of gender dysphoria and months of therapy.

An emergency regulation announced by Missouri's attorney general on Thursday could severely limit access to gender-affirming care in the state, setting several new requirements for trans adults seeking treatment.

Attorney General Andrew Bailey's sweeping regulation would prohibit medical providers from providing gender-affirming care unless a number of requirements are met. While some of the regulation's requirements are specified by age group, its most expansive provisions, including a potential three-year delay in care, would be in place regardless of the patient's age.

Bailey's proposal would go into effect on April 27 and last until February 6, 2024.

The ACLU of Missouri and Lambda Legal responded with a joint statement promising legal action against the attorney general and emergency regulation. "We will defend the rights of transgender people through any necessary legal action, just as we have done in other states engaging in this anti-science and discriminatory fearmongering."
Missouri is moving to the next step, banning adults from receiving Trans care.
No libraries, no abortion, interfering in adult trans care, Missouri is really stepping their game up. Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama need to step it up to stay in the game!

  • Adults with depression are banned from seeking care until their mental health issues are resolved.
  • I agree, until the insane people are put where they cant hurt others or themsleves, why waste money on bodily mutilations?
Missouri is moving to the next step, banning adults from receiving Trans care.
No libraries, no abortion, interfering in adult trans care, Missouri is really stepping their game up. Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama need to step it up to stay in the game!

This is what happens when you go too far, you get a backlash.

And it isn't a ban, it's regulating.

Please show me where it bans people from being mutilated.

And ban means just that, bans. not delays, nor regulates or restricts.
Missouri is moving to the next step, banning adults from receiving Trans care.
No libraries, no abortion, interfering in adult trans care, Missouri is really stepping their game up. Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama need to step it up to stay in the game!

Can your thread title be more disingenuous?
Setting out requirements is NOT banning.
That being said, it is none of the state's business if adults want to mutilate their bodies to pretend they are something they are not and never will be.
Missouri is moving to the next step, banning adults from receiving Trans care.
No libraries, no abortion, interfering in adult trans care, Missouri is really stepping their game up. Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama need to step it up to stay in the game!

Its not a ban. You would know that if you read your link.
Trans people should focus on mental health first, IMO. Considering that is the fucking problem to begin with... That being said, its none of the states fucking business what ADULTS do to their bodies. If they dont want to actually fix the problem, then let them mutilate themselves. That 50% suicide rate aint gonna suicide itself :dunno:
Its not a ban. You would know that if you read your link.
Trans people should focus on mental health first, IMO. Considering that is the fucking problem to begin with... That being said, its none of the states fucking business what ADULTS do to their bodies. If they dont want to actually fix the problem, then let them mutilate themselves. That 50% suicide rate aint gonna suicide itself :dunno:

The old way of dealing with this was to exhaust every possible other method of treatment, and then rely on surgery as a last resort. Mind you this is only for true gender dysphoria, not for the multiple fetishes that have jumped on the bandwagon.

The current dogma is to automatically accept the person's position and just appease them. If this were to involve adults only, and cross dressing only there would be less of an issue. but the left brought kids into the equation, and expanded the advocacy from mental issues to fetishes, and then they wonder why there is a huge backlash.
Missouri is moving to the next step, banning adults from receiving Trans care.
No libraries, no abortion, interfering in adult trans care, Missouri is really stepping their game up. Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama need to step it up to stay in the game!

But gotta let those adult hetero males legally marry 12 year olds.
Circus freaks can move to the circus state of commiefornia and get their junk mutilated for free.


Don't tell me that's not what they're demanding.

They will demand it eventually if you don't nip this inane bullshit off at the hemorrhoid.

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But gotta let those adult hetero males legally marry 12 year olds.
Jimmy Kimmel showed the video of that lawmaker last night, the guy doubled down when someone questioned him about this in chamber, and said "I know some people who were married at 12, and you know what? They are still happily married".

Uh huh.
It's an obvious ethical principle, that such radical and destructive procedures as “gender affirming surgery” should never, ever, under any circumstances, be done to someone who lacks the mental capacity to give informed consent to them.

Clearly, this applies to children.

It seems perfectly rational to apply this, as well, in the case of someone who is so mentally fucked up that he doesn't know the difference between boys and girls. At the very best, “gender-affirming care” is a severe form of medical malpractice, as well as a form of fraud, if the victim is being led or even allowed to believe that the procedure will actually change him from male to female or vice versa. It could also be aiding and abetting fraud, inasmuch as it allows someone of one sex to falsely represent himself as the other sex.

There are plenty of good reasons why this shit ought to simply flat-out be illegal, period.
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Missouri is moving to the next step, banning adults from receiving Trans care.
No libraries, no abortion, interfering in adult trans care, Missouri is really stepping their game up. Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama need to step it up to stay in the game!

It's a dead heat between the Fascist State of Missouri and the Fascist State of Florida.
Jimmy Kimmel showed the video of that lawmaker last night, the guy doubled down when someone questioned him about this in chamber, and said "I know some people who were married at 12, and you know what? They are still happily married".

Uh huh.
Some are. Particularly foreigners in arranged marriages.
Missouri is moving to the next step, banning adults from receiving Trans care.
No libraries, no abortion, interfering in adult trans care, Missouri is really stepping their game up. Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama need to step it up to stay in the game!

There’s no such thing as trans care. It’s an elective just like getting your stomach stapled. If you want to get a Lopadickoffame pay for it yourself. It’s called equality. The American taxpayer is not responsible for your decision.
That being said, it is none of the state's business if adults want to mutilate their bodies to pretend they are something they are not and never will be.
That being said, its none of the states fucking business what ADULTS do to their bodies. If they dont want to actually fix the problem, then let them mutilate themselves.

I think that there is a very solid case to be made that even where the victims are nominally adults, that “gender-affirming care” amounts to taking advantage of mentally-deficient victims in order to profit from them, while causing them serious harm, and defrauding them, in the process.
Missouri is moving to the next step, banning adults from receiving Trans care.
No libraries, no abortion, interfering in adult trans care, Missouri is really stepping their game up. Mississippi, Texas, and Alabama need to step it up to stay in the game!

But gotta let those adult hetero males legally marry 12 year olds.

Jimmy Kimmel showed the video of that lawmaker last night, the guy doubled down when someone questioned him about this in chamber, and said "I know some people who were married at 12, and you know what? They are still happily married".

Uh huh.

It's a dead heat between the Fascist State of Missouri and the Fascist State of Florida.
Real America is fed the fuck up with you circus side-show weirdos. They’re telling you freaks to fuck straight off and you’re starting to get the hint aren’t you?

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