Mistakes Atheists Make

Atheists don't believe in leprechauns, astrology, witchcraft, magic, unicorns.....they just add organized religions to the list
Atheism is embraced by the superstitious.
Look Who's Irrational Now WSJ

While those who prefer science and reason become theists.
What is the fine-tuning of the universe and how does it serve as a pointer to God BioLogos

I don't think so. Atheism tends to be far more common among those with higher degrees of education. The only issue I have with some Atheists is this ridiculous insistence they have that they don't have beliefs. Other than that, there is nothing irrational at all about it.

What do atheists believe in?

1) Defining atheism
In the golden age of atheism (late 1800's) atheism was generally held to be "the doctrine or belief that there is no God". Today some atheists prefer to define atheism as merely "lack of belief in God". While I appreciate the intellectual retreat the new definition represents, this new definition is illogical. According to the 2nd definition those who know or think there is a God are atheists, which is absurd.
I don't follow how someone who believes there is a god could be considered an atheist under the definition of lack of belief. If you "know" that a god exists, then you obviously believe that god exists.

[qutoe]2) Burden of proof
Atheists often say theists must shoulder the burden of proof since theists claim there is a God. However, atheists are also making a claim: theism is an ill-considered position. So atheists should also bear the burden of proof.[/quote] Rejecting a claim, and therefore accepting the null hypothesis is not a positive claim that needs support.
If I claim there is a double decker bus circling Saturn, and can provide no convincing evidence that this is true, then you can safely reject my claim without any obligation to prove it's not true.

4) Hard materialism
Can atheists prove only the material world exists?
Of course not. But, for pretty much anything, you have to start with some axioms or assumptions. I cannot prove that this is not the Matrix nor that I am just a brain in a jar imagining all this. But I do perceive this world, and my perception of the material world matches that of others. The rules of physics are consistent in the material world. The spiritual world however is perceived differently by different people and cannot be objectively demonstrated within the context of the default material world.

5) Atheism and tolerance
According to one estimate over 25 million Christians died from secular antireligious violence in the 20th century.
Psychology Religion and Spirituality - James M. Nelson - Google Books

6) Atheism and happiness
BBC NEWS Health Religion linked to happy life

7) Atheists' recurring intellectual cowardice and laziness
Atheists seem eager to ridicule the least educated while avoiding the most educated Christians.
Atheists The Origin of the Species by Nick Spencer reviewed.
I don't think so. Atheism tends to be far more common among those with higher degrees of education.
Some timid minds submit to the indoctrination of the academic establishment.

Sorry, but that too is ridiculous. The reality is that the more educated you are the less likely your are to simply accept religion. At the same time, the more educated you are the more likely your are to tend towards being liberal. It isn't about being brain washed, it's about being better informed.
Atheists don't believe in leprechauns, astrology, witchcraft, magic, unicorns.....they just add organized religions to the list
Atheism is embraced by the superstitious.
Look Who's Irrational Now WSJ

While those who prefer science and reason become theists.
What is the fine-tuning of the universe and how does it serve as a pointer to God BioLogos

I don't think so. Atheism tends to be far more common among those with higher degrees of education. The only issue I have with some Atheists is this ridiculous insistence they have that they don't have beliefs. Other than that, there is nothing irrational at all about it.

What do atheists believe in?


They believe gods do not exist. That is not a non-belief, it is not a lack of belief, it is a belief. In the absence of evidence any conclusion, whether positive or negative, is a belief. The only position a true lack of belief can result in is one of total neutrality. Have you ever met an avowed Atheist who was neutral?
Can atheists prove only the material world exists? Of course not.

The spiritual world however is perceived differently by different people
There are many similarities and of course people perceive the material world very differently also.

and cannot be objectively demonstrated within the context of the default material world.
Not sure why you dismiss their testimony.
Atheists don't believe in leprechauns, astrology, witchcraft, magic, unicorns.....they just add organized religions to the list
Atheism is embraced by the superstitious.
Look Who's Irrational Now WSJ

While those who prefer science and reason become theists.
What is the fine-tuning of the universe and how does it serve as a pointer to God BioLogos

I don't think so. Atheism tends to be far more common among those with higher degrees of education. The only issue I have with some Atheists is this ridiculous insistence they have that they don't have beliefs. Other than that, there is nothing irrational at all about it.

What do atheists believe in?


They believe gods do not exist. That is not a non-belief, it is not a lack of belief, it is a belief. In the absence of evidence any conclusion, whether positive or negative, is a belief. The only position a true lack of belief can result in is one of total neutrality. Have you ever met an avowed Atheist who was neutral?


Not believing in something is believing that something doesn't exist

You have a future in politics
1) Defining atheism
In the golden age of atheism (late 1800's) atheism was generally held to be "the doctrine or belief that there is no God". Today some atheists prefer to define atheism as merely "lack of belief in God". While I appreciate the intellectual retreat the new definition represents, this new definition is illogical. According to the 2nd definition those who know or think there is a God are atheists, which is absurd.

2) Burden of proof
Atheists often say theists must shoulder the burden of proof since theists claim there is a God. However, atheists are also making a claim: theism is an ill-considered position. So atheists should also bear the burden of proof.

3) Radical skepticism
Some atheists are radical skeptics, but radical skepticism is self-defeating. As Wittgenstein said: “If you tried to doubt everything you would not get as far as doubting anything. The game of doubting itself presupposes certainty.”

4) Hard materialism
Can atheists prove only the material world exists?

5) Atheism and tolerance
According to one estimate over 25 million Christians died from secular antireligious violence in the 20th century.
Psychology Religion and Spirituality - James M. Nelson - Google Books

6) Atheism and happiness
BBC NEWS Health Religion linked to happy life

7) Atheists' recurring intellectual cowardice and laziness
Atheists seem eager to ridicule the least educated while avoiding the most educated Christians.
Atheists The Origin of the Species by Nick Spencer reviewed.

The most rational position to have is agnostic atheism because none of us know, for example, what is on the other side of black holes. Do you? You think it’s a giant guy who made you in his image and loves people who believe ancient stories and sends those who don’t to hell? What is wrong with you? Even if you have your own twist on god, what proof do you have other than you can’t believe otherwise?

We know the Jesus, Joseph Smith and Mohammad stories are fake unless we have to prove snakes can’t talk, virgins can’t get pregnant and people can’t come back to life after being dead 3 days. Isn’t the burden of proof for those things on you???

Radical skepticism just because we speak up? In other words, if you don’t believe, please go back in the closet? You guys loved the 7000 years you could kill anyone who didn’t believe in your god(s). Even in the 1600’s you were burning witches. Let me explain why you are wrong about us and god. You claim we hate, reject your god or are evil. We know this to be flat out wrong. We even believe we are better people than you. Clearly more open to science. So we know you are wrong about non believers being evil. So if you are wrong about that, how many other things are you wrong about? You also deny that faith is born of fear, even though science, logic and reason say it is. That along with a mind that is superstitious, creative, imaginative and capable of even fooling itself. We only know a little bit about the mind, but what we know is that the human mind probably made up god. From the beginning people worried/wondered what happened after they died. Makes us feel good to think there is a god/heaven. Now science has several reasons for believing what it believes. You guys point to a holy book of fairy tales and have faith.

Radical is just what you call any atheist who objects or challenge your silly superstitions.

We don’t have to prove only the material world exists. Even if there is another, does that prove a god exists? Which god? Does he know you or care about you?

Where are the educated Christians? Every Christian I’ve ever faced said ultimately I just have to have faith in what they’re holy book says. Well I don’t. Now what? I burn n hell?
I really like to be pigeon holed by theists. So, what are we, who do not believe in god, and really don't give a rat's ass if others do or not?
Can atheists prove only the material world exists? Of course not.

The spiritual world however is perceived differently by different people
There are many similarities and of course people perceive the material world very differently also.
There are more differences than similarities and no, people do not perceive the material world differently

and cannot be objectively demonstrated within the context of the default material world.
Not sure why you dismiss their testimony.
Because it's not objective and not testable and not falsifiable.
I really like to be pigeon holed by theists. So, what are we, who do not believe in god, and really don't give a rat's ass if others do or not?
I've actually heard some Christians say that's not possible. That atheists actually do believe in God but pretend not to because they love sin.

Which of course makes zero sense.
no, people do not perceive the material world differently
How do you know your perception/understanding/awareness/consciousness of a tree, a book, a table is the same as others' perception/understanding/awareness/consciousness of a tree, a book, a table?

And does our culture, age, gender, IQ level impact our awareness?

Because it's not objective and not testable and not falsifiable.
Is our awareness subjective? Do courts dismiss first hand testimony?
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no, people do not perceive the material world differently
How do you know your perception/understanding/awareness/consciousness of a tree, a book, a table is the same as others' perception/understanding/awareness/consciousness of a tree, a book, a table?
Because the object is physically there and perception of it can be confirmed directly.

And does our culture, age, gender, IQ level impact our awareness?
For the physical existence of objects? Or their physical properties? Nope.

Because it's not objective and not testable and not falsifiable.
Is our awareness subjective? Do courts dismiss eye-witness testimony?
You're talking about memory and processing, not comparison of something material. There is a difference between objective interaction with the material world...which is possible...and subjective experience. This is why supernatural experiences are suspect: they're all subjective and not testable.

I see how Christians think and behave here in America and it doesn't surprise me that Russians and Muslims want no part of it.
Because the object is physically there and perception of it can be confirmed directly.
But can your awareness be confirmed directly? Don't you get it yet?! Is your awareness of a table the table itself?
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Atheists don't believe in leprechauns, astrology, witchcraft, magic, unicorns.....they just add organized religions to the list
Atheism is embraced by the superstitious.
Look Who's Irrational Now WSJ

While those who prefer science and reason become theists.
What is the fine-tuning of the universe and how does it serve as a pointer to God BioLogos

I don't think so. Atheism tends to be far more common among those with higher degrees of education. The only issue I have with some Atheists is this ridiculous insistence they have that they don't have beliefs. Other than that, there is nothing irrational at all about it.

What do atheists believe in?


They believe gods do not exist. That is not a non-belief, it is not a lack of belief, it is a belief. In the absence of evidence any conclusion, whether positive or negative, is a belief. The only position a true lack of belief can result in is one of total neutrality. Have you ever met an avowed Atheist who was neutral?


Not believing in something is believing that something doesn't exist

You have a future in politics

No. Believing something doesn't exist is believing something doesn't exist. Calling it not believing in something is tap dancing.

I really do wonder why the word "belief" is so bloody scary.
Mistakes Atheists Make

I have to confess, the biggest mistake I made was to go to church for 18 years

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