Mitch goes to Senate floor, B-Slaps Nazi Pelousy and Cryin' Chucky on their impeachment farce.

Told Nazi she is done. She has nothing to say about how the Senate operates. Also called out Schumer on his hypocrisy from the Clinton impeachment.

Impeachment impasse deepens as McConnell rejects Pelosi's bid to shape trial: ā€˜Their turn is overā€™

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, speaking from the chamberā€™s floor Friday, rejected House Speaker Nancy Pelosiā€™s efforts to shape a pending impeachment trial as ā€œfantasyā€ā€”leaving the process at a standstill as lawmakers return from the holiday recess.

ā€œTheir turn is over. Theyā€™ve done enough damage. Itā€™s the Senateā€™s turn now to render sober judgment,ā€ McConnell, R-Ky., said on the Senate floor.

But he stressed that the chamber cannot hold a trial unless and until the House of Representatives transmits the two articles of impeachment adopted last month, accusing President Trump of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress pertaining to his dealings with Ukraine. Pelosi, D-Calif., has held onto them in a bid to seek favorable terms for a trial, including the involvement of certain Democrat-sought witnesses.

McConnell called Pelosiā€™s effort to ā€œhand-designā€ the proceedings in the Senate a ā€œnon-starterā€ and a ā€œfantasy.ā€

But McConnell charged that Democrats' "Trump derangement syndrome" has escalated into a partisan "fever," while accusing his counterparts of taking positions that contradict their actions during the Clinton impeachment.

"It appears that one symptom of Trump derangement syndrome is also a bad case of amnesia," he quipped.

Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri said overnight that he plans to introduce a measure Monday to dismiss the "bogus impeachment" entirely.

"If Dems wonā€™t proceed with trial, bogus articles should be dismissed and @realDonaldTrump fully cleared," he tweeted.

McConnell, though, indicated the Senate process is at a standstill for now, as he accused the House of getting "cold feet."

"The same people who spent weeks screaming that impeachment was so urgent ā€¦ now decided it could wait indefinitely while they check the political winds and look for some new talking points," he said.

Impeachment impasse deepens as McConnell rejects Pelosi's bid to shape trial: ā€˜Their turn is overā€™

I gotta say I'm liking the statesman Mitch McConnell.

When he gets it right, he's completely right.
I am under no obligation to explain jack shit to you, Sport.

Nazi is done. She needs to come out of hiding and slink over to the Senate with her clusterfuck impeachment papers.:5_1_12024:
I never said you were obligated to do anything but if you canā€™t answer a simple question or explain yourself then that speaks volumes. Rant and run is not a respectable tactic
Difference between "can't" and "won't", Sport.
Same thing in the context of my point.
Completely different things, moron.
No they arenā€™t. Whether you canā€™t or wonā€™t doesnā€™t matter... both result in you ranting and running and a failure to answer questions and explain yourself. Traits of the weak minded.

\ Ėˆwōnt \
Kids Definition of won't

: will not


\ Ėˆkant , ĖˆkƤnt, especially Southern Ėˆkānt \
Definition of can't
: can not

If you are too stupid to understand the difference between WILL not and CAN not you should stay away from sharp objects and electrical outlets.
I am under no obligation to explain jack shit to you, Sport.

Nazi is done. She needs to come out of hiding and slink over to the Senate with her clusterfuck impeachment papers.:5_1_12024:
I never said you were obligated to do anything but if you canā€™t answer a simple question or explain yourself then that speaks volumes. Rant and run is not a respectable tactic
You mean like how Nancy has been repeatedly refusing to answer questions on her hate for Trump and why she is delaying the filing of the papers? We just sat through TWELVE WEEKS of the democrats ranting, and now running.
why are you talking about Nancy? Sheā€™s got nothing to do with this. Stay on topic bucko

So what? She has nothing to do with my comment that you were responding to.
Well then, that means YOU should stay on topic.
Clintons impeachment went like this.

There are opening statements by both sides (each statement may take an hour or a day)...After both opening statements were done somebody made a motion to did not get 51 votes so the impeachment continued.

In this case the motion to dismiss will get over 51 votes and it will be done.


THAT is what cryin' chuck is cryin' about!
I am under no obligation to explain jack shit to you, Sport.

Nazi is done. She needs to come out of hiding and slink over to the Senate with her clusterfuck impeachment papers.:5_1_12024:
I never said you were obligated to do anything but if you canā€™t answer a simple question or explain yourself then that speaks volumes. Rant and run is not a respectable tactic
You mean like how Nancy has been repeatedly refusing to answer questions on her hate for Trump and why she is delaying the filing of the papers? We just sat through TWELVE WEEKS of the democrats ranting, and now running.
why are you talking about Nancy? Sheā€™s got nothing to do with this. Stay on topic bucko

So what? She has nothing to do with my comment that you were responding to.
She had EVERYTHING to do with it, to anyone with an IQ over 65.
Told Nazi she is done. She has nothing to say about how the Senate operates. Also called out Schumer on his hypocrisy from the Clinton impeachment.

Impeachment impasse deepens as McConnell rejects Pelosi's bid to shape trial: ā€˜Their turn is overā€™

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, speaking from the chamberā€™s floor Friday, rejected House Speaker Nancy Pelosiā€™s efforts to shape a pending impeachment trial as ā€œfantasyā€ā€”leaving the process at a standstill as lawmakers return from the holiday recess.

ā€œTheir turn is over. Theyā€™ve done enough damage. Itā€™s the Senateā€™s turn now to render sober judgment,ā€ McConnell, R-Ky., said on the Senate floor.

But he stressed that the chamber cannot hold a trial unless and until the House of Representatives transmits the two articles of impeachment adopted last month, accusing President Trump of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress pertaining to his dealings with Ukraine. Pelosi, D-Calif., has held onto them in a bid to seek favorable terms for a trial, including the involvement of certain Democrat-sought witnesses.

McConnell called Pelosiā€™s effort to ā€œhand-designā€ the proceedings in the Senate a ā€œnon-starterā€ and a ā€œfantasy.ā€

But McConnell charged that Democrats' "Trump derangement syndrome" has escalated into a partisan "fever," while accusing his counterparts of taking positions that contradict their actions during the Clinton impeachment.

"It appears that one symptom of Trump derangement syndrome is also a bad case of amnesia," he quipped.

Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri said overnight that he plans to introduce a measure Monday to dismiss the "bogus impeachment" entirely.

"If Dems wonā€™t proceed with trial, bogus articles should be dismissed and @realDonaldTrump fully cleared," he tweeted.

McConnell, though, indicated the Senate process is at a standstill for now, as he accused the House of getting "cold feet."

"The same people who spent weeks screaming that impeachment was so urgent ā€¦ now decided it could wait indefinitely while they check the political winds and look for some new talking points," he said.

Impeachment impasse deepens as McConnell rejects Pelosi's bid to shape trial: ā€˜Their turn is overā€™

I gotta say I'm liking the statesman Mitch McConnell.

When he gets it right, he's completely right.

I love how even keel he is, undisturbed, succinct, resolute and clear-seeing, like he was the only adult in a room full of kindergartners.
I never said you were obligated to do anything but if you canā€™t answer a simple question or explain yourself then that speaks volumes. Rant and run is not a respectable tactic
Difference between "can't" and "won't", Sport.
Same thing in the context of my point.
Completely different things, moron.
No they arenā€™t. Whether you canā€™t or wonā€™t doesnā€™t matter... both result in you ranting and running and a failure to answer questions and explain yourself. Traits of the weak minded.

\ Ėˆwōnt \
Kids Definition of won't

: will not


\ Ėˆkant , ĖˆkƤnt, especially Southern Ėˆkānt \
Definition of can't
: can not

If you are too stupid to understand the difference between WILL not and CAN not you should stay away from sharp objects and electrical outlets.
Whether you wonā€™t or canā€™t both result in a failure to communicate. Which was my point. Youā€™re a weak minded and one sided ranter. Do better
Hey I think this whole impeachment thing is a circus and a bad move. That doesnā€™t have anything to do with my comments about the turtle.

Sure it does! Your question is how can you take the turtle seriously?

What's not to take seriously? He said follow the same rules of the clinton what's not to take seriously?

Why wont you answer the question?
I never said you were obligated to do anything but if you canā€™t answer a simple question or explain yourself then that speaks volumes. Rant and run is not a respectable tactic
You mean like how Nancy has been repeatedly refusing to answer questions on her hate for Trump and why she is delaying the filing of the papers? We just sat through TWELVE WEEKS of the democrats ranting, and now running.
why are you talking about Nancy? Sheā€™s got nothing to do with this. Stay on topic bucko

So what? She has nothing to do with my comment that you were responding to.
She had EVERYTHING to do with it, to anyone with an IQ over 65.
she doesnā€™t have anything to do with the turtle being a joke. If your only reply is well Nancy is crazy then Iā€™ll just take that as affirmation to my critique on McConnell.
Hey I think this whole impeachment thing is a circus and a bad move. That doesnā€™t have anything to do with my comments about the turtle.

Sure it does! Your question is how can you take the turtle seriously?

What's not to take seriously? He said follow the same rules of the clinton what's not to take seriously?

Why wont you answer the question?
If I remember correctly the senate had witnesses during the Clinton impeachment. McConnell has spoken publicly about not allowing witnesses. So it doesnā€™t sound like he is planning on doing things like they did then... right?
He will do things within the rules of the Senate, and Pelosi will either comply, or have the sham rightfully dismissed.
Difference between "can't" and "won't", Sport.
Same thing in the context of my point.
Completely different things, moron.
No they arenā€™t. Whether you canā€™t or wonā€™t doesnā€™t matter... both result in you ranting and running and a failure to answer questions and explain yourself. Traits of the weak minded.

\ Ėˆwōnt \
Kids Definition of won't

: will not


\ Ėˆkant , ĖˆkƤnt, especially Southern Ėˆkānt \
Definition of can't
: can not

If you are too stupid to understand the difference between WILL not and CAN not you should stay away from sharp objects and electrical outlets.
Whether you wonā€™t or canā€™t both result in a failure to communicate. Which was my point. Youā€™re a weak minded and one sided ranter. Do better
You have yet to address the topic. All you have done is whine and cry about me.

Ironic, huh?
Same thing in the context of my point.
Completely different things, moron.
No they arenā€™t. Whether you canā€™t or wonā€™t doesnā€™t matter... both result in you ranting and running and a failure to answer questions and explain yourself. Traits of the weak minded.

\ Ėˆwōnt \
Kids Definition of won't

: will not


\ Ėˆkant , ĖˆkƤnt, especially Southern Ėˆkānt \
Definition of can't
: can not

If you are too stupid to understand the difference between WILL not and CAN not you should stay away from sharp objects and electrical outlets.
Whether you wonā€™t or canā€™t both result in a failure to communicate. Which was my point. Youā€™re a weak minded and one sided ranter. Do better
You have yet to address the topic. All you have done is whine and cry about me.

Ironic, huh?
Hey I think this whole impeachment thing is a circus and a bad move. That doesnā€™t have anything to do with my comments about the turtle.

Sure it does! Your question is how can you take the turtle seriously?

What's not to take seriously? He said follow the same rules of the clinton what's not to take seriously?

Why wont you answer the question?
If I remember correctly the senate had witnesses during the Clinton impeachment. McConnell has spoken publicly about not allowing witnesses. So it doesnā€™t sound like he is planning on doing things like they did then... right?
3 witnesses testified.......behind closed doors. They had all already testified during the investigation.

That isnā€™t what Cryinā€™ Chucky is looking for now. He wants to call new witnesses and redo the Houseā€™s investigation.
Republicrats and Democans. Mix and match, they are matchless at mixing us (U.S.) up.
It is passed time for new.
Told Nazi she is done. She has nothing to say about how the Senate operates. Also called out Schumer on his hypocrisy from the Clinton impeachment.

Impeachment impasse deepens as McConnell rejects Pelosi's bid to shape trial: ā€˜Their turn is overā€™

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, speaking from the chamberā€™s floor Friday, rejected House Speaker Nancy Pelosiā€™s efforts to shape a pending impeachment trial as ā€œfantasyā€ā€”leaving the process at a standstill as lawmakers return from the holiday recess.

ā€œTheir turn is over. Theyā€™ve done enough damage. Itā€™s the Senateā€™s turn now to render sober judgment,ā€ McConnell, R-Ky., said on the Senate floor.

But he stressed that the chamber cannot hold a trial unless and until the House of Representatives transmits the two articles of impeachment adopted last month, accusing President Trump of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress pertaining to his dealings with Ukraine. Pelosi, D-Calif., has held onto them in a bid to seek favorable terms for a trial, including the involvement of certain Democrat-sought witnesses.

McConnell called Pelosiā€™s effort to ā€œhand-designā€ the proceedings in the Senate a ā€œnon-starterā€ and a ā€œfantasy.ā€

But McConnell charged that Democrats' "Trump derangement syndrome" has escalated into a partisan "fever," while accusing his counterparts of taking positions that contradict their actions during the Clinton impeachment.

"It appears that one symptom of Trump derangement syndrome is also a bad case of amnesia," he quipped.

Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri said overnight that he plans to introduce a measure Monday to dismiss the "bogus impeachment" entirely.

"If Dems wonā€™t proceed with trial, bogus articles should be dismissed and @realDonaldTrump fully cleared," he tweeted.

McConnell, though, indicated the Senate process is at a standstill for now, as he accused the House of getting "cold feet."

"The same people who spent weeks screaming that impeachment was so urgent ā€¦ now decided it could wait indefinitely while they check the political winds and look for some new talking points," he said.

Impeachment impasse deepens as McConnell rejects Pelosi's bid to shape trial: ā€˜Their turn is overā€™
You fantasize about slapping women, do you?
Hey I think this whole impeachment thing is a circus and a bad move. That doesnā€™t have anything to do with my comments about the turtle.

Sure it does! Your question is how can you take the turtle seriously?

What's not to take seriously? He said follow the same rules of the clinton what's not to take seriously?

Why wont you answer the question?
If I remember correctly the senate had witnesses during the Clinton impeachment. McConnell has spoken publicly about not allowing witnesses. So it doesnā€™t sound like he is planning on doing things like they did then... right?
3 witnesses testified.......behind closed doors. They had all already testified during the investigation.

That isnā€™t what Cryinā€™ Chucky is looking for now. He wants to call new witnesses and redo the Houseā€™s investigation.

Yup. He wants to add a fourth ring to the circus, since the other three were so disappointing.
You mean like how Nancy has been repeatedly refusing to answer questions on her hate for Trump and why she is delaying the filing of the papers? We just sat through TWELVE WEEKS of the democrats ranting, and now running.
why are you talking about Nancy? Sheā€™s got nothing to do with this. Stay on topic bucko

So what? She has nothing to do with my comment that you were responding to.
She had EVERYTHING to do with it, to anyone with an IQ over 65.
she doesnā€™t have anything to do with the turtle being a joke. If your only reply is well Nancy is crazy then Iā€™ll just take that as affirmation to my critique on McConnell.
So what, you think you get to critique what others can and cannot reply to, butthead?
You think you get to choose what views are valid?
My view of Nancy is part of the TOPIC of this thread, Ace! Your view that McConnell is a joke is not.
But you can take anything you want any way you want for all anyone cares! :21:
Told Nazi she is done. She has nothing to say about how the Senate operates. Also called out Schumer on his hypocrisy from the Clinton impeachment.

Impeachment impasse deepens as McConnell rejects Pelosi's bid to shape trial: ā€˜Their turn is overā€™

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, speaking from the chamberā€™s floor Friday, rejected House Speaker Nancy Pelosiā€™s efforts to shape a pending impeachment trial as ā€œfantasyā€ā€”leaving the process at a standstill as lawmakers return from the holiday recess.

ā€œTheir turn is over. Theyā€™ve done enough damage. Itā€™s the Senateā€™s turn now to render sober judgment,ā€ McConnell, R-Ky., said on the Senate floor.

But he stressed that the chamber cannot hold a trial unless and until the House of Representatives transmits the two articles of impeachment adopted last month, accusing President Trump of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress pertaining to his dealings with Ukraine. Pelosi, D-Calif., has held onto them in a bid to seek favorable terms for a trial, including the involvement of certain Democrat-sought witnesses.

McConnell called Pelosiā€™s effort to ā€œhand-designā€ the proceedings in the Senate a ā€œnon-starterā€ and a ā€œfantasy.ā€

But McConnell charged that Democrats' "Trump derangement syndrome" has escalated into a partisan "fever," while accusing his counterparts of taking positions that contradict their actions during the Clinton impeachment.

"It appears that one symptom of Trump derangement syndrome is also a bad case of amnesia," he quipped.

Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri said overnight that he plans to introduce a measure Monday to dismiss the "bogus impeachment" entirely.

"If Dems wonā€™t proceed with trial, bogus articles should be dismissed and @realDonaldTrump fully cleared," he tweeted.

McConnell, though, indicated the Senate process is at a standstill for now, as he accused the House of getting "cold feet."

"The same people who spent weeks screaming that impeachment was so urgent ā€¦ now decided it could wait indefinitely while they check the political winds and look for some new talking points," he said.

Impeachment impasse deepens as McConnell rejects Pelosi's bid to shape trial: ā€˜Their turn is overā€™
You fantasize about slapping women, do you?

A wise man once said -

If I remember correctly the senate had witnesses during the Clinton impeachment.

They had witnesses AFTER the vote to dismiss failed and the impeachment trial continued on.

This time the vote to dismiss will not fail...we wont get to the witness part.

Read post #24

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