Mitch McConnell among top Republicans skipping Ruth Bader Ginsburg's memorial service at Capitol

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Mitch McConnell among top Republicans skipping Ruth Bader Ginsburg's memorial service at Capitol

The Republican leaders of the House and Senate, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are skipping a service at the Capitol for the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke briefly during the short service under the Capitol rotunda, expressing her wish that the liberal icon “rest In peace” after a military honor guard slowly and deliberately carried a casket with Ms Ginsburg inside to the platform on which President Abraham Lincoln’s casket once rested.
The military members gently placed the casket on the stand as their footfalls echoed under the high dome.

The senior-most GOP lawmaker who was in attendance was House Majority Leader Steve Scalise.



I posted the news article. If it doesn't interest you, pass it by. Jesus some of you are special

they need a short yellow bus to bring them here.
Mitch McConnell among top Republicans skipping Ruth Bader Ginsburg's memorial service at Capitol

The Republican leaders of the House and Senate, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are skipping a service at the Capitol for the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke briefly during the short service under the Capitol rotunda, expressing her wish that the liberal icon “rest In peace” after a military honor guard slowly and deliberately carried a casket with Ms Ginsburg inside to the platform on which President Abraham Lincoln’s casket once rested.
The military members gently placed the casket on the stand as their footfalls echoed under the high dome.

The senior-most GOP lawmaker who was in attendance was House Majority Leader Steve Scalise.

Why would anyone from the GOP attend a ceremony where left wing mobs chant nasty things about them? Until you on the left learn to control yourselves...we on the right will stay as far away from crowds of you as we can!
Can the two of you who downvoted explain? Do you not like them skipping the service or rather that I posted something "left". Thanks in advance.

most definetly cause you lean left... even if just a little bit. you'll find out who the rw nutters are soon enough. trust me, most thumbs down you get will be from trump humpers.
:omg: None of you lean left, "even just a little," all of you are bat shit crazy out of your fucking mind cretins, who think the earth ends in 12 years, or that you can actually choose to be boys, or girls, or pet rocks or whatever crazy fucking thing captures your room temperature attention at any given moment. If any of you possessed even a jot of intellect I could likely save you, unfortunately you are all of you, the walking, talking, intellectually aborted legions of the fascist left, what they have achieved in you, was achieved via "information warfare," which they exponentially ramped up after Bush defeated the vast attempt to cheat AlGore into power in 2000! You haven't a clue what has been done to you, there were deeply and profoundly sinister reasons why they impregnated your vulnerable little minds with images of drowning Teddy bears, and then taught you mommy & daddy were the ones who drowned little Teddy!

None of you can be saved, they destroyed your ability to think, and they annihilated your personal autonomy, literally, you are walking, talking, dead from neck up zombies.....:wink:

View attachment 392757
:puke3:Do you see, this is how they roll, its all they have, they possess absolutely no ability, let alone possess any capabilities, for substantively selling someone else on what they are, or what they believe in, which is because they believe in nothing, nothing at all. They mindlessly do exactly as the "pop-culture" orders them to do, and if you do not, or ask why, you are a "drama-queen!" It is deeply sinister what has been done to them, I have never been a believer in any religion's, but I am opening up to the possibilitie, this type of intellectual annihilation, on such a massive scale, is extraordinary to behold, to say the least...
Mitch McConnell among top Republicans skipping Ruth Bader Ginsburg's memorial service at Capitol

The Republican leaders of the House and Senate, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are skipping a service at the Capitol for the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke briefly during the short service under the Capitol rotunda, expressing her wish that the liberal icon “rest In peace” after a military honor guard slowly and deliberately carried a casket with Ms Ginsburg inside to the platform on which President Abraham Lincoln’s casket once rested.
The military members gently placed the casket on the stand as their footfalls echoed under the high dome.

The senior-most GOP lawmaker who was in attendance was House Majority Leader Steve Scalise.

Why would anyone from the GOP attend a ceremony where left wing mobs chant nasty things about them? Until you on the left learn to control yourselves...we on the right will stay as far away from crowds of you as we can!

Mobs will be at a funeral service? No
First of all, I'm a stay at home mom. I am not in the streets yelling etc. I cannot speak for all people who lean left but don't paint us all with one brush, unless of course you like the same done to you.
Mitch McConnell among top Republicans skipping Ruth Bader Ginsburg's memorial service at Capitol

The Republican leaders of the House and Senate, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are skipping a service at the Capitol for the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke briefly during the short service under the Capitol rotunda, expressing her wish that the liberal icon “rest In peace” after a military honor guard slowly and deliberately carried a casket with Ms Ginsburg inside to the platform on which President Abraham Lincoln’s casket once rested.
The military members gently placed the casket on the stand as their footfalls echoed under the high dome.

The senior-most GOP lawmaker who was in attendance was House Majority Leader Steve Scalise.

Why would anyone from the GOP attend a ceremony where left wing mobs chant nasty things about them? Until you on the left learn to control yourselves...we on the right will stay as far away from crowds of you as we can!

Mobs will be at a funeral service? No
First of all, I'm a stay at home mom. I am not in the streets yelling etc. I cannot speak for all people who lean left but don't paint us all with one brush, unless of course you like the same done to you.
I'm not painting with one brush...I'm simply pointing out that crowds of liberals have a tendency to become violent these days. Did you want to claim that crowds of conservatives are looting and burning on a regular basis? If so I'd love to see where that is taking place, Cheeky!
Mitch McConnell among top Republicans skipping Ruth Bader Ginsburg's memorial service at Capitol

The Republican leaders of the House and Senate, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are skipping a service at the Capitol for the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke briefly during the short service under the Capitol rotunda, expressing her wish that the liberal icon “rest In peace” after a military honor guard slowly and deliberately carried a casket with Ms Ginsburg inside to the platform on which President Abraham Lincoln’s casket once rested.
The military members gently placed the casket on the stand as their footfalls echoed under the high dome.

The senior-most GOP lawmaker who was in attendance was House Majority Leader Steve Scalise.

They were probably afraid of suffering spontaneous combustion.
As for you being a "stay at home" mom? That's great. My problem isn't with's with your fellow liberals that seem not to have a job other than being a professional protester! It's with the anarchists that have hidden behind "peaceful" protests to loot, burn and assault the Police and innocent citizens!
As for you being a "stay at home" mom? That's great. My problem isn't with's with your fellow liberals that seem not to have a job other than being a professional protester! It's with the anarchists that have hidden behind "peaceful" protests to loot, burn and assault the Police and innocent citizens!

Fair enough. I dislike them also.
Mitch McConnell among top Republicans skipping Ruth Bader Ginsburg's memorial service at Capitol

The Republican leaders of the House and Senate, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are skipping a service at the Capitol for the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke briefly during the short service under the Capitol rotunda, expressing her wish that the liberal icon “rest In peace” after a military honor guard slowly and deliberately carried a casket with Ms Ginsburg inside to the platform on which President Abraham Lincoln’s casket once rested.
The military members gently placed the casket on the stand as their footfalls echoed under the high dome.

The senior-most GOP lawmaker who was in attendance was House Majority Leader Steve Scalise.

Why would anyone from the GOP attend a ceremony where left wing mobs chant nasty things about them? Until you on the left learn to control yourselves...we on the right will stay as far away from crowds of you as we can!

Mobs will be at a funeral service? No
First of all, I'm a stay at home mom. I am not in the streets yelling etc. I cannot speak for all people who lean left but don't paint us all with one brush, unless of course you like the same done to you.
I'm not painting with one brush...I'm simply pointing out that crowds of liberals have a tendency to become violent these days. Did you want to claim that crowds of conservatives are looting and burning on a regular basis? If so I'd love to see where that is taking place, Cheeky!

White Supremacists, Domestic Terrorists Pose Biggest Threat Of ‘Lethal Violence’ This Election, DHS Assessment Finds

Mitch McConnell among top Republicans skipping Ruth Bader Ginsburg's memorial service at Capitol

The Republican leaders of the House and Senate, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are skipping a service at the Capitol for the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke briefly during the short service under the Capitol rotunda, expressing her wish that the liberal icon “rest In peace” after a military honor guard slowly and deliberately carried a casket with Ms Ginsburg inside to the platform on which President Abraham Lincoln’s casket once rested.
The military members gently placed the casket on the stand as their footfalls echoed under the high dome.

The senior-most GOP lawmaker who was in attendance was House Majority Leader Steve Scalise.

/—-/Look how the libtards booed Trump. So much for a solemn ceremony. Why would Mitch subject himself to that abuse?
Mitch McConnell among top Republicans skipping Ruth Bader Ginsburg's memorial service at Capitol

The Republican leaders of the House and Senate, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are skipping a service at the Capitol for the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke briefly during the short service under the Capitol rotunda, expressing her wish that the liberal icon “rest In peace” after a military honor guard slowly and deliberately carried a casket with Ms Ginsburg inside to the platform on which President Abraham Lincoln’s casket once rested.
The military members gently placed the casket on the stand as their footfalls echoed under the high dome.

The senior-most GOP lawmaker who was in attendance was House Majority Leader Steve Scalise.

Why would anyone from the GOP attend a ceremony where left wing mobs chant nasty things about them? Until you on the left learn to control yourselves...we on the right will stay as far away from crowds of you as we can!

Mobs will be at a funeral service? No
First of all, I'm a stay at home mom. I am not in the streets yelling etc. I cannot speak for all people who lean left but don't paint us all with one brush, unless of course you like the same done to you.
I'm not painting with one brush...I'm simply pointing out that crowds of liberals have a tendency to become violent these days. Did you want to claim that crowds of conservatives are looting and burning on a regular basis? If so I'd love to see where that is taking place, Cheeky!

White Supremacists, Domestic Terrorists Pose Biggest Threat Of ‘Lethal Violence’ This Election, DHS Assessment Finds

With all due respect to Forbes magazine and the DHS...that assessment is laughable! You've had mobs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters out in our streets causing chaos for the better part of six months now!

I note that they parse that assessment rather specifically as to "lethal" violence...not violence in general. So what DHS is saying is that there is a higher chance of a white supremacist "killing" someone than a left wing anarchist doing the same thing when the anarchist will simply burn your business to the ground and destroy the neighborhood you live in.

I don't necessarily disagree with that but my question to both the DHS and to Forbes is which is worse for the country...a person who is killed by a white supremacist...or a city that is left in ruins by left wing rioters?
Mitch McConnell among top Republicans skipping Ruth Bader Ginsburg's memorial service at Capitol

The Republican leaders of the House and Senate, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are skipping a service at the Capitol for the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke briefly during the short service under the Capitol rotunda, expressing her wish that the liberal icon “rest In peace” after a military honor guard slowly and deliberately carried a casket with Ms Ginsburg inside to the platform on which President Abraham Lincoln’s casket once rested.
The military members gently placed the casket on the stand as their footfalls echoed under the high dome.

The senior-most GOP lawmaker who was in attendance was House Majority Leader Steve Scalise.

Why would anyone from the GOP attend a ceremony where left wing mobs chant nasty things about them? Until you on the left learn to control yourselves...we on the right will stay as far away from crowds of you as we can!

Mobs will be at a funeral service? No
First of all, I'm a stay at home mom. I am not in the streets yelling etc. I cannot speak for all people who lean left but don't paint us all with one brush, unless of course you like the same done to you.
I'm not painting with one brush...I'm simply pointing out that crowds of liberals have a tendency to become violent these days. Did you want to claim that crowds of conservatives are looting and burning on a regular basis? If so I'd love to see where that is taking place, Cheeky!

White Supremacists, Domestic Terrorists Pose Biggest Threat Of ‘Lethal Violence’ This Election, DHS Assessment Finds

With all due respect to Forbes magazine and the DHS...that assessment is laughable! You've had mobs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters out in our streets causing chaos for the better part of six months now!

I note that they parse that assessment rather specifically as to "lethal" violence...not violence in general. So what DHS is saying is that there is a higher chance of a white supremacist "killing" someone than a left wing anarchist doing the same thing when the anarchist will simply burn your business to the ground and destroy the neighborhood you live in.

I don't necessarily disagree with that but my question to both the DHS and to Forbes is which is worse for the country...a person who is killed by a white supremacist...or a city that is left in ruins by left wing rioters?

Yes, death is worse than burning something down. Neither should be happening.
Mitch McConnell among top Republicans skipping Ruth Bader Ginsburg's memorial service at Capitol

The Republican leaders of the House and Senate, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are skipping a service at the Capitol for the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke briefly during the short service under the Capitol rotunda, expressing her wish that the liberal icon “rest In peace” after a military honor guard slowly and deliberately carried a casket with Ms Ginsburg inside to the platform on which President Abraham Lincoln’s casket once rested.
The military members gently placed the casket on the stand as their footfalls echoed under the high dome.

The senior-most GOP lawmaker who was in attendance was House Majority Leader Steve Scalise.

Why would anyone from the GOP attend a ceremony where left wing mobs chant nasty things about them? Until you on the left learn to control yourselves...we on the right will stay as far away from crowds of you as we can!

Mobs will be at a funeral service? No
First of all, I'm a stay at home mom. I am not in the streets yelling etc. I cannot speak for all people who lean left but don't paint us all with one brush, unless of course you like the same done to you.
I'm not painting with one brush...I'm simply pointing out that crowds of liberals have a tendency to become violent these days. Did you want to claim that crowds of conservatives are looting and burning on a regular basis? If so I'd love to see where that is taking place, Cheeky!

White Supremacists, Domestic Terrorists Pose Biggest Threat Of ‘Lethal Violence’ This Election, DHS Assessment Finds

With all due respect to Forbes magazine and the DHS...that assessment is laughable! You've had mobs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters out in our streets causing chaos for the better part of six months now!

I note that they parse that assessment rather specifically as to "lethal" violence...not violence in general. So what DHS is saying is that there is a higher chance of a white supremacist "killing" someone than a left wing anarchist doing the same thing when the anarchist will simply burn your business to the ground and destroy the neighborhood you live in.

I don't necessarily disagree with that but my question to both the DHS and to Forbes is which is worse for the country...a person who is killed by a white supremacist...or a city that is left in ruins by left wing rioters?

Yes, death is worse than burning something down. Neither should be happening.
Well let's look at that logically. How many people have white supremacists killed in the US this year?
How many people have been killed in the riots this year? Still want to claim that white supremacists are the problem? That's not even talking about the billions of dollars in property losses that we've incurred or the millions of dollars we've wasted having to pay Police overtime to deal with these protests!
Mitch McConnell among top Republicans skipping Ruth Bader Ginsburg's memorial service at Capitol

The Republican leaders of the House and Senate, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are skipping a service at the Capitol for the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke briefly during the short service under the Capitol rotunda, expressing her wish that the liberal icon “rest In peace” after a military honor guard slowly and deliberately carried a casket with Ms Ginsburg inside to the platform on which President Abraham Lincoln’s casket once rested.
The military members gently placed the casket on the stand as their footfalls echoed under the high dome.

The senior-most GOP lawmaker who was in attendance was House Majority Leader Steve Scalise.

Why would anyone from the GOP attend a ceremony where left wing mobs chant nasty things about them? Until you on the left learn to control yourselves...we on the right will stay as far away from crowds of you as we can!

Mobs will be at a funeral service? No
First of all, I'm a stay at home mom. I am not in the streets yelling etc. I cannot speak for all people who lean left but don't paint us all with one brush, unless of course you like the same done to you.
I'm not painting with one brush...I'm simply pointing out that crowds of liberals have a tendency to become violent these days. Did you want to claim that crowds of conservatives are looting and burning on a regular basis? If so I'd love to see where that is taking place, Cheeky!

White Supremacists, Domestic Terrorists Pose Biggest Threat Of ‘Lethal Violence’ This Election, DHS Assessment Finds

With all due respect to Forbes magazine and the DHS...that assessment is laughable! You've had mobs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters out in our streets causing chaos for the better part of six months now!

I note that they parse that assessment rather specifically as to "lethal" violence...not violence in general. So what DHS is saying is that there is a higher chance of a white supremacist "killing" someone than a left wing anarchist doing the same thing when the anarchist will simply burn your business to the ground and destroy the neighborhood you live in.

I don't necessarily disagree with that but my question to both the DHS and to Forbes is which is worse for the country...a person who is killed by a white supremacist...or a city that is left in ruins by left wing rioters?

Yes, death is worse than burning something down. Neither should be happening.
Well let's look at that logically. How many people have white supremacists killed in the US this year?
How many people have been killed in the riots this year? Still want to claim that white supremacists are the problem? That's not even talking about the billions of dollars in property losses that we've incurred or the millions of dollars we've wasted having to pay Police overtime to deal with these protests!

I'm not the one making the claim. Talk to DHS.
Thread closed, there was no personal content from the OP
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