Mitt Kills at Al Smith Dinner

It wasn't a political event. Many in the crowd were very uncomfortable. The president showed class. Mitt showed he has no respect for anyone. Not even other people's religions and certainly not the president. A perfect reflection of what today's Republican Party has become.

Did you listen to the same video I did?
Romney showed respect for his opponent, for the Catholic Church and the guests at the dinner. He was funnier and seemed more comfortable than the President.
I think you should see a doctor about that tunnel vision of yours.
Mitt's speech was far funnier and punchier than Obama's. Certainly.

But then, so was McCain's...

We're talking about Rabbi, not intelligent people.

Ironic, coming from a mental midget like you.

Anyone with a modicum of intelligence (that excludes you right there) would look at the record of failure Obama has brought and want Romney as president.

Why look at his record when his skin color is enough to tell you what kind of leader he is. Right?

Hang on to that race card, there guy. Someone is bound to be influenced, somewhere, if you throw in an obamaphone.
It wasn't a political event. Many in the crowd were very uncomfortable. The president showed class. Mitt showed he has no respect for anyone. Not even other people's religions and certainly not the president. A perfect reflection of what today's Republican Party has become.

I am getting tired of the Left crying about the so-called lack of respect for the President.

In a race all contenders are equal. A former or current champion lining up at the starting line is not getting and does not deserve a head start.

Besides, respect has to be EARNED.

Earned? You mean like when he was elected president?

He earned the office, but has lost any respect that office deserves in the last 3 and a 1/2 years.
I'll admit I'm partisan. I'll admit I respect Mitt Romney. The difference is that I can tell you why I do.
A man does not automatically deserve respect, or scorn, for the color of his father's skin. He gains or loses respect for his actions and character. Since barack obama has been in the White House, he has done nothing to earn my respect and a hell of a lot to lose what little I had.
It wasn't a political event. Many in the crowd were very uncomfortable. The president showed class. Mitt showed he has no respect for anyone. Not even other people's religions and certainly not the president. A perfect reflection of what today's Republican Party has become.

I am getting tired of the Left crying about the so-called lack of respect for the President.

In a race all contenders are equal. A former or current champion lining up at the starting line is not getting and does not deserve a head start.

Besides, respect has to be EARNED.

Earned? You mean like when he was elected president?

Obama never earned his election to the Presidency.

First of all, he was the most unqualified to be President, with spotty and shady Senate record, total lack of foreign affairs experience and absolutely know knowledge of how to run a hot dog stand, never mind the business of the country.

He was elected because he was the most successful snake oil salesman, the most conniving and lying scoundrel who managed to pull the wool over the eyes of gullible blacks with promises of free cell phones, free rent, free car payments, free groceries, free college education and free cable TV, among any and all other things free and by the guilt complex of overly sensitive whites who still felt responsible for slavery, in spite of the fact that none of their ancestors ever owned slaves, and in spite of the fact that none of Obama's ancestors were ever slaves.

This "President" wasted two years of legislative dominance creating Obamacare, which bears his name but was farmed out to Nancy Pelosi, who did not know what was in it until she had a chance to read it. During this two years he set a record which will not be broken in the foreseeable future about blaming his predecessor.

This pathetic caricature of a man "EARNED" the Presidency about as much as he earned the Nobel Peace Prize.

His greatest achievement in life is that he thinks he bowls better than the bowlers at the Special Olympics.
Damn that man was funny. Funny and gracious and struck all the right notes. He has an ability to laugh at himself that Obama lacks.
I was never big on Romney but I sure want that man as president after seeing this.

You wanted him as president as soon as you saw the (R) next to his name and the color of his skin. Who are you kidding?

And you wanted Him as President as soon as you saw the (D) next to His name the color of His skin. You would vote for Him even if you saw a video of Him raping a nine year old boy.
Who are you kidding??

8 year old rape is my limit. Get it right.
Ironic, coming from a mental midget like you.

Anyone with a modicum of intelligence (that excludes you right there) would look at the record of failure Obama has brought and want Romney as president.

Why look at his record when his skin color is enough to tell you what kind of leader he is. Right?

Hang on to that race card, there guy. Someone is bound to be influenced, somewhere, if you throw in an obamaphone.

What do you mean by race card? I do not follow.
The difference between Obama is actually capable of and what he thinks he is capable of is enormous. He has no self awareness of his deficiencies at all. He told a prospective staffer he was a better speechwriter than his speechwriters, and basically better at everything than his expert advisors. That kind of character flaw is disasterous. As Clint Eastwood says, A man's got to know his limitations.
I am getting tired of the Left crying about the so-called lack of respect for the President.

In a race all contenders are equal. A former or current champion lining up at the starting line is not getting and does not deserve a head start.

Besides, respect has to be EARNED.

Earned? You mean like when he was elected president?

He earned the office, but has lost any respect that office deserves in the last 3 and a 1/2 years.
I'll admit I'm partisan. I'll admit I respect Mitt Romney. The difference is that I can tell you why I do.
A man does not automatically deserve respect, or scorn, for the color of his father's skin. He gains or loses respect for his actions and character. Since barack obama has been in the White House, he has done nothing to earn my respect and a hell of a lot to lose what little I had.

Let me guess he lost your respect when he insisted that all people should be able to get the same access to healthcare. That's what did it, isn't it? I can understand that such a vile action would cause you to lose respect for him.
It wasn't a political event. Many in the crowd were very uncomfortable. The president showed class. Mitt showed he has no respect for anyone. Not even other people's religions and certainly not the president. A perfect reflection of what today's Republican Party has become.

Did you listen to the same video I did?
Romney showed respect for his opponent, for the Catholic Church and the guests at the dinner. He was funnier and seemed more comfortable than the President.
I think you should see a doctor about that tunnel vision of yours.

his tunnel is he colon. :D
Earned? You mean like when he was elected president?

He earned the office, but has lost any respect that office deserves in the last 3 and a 1/2 years.
I'll admit I'm partisan. I'll admit I respect Mitt Romney. The difference is that I can tell you why I do.
A man does not automatically deserve respect, or scorn, for the color of his father's skin. He gains or loses respect for his actions and character. Since barack obama has been in the White House, he has done nothing to earn my respect and a hell of a lot to lose what little I had.

Let me guess he lost your respect when he insisted that all people should be able to get the same access to healthcare. That's what did it, isn't it? I can understand that such a vile action would cause you to lose respect for him.

He earned mine when he stole 716 billion dollars from the people who need the most health care. and winked on his way out. Yep.. he good.
Whoever wrote Romney's material sure knew how to get in dig after dig. I suspect someone who is clever at it like another Don Rickles.

Referring as to how the media would report the event:

obama embraced by Catholics.
Romney dines with rich people.
He earned the office, but has lost any respect that office deserves in the last 3 and a 1/2 years.
I'll admit I'm partisan. I'll admit I respect Mitt Romney. The difference is that I can tell you why I do.
A man does not automatically deserve respect, or scorn, for the color of his father's skin. He gains or loses respect for his actions and character. Since barack obama has been in the White House, he has done nothing to earn my respect and a hell of a lot to lose what little I had.

Let me guess he lost your respect when he insisted that all people should be able to get the same access to healthcare. That's what did it, isn't it? I can understand that such a vile action would cause you to lose respect for him.

He earned mine when he stole 716 billion dollars from the people who need the most health care. and winked on his way out. Yep.. he good.

He stole more than that! obama is gutting Medicare Advantage to fund yet more obamacare. That's on top of the 716 billion he is taking.

Issa Pressing Ahead In Effort To Obtain HHS Materials On Medicare Advantage - Kaiser Health News
He earned the office, but has lost any respect that office deserves in the last 3 and a 1/2 years.
I'll admit I'm partisan. I'll admit I respect Mitt Romney. The difference is that I can tell you why I do.
A man does not automatically deserve respect, or scorn, for the color of his father's skin. He gains or loses respect for his actions and character. Since barack obama has been in the White House, he has done nothing to earn my respect and a hell of a lot to lose what little I had.

Let me guess he lost your respect when he insisted that all people should be able to get the same access to healthcare. That's what did it, isn't it? I can understand that such a vile action would cause you to lose respect for him.

He earned mine when he stole 716 billion dollars from the people who need the most health care. and winked on his way out. Yep.. he good.

"MORE GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE!" Yells the staunch conservative.
It wasn't a political event. Many in the crowd were very uncomfortable. The president showed class. Mitt showed he has no respect for anyone. Not even other people's religions and certainly not the president. A perfect reflection of what today's Republican Party has become.

:lmao: :lmao:

Let's recap rderp's post:

Sorry, that last post was wrong. Willow couldn't have said that.....It was all spelled correctly.
Earned? You mean like when he was elected president?

He earned the office, but has lost any respect that office deserves in the last 3 and a 1/2 years.
I'll admit I'm partisan. I'll admit I respect Mitt Romney. The difference is that I can tell you why I do.
A man does not automatically deserve respect, or scorn, for the color of his father's skin. He gains or loses respect for his actions and character. Since barack obama has been in the White House, he has done nothing to earn my respect and a hell of a lot to lose what little I had.

Let me guess he lost your respect when he insisted that all people should be able to get the same access to healthcare. That's what did it, isn't it? I can understand that such a vile action would cause you to lose respect for him.

He never "insisted" on anything in the health care debate. He was notably absent. He never said he wanted all people to get the access to healthcare. Nor is the same access to healthcare guaranteed in Obamacare.
So other than being completely wrong, factually challenged, and fucking brain dead, that was a brilliant post from one of the leading dim bulbs of USMB.
Why look at his record when his skin color is enough to tell you what kind of leader he is. Right?

Hang on to that race card, there guy. Someone is bound to be influenced, somewhere, if you throw in an obamaphone.

What do you mean by race card? I do not follow.


You claim Conservatives are against barack obama because of his complexion and you don't understand why I use the term "race card"? I really thought you had a bit more intelligence than rdweeb. I guess I was wrong.

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