Mitt Romney's new pose: Man of principle


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
During his big healthcare speech this afternoon, Mitt Romney acknowledged that many observers believe he can't win the Republican presidential nomination without repudiating and apologizing for the universal plan (and individual insurance mandate) he imposed on Massachusetts five years ago.
"And I presume that a lot of folks would conclude that -- if I did that -- it would be good for me politically," Romney said. "But there's only one problem with that. It wouldn’t be honest."
If it sounds a little jarring to hear Romney standing firm even as the political winds shift, it's for good reason: He never does. His 18-year political career has been marked by one abrupt shift after another on one major issue after another -- every time to bring himself into alignment with whatever constituency he happens to be pursuing. (This is why, for instance, he staked out four different positions on abortion in 11 years.)
Mitt Romney's new pose: Man of principle - War Room -
do politician and principal belong in the same paragraph?

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