Mob of Democrats swarm woman at Trump rally, assault her, smash eggs on her; Who is for women?

Lefties only care about women if they are about to kill a fetus or force someone to pay for their deviancy.
Really? Damn, I sure screwed that up....
That should not surprise you do it all the time.

You rightwing dickless nutsacks have no problem attacking women and insulting and assaulting any and everyone. Not one of you cowardly fucks condemned this nor any other violence from Trump supporters.

YET, you feign shock and 'civility' when the violence comes back at you.

This is the America you've asked for .. and if this erupts into the next civil war .. bring it on .. it's what you've asked for.

is there vedio of this ? As far as cowardly fucks go, your brown brothers from south of the border are the ones menacing a tiny blond chick, and your black bro's are killing each other faster then any white people have. Civil war ? It will have to wait until you hood rats are done killing each other first.

Is there a vedio? :0)

Well if you push the pointer in the middle of the picture, it magically turns into a video.

Why not express how my "brown and black brothers" are raping tiny blond white women .. except if that tiny white woman ge

You rightwing dickless nutsacks have no problem attacking women and insulting and assaulting any and everyone. Not one of you cowardly fucks condemned this nor any other violence from Trump supporters.

YET, you feign shock and 'civility' when the violence comes back at you.

This is the America you've asked for .. and if this erupts into the next civil war .. bring it on .. it's what you've asked for.

is there vedio of this ? As far as cowardly fucks go, your brown brothers from south of the border are the ones menacing a tiny blond chick, and your black bro's are killing each other faster then any white people have. Civil war ? It will have to wait until you hood rats are done killing each other first.

Is there a vedio? :0)

Well if you push the pointer in the middle of the picture, it magically turns into a video.

Why not express how my "brown and black brothers" are raping tiny blond white women .. except if that tiny white woman gets raped, she will most likely be raped by a white man.

Or, like Trump, tell me about how 81% of murdered white people are murdered by black people .. except if white people get murdered, they be murdered by someone white 82% of the time.

Let me guess .. you don't reject the attack on a young black woman, but we should all cry crocodile tears for the white woman.

got it

ts raped, she will most likely be raped by a white man.

Or, like Trump, tell me about how 81% of murdered white people are murdered by black people .. except if white people get murdered, they be murdered by someone white 82% of the time.

Let me guess .. you don't reject the attack on a young black woman, but we should all cry crocodile tears for the white woman.

got it

Sorry dude, your southern brown brothers have a rape culture. it's a fact. And here in this vedio, there are no white devils. Had this been a black woman, it would have been just as disgusting, and so you know, I don't believe white folks are killed by mostly black folks. but I do know black folks kill the most black folks. specifically, young black men. you may be okay with smacking woman around in general, but in normal society abusing woman of any race is no bueno savvy?

Not a word about the abuse of the black woman in the video .. I'm so surprised.

The murder victims of EVERY race .. including YOURS .. are killed by their own.

Much of the same is true regarding domestic violence or "slapping women around."

Domestic violence only occurs in poor, urban areas.
  • Women of all cultures, races, occupations, income levels, and ages are battered – by husbands, boyfriends, lovers and partners.
  • White, Black and Hispanic women all incur about the same rates of violence committed by an intimate partner.
  • Approximately one-third of the men counseled for battering at Emerge (a nationally recognized batterers treatment program) are professional men who are well respected in their jobs and communities. These have included doctors, psychologists, lawyers, ministers, and business executives.
Myths & Facts about Domestic Violence | Domestic Violence Intervention Program

Thanks for stopping by.
Since the RW'ers around here pretty much unanimously established the rule that you can't blame Trump if some of his supporters are bad actors,

in fairness,

why don't we just apply that rule to Hillary Clinton supporters, if that's who these people were?

Any of you Trump supporters object to that?
Lefties only care about women if they are about to kill a fetus or force someone to pay for their deviancy.
Really? Damn, I sure screwed that up....
That should not surprise you do it all the time.
i would have never screwed them in the first place if only you guys would have been around...Think of all the money I would have been able to save and invest..Why I'd be rich, and not have to spend 200 dollars on a new graphics generation card for my son's gaming computer this morning...
Since the RW'ers around here pretty much unanimously established the rule that you can't blame Trump if some of his supporters are bad actors,

in fairness,

why don't we just apply that rule to Hillary Clinton supporters, if that's who these people were?

Any of you Trump supporters object to that?
But that would not allow the release of frothing pillow biting accusations of our true nature...You bad apple liberal you...
So....THIS is how Democrats MEN treat Trump's FEMALE supoorters:

Rot in hell you left wing cock suckers. She should've shot em all in the chest with .45 hollow points.

You approve yet another act of violence from the Left Wing. Ironic the side proven to be more violent is lecturing the other more peaceful side about guns.

You rightwing dickless nutsacks have no problem attacking women and insulting and assaulting any and everyone. Not one of you cowardly fucks condemned this nor any other violence from Trump supporters.

YET, you feign shock and 'civility' when the violence comes back at you.

This is the America you've asked for .. and if this erupts into the next civil war .. bring it on .. it's what you've asked for.

is there vedio of this ? As far as cowardly fucks go, your brown brothers from south of the border are the ones menacing a tiny blond chick, and your black bro's are killing each other faster then any white people have. Civil war ? It will have to wait until you hood rats are done killing each other first.

Is there a vedio? :0)

Well if you push the pointer in the middle of the picture, it magically turns into a video.

Why not express how my "brown and black brothers" are raping tiny blond white women .. except if that tiny white woman ge

You rightwing dickless nutsacks have no problem attacking women and insulting and assaulting any and everyone. Not one of you cowardly fucks condemned this nor any other violence from Trump supporters.

YET, you feign shock and 'civility' when the violence comes back at you.

This is the America you've asked for .. and if this erupts into the next civil war .. bring it on .. it's what you've asked for.

is there vedio of this ? As far as cowardly fucks go, your brown brothers from south of the border are the ones menacing a tiny blond chick, and your black bro's are killing each other faster then any white people have. Civil war ? It will have to wait until you hood rats are done killing each other first.

Is there a vedio? :0)

Well if you push the pointer in the middle of the picture, it magically turns into a video.

Why not express how my "brown and black brothers" are raping tiny blond white women .. except if that tiny white woman gets raped, she will most likely be raped by a white man.

Or, like Trump, tell me about how 81% of murdered white people are murdered by black people .. except if white people get murdered, they be murdered by someone white 82% of the time.

Let me guess .. you don't reject the attack on a young black woman, but we should all cry crocodile tears for the white woman.

got it

ts raped, she will most likely be raped by a white man.

Or, like Trump, tell me about how 81% of murdered white people are murdered by black people .. except if white people get murdered, they be murdered by someone white 82% of the time.

Let me guess .. you don't reject the attack on a young black woman, but we should all cry crocodile tears for the white woman.

got it

Sorry dude, your southern brown brothers have a rape culture. it's a fact. And here in this vedio, there are no white devils. Had this been a black woman, it would have been just as disgusting, and so you know, I don't believe white folks are killed by mostly black folks. but I do know black folks kill the most black folks. specifically, young black men. you may be okay with smacking woman around in general, but in normal society abusing woman of any race is no bueno savvy?

Not a word about the abuse of the black woman in the video .. I'm so surprised.

The murder victims of EVERY race .. including YOURS .. are killed by their own.

Much of the same is true regarding domestic violence or "slapping women around."

Domestic violence only occurs in poor, urban areas.
  • Women of all cultures, races, occupations, income levels, and ages are battered – by husbands, boyfriends, lovers and partners.
  • White, Black and Hispanic women all incur about the same rates of violence committed by an intimate partner.
  • Approximately one-third of the men counseled for battering at Emerge (a nationally recognized batterers treatment program) are professional men who are well respected in their jobs and communities. These have included doctors, psychologists, lawyers, ministers, and business executives.
Myths & Facts about Domestic Violence | Domestic Violence Intervention Program

Thanks for stopping by.

No black woman were corneredand egged as of yet. if there is vedio, produce it.

the murder thing may be so, but the fact remains, more black folks are killed by other black folks.

there was no intimate partners here. only a group of Illegals, one skinny blond chick, and some cowards in the lobby.

all the rest is moot.

You rightwing dickless nutsacks have no problem attacking women and insulting and assaulting any and everyone. Not one of you cowardly fucks condemned this nor any other violence from Trump supporters.

YET, you feign shock and 'civility' when the violence comes back at you.

This is the America you've asked for .. and if this erupts into the next civil war .. bring it on .. it's what you've asked for.

is there vedio of this ? As far as cowardly fucks go, your brown brothers from south of the border are the ones menacing a tiny blond chick, and your black bro's are killing each other faster then any white people have. Civil war ? It will have to wait until you hood rats are done killing each other first.

Is there a vedio? :0)

Well if you push the pointer in the middle of the picture, it magically turns into a video.

Why not express how my "brown and black brothers" are raping tiny blond white women .. except if that tiny white woman ge
is there vedio of this ? As far as cowardly fucks go, your brown brothers from south of the border are the ones menacing a tiny blond chick, and your black bro's are killing each other faster then any white people have. Civil war ? It will have to wait until you hood rats are done killing each other first.

Is there a vedio? :0)

Well if you push the pointer in the middle of the picture, it magically turns into a video.

Why not express how my "brown and black brothers" are raping tiny blond white women .. except if that tiny white woman gets raped, she will most likely be raped by a white man.

Or, like Trump, tell me about how 81% of murdered white people are murdered by black people .. except if white people get murdered, they be murdered by someone white 82% of the time.

Let me guess .. you don't reject the attack on a young black woman, but we should all cry crocodile tears for the white woman.

got it

ts raped, she will most likely be raped by a white man.

Or, like Trump, tell me about how 81% of murdered white people are murdered by black people .. except if white people get murdered, they be murdered by someone white 82% of the time.

Let me guess .. you don't reject the attack on a young black woman, but we should all cry crocodile tears for the white woman.

got it

Sorry dude, your southern brown brothers have a rape culture. it's a fact. And here in this vedio, there are no white devils. Had this been a black woman, it would have been just as disgusting, and so you know, I don't believe white folks are killed by mostly black folks. but I do know black folks kill the most black folks. specifically, young black men. you may be okay with smacking woman around in general, but in normal society abusing woman of any race is no bueno savvy?

Not a word about the abuse of the black woman in the video .. I'm so surprised.

The murder victims of EVERY race .. including YOURS .. are killed by their own.

Much of the same is true regarding domestic violence or "slapping women around."

Domestic violence only occurs in poor, urban areas.
  • Women of all cultures, races, occupations, income levels, and ages are battered – by husbands, boyfriends, lovers and partners.
  • White, Black and Hispanic women all incur about the same rates of violence committed by an intimate partner.
  • Approximately one-third of the men counseled for battering at Emerge (a nationally recognized batterers treatment program) are professional men who are well respected in their jobs and communities. These have included doctors, psychologists, lawyers, ministers, and business executives.
Myths & Facts about Domestic Violence | Domestic Violence Intervention Program

Thanks for stopping by.

No black woman were corneredand egged as of yet. if there is vedio, produce it.

the murder thing may be so, but the fact remains, more black folks are killed by other black folks.

there was no intimate partners here. only a group of Illegals, one skinny blond chick, and some cowards in the lobby.

all the rest is moot.

A young black woman was clearly pushed around and abused right in front of your face by a mob of angry white men .. and no, you aren't going to condemn what was clearly right in front of your face because you probably believe the abuse was justified. After all, she is black.

Every fucking thing you've said is moot.
is there vedio of this ? As far as cowardly fucks go, your brown brothers from south of the border are the ones menacing a tiny blond chick, and your black bro's are killing each other faster then any white people have. Civil war ? It will have to wait until you hood rats are done killing each other first.

Is there a vedio? :0)

Well if you push the pointer in the middle of the picture, it magically turns into a video.

Why not express how my "brown and black brothers" are raping tiny blond white women .. except if that tiny white woman ge
Is there a vedio? :0)

Well if you push the pointer in the middle of the picture, it magically turns into a video.

Why not express how my "brown and black brothers" are raping tiny blond white women .. except if that tiny white woman gets raped, she will most likely be raped by a white man.

Or, like Trump, tell me about how 81% of murdered white people are murdered by black people .. except if white people get murdered, they be murdered by someone white 82% of the time.

Let me guess .. you don't reject the attack on a young black woman, but we should all cry crocodile tears for the white woman.

got it

ts raped, she will most likely be raped by a white man.

Or, like Trump, tell me about how 81% of murdered white people are murdered by black people .. except if white people get murdered, they be murdered by someone white 82% of the time.

Let me guess .. you don't reject the attack on a young black woman, but we should all cry crocodile tears for the white woman.

got it

Sorry dude, your southern brown brothers have a rape culture. it's a fact. And here in this vedio, there are no white devils. Had this been a black woman, it would have been just as disgusting, and so you know, I don't believe white folks are killed by mostly black folks. but I do know black folks kill the most black folks. specifically, young black men. you may be okay with smacking woman around in general, but in normal society abusing woman of any race is no bueno savvy?

Not a word about the abuse of the black woman in the video .. I'm so surprised.

The murder victims of EVERY race .. including YOURS .. are killed by their own.

Much of the same is true regarding domestic violence or "slapping women around."

Domestic violence only occurs in poor, urban areas.
  • Women of all cultures, races, occupations, income levels, and ages are battered – by husbands, boyfriends, lovers and partners.
  • White, Black and Hispanic women all incur about the same rates of violence committed by an intimate partner.
  • Approximately one-third of the men counseled for battering at Emerge (a nationally recognized batterers treatment program) are professional men who are well respected in their jobs and communities. These have included doctors, psychologists, lawyers, ministers, and business executives.
Myths & Facts about Domestic Violence | Domestic Violence Intervention Program

Thanks for stopping by.

No black woman were corneredand egged as of yet. if there is vedio, produce it.

the murder thing may be so, but the fact remains, more black folks are killed by other black folks.

there was no intimate partners here. only a group of Illegals, one skinny blond chick, and some cowards in the lobby.

all the rest is moot.

A young black woman was clearly pushed around and abused right in front of your face by a mob of angry white men .. and no, you aren't going to condemn what was clearly right in front of your face because you probably believe the abuse was justified. After all, she is black.

Every fucking thing you've said is moot.

Women are women. Black, white green or yellow Democrat or republican, intemidating them such as those border brothers did is wrong period. You can try and make it ok any way you want but in the end, it's just not okay.
is there vedio of this ? As far as cowardly fucks go, your brown brothers from south of the border are the ones menacing a tiny blond chick, and your black bro's are killing each other faster then any white people have. Civil war ? It will have to wait until you hood rats are done killing each other first.

Is there a vedio? :0)

Well if you push the pointer in the middle of the picture, it magically turns into a video.

Why not express how my "brown and black brothers" are raping tiny blond white women .. except if that tiny white woman ge
Is there a vedio? :0)

Well if you push the pointer in the middle of the picture, it magically turns into a video.

Why not express how my "brown and black brothers" are raping tiny blond white women .. except if that tiny white woman gets raped, she will most likely be raped by a white man.

Or, like Trump, tell me about how 81% of murdered white people are murdered by black people .. except if white people get murdered, they be murdered by someone white 82% of the time.

Let me guess .. you don't reject the attack on a young black woman, but we should all cry crocodile tears for the white woman.

got it

ts raped, she will most likely be raped by a white man.

Or, like Trump, tell me about how 81% of murdered white people are murdered by black people .. except if white people get murdered, they be murdered by someone white 82% of the time.

Let me guess .. you don't reject the attack on a young black woman, but we should all cry crocodile tears for the white woman.

got it

Sorry dude, your southern brown brothers have a rape culture. it's a fact. And here in this vedio, there are no white devils. Had this been a black woman, it would have been just as disgusting, and so you know, I don't believe white folks are killed by mostly black folks. but I do know black folks kill the most black folks. specifically, young black men. you may be okay with smacking woman around in general, but in normal society abusing woman of any race is no bueno savvy?

Not a word about the abuse of the black woman in the video .. I'm so surprised.

The murder victims of EVERY race .. including YOURS .. are killed by their own.

Much of the same is true regarding domestic violence or "slapping women around."

Domestic violence only occurs in poor, urban areas.
  • Women of all cultures, races, occupations, income levels, and ages are battered – by husbands, boyfriends, lovers and partners.
  • White, Black and Hispanic women all incur about the same rates of violence committed by an intimate partner.
  • Approximately one-third of the men counseled for battering at Emerge (a nationally recognized batterers treatment program) are professional men who are well respected in their jobs and communities. These have included doctors, psychologists, lawyers, ministers, and business executives.
Myths & Facts about Domestic Violence | Domestic Violence Intervention Program

Thanks for stopping by.

No black woman were corneredand egged as of yet. if there is vedio, produce it.

the murder thing may be so, but the fact remains, more black folks are killed by other black folks.

there was no intimate partners here. only a group of Illegals, one skinny blond chick, and some cowards in the lobby.

all the rest is moot.

A young black woman was clearly pushed around and abused right in front of your face by a mob of angry white men .. and no, you aren't going to condemn what was clearly right in front of your face because you probably believe the abuse was justified. After all, she is black.

Every fucking thing you've said is moot.

Pushing a heckler out of a rally is completely fair. It's like throwing a thief out of your home. Aggression against a woman for being Trump supporter is not.

Do you seriously not see the difference? Well of course you wouldn't - you would not be a regressive if you had an actual moral compass.

Let this be the note, you will be escorted out of a rally FORCEFULLY, if you can't behave. Considering this is the case for all human interaction outside of your home, it can only come as a surprise to a dumb liberal.
Last edited:
Is there a vedio? :0)

Well if you push the pointer in the middle of the picture, it magically turns into a video.

Why not express how my "brown and black brothers" are raping tiny blond white women .. except if that tiny white woman ge
ts raped, she will most likely be raped by a white man.

Or, like Trump, tell me about how 81% of murdered white people are murdered by black people .. except if white people get murdered, they be murdered by someone white 82% of the time.

Let me guess .. you don't reject the attack on a young black woman, but we should all cry crocodile tears for the white woman.

got it

Sorry dude, your southern brown brothers have a rape culture. it's a fact. And here in this vedio, there are no white devils. Had this been a black woman, it would have been just as disgusting, and so you know, I don't believe white folks are killed by mostly black folks. but I do know black folks kill the most black folks. specifically, young black men. you may be okay with smacking woman around in general, but in normal society abusing woman of any race is no bueno savvy?

Not a word about the abuse of the black woman in the video .. I'm so surprised.

The murder victims of EVERY race .. including YOURS .. are killed by their own.

Much of the same is true regarding domestic violence or "slapping women around."

Domestic violence only occurs in poor, urban areas.
  • Women of all cultures, races, occupations, income levels, and ages are battered – by husbands, boyfriends, lovers and partners.
  • White, Black and Hispanic women all incur about the same rates of violence committed by an intimate partner.
  • Approximately one-third of the men counseled for battering at Emerge (a nationally recognized batterers treatment program) are professional men who are well respected in their jobs and communities. These have included doctors, psychologists, lawyers, ministers, and business executives.
Myths & Facts about Domestic Violence | Domestic Violence Intervention Program

Thanks for stopping by.

No black woman were corneredand egged as of yet. if there is vedio, produce it.

the murder thing may be so, but the fact remains, more black folks are killed by other black folks.

there was no intimate partners here. only a group of Illegals, one skinny blond chick, and some cowards in the lobby.

all the rest is moot.

A young black woman was clearly pushed around and abused right in front of your face by a mob of angry white men .. and no, you aren't going to condemn what was clearly right in front of your face because you probably believe the abuse was justified. After all, she is black.

Every fucking thing you've said is moot.

Women are women. Black, white green or yellow Democrat or republican, intemidating them such as those border brothers did is wrong period. You can try and make it ok any way you want but in the end, it's just not okay.

YET, you've still failed to condemn the attack on a young black woman by your in-border brothers.

Was their attack Ok .. or do you equally condemn their actions?
Trump was willing to pay the legal fines of the racist pigs beating blacks at his rallies...

But this is different? How?

No difference. These people are just like the racist scum inside the building.

Bad breeds bad. Hate begets hate.
Sorry dude, your southern brown brothers have a rape culture. it's a fact. And here in this vedio, there are no white devils. Had this been a black woman, it would have been just as disgusting, and so you know, I don't believe white folks are killed by mostly black folks. but I do know black folks kill the most black folks. specifically, young black men. you may be okay with smacking woman around in general, but in normal society abusing woman of any race is no bueno savvy?

Not a word about the abuse of the black woman in the video .. I'm so surprised.

The murder victims of EVERY race .. including YOURS .. are killed by their own.

Much of the same is true regarding domestic violence or "slapping women around."

Domestic violence only occurs in poor, urban areas.
  • Women of all cultures, races, occupations, income levels, and ages are battered – by husbands, boyfriends, lovers and partners.
  • White, Black and Hispanic women all incur about the same rates of violence committed by an intimate partner.
  • Approximately one-third of the men counseled for battering at Emerge (a nationally recognized batterers treatment program) are professional men who are well respected in their jobs and communities. These have included doctors, psychologists, lawyers, ministers, and business executives.
Myths & Facts about Domestic Violence | Domestic Violence Intervention Program

Thanks for stopping by.

No black woman were corneredand egged as of yet. if there is vedio, produce it.

the murder thing may be so, but the fact remains, more black folks are killed by other black folks.

there was no intimate partners here. only a group of Illegals, one skinny blond chick, and some cowards in the lobby.

all the rest is moot.

A young black woman was clearly pushed around and abused right in front of your face by a mob of angry white men .. and no, you aren't going to condemn what was clearly right in front of your face because you probably believe the abuse was justified. After all, she is black.

Every fucking thing you've said is moot.

Women are women. Black, white green or yellow Democrat or republican, intemidating them such as those border brothers did is wrong period. You can try and make it ok any way you want but in the end, it's just not okay.

YET, you've still failed to condemn the attack on a young black woman by your in-border brothers.

Was their attack Ok .. or do you equally condemn their actions?

This is not an attack. Rather, it's a person who has misbehaved being pushed out of a rally. Based on the video it's not even clear whether that is actually self-defense. The video starts at middle of the pushing.

Learn the difference.
Trump was willing to pay the legal fines of the racist pigs beating blacks at his rallies...

But this is different? How?

No difference. These people are just like the racist scum inside the building.

Bad breeds bad. Hate begets hate.
Is there a vedio? :0)

Well if you push the pointer in the middle of the picture, it magically turns into a video.

Why not express how my "brown and black brothers" are raping tiny blond white women .. except if that tiny white woman ge
ts raped, she will most likely be raped by a white man.

Or, like Trump, tell me about how 81% of murdered white people are murdered by black people .. except if white people get murdered, they be murdered by someone white 82% of the time.

Let me guess .. you don't reject the attack on a young black woman, but we should all cry crocodile tears for the white woman.

got it

Sorry dude, your southern brown brothers have a rape culture. it's a fact. And here in this vedio, there are no white devils. Had this been a black woman, it would have been just as disgusting, and so you know, I don't believe white folks are killed by mostly black folks. but I do know black folks kill the most black folks. specifically, young black men. you may be okay with smacking woman around in general, but in normal society abusing woman of any race is no bueno savvy?

Not a word about the abuse of the black woman in the video .. I'm so surprised.

The murder victims of EVERY race .. including YOURS .. are killed by their own.

Much of the same is true regarding domestic violence or "slapping women around."

Domestic violence only occurs in poor, urban areas.
  • Women of all cultures, races, occupations, income levels, and ages are battered – by husbands, boyfriends, lovers and partners.
  • White, Black and Hispanic women all incur about the same rates of violence committed by an intimate partner.
  • Approximately one-third of the men counseled for battering at Emerge (a nationally recognized batterers treatment program) are professional men who are well respected in their jobs and communities. These have included doctors, psychologists, lawyers, ministers, and business executives.
Myths & Facts about Domestic Violence | Domestic Violence Intervention Program

Thanks for stopping by.

No black woman were corneredand egged as of yet. if there is vedio, produce it.

the murder thing may be so, but the fact remains, more black folks are killed by other black folks.

there was no intimate partners here. only a group of Illegals, one skinny blond chick, and some cowards in the lobby.

all the rest is moot.

A young black woman was clearly pushed around and abused right in front of your face by a mob of angry white men .. and no, you aren't going to condemn what was clearly right in front of your face because you probably believe the abuse was justified. After all, she is black.

Every fucking thing you've said is moot.

Pushing a heckler out of a rally is completely fair. It's like throwing a thief out of your home. Aggression against a woman for being Trump supporter is not.

Do you seriously not see the difference? Well of course you wouldn't - you would not be a regressive if you had an actual moral compass.

Let this be the note, you will be escorted out of a rally FORCEFULLY, if you can't behave. Considering this is the case in all human interaction outside of your home, it can only come as a surprise to a dumb liberal.

BULLSHIT .. but expected.

This guy was leaving a Trump rally when he was attacked.

You seem to believe that the use of violence is justified by Trump clowns .. but oh Jesus .. poor Trump supporters have been attacked.

Use violence and it will come right back at you .. something dumb ass rightwingers are suprised by.
Sorry dude, your southern brown brothers have a rape culture. it's a fact. And here in this vedio, there are no white devils. Had this been a black woman, it would have been just as disgusting, and so you know, I don't believe white folks are killed by mostly black folks. but I do know black folks kill the most black folks. specifically, young black men. you may be okay with smacking woman around in general, but in normal society abusing woman of any race is no bueno savvy?

Not a word about the abuse of the black woman in the video .. I'm so surprised.

The murder victims of EVERY race .. including YOURS .. are killed by their own.

Much of the same is true regarding domestic violence or "slapping women around."

Domestic violence only occurs in poor, urban areas.
  • Women of all cultures, races, occupations, income levels, and ages are battered – by husbands, boyfriends, lovers and partners.
  • White, Black and Hispanic women all incur about the same rates of violence committed by an intimate partner.
  • Approximately one-third of the men counseled for battering at Emerge (a nationally recognized batterers treatment program) are professional men who are well respected in their jobs and communities. These have included doctors, psychologists, lawyers, ministers, and business executives.
Myths & Facts about Domestic Violence | Domestic Violence Intervention Program

Thanks for stopping by.

No black woman were corneredand egged as of yet. if there is vedio, produce it.

the murder thing may be so, but the fact remains, more black folks are killed by other black folks.

there was no intimate partners here. only a group of Illegals, one skinny blond chick, and some cowards in the lobby.

all the rest is moot.

A young black woman was clearly pushed around and abused right in front of your face by a mob of angry white men .. and no, you aren't going to condemn what was clearly right in front of your face because you probably believe the abuse was justified. After all, she is black.

Every fucking thing you've said is moot.

Pushing a heckler out of a rally is completely fair. It's like throwing a thief out of your home. Aggression against a woman for being Trump supporter is not.

Do you seriously not see the difference? Well of course you wouldn't - you would not be a regressive if you had an actual moral compass.

Let this be the note, you will be escorted out of a rally FORCEFULLY, if you can't behave. Considering this is the case in all human interaction outside of your home, it can only come as a surprise to a dumb liberal.

BULLSHIT .. but expected.

This guy was leaving a Trump rally when he was attacked.

You seem to believe that the use of violence is justified by Trump clowns .. but oh Jesus .. poor Trump supporters have been attacked.

Use violence and it will come right back at you .. something dumb ass rightwingers are suprised by.

Nope, that case is much more clear cut. I condemn the actions.

However, let's not kid ourselves. The problem is way more controlled on the Trump side of things... Some old senile guy is not the face to put on Trump supporters. Everyone here has condemned the face punch. Libs seem to fully support the violence as proven by the comments made here.

You wouldn't want to make a false equivalency would you?


Case in point, that was a single person. The people savaging the women were an entire MOB! Who by the way have the full support of the regressives here it seems.
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