Mob of Teens Attack Family of 3 at Six Flags

A.) bring back Bum fights. I miss that. The Bums were well paid. We all need to work.

B.) Import even more Mexicans to out-breed, out-fight and take over the Ghetto, Just like they do in Jail. Like the did out in LA.
You answer a question with more questions. I am much more interested in your answers to those questions. While I posed one question, you have submitted several additional queries. Where as I asked "what" your solution so one question might be, you posed several "why" questions. Given that, why do you think your suggested problems exist in this country particularly, and not other first world countries? What solutions would you suggest to solve the problems inherent to your problems?

Well, maybe I do. But that's because the first question is so simplistic, that if you answer that question, you'll be no nearer to understanding the problems at all. But then this suits many people.

You want some solutions.

Solution number one is to implement Proportional Representation in the House and Presidency elections, with the latter having a run off. Potentially the former having a system similar to Germany with a half PR half FPTP system with constituency candidates being elected too.

Why is this my first solution? Because any other solution is a pipe dream with the Democrats and Republicans controlling everything.
The first question being mine, or yours? If yours, the US doesn't have a higher crime rate than other first world countries. The types of crimes may be different, but crimes are still committed. The distribution of crimes against persons vs. crimes against property may be greater, or lesser, depending on the country. If your contention is that crimes against persons are more prevalent here than in other, similar countries, have you reviewed where, how, who, and why such violent crimes occur. (I do not accept that access to firearms is a significant factor, but that's a different discussion.) How do you explain the recent increase in crimes against persons in equivalent societies?
Theoretically, proportional representation in our governing bodies should already exist. I certainly agree that the current two-party system does little to represent any of the PEOPLE of this country because the politicians are much to busy representing their own interests and catering to the interests to the entities who have bought them. Both Dems and Reps represent the best government that money can buy. They are only interested in blacks, whites, browns, or what-have-you in-so-far as they can get up to vote them into office. Then, all bets are off.
You might not like this, but I'd like to see blacks, the elderly, and other perceived victims stop buying into the fiction that they are somehow incapable of figuring out how to do things for themselves. The whole voting ID thing bugs me. There are whole sectors of the populace who are deemed totally helpless when they must acquire a photo ID, although those IDs are provided free to anyone who applies. They just buy into that fiction that they are too: stupid, incapable, unable, etc, to figure out how to do something so simple.

Well, crime exists in all countries, but in the US it seems to be far more concentrated in certain areas, while other areas are safer than places in Europe. Certainly the US has a murder rate 4 times that of most First World countries. Murder is a crime that matters far more. Now, the argument from some is that it happens in certain places, is mostly gang related and the like. But that doesn't mean it doesn't impact society or show that society has a major problem.

Yes, it would be nice to see people figure out how to do things for themselves. It would also be nice if I could eat cake every day and not get fat. Some things would be nice, but that doesn't change anything, does it?

Nothing changes until each person decides to change it for themselves. You won't slim down eating cake every day, but if you decide you need to slim down and force yourself to only eat cake once a week, you will eventually become slimmer. A big problem with our society is that too many folks expect things to happen immediately. If you stop eating cake every day for a week, you success at losing weight will fail. If you make the choice to eat cake only once a week, forever, you will eventually become a leaner, meaner Frigo. Change is possible, unfortunately way too many Americans are convinced that without some kind of help (government), they will never succeed at changing that which harms them. Instead of ranting and rioting, it would be loads better if BLM would go out into the communities at risk and lead the way by changing lives in a positive, non-destructive manner.

The problem here is that you're kind of wrong. It's a great theory to have, but the problem is that it doesn't play out in reality. Human beings have many different ways of acting and to function as a society it actually requires more help. That's why the US has ghettos and the like and most other First World countries don't.

Theory only goes so far. When the theory fails, why would still stick to the theory?
What solution would you propose to solve the problems you have cited?
we had a family attacked in my city, but there wasn't much news about it...they didn't identify the attackers--but it was near a black area-so blah blah blah--we know they were black
but black on white violence is one of the least publicized subjects--especially considering blacks commit more hate crimes than whites per capita
One is 18, so we have his picture


All 3 family members were hospitalized.

Now let's hear from the white libs and Africans to tell us this is not a black problem.
Family Attacked By Teens Who Cut In Line At Six Flags "Fright Fest"

The US has massive problems, and there are massive problems with black people in poverty committing crime. However nothing ever gets done about it, which is why black crime in the US is much worse than in European first world countries.

Nothing gets done about it because too many Liberals use "black people in poverty" as an excuse for their behavior.
Those misunderstood minorities:

Fortunately those kids were just stupid and undisciplined, so they mostly just scared her and hurt her feelings. The boy behind the camera is old enough to be charged with something though.

It is just sad that most white kids are all alone in situations like that.
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