Mob of thugs attacks cop

Video Mob of Thugs Attacks Innocent Cop What Happens Next Is Terrible

Shouldn't these good boys be at work or something? Like a pack of cockroaches...America would be better off without....and for the idiot passengers info NO you can not keep your ID from a cop asking for it....dunno where he got that at.
Video Mob of Thugs Attacks Innocent Cop What Happens Next Is Terrible

Shouldn't these good boys be at work or something? Like a pack of cockroaches...America would be better off without....and for the idiot passengers info NO you can not keep your ID from a cop asking for it....dunno where he got that at.
No you do not have to give your id to a cop of your a passenger. The passenger was correct. this is not a nazi state. If your unlawfully detained because you refuse to give the officer an id with no definable reason. Then the cop will be in trouble.

When can police ask for ID - Flex Your Rights

That was for the cops that didn't know the job involved dealing with situations that could turn bad if they don't deal with it correctly.
Nothing like this ever happens in white neighborhoods which is why I live in one.

What kind of idiot doesn't wait for backup but climbs in the car with someone they just stopped?

Why would he have needed back up for a traffic stop?

That was for the cops that didn't know the job involved dealing with situations that could turn bad if they don't deal with it correctly.
Nothing like this ever happens in white neighborhoods which is why I live in one.

What kind of idiot doesn't wait for backup but climbs in the car with someone they just stopped?

Why would he have needed back up for a traffic stop?
Crazy Left wingers don't think things like that through. Their cop hate blinds them.

That was for the cops that didn't know the job involved dealing with situations that could turn bad if they don't deal with it correctly.
Nothing like this ever happens in white neighborhoods which is why I live in one.

What kind of idiot doesn't wait for backup but climbs in the car with someone they just stopped?

Why would he have needed back up for a traffic stop?
Crazy Left wingers don't think things like that through. Their cop hate blinds them.

He should have known when he decided to do that fancy climbing through the car technique.

That was for the cops that didn't know the job involved dealing with situations that could turn bad if they don't deal with it correctly.
Nothing like this ever happens in white neighborhoods which is why I live in one.

What kind of idiot doesn't wait for backup but climbs in the car with someone they just stopped?

Why would he have needed back up for a traffic stop?
Crazy Left wingers don't think things like that through. Their cop hate blinds them.

He should have known when he decided to do that fancy climbing through the car technique.
I'm guessing you applied to a police academy at one point and they threw your ass out because you kept thinking you were smarter than the instructors.
You're an idiot who thinks he knows police procedure.

Keep proving me right.

I know that's what he did. Is that standard police procedure?
Getting control of the suspect no matter what it takes? Yes. He could have been trying to get back in the vehicle to get a weapon. Why don't you leave police work to the police who know what they're doing?

You'll embarrass yourself less that way.

He was sitting calmly in the vehicle with his hands in open sight, and no reason to believe he might become violent. The cop climbed in on top of him.

You can't see from the video what he was doing. You could only hear it.
He was telling the cop he wasn't coming out. That alone is a felony, resisting arrest.

Dumbass. They were never on the hood, but you argued repeatedly that they were. Why do right wingers do such crazy shit?
You're confusing me with someone else Dickhead....
Shoot that fucker.
Well he was pepper sprayed.
That cop was way too nice. I'd have splattered all the people in that clown car, and probably a few outside of it as well.

What sort of brain dead idiots roll up on a car where a COP is fighting INSIDE THE CAR??? There's something wrong with those people. No wonder they get shot regularly, by friends and enemies. They're too stupid to live. And except in a protected, artificial environment..they wouldn't live.
Rather negates the argument that putting more black cops in black neighborhoods would do anything to decrease the lawlessness and thuggery rampant in those blighted places.

This had nothing to do with the cop's color, and everything to do with his dumb ass handling of the situation.
The passenger was correct he did not have to give his id or name. The cop was wrong when he said he can id everyone in the vehicle. And everyone here is acting like what the cop was doing was correct.....he was wrong but what happened after was wrong as well....cops do not even know the laws they are supposed to uphold.
Video Mob of Thugs Attacks Innocent Cop What Happens Next Is Terrible

Shouldn't these good boys be at work or something? Like a pack of cockroaches...America would be better off without....and for the idiot passengers info NO you can not keep your ID from a cop asking for it....dunno where he got that at.
Video Mob of Thugs Attacks Innocent Cop What Happens Next Is Terrible

Shouldn't these good boys be at work or something? Like a pack of cockroaches...America would be better off without....and for the idiot passengers info NO you can not keep your ID from a cop asking for it....dunno where he got that at.
No you do not have to give your id to a cop of your a passenger. The passenger was correct. this is not a nazi state. If your unlawfully detained because you refuse to give the officer an id with no definable reason. Then the cop will be in trouble.

When can police ask for ID - Flex Your Rights

Did the guy give the cop the excuse he needed by trying to exit the vehicle and run?
You could also say it looked like a drug deal going down.

That was for the cops that didn't know the job involved dealing with situations that could turn bad if they don't deal with it correctly.
Nothing like this ever happens in white neighborhoods which is why I live in one.

What kind of idiot doesn't wait for backup but climbs in the car with someone they just stopped?

Why would he have needed back up for a traffic stop?
Crazy Left wingers don't think things like that through. Their cop hate blinds them.

He should have known when he decided to do that fancy climbing through the car technique.

I suppose he could have just shot the dumbass,it's way easier to cuff em that way.
Nothing like this ever happens in white neighborhoods which is why I live in one.

What kind of idiot doesn't wait for backup but climbs in the car with someone they just stopped?

Why would he have needed back up for a traffic stop?
Crazy Left wingers don't think things like that through. Their cop hate blinds them.

He should have known when he decided to do that fancy climbing through the car technique.

I suppose he could have just shot the dumbass,it's way easier to cuff em that way.
I watched the media puzzling over the cop putting cuffs on a dead suspect, which seems cruel. But it's actually standard procedure to do so. Funny how procedure was followed sandwiched between an illegal shooting and tampering with evidence.
Video Mob of Thugs Attacks Innocent Cop What Happens Next Is Terrible

Shouldn't these good boys be at work or something? Like a pack of cockroaches...America would be better off without....and for the idiot passengers info NO you can not keep your ID from a cop asking for it....dunno where he got that at.
Video Mob of Thugs Attacks Innocent Cop What Happens Next Is Terrible

Shouldn't these good boys be at work or something? Like a pack of cockroaches...America would be better off without....and for the idiot passengers info NO you can not keep your ID from a cop asking for it....dunno where he got that at.
No you do not have to give your id to a cop of your a passenger. The passenger was correct. this is not a nazi state. If your unlawfully detained because you refuse to give the officer an id with no definable reason. Then the cop will be in trouble.

When can police ask for ID - Flex Your Rights

Did the guy give the cop the excuse he needed by trying to exit the vehicle and run?
You could also say it looked like a drug deal going down.
Yup a trumped up excuse to violate a persons rights. I am just talking about what happened at the beginning it was all sort of wrong. The cop was wrong 3x in the beginning. And obviously did not know the persons rights or what he is supposed to uphold. You can live in a nazi police state but I dont want to. But this happens all the time and people always give in to the cops because he threatens you with detainment, which gives them the air of being allowed to do these things. Even though it is unlawful. People stand up for your rights because they take them away.
Video Mob of Thugs Attacks Innocent Cop What Happens Next Is Terrible

Shouldn't these good boys be at work or something? Like a pack of cockroaches...America would be better off without....and for the idiot passengers info NO you can not keep your ID from a cop asking for it....dunno where he got that at.
Michigan law does not say that you must show a cop your ID upon request.

And naturally you have a right to refuse to comply with any unlawful order.
Thanks man, same thing I was saying. But the sheep just want to comply with unlawful order unlawful detainment. It's sad and the cops now feel they can do this since nobody fights it.
Video Mob of Thugs Attacks Innocent Cop What Happens Next Is Terrible

Shouldn't these good boys be at work or something? Like a pack of cockroaches...America would be better off without....and for the idiot passengers info NO you can not keep your ID from a cop asking for it....dunno where he got that at.
Video Mob of Thugs Attacks Innocent Cop What Happens Next Is Terrible

Shouldn't these good boys be at work or something? Like a pack of cockroaches...America would be better off without....and for the idiot passengers info NO you can not keep your ID from a cop asking for it....dunno where he got that at.
No you do not have to give your id to a cop of your a passenger. The passenger was correct. this is not a nazi state. If your unlawfully detained because you refuse to give the officer an id with no definable reason. Then the cop will be in trouble.

When can police ask for ID - Flex Your Rights

Did the guy give the cop the excuse he needed by trying to exit the vehicle and run?
You could also say it looked like a drug deal going down.
Yup a trumped up excuse to violate a persons rights. I am just talking about what happened at the beginning it was all sort of wrong. The cop was wrong 3x in the beginning. And obviously did not know the persons rights or what he is supposed to uphold. You can live in a nazi police state but I dont want to. But this happens all the time and people always give in to the cops because he threatens you with detainment, which gives them the air of being allowed to do these things. Even though it is unlawful. People stand up for your rights because they take them away.

You cant deny that drug deals go down exactly the way this went down.
Car stopped in the middle of the street with someone leaning into the vehicle in a neighborhood that you can bet is known for just such things.
Then the guy tries to run. What the hell is the cop supposed to think other than he just interrupted a drug deal?
Video Mob of Thugs Attacks Innocent Cop What Happens Next Is Terrible

Shouldn't these good boys be at work or something? Like a pack of cockroaches...America would be better off without....and for the idiot passengers info NO you can not keep your ID from a cop asking for it....dunno where he got that at.
Michigan law does not say that you must show a cop your ID upon request.

And naturally you have a right to refuse to comply with any unlawful order.
Thanks man, same thing I was saying. But the sheep just want to comply with unlawful order unlawful detainment. It's sad and the cops now feel they can do this since nobody fights it.

The guy obviously had warrants or was in the middle of a drug deal or he wouldnt have attempted to run.

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