Mob of thugs attacks cop

Rather negates the argument that putting more black cops in black neighborhoods would do anything to decrease the lawlessness and thuggery rampant in those blighted places.

This had nothing to do with the cop's color, and everything to do with his dumb ass handling of the situation.
The passenger was correct he did not have to give his id or name. The cop was wrong when he said he can id everyone in the vehicle. And everyone here is acting like what the cop was doing was correct.....he was wrong but what happened after was wrong as well....cops do not even know the laws they are supposed to uphold.
You seem to forget that they were already pulled over and then decided to drive off but then stopped after turning the corner. The cop was already on edge and expecting criminal behavior.....

Just curious, did you even watch the video?

Is that why the cop handled it so poorly?

That was for the cops that didn't know the job involved dealing with situations that could turn bad if they don't deal with it correctly.
Nothing like this ever happens in white neighborhoods which is why I live in one.

What kind of idiot doesn't wait for backup but climbs in the car with someone they just stopped?

Stupid black people in car.

Stupid black cop not calling for and waiting for backup.

What is the predominate piece of the equation? Sometimes black people use horrible judgement. I cannot imagine a single white cop trying to fight it out with 30-40 out of control screaming and attacking black people in a ghetto.

What would a white cop have done differently? A white cop would almost certainly not have risked his life entering the car before backup arrived.

The people in the car fighting with the cop and those attacking the cop by reaching into the car should have been shot dead on the spot. The cop would have had to answer why he went into the car before backup was on the scene though.

Bottom line is that some of these very stupid black people are lucky the very stupid black cop didn't use his weapon in self defense.

No, you're wrong. The bottom line here is that you are a racist, and racists always use poor judgement. Racist say stupid things, all based on hatred and ignorance. You can't trust racists because they can't think.

That was for the cops that didn't know the job involved dealing with situations that could turn bad if they don't deal with it correctly.
Nothing like this ever happens in white neighborhoods which is why I live in one.

What kind of idiot doesn't wait for backup but climbs in the car with someone they just stopped?

Stupid black people in car.

Stupid black cop not calling for and waiting for backup.

What is the predominate piece of the equation? Sometimes black people use horrible judgement. I cannot imagine a single white cop trying to fight it out with 30-40 out of control screaming and attacking black people in a ghetto.

What would a white cop have done differently? A white cop would almost certainly not have risked his life entering the car before backup arrived.

The people in the car fighting with the cop and those attacking the cop by reaching into the car should have been shot dead on the spot. The cop would have had to answer why he went into the car before backup was on the scene though.

Bottom line is that some of these very stupid black people are lucky the very stupid black cop didn't use his weapon in self defense.

No, you're wrong. The bottom line here is that you are a racist, and racist always use poor judgement. Racist say stupid things, all based on hatred and ignorance. You can't trust racist because they can't think.

No, YOU are wrong. I don't give a flip about your PC point of view. I couldn't care any less about your trust.

I don't "hate" anyone that hasn't done me or my people harm. I'm Irish. In discussions of race I am in full support of the Irish. I don't care if you don't like my point of view.

I don't frequent what you might label racist internet sites. Those places are populated with very ignorant and paranoid contributors.

There are several types of blacks just as there are several types of Caucasians.

Most of the countries in Africa and the Caribbean that are populated mainly with people with dark skin are corrupt and run by some of the most evil people running countries anywhere on the planet. A handful of countries run mainly by Caucasians are similarly corrupt but not on the scale of the numbers run by black skinned people. Why do you suppose that is? I believe it is proof of the ignorance of a striking number of black skinned people.

There are some decent black skinned people on the planet. Good for them. Many live in countries run mostly by Caucasians and can credit better examples of how to get along with others as the reason they seem to be better people for the experience.

The thing is that I have lived more than 65 years and traveled to many countries and to many places where Blacks are in charge. Without exception corruption is rampant, fairness of opportunity and equal access to moral legal systems are vacant in countries run by Blacks.

It may not suit your sensibilities to know how the real world operates but it is what it is.

Only recently in the last two hundred years have White run countries developed a stronger sense of what is right or wrong for the most part. There are still pockets of racism no doubt even in the USA.

There is still a significant moral lagging behind by the majority of Blacks even here in this country. Only a fool would suggest it is otherwise.

Blacks in ghettos don't look to their own actions but are too eager to point at "Whitey" for their own immorality.

Am I a racist to point out these indisputable facts? If you believe so then you are a fool and your own worst enemy. This is true much more so than anything Whitey is doing to you.

Why should I give a black skinned person the benefit of the doubt when the likelihood is ten times more that trusting a black skinned person will not turn out to be a good bet?

Sure, occasionally a black skinned person will turn out to be a happy exception but taking such an obviously bad bet is foolish. You probably believe that this attitude is unfair. For who? It is not my responsibility to lift black skinned people up. It is their own responsibility. I realize that it is difficult for a black skinned person to fight the odds and prove to be a worthwhile investment in trust. That is unfortunate for the few that are really good people. Still, no matter how much you protest, it is not white peoples responsibility. The best advice I can offer is live your lives well and take what good comes your way knowing that you would get more if your own kind did not set the patterns that obstruct most of your personal progress and create the difficulty that frustrates you.

That was for the cops that didn't know the job involved dealing with situations that could turn bad if they don't deal with it correctly.
Nothing like this ever happens in white neighborhoods which is why I live in one.

What kind of idiot doesn't wait for backup but climbs in the car with someone they just stopped?

Stupid black people in car.

Stupid black cop not calling for and waiting for backup.

What is the predominate piece of the equation? Sometimes black people use horrible judgement. I cannot imagine a single white cop trying to fight it out with 30-40 out of control screaming and attacking black people in a ghetto.

What would a white cop have done differently? A white cop would almost certainly not have risked his life entering the car before backup arrived.

The people in the car fighting with the cop and those attacking the cop by reaching into the car should have been shot dead on the spot. The cop would have had to answer why he went into the car before backup was on the scene though.

Bottom line is that some of these very stupid black people are lucky the very stupid black cop didn't use his weapon in self defense.

No, you're wrong. The bottom line here is that you are a racist, and racist always use poor judgement. Racist say stupid things, all based on hatred and ignorance. You can't trust racist because they can't think.

No, YOU are wrong. I don't give a flip about your PC point of view. I couldn't care any less about your trust.

I don't "hate" anyone that hasn't done me or my people harm. I'm Irish. In discussions of race I am in full support of the Irish. I don't care if you don't like my point of view.

I don't frequent what you might label racist internet sites. Those places are populated with very ignorant and paranoid contributors.

There are several types of blacks just as there are several types of Caucasians.

Most of the countries in Africa and the Caribbean that are populated mainly with people with dark skin are corrupt and run by some of the most evil people running countries anywhere on the planet. A handful of countries run mainly by Caucasians are similarly corrupt but not on the scale of the numbers run by black skinned people. Why do you suppose that is? I believe it is proof of the ignorance of a striking number of black skinned people.

There are some decent black skinned people on the planet. Good for them. Many live in countries run mostly by Caucasians and can credit better examples of how to get along with others as the reason they seem to be better people for the experience.

The thing is that I have lived more than 65 years and traveled to many countries and to many places where Blacks are in charge. Without exception corruption is rampant, fairness of opportunity and equal access to moral legal systems are vacant in countries run by Blacks.

It may not suit your sensibilities to know how the real world operates but it is what it is.

Only recently in the last two hundred years have White run countries developed a stronger sense of what is right or wrong for the most part. There are still pockets of racism no doubt even in the USA.

There is still a significant moral lagging behind by the majority of Blacks even here in this country. Only a fool would suggest it is otherwise.

Blacks in ghettos don't look to their own actions but are too eager to point at "Whitey" for their own immorality.

Am I a racist to point out these indisputable facts? If you believe so then you are a fool and your own worst enemy. This is true much more so than anything Whitey is doing to you.

Why should I give a black skinned person the benefit of the doubt when the likelihood is ten times more that trusting a black skinned person will not turn out to be a good bet?

Sure, occasionally a black skinned person will turn out to be a happy exception but taking such an obviously bad bet is foolish. You probably believe that this attitude is unfair. For who? It is not my responsibility to lift black skinned people up. It is their own responsibility. I realize that it is difficult for a black skinned person to fight the odds and prove to be a worthwhile investment in trust. That is unfortunate for the few that are really good people. Still, no matter how much you protest, it is not white peoples responsibility. The best advice I can offer is live your lives well and take what good comes your way knowing that you would get more if your own kind did not set the patterns that obstruct most of your personal progress and create the difficulty that frustrates you.
Excellent post.
The video in the OP clearly shows a major difference in the way Black skinned people act vs how Whites act in the same kind of circumstances.

Acting irresponsibly is common in Blacks ghettos.

Just this evening I was picking up some meds at a larger pharmacy. As I was entering the store a dozen black skinned late teens were attempting to exit the store each with one or two bottles of liquor stuffed into their pants which made the door alarm sound off. This kind of theft is common among blacks acting together to commit a felony. I have never heard of a group of a dozen late teen white kids doing the same thing. The theft probably amounted to around $600. It was a clear example of the rampant immorality of Blacks. Still the Blacks that CAN write come to the internet to cry to Whites how they are constantly being mistreated. Nonsense. Far too many blacks by percentage are just evil worthless members of society starting out young and never changing their ways. It is easier to just blame whitey for their problems.
Video Mob of Thugs Attacks Innocent Cop What Happens Next Is Terrible

Shouldn't these good boys be at work or something? Like a pack of cockroaches...America would be better off without....and for the idiot passengers info NO you can not keep your ID from a cop asking for it....dunno where he got that at.

Two questions: Where's the part where a mob attacks the officer? And why do you need to lie?
The officer is not attacked by a mob.

The reason he needs to lie
What video did you see? I saw him open the door put one foot out then the cop came up. Your idea of running at that moment is messed up. Anyway my point is still valid that the cop threatened him with unlawful detainment. He was wrong.

I dont know about you but if I'm doing nothing wrong I'm going to cooperate just to get the shit done with.
This guy was way to combative to be innocent.
Not me. When a cop threatened me with the same thing and said it was lawful, that pissed me off. I take threats personal when I know I am right. As I said the cop got suspended. If more people stood up for their rights then cops would not be acting like this. This is not a police/nazi state. I only give them what they are lawfully obligated to. See that's what most people do is cave, and give the police an entitlement of compliance even when it is unlawful. And if they don't know the law then I want them off the street.

I'm not going to argue with em if I'm doing nothing wrong. Most who are combative and disagreeable are law breakers.
Most maybe but not all but then so is the cop who violates their rights. There is a reason for the law, you may not use it but in case you need it, it is there. Police are not infallible it is there to protect us.

I dont condone cops abusing their authority in the least. But those who instigate shit should expect to be fucked with....right or wrong.
In this case the cop was obviously the instigator.
You can't see from the video what he was doing. You could only hear it.
He was telling the cop he wasn't coming out. That alone is a felony, resisting arrest.

Dumbass. They were never on the hood, but you argued repeatedly that they were. Why do right wingers do such crazy shit?
You're confusing me with someone else Dickhead....

Perhaps, but all crazy right wingers are interchangeable anyway. Mudwhistle/SaintMichael............identical.
Not a good excuse for your dementia.....

I get it. You make stupid statements. Everybody laughs at you, and then you call everybody names. Why change your pattern now?
You accuse me of posting something I didn't, and then you accuse me of being an asshole to everybody. I only treat people the way they treat me. Treat me like an idiot, I'm gonna show you why you're being one. Your problem is you feel anyone who disagrees with you is insulting you.

I don't like liars and I don't like your constant double-standards. You have a standard for Democrats and another standard for Republicans, or anyone who you don't agree with. Must be why you're wearing the clownface. You're a joke.
Last edited:
Video Mob of Thugs Attacks Innocent Cop What Happens Next Is Terrible

Shouldn't these good boys be at work or something? Like a pack of cockroaches...America would be better off without....and for the idiot passengers info NO you can not keep your ID from a cop asking for it....dunno where he got that at.

Two questions: Where's the part where a mob attacks the officer? And why do you need to lie?
The officer is not attacked by a mob.

The reason he needs to lie
I dont know about you but if I'm doing nothing wrong I'm going to cooperate just to get the shit done with.
This guy was way to combative to be innocent.
Not me. When a cop threatened me with the same thing and said it was lawful, that pissed me off. I take threats personal when I know I am right. As I said the cop got suspended. If more people stood up for their rights then cops would not be acting like this. This is not a police/nazi state. I only give them what they are lawfully obligated to. See that's what most people do is cave, and give the police an entitlement of compliance even when it is unlawful. And if they don't know the law then I want them off the street.

I'm not going to argue with em if I'm doing nothing wrong. Most who are combative and disagreeable are law breakers.
Most maybe but not all but then so is the cop who violates their rights. There is a reason for the law, you may not use it but in case you need it, it is there. Police are not infallible it is there to protect us.

I dont condone cops abusing their authority in the least. But those who instigate shit should expect to be fucked with....right or wrong.
In this case the cop was obviously the instigator.
Obviously not. He had probable cause, felt that a crime was being committed, and he pulled the suspect vehicle over for questioning and they refused to cooperate.

End of story

That was for the cops that didn't know the job involved dealing with situations that could turn bad if they don't deal with it correctly.
Nothing like this ever happens in white neighborhoods which is why I live in one.

What kind of idiot doesn't wait for backup but climbs in the car with someone they just stopped?

Stupid black people in car.

Stupid black cop not calling for and waiting for backup.

What is the predominate piece of the equation? Sometimes black people use horrible judgement. I cannot imagine a single white cop trying to fight it out with 30-40 out of control screaming and attacking black people in a ghetto.

What would a white cop have done differently? A white cop would almost certainly not have risked his life entering the car before backup arrived.

The people in the car fighting with the cop and those attacking the cop by reaching into the car should have been shot dead on the spot. The cop would have had to answer why he went into the car before backup was on the scene though.

Bottom line is that some of these very stupid black people are lucky the very stupid black cop didn't use his weapon in self defense.

No, you're wrong. The bottom line here is that you are a racist, and racist always use poor judgement. Racist say stupid things, all based on hatred and ignorance. You can't trust racist because they can't think.

No, YOU are wrong. I don't give a flip about your PC point of view. I couldn't care any less about your trust.

I don't "hate" anyone that hasn't done me or my people harm. I'm Irish. In discussions of race I am in full support of the Irish. I don't care if you don't like my point of view.

I don't frequent what you might label racist internet sites. Those places are populated with very ignorant and paranoid contributors.

There are several types of blacks just as there are several types of Caucasians.

Most of the countries in Africa and the Caribbean that are populated mainly with people with dark skin are corrupt and run by some of the most evil people running countries anywhere on the planet. A handful of countries run mainly by Caucasians are similarly corrupt but not on the scale of the numbers run by black skinned people. Why do you suppose that is? I believe it is proof of the ignorance of a striking number of black skinned people.

There are some decent black skinned people on the planet. Good for them. Many live in countries run mostly by Caucasians and can credit better examples of how to get along with others as the reason they seem to be better people for the experience.

The thing is that I have lived more than 65 years and traveled to many countries and to many places where Blacks are in charge. Without exception corruption is rampant, fairness of opportunity and equal access to moral legal systems are vacant in countries run by Blacks.

It may not suit your sensibilities to know how the real world operates but it is what it is.

Only recently in the last two hundred years have White run countries developed a stronger sense of what is right or wrong for the most part. There are still pockets of racism no doubt even in the USA.

There is still a significant moral lagging behind by the majority of Blacks even here in this country. Only a fool would suggest it is otherwise.

Blacks in ghettos don't look to their own actions but are too eager to point at "Whitey" for their own immorality.

Am I a racist to point out these indisputable facts? If you believe so then you are a fool and your own worst enemy. This is true much more so than anything Whitey is doing to you.

Why should I give a black skinned person the benefit of the doubt when the likelihood is ten times more that trusting a black skinned person will not turn out to be a good bet?

Sure, occasionally a black skinned person will turn out to be a happy exception but taking such an obviously bad bet is foolish. You probably believe that this attitude is unfair. For who? It is not my responsibility to lift black skinned people up. It is their own responsibility. I realize that it is difficult for a black skinned person to fight the odds and prove to be a worthwhile investment in trust. That is unfortunate for the few that are really good people. Still, no matter how much you protest, it is not white peoples responsibility. The best advice I can offer is live your lives well and take what good comes your way knowing that you would get more if your own kind did not set the patterns that obstruct most of your personal progress and create the difficulty that frustrates you.

Very nice of you to offer black folks your advise and heart felt concern. One question though: Why would black people care what racist trash like you has to say about anything?
Video Mob of Thugs Attacks Innocent Cop What Happens Next Is Terrible

Shouldn't these good boys be at work or something? Like a pack of cockroaches...America would be better off without....and for the idiot passengers info NO you can not keep your ID from a cop asking for it....dunno where he got that at.

Two questions: Where's the part where a mob attacks the officer? And why do you need to lie?
The officer is not attacked by a mob.

The reason he needs to lie
Not me. When a cop threatened me with the same thing and said it was lawful, that pissed me off. I take threats personal when I know I am right. As I said the cop got suspended. If more people stood up for their rights then cops would not be acting like this. This is not a police/nazi state. I only give them what they are lawfully obligated to. See that's what most people do is cave, and give the police an entitlement of compliance even when it is unlawful. And if they don't know the law then I want them off the street.

I'm not going to argue with em if I'm doing nothing wrong. Most who are combative and disagreeable are law breakers.
Most maybe but not all but then so is the cop who violates their rights. There is a reason for the law, you may not use it but in case you need it, it is there. Police are not infallible it is there to protect us.

I dont condone cops abusing their authority in the least. But those who instigate shit should expect to be fucked with....right or wrong.
In this case the cop was obviously the instigator.
Obviously not. He had probable cause, felt that a crime was being committed, and he pulled the suspect vehicle over for questioning and they refused to cooperate.

End of story
What probable cause?
Dumbass. They were never on the hood, but you argued repeatedly that they were. Why do right wingers do such crazy shit?
You're confusing me with someone else Dickhead....

Perhaps, but all crazy right wingers are interchangeable anyway. Mudwhistle/SaintMichael............identical.
Not a good excuse for your dementia.....

I get it. You make stupid statements. Everybody laughs at you, and then you call everybody names. Why change your pattern now?
You accuse me of posting something I didn't, and then you accuse me of being an asshole to everybody. I only treat people the way they treat me. Treat me like an idiot, I'm gonna show you why you're being one. Your problem is you feel anyone who disagrees with you is insulting you.

I don't like liars and I don't like your constant double-standards. You have a standard for Democrats and another standard for Republicans, or anyone who you don't agree with. Must be why you're wearing the clownface. You're a joke.

I'll admit I mistakenly took your post for one from somebody else. I don't think that is a rare mistake here. I'm sure there are literally hundreds of examples of that, if not more. Your uncalled for insults aren't unexpected either. Quit whining.
Rather negates the argument that putting more black cops in black neighborhoods would do anything to decrease the lawlessness and thuggery rampant in those blighted places.

This had nothing to do with the cop's color, and everything to do with his dumb ass handling of the situation.
The passenger was correct he did not have to give his id or name. The cop was wrong when he said he can id everyone in the vehicle. And everyone here is acting like what the cop was doing was correct.....he was wrong but what happened after was wrong as well....cops do not even know the laws they are supposed to uphold.
You seem to forget that they were already pulled over and then decided to drive off but then stopped after turning the corner. The cop was already on edge and expecting criminal behavior.....

Just curious, did you even watch the video?
Yup I watched up till the part when the cop broke the law. i would had done the same thing and refused to give my ID the cop had no right to ask for it and instead said he had every right to ask for it then he laid his hands on the passenger. Innocent till proven guilty this is America, if pulling over and talking to people is illegal then half my neighborhood should be fined and interrogated by the police. The passenger had every right to refuse and if the cop could not give him a Good reason why then he had no justification. That is the law. You guys seem to forget that and look at everything else that happened as a justification. Your wrong the cop was wrong. The vehicle did not speed off nor did anyone start running. So the cop had no probable cause whatsoever and the car pulled over when he started to follow it. The cop should be fired period because he does not know the law nor is upholding the persons rights.

That was for the cops that didn't know the job involved dealing with situations that could turn bad if they don't deal with it correctly.
Nothing like this ever happens in white neighborhoods which is why I live in one.

What kind of idiot doesn't wait for backup but climbs in the car with someone they just stopped?

Stupid black people in car.

Stupid black cop not calling for and waiting for backup.

What is the predominate piece of the equation? Sometimes black people use horrible judgement. I cannot imagine a single white cop trying to fight it out with 30-40 out of control screaming and attacking black people in a ghetto.

What would a white cop have done differently? A white cop would almost certainly not have risked his life entering the car before backup arrived.

The people in the car fighting with the cop and those attacking the cop by reaching into the car should have been shot dead on the spot. The cop would have had to answer why he went into the car before backup was on the scene though.

Bottom line is that some of these very stupid black people are lucky the very stupid black cop didn't use his weapon in self defense.

No, you're wrong. The bottom line here is that you are a racist, and racist always use poor judgement. Racist say stupid things, all based on hatred and ignorance. You can't trust racist because they can't think.

No, YOU are wrong. I don't give a flip about your PC point of view. I couldn't care any less about your trust.

I don't "hate" anyone that hasn't done me or my people harm. I'm Irish. In discussions of race I am in full support of the Irish. I don't care if you don't like my point of view.

I don't frequent what you might label racist internet sites. Those places are populated with very ignorant and paranoid contributors.

There are several types of blacks just as there are several types of Caucasians.

Most of the countries in Africa and the Caribbean that are populated mainly with people with dark skin are corrupt and run by some of the most evil people running countries anywhere on the planet. A handful of countries run mainly by Caucasians are similarly corrupt but not on the scale of the numbers run by black skinned people. Why do you suppose that is? I believe it is proof of the ignorance of a striking number of black skinned people.

There are some decent black skinned people on the planet. Good for them. Many live in countries run mostly by Caucasians and can credit better examples of how to get along with others as the reason they seem to be better people for the experience.

The thing is that I have lived more than 65 years and traveled to many countries and to many places where Blacks are in charge. Without exception corruption is rampant, fairness of opportunity and equal access to moral legal systems are vacant in countries run by Blacks.

It may not suit your sensibilities to know how the real world operates but it is what it is.

Only recently in the last two hundred years have White run countries developed a stronger sense of what is right or wrong for the most part. There are still pockets of racism no doubt even in the USA.

There is still a significant moral lagging behind by the majority of Blacks even here in this country. Only a fool would suggest it is otherwise.

Blacks in ghettos don't look to their own actions but are too eager to point at "Whitey" for their own immorality.

Am I a racist to point out these indisputable facts? If you believe so then you are a fool and your own worst enemy. This is true much more so than anything Whitey is doing to you.

Why should I give a black skinned person the benefit of the doubt when the likelihood is ten times more that trusting a black skinned person will not turn out to be a good bet?

Sure, occasionally a black skinned person will turn out to be a happy exception but taking such an obviously bad bet is foolish. You probably believe that this attitude is unfair. For who? It is not my responsibility to lift black skinned people up. It is their own responsibility. I realize that it is difficult for a black skinned person to fight the odds and prove to be a worthwhile investment in trust. That is unfortunate for the few that are really good people. Still, no matter how much you protest, it is not white peoples responsibility. The best advice I can offer is live your lives well and take what good comes your way knowing that you would get more if your own kind did not set the patterns that obstruct most of your personal progress and create the difficulty that frustrates you.
You said you're Irish, and you support the irish, which irish? Green, black or orange? You probably don't know what I am talking about. And there is a huge difference between those three!
Video Mob of Thugs Attacks Innocent Cop What Happens Next Is Terrible

Shouldn't these good boys be at work or something? Like a pack of cockroaches...America would be better off without....and for the idiot passengers info NO you can not keep your ID from a cop asking for it....dunno where he got that at.

Two questions: Where's the part where a mob attacks the officer? And why do you need to lie?
The officer is not attacked by a mob.

The reason he needs to lie
I dont know about you but if I'm doing nothing wrong I'm going to cooperate just to get the shit done with.
This guy was way to combative to be innocent.
Not me. When a cop threatened me with the same thing and said it was lawful, that pissed me off. I take threats personal when I know I am right. As I said the cop got suspended. If more people stood up for their rights then cops would not be acting like this. This is not a police/nazi state. I only give them what they are lawfully obligated to. See that's what most people do is cave, and give the police an entitlement of compliance even when it is unlawful. And if they don't know the law then I want them off the street.

I'm not going to argue with em if I'm doing nothing wrong. Most who are combative and disagreeable are law breakers.
Most maybe but not all but then so is the cop who violates their rights. There is a reason for the law, you may not use it but in case you need it, it is there. Police are not infallible it is there to protect us.

I dont condone cops abusing their authority in the least. But those who instigate shit should expect to be fucked with....right or wrong.
In this case the cop was obviously the instigator.

How exactly does a cop go about doing his job without "instigating" contact?
Video Mob of Thugs Attacks Innocent Cop What Happens Next Is Terrible

Shouldn't these good boys be at work or something? Like a pack of cockroaches...America would be better off without....and for the idiot passengers info NO you can not keep your ID from a cop asking for it....dunno where he got that at.

Two questions: Where's the part where a mob attacks the officer? And why do you need to lie?
The officer is not attacked by a mob.

The reason he needs to lie
Not me. When a cop threatened me with the same thing and said it was lawful, that pissed me off. I take threats personal when I know I am right. As I said the cop got suspended. If more people stood up for their rights then cops would not be acting like this. This is not a police/nazi state. I only give them what they are lawfully obligated to. See that's what most people do is cave, and give the police an entitlement of compliance even when it is unlawful. And if they don't know the law then I want them off the street.

I'm not going to argue with em if I'm doing nothing wrong. Most who are combative and disagreeable are law breakers.
Most maybe but not all but then so is the cop who violates their rights. There is a reason for the law, you may not use it but in case you need it, it is there. Police are not infallible it is there to protect us.

I dont condone cops abusing their authority in the least. But those who instigate shit should expect to be fucked with....right or wrong.
In this case the cop was obviously the instigator.

How exactly does a cop go about doing his job without "instigating" contact?

You had to add a word to change his meaning and make your straw man fit......right?
Video Mob of Thugs Attacks Innocent Cop What Happens Next Is Terrible

Shouldn't these good boys be at work or something? Like a pack of cockroaches...America would be better off without....and for the idiot passengers info NO you can not keep your ID from a cop asking for it....dunno where he got that at.

Two questions: Where's the part where a mob attacks the officer? And why do you need to lie?
The officer is not attacked by a mob.

The reason he needs to lie
I'm not going to argue with em if I'm doing nothing wrong. Most who are combative and disagreeable are law breakers.
Most maybe but not all but then so is the cop who violates their rights. There is a reason for the law, you may not use it but in case you need it, it is there. Police are not infallible it is there to protect us.

I dont condone cops abusing their authority in the least. But those who instigate shit should expect to be fucked with....right or wrong.
In this case the cop was obviously the instigator.

How exactly does a cop go about doing his job without "instigating" contact?

You had to add a word to change his meaning and make your straw man fit......right?

I didnt change anything. Answer the question.
Video Mob of Thugs Attacks Innocent Cop What Happens Next Is Terrible

Shouldn't these good boys be at work or something? Like a pack of cockroaches...America would be better off without....and for the idiot passengers info NO you can not keep your ID from a cop asking for it....dunno where he got that at.

Two questions: Where's the part where a mob attacks the officer? And why do you need to lie?
The officer is not attacked by a mob.

The reason he needs to lie
Most maybe but not all but then so is the cop who violates their rights. There is a reason for the law, you may not use it but in case you need it, it is there. Police are not infallible it is there to protect us.

I dont condone cops abusing their authority in the least. But those who instigate shit should expect to be fucked with....right or wrong.
In this case the cop was obviously the instigator.

How exactly does a cop go about doing his job without "instigating" contact?

You had to add a word to change his meaning and make your straw man fit......right?

I didnt change anything. Answer the question.

I don;t even know what instigating contact is supposed to mean. The cop did instigate the fight by climbing inside the car. That was pretty stupid.
Video Mob of Thugs Attacks Innocent Cop What Happens Next Is Terrible

Shouldn't these good boys be at work or something? Like a pack of cockroaches...America would be better off without....and for the idiot passengers info NO you can not keep your ID from a cop asking for it....dunno where he got that at.

Two questions: Where's the part where a mob attacks the officer? And why do you need to lie?
The officer is not attacked by a mob.

The reason he needs to lie
Most maybe but not all but then so is the cop who violates their rights. There is a reason for the law, you may not use it but in case you need it, it is there. Police are not infallible it is there to protect us.

I dont condone cops abusing their authority in the least. But those who instigate shit should expect to be fucked with....right or wrong.
In this case the cop was obviously the instigator.

How exactly does a cop go about doing his job without "instigating" contact?

You had to add a word to change his meaning and make your straw man fit......right?

I didnt change anything. Answer the question.
The cop was right at the point where he asked for license and registration. But he violated the passengers rights and instigated the scene. If he refused to give his ID the cop cannot force you to give it up unless he can show where a crime was committed. The passenger should had been free to go that is the law if he got out and walked away that would be his right as a citizen of the United states.
Geesh I keep repeating the same thing. Fact is in court this would be thrown out and the cop charged with violating the persons rights and probably excessive force, coercion. It's the law stop looking at it and putting your own opinions on it.

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