Modern conservatives sympathizing with The Confederacy... Is this a thing now?

So then why didn't the federal government invade Cuba? They has slavery as well. In fact, there are countries that have slavery right now. Why isn't out government carpet bombing them?

You're argument falls to pieces the minute you start applying it to other countries.

Bottom line: you're an idiot.

Maybe because Cuba was not part of the United States and Cuba didn't attack us

South Carolina was not part of the United States after it seceded. It also didn't attack the United States. It kicked some trespassers out of its territory.

You keep regurgitating the same old horseshit. You're obviously incapable of rational thought.

Of course they were
The traitors also attacked their own country

Got what they deserved

Hey kiddo, the Union was saved, but far more yankees were killed during the war than Confederates, and after the war supposedly ended many more yankees , black and white were killed than Confederates. I'm not grieving for the Confederate States Of America, that's settled, but what it proved was that the United States Of America is an Empire, held together by force, same as the Soviet Union, and the present day Russian Confederacy.
The difference is that the people are free to come and go as they please......the states are not

Begging the question
So then why didn't the federal government invade Cuba? They has slavery as well. In fact, there are countries that have slavery right now. Why isn't out government carpet bombing them?

You're argument falls to pieces the minute you start applying it to other countries.

Bottom line: you're an idiot.

Maybe because Cuba was not part of the United States and Cuba didn't attack us

South Carolina was not part of the United States after it seceded. It also didn't attack the United States. It kicked some trespassers out of its territory.

You keep regurgitating the same old horseshit. You're obviously incapable of rational thought.

Of course they were
The traitors also attacked their own country

Got what they deserved

Hey kiddo, the Union was saved, but far more yankees were killed during the war than Confederates, and after the war supposedly ended many more yankees , black and white were killed than Confederates. I'm not grieving for the Confederate States Of America, that's settled, but what it proved was that the United States Of America is an Empire, held together by force, same as the Soviet Union, and the present day Russian Confederacy.
The difference is that the people are free to come and go as they please......the states are not

They are free to leave if they want. At least, they were until Lincoln made it clear the penalty for that is mass murder.
Maybe because Cuba was not part of the United States and Cuba didn't attack us

South Carolina was not part of the United States after it seceded. It also didn't attack the United States. It kicked some trespassers out of its territory.

You keep regurgitating the same old horseshit. You're obviously incapable of rational thought.

Of course they were
The traitors also attacked their own country

Got what they deserved

Hey kiddo, the Union was saved, but far more yankees were killed during the war than Confederates, and after the war supposedly ended many more yankees , black and white were killed than Confederates. I'm not grieving for the Confederate States Of America, that's settled, but what it proved was that the United States Of America is an Empire, held together by force, same as the Soviet Union, and the present day Russian Confederacy.
The difference is that the people are free to come and go as they please......the states are not

Begging the question

Good point.

Another thing to notice about the Lincoln cult is how all their arguments are logical fallacies.
So, because you saw a couple people say something you are wondering if that's how all "conservatives" think. well just wow

the not so Modern liberal, Bill Maher called a Republican woman candidate a cxxt. so I assume that is that how all liberals think of women in this country

Certainly not all women. Just the *****.

Oh, so women who think for themselves instead of toeing the accepted line.
They simply cannot justify slavery though for it is morally, ethically, and legally wrong and always has been.

So the belief that States can secede from the union now means we believe in slavery.


Have you ever been tested to see if you have an IQ?
Have you read the secession papers? Every last one of them stated slavery as the reason for secession.

The fuck does that have to do with people in 2015 saying they had a legal right to secede if they wanted to?
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They've sympathized with the confederacy for a long time. Go down south and count how many confederate flags you see.

I have lived in the South a long time and I have hardly seen any Confederate flags ever. Liberal New England liberal racists just see what you want to see, don't you?

BTW, fiscal conservatives fled the Democratic party. The racists are still solidly with you, Adolph. Or should I say Grand Wizard? Whichever you prefer
I live in Virginia. A little down the road there's a gigantic confederate flag waving over I-95 365 days of the year. Go further south and the flags are everywhere. If you didn't see the confederate flag it's because you got used to it and didn't notice it anymore.

And let me correct you... SOCIAL conservatives left the Democrat party. They're your problem now.

Really? Name one.
They simply cannot justify slavery though for it is morally, ethically, and legally wrong and always has been.

So the belief that States can secede from the union now means we believe in slavery.


Have you ever been tested to see if you have an IQ?
Have you read the secession papers? Every last one of them stated slavery as the reason for secession.

The fuck does that have to do with people in 2015 saying they had a legal right to secede if they wanted to?

His claim is wrong anyway. Not all states stated slavery as the reason for secession. I believe only four of them did.
OP- Part of the whole 50% racist, ignorant southerner strategy. Yup, turns out tin foilers CAN'T secede. And the SOUTHERNERS started the fighting. Lincoln bent over backwards to avoid a civil war and wasn't going to make slavery illegal...the usual southern conservative red neck haters being duped...
Who are the three conservatives you seen say that here? Just curious.

Well Britpat### and Where-r-my-keys (rough estimations of usernames) are two that I noticed today with Confederate sympathies. The third I noticed a couple days ago and I didn't respond to him/her, so I don't remember their username. "Conservative" was definitely part of the username, though.

Yes, Bri and Where are both well-aware that the Southern states had every right to make the choice to secede if they wished to, and that Lincoln was wrong and violated the principles the nation was founded on by forcing them to remain a part of it against their will.

However, I feel safe in saying that neither Bri nor Where would own a slave even if you offered them one.
States Rights was just code for slavery. Like the bigotry it stands for now. I'm sick of states lol...I want a national hunting and fishing license, license plate etc. lol gdammit
A perpetual Union was what was established. It is therefore clear that leaving the Union was not part of the deal.

All men are created equal is what the document stated.

The Constitution protects human rights against tyranny. Is there anything more tyrannical than slavery?

Where is this "perpetual" thing cited anywhere? How does that jibe with Virginia specifically insisting that the US agree that it was NOT perpetual?

And what the fuck does slavery have to do with the question of the right to secede? Why do you lefties have so much trouble understanding just how little your personal approval means to other people's rights?
Rights are a creation of human beings, as are governments.

That would certainly be a newsflash to the Founding Fathers. How is it that you can proudly quote the Declaration of Independence one moment, and then utterly ignore it the next? Make up your . . . oh, right. Sorry.
Hey kiddo, the Union was saved, but far more yankees were killed during the war than Confederates

The South had about double the death rate as the North. More Northerners died because more served. But your odds of survival were twice as good if you served in the Union army than the Confederate army.
They simply cannot justify slavery though for it is morally, ethically, and legally wrong and always has been.

So the belief that States can secede from the union now means we believe in slavery.


Have you ever been tested to see if you have an IQ?
Have you read the secession papers? Every last one of them stated slavery as the reason for secession.

The fuck does that have to do with people in 2015 saying they had a legal right to secede if they wanted to?

His claim is wrong anyway. Not all states stated slavery as the reason for secession. I believe only four of them did.

You're most likely correct. Certainly, I would trust you before I would him. Looking it up, however, would require investing more interest in his bullshit than I'm inclined to. are all words, ideas, concepts, etc. That is not a matter of ideology, it is neither 'left' nor 'right', it is a fact of linguistics.
Distort it at will. We are free to do anything.

Except, apparently, secede from the Union.
Rights are a creation of human beings, as are governments.

Then you disagree with the poster who said "They simply cannot justify slavery though for it is morally, ethically, and legally wrong and always has been?"

Rights are a creation of human beings, as are governments.

Then you disagree with the poster who said "They simply cannot justify slavery though for it is morally, ethically, and legally wrong and always has been?"
Liberal logic. Lol

A perpetual Union was what was established. It is therefore clear that leaving the Union was not part of the deal

Where does the Constitution say either of those?

So can a man force a woman to have sex with him because she once married him even though she wants a divorce? I know you wont' get this point, it's butt obvious, but you are a liberal and liberals never get points. The will of the rest of the States continues to be imposed on the people of a State without consent of the governed.

Your reply will not show you don't agree with what I just said, it will show you didn't grasp what I just said

After reading through all of this, it seems that the people most likely to defend the Confederacy are:


I get that no one actually wants to support slavery, they just want to support the act of rebellion, because they feel that it's an American principle or something.

I guess myself, and the other moderates/liberals/anti-Confederate conservatives, don't look at it the same way.

I am VERY pro-equality, regardless of what's in or isn't in the Constitution. I don't look at the Confederacy as a rag tag group of rebels fighting for American values, I see a group of people that couldn't socially progress at the same rate as the other regions in the nation, and paid the price for their ignorance. I don't see anything to celebrate. If I want to celebrate American rebellion, I'll read about the Revolutionary War

Just out of curiosity, do you actually wear ear plugs to keep from hearing dissenting opinions, or do your fingers work well enough? :lalala:
My, my, my. Look at all these Democrats defending the Confederacy!
They simply cannot justify slavery though for it is morally, ethically, and legally wrong and always has been.

So the belief that States can secede from the union now means we believe in slavery.


Have you ever been tested to see if you have an IQ?
Have you read the secession papers? Every last one of them stated slavery as the reason for secession.

The fuck does that have to do with people in 2015 saying they had a legal right to secede if they wanted to?

His claim is wrong anyway. Not all states stated slavery as the reason for secession. I believe only four of them did.

You're most likely correct. Certainly, I would trust you before I would him. Looking it up, however, would require investing more interest in his bullshit than I'm inclined to.
Every last one of them gave slavery as the reason you jackasses. Look. It. Up. :fu:
Rights are a creation of human beings, as are governments.

Then you disagree with the poster who said "They simply cannot justify slavery though for it is morally, ethically, and legally wrong and always has been?"

Rights are a creation of human beings, as are governments.

Then you disagree with the poster who said "They simply cannot justify slavery though for it is morally, ethically, and legally wrong and always has been?"
Liberal logic. Lol

A perpetual Union was what was established. It is therefore clear that leaving the Union was not part of the deal

Where does the Constitution say either of those?

So can a man force a woman to have sex with him because she once married him even though she wants a divorce? I know you wont' get this point, it's butt obvious, but you are a liberal and liberals never get points. The will of the rest of the States continues to be imposed on the people of a State without consent of the governed.

Your reply will not show you don't agree with what I just said, it will show you didn't grasp what I just said

After reading through all of this, it seems that the people most likely to defend the Confederacy are:


I get that no one actually wants to support slavery, they just want to support the act of rebellion, because they feel that it's an American principle or something.

I guess myself, and the other moderates/liberals/anti-Confederate conservatives, don't look at it the same way.

I am VERY pro-equality, regardless of what's in or isn't in the Constitution. I don't look at the Confederacy as a rag tag group of rebels fighting for American values, I see a group of people that couldn't socially progress at the same rate as the other regions in the nation, and paid the price for their ignorance. I don't see anything to celebrate. If I want to celebrate American rebellion, I'll read about the Revolutionary War

So slaughtering 850,000 people is a proper punishment for not progressing sufficiently rapidly to satisfy you?

That's true idiocy right there.

If you support the American Revolution, then you should support the Confederacy. They are based on the same principles - exactly.

Now, Bri, you know very well that leftists only support the rights of others when they personally approve of the manner in which those rights are exercised. In other words, they only approve of rights for themselves and their like-minded butt monkeys.

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