Modern Paralells To Nazi Holocaust


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Events unfolding in the US today unnervingly echo what's happened before.

The History Place - Holocaust Timeline

Starting in 1933, Jews are singled out and persecuted by the German government:


January 30, 1933 - Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany a nation with a Jewish population of 566,000.
[President Bush jr. elected]

February 22, 1933 - 40,000 SA and SS men are sworn in as auxiliary police.

February 27, 1933 - Nazis burn Reichstag building to create crisis atmosphere.

February 28, 1933 - Emergency powers granted to Hitler as a result of the Reichstag fire.
[Patriot Act implemented]

March 22, 1933 - Nazis open Dachau concentration camp near Munich, to be followed by Buchenwald near Weimar in central Germany, Sachsenhausen near Berlin in northern Germany, and Ravensbrück for women.
[US continues to imprison more citizens than Communist Russia, or South Africa under Apartheid]

March 24, 1933 - German Parliament passes Enabling Act giving Hitler dictatorial powers.

April 1, 1933 - Nazis stage boycott of Jewish shops and businesses.
[Regular persecution of Muslim-Americans]

April 11, 1933 - Nazis issue a Decree defining a non-Aryan as "anyone descended from non-Aryan, especially Jewish, parents or grandparents. One parent or grandparent classifies the descendant as non-Aryan...especially if one parent or grandparent was of the Jewish faith."
[Resurrgence of white supremacist ideologies and groups]

April 26, 1933 - The Gestapo is born, created by Hermann Göring in the German state of Prussia.

May 10, 1933 - Burning of books in Berlin and throughout Germany.
[Book burning and attempts to limit the 1st Amendment continue to this day]

July 14, 1933 - Nazi Party is declared the only legal party in Germany; Also, Nazis pass Law to strip Jewish immigrants from Poland of their German citizenship.

In July - Nazis pass law allowing for forced sterilization of those found by a Hereditary Health Court to have genetic defects.
[American eugenics programs continue well into the 21st century]

In September - Nazis establish Reich Chamber of Culture, then exclude Jews from the Arts.

September 29, 1933 - Nazis prohibit Jews from owning land.

October 4, 1933 - Jews are prohibited from being newspaper editors.

November 24, 1933 - Nazis pass a Law against Habitual and Dangerous Criminals, which allows beggars, the homeless, alcoholics and the unemployed to be sent to concentration camps.
[American policies on sexual crimes continue to ignore double jeopardy as with offender registration lists while other types of offenders don't have to register as with murderers and thieves, most in prison are in for drug offenses, homeless are regularly shipped out of affluent areas if not locked up and panhandlers are regularly rounded up and arrested by affluent area police forces.]

Maybe all governments do the same things regardless, or maybe we're just ignorant of history and doomed to repeat it.
Skimming further down the list, year 1936:

In August - Nazis set up an Office for Combating Homosexuality and Abortions (by healthy women).

So much for people's assertion that the Nazis and/or Hitler was mostly gay. :)
Not even close.

First of all, you're comparing a targeted Jewish persecution with (all over the place/seemingly unguided) persecutions here in america.

Internment camps just for being Jewish is comparable to incarceration for knowingly and voluntarily breaking close to century old drug law?

Not even close to the same realm of an issue.

Both are issues, but the comparison is nil/unfounded.

Book burning when not done by the state is an EXPRESSION of the first amendment, not a limiting of it.
Anyone else growing tired of people bleating on about the Holocaust?

It's time to move on.

It can be tiring especially when comparisons to it, are nonsensical.

However we know that history often repeats itself...thanks to the people allowing the power elite to dupe them repeatedly. So, we should never forget and make sure to always stay on guard against a corrupt elite, that would use Antisemitism to promote their totalitarian agenda.
Anyone else growing tired of people bleating on about the Holocaust?

It's time to move on.

It can be tiring especially when comparisons to it, are nonsensical.

However we know that history often repeats itself...thanks to the people allowing the power elite to dupe them repeatedly. So, we should never forget and make sure to always stay on guard against a corrupt elite, that would use Antisemitism to promote their totalitarian agenda.

This in itself can be counter-productive, in that events like the Holocaust could be contributed to by the weary and suspicious harbouring resentment against the subject of all the sympathy they see being heaped upon a minority. The chances are that something similar or worse than the Holocaust will befall a part of mankind. But after which they should move on. Take the Blitz, for example. London was bombed relentlessly and many people died. But we don't shed any tears over the loss of life and property. We moved on. The same could be said of 9/11. The rememberance doesn't seem to be as fierce any more, and will probably face from consciousness as the years pass. The same needs to happen with the Holocaust.
Events unfolding in the US today unnervingly echo what's happened before.

The History Place - Holocaust Timeline

Starting in 1933, Jews are singled out and persecuted by the German government:


January 30, 1933 - Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany a nation with a Jewish population of 566,000.
[President Bush jr. elected]

February 22, 1933 - 40,000 SA and SS men are sworn in as auxiliary police.

February 27, 1933 - Nazis burn Reichstag building to create crisis atmosphere.

February 28, 1933 - Emergency powers granted to Hitler as a result of the Reichstag fire.
[Patriot Act implemented]

March 22, 1933 - Nazis open Dachau concentration camp near Munich, to be followed by Buchenwald near Weimar in central Germany, Sachsenhausen near Berlin in northern Germany, and Ravensbrück for women.
[US continues to imprison more citizens than Communist Russia, or South Africa under Apartheid]

March 24, 1933 - German Parliament passes Enabling Act giving Hitler dictatorial powers.

April 1, 1933 - Nazis stage boycott of Jewish shops and businesses.
[Regular persecution of Muslim-Americans]

April 11, 1933 - Nazis issue a Decree defining a non-Aryan as "anyone descended from non-Aryan, especially Jewish, parents or grandparents. One parent or grandparent classifies the descendant as non-Aryan...especially if one parent or grandparent was of the Jewish faith."
[Resurrgence of white supremacist ideologies and groups]

April 26, 1933 - The Gestapo is born, created by Hermann Göring in the German state of Prussia.

May 10, 1933 - Burning of books in Berlin and throughout Germany.
[Book burning and attempts to limit the 1st Amendment continue to this day]

July 14, 1933 - Nazi Party is declared the only legal party in Germany; Also, Nazis pass Law to strip Jewish immigrants from Poland of their German citizenship.

In July - Nazis pass law allowing for forced sterilization of those found by a Hereditary Health Court to have genetic defects.
[American eugenics programs continue well into the 21st century]

In September - Nazis establish Reich Chamber of Culture, then exclude Jews from the Arts.

September 29, 1933 - Nazis prohibit Jews from owning land.

October 4, 1933 - Jews are prohibited from being newspaper editors.

November 24, 1933 - Nazis pass a Law against Habitual and Dangerous Criminals, which allows beggars, the homeless, alcoholics and the unemployed to be sent to concentration camps.
[American policies on sexual crimes continue to ignore double jeopardy as with offender registration lists while other types of offenders don't have to register as with murderers and thieves, most in prison are in for drug offenses, homeless are regularly shipped out of affluent areas if not locked up and panhandlers are regularly rounded up and arrested by affluent area police forces.]

Maybe all governments do the same things regardless, or maybe we're just ignorant of history and doomed to repeat it.
You forgot all of the ethnic cleansing going on in the Middle East by Muslims against Christians and Jews.
You also forgot America suffers it's first beheading of a Christian woman at the hands of a converted Muslim and the government led by a Muslim calls it workplace violence along with several other attacks against Christians and seculars by Muslims. Nothing to see here folks.
It has begun and we have been warning everyone about this since 911. Eventually homegrown Muslim terrorists will be committing murder praising Allah, and doing it in our schools, our grocery stores, our sporting events. Allowing them to preach their hate-filled doctrine in their mosques and schools will assure that this will become a constantly recurring event.

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